Michael's father is still upbeat...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
EXCLUSIVE:Joe Jackson Finds Time To Laugh and Joke

Michael Jackson's father Joe just finished his Sunday morning breakfast at an IHOP in Encino, CA and while everyone deals with grief differently he appeared to be anything but in mourning..
Sitting with a male friend, Michael's long-estranged dad was "laughing, smiling and joking" the whole time, an eyewitness at the next table told RadarOnline.com. At one point he mentioned dealing with Michael’s life insurance.
There was no sign of grieving on Joe's part, and no mention of the fate of Michael's children, the source said. The eyewitness thought Joe’s behavior was strange in that he was so upbeat just days after his son’s death.
Joe, who turns 80 later this month, had a tortured relationship with Michael, his superstar son who died June 25. For the record, Joe had coffee, eggs and sausage to start his day.

Fuck Joe...I officially hate him..no wonder MJ didn't like him!
EXCLUSIVE:Joe Jackson Finds Time To Laugh and Joke

Michael Jackson's father Joe just finished his Sunday morning breakfast at an IHOP in Encino, CA and while everyone deals with grief differently he appeared to be anything but in mourning..
Sitting with a male friend, Michael's long-estranged dad was "laughing, smiling and joking" the whole time, an eyewitness at the next table told RadarOnline.com. At one point he mentioned dealing with Michael’s life insurance.
There was no sign of grieving on Joe's part, and no mention of the fate of Michael's children, the source said. The eyewitness thought Joe’s behavior was strange in that he was so upbeat just days after his son’s death.
Joe, who turns 80 later this month, had a tortured relationship with Michael, his superstar son who died June 25. For the record, Joe had coffee, eggs and sausage to start his day.


This is absolutely bizarre. The way he's been handling himself. Bizarre.
Yuk, every time I see the man's face he scares the hell out of me. He looks so angry, bad and ugly.
Fuck him indeed.
C'mon guys, haven't you learnt by now not to trust those "latest scoops" from the "sources"???? And it's radaronline - they were "reporting" that tickets for memorial will be sold for 25$!
Joseph never loved his son. And Michael tried so hard to love and forgive his father.
I wish the kids had been older.
and we don't know what Joe does when he is alone and has time to think - out of the eye of the media, strangers and friends...
C'mon guys, haven't you learnt by now not to trust those "latest scoops" from the "sources"???? And it's radaronline - they were "reporting" that tickets for memorial will be sold for 25$!

My God preople what is wrong with you all? You are speaking very disrespectful about Michael's dad. I honestly do not think Michael would appreciate this mess going around about his dad. Remember not everyone mourn alike. Maybe this just has not sank in for him yet. Geez give the man a break..And we cannot go by what the media sprews out there. If we constantly listen to what the media is saying we would continue hating on Joe and he deserves better. They had the nerve to say what he had for breakfast why are they all in his business like that listening in on his very personal conversation about his deceased son's life insurance. The media is just not right. They'll do anything to make a story. And this probably something totally made up. A big fat lie. I do not trust the media.
Im crying every day since over a week and his own father is laughing.
i havent really laughed since that day =(
sad sad sad
I wish only : mj's children have no contact with this guy and that their money are already lock I'm scare that Joe take most of their money.
Maybe Diana Ross's home is most secure for them
gossip and pointing fingers ..
judging without knowing if this is true or the circumstances
why would someone even write such an article >>>

I would be more understandin if you berated radaronline
for doing this rather than the people they ar attacking

I have also been laughing and talking with friends today
that in NO way dosnt mean that I am not in deep deep sorrow
or grieving .. would you then attck me if someone printed that
saw me haveing breakfast and we were rememising and smiling
please stop - pleeeese

seems no one has learned anything from Michael
his teachings about love exceptance and forgivness
are all in vain .. Hid fans just DONT GET IT ...

and so this world will never be a better place untill
we learn not to judge or point fingers and let the
tbaloids rule our lives as we blindly let them dictate
our judgement and our feeelings ...

Hey you all have a right to your
just take care what you say publically becuase you are also
being judged by your OWN words and actions _
not what some tabloid printed but what you yourself stated

please dont fallint this trap and belive everthing that
is printed

I recommend you go listen to Michael Jacksons
OXFORD University speech _ It may help you :better:
deal with all your hurt and anger in a more appropriate way

I love yu guys :better:
Joe jackson is a strong man like he said, being that said he could be emotionally strong at the same time be sad and hurt, the man should know michael still exsist in the spirit world if you believe in god. dont know it this article is true, but I beleive he is a strong man, he has been there for michael many times and is trying to defend michael legacy, and joe was there by michael side when he was burned in the 80's and was there by michael side at court.
I think everyone handles grief in their own way... I agree this is strange, but.... one thing Michael taught me was never to judge people.. I'll not speak ill of ANYBODY in Michael's family
Im crying every day since over a week and his own father is laughing.
i havent really laughed since that day =(
sad sad sad

I have laughed and joked and even smiled
and talked about good time and the joy MJ brought us
that in no way means i am not in deep deep sorrow or that
his dad isnt grivig his loss _

dont make your self seem better than others just becuase
you cant smile or laugh _ and cry all the time
dont judge please
when one does that its tells more about thier character than
it does about whom or what we are judging _ please understand that\

that is a wrong judgment please understand
I luv yu .. but be careful of your words
choose them carfully ..
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My God preople what is wrong with you all? You are speaking very disrespectful about Michael's dad. I honestly do not think Michael would appreciate this mess going around about his dad. Remember not everyone mourn alike. Maybe this just has not sank in for him yet. Geez give the man a break.
I agree. It's disgusting that people are following the man around and reporting his reactions just to stir up trouble. And God forbid he finds some joy in an otherwise bleak time. It makes sense to me, given Joe's personality, that he would not cry or display his grief outwardly. He is the type who feels the need to put on a strong front. By judging Joe on such scant evidence, we are no different than the people who would judge Michael based on what they read in the tabloids, and we're giving in to the same tabloid phenomenon that dogged Michael his whole life.
Things like this make me think MJ's death might be one big conspiracy, maybe Joe isn't upset because he knows Michael is alive and safe somewhere.
i cant believe it
im cryin non stop
my world has turned upsde down and his idiotic dad has found an oppertunity to hog the limelight
i hate him
michael only ever wanted the love of his dad and for him to be actually proud of him
this man didnt deserve mjs love
and we did actually see him at the press conference and bet actin like scum so i doubt this source is too far fetched
I have been saying it since the BET awards. Joe does not give two shits about Michael. He is a leach just like the people who were surrounding Michael in his final days. I blame Joe for most of Michaels emotional irregularities. He has physically and mentally abused Michael since he was a child and now he is trying to use his son to get fame for his self. I can't stand that man, I never liked him. That's why Michael didn't put his punk ass in his will.
:( ... this family is easy pickings right now. there will be many stories come out. they will not all be true. their son, father, brother is not even buried yet. let's just let them be. and not judge them so harsh. everyone will be given a turn by media. we don't have to support this. God bless Michael and his family.
Well do we see Jermaine, Janet, Katherine and all the other family members out there laughing, living like nothing happened and dealing with new business shyt... NO! they're still mourning.
I don't think him laughing should necesarily be thought of as strange;In the words of Tupac "Life goes on".

Joe and Mike had a difficult relationship but in the end Mike loved the guy, thats why it hurt him so much that he could not be close to his father. So lets not be so critical of the guy, even though he may not be doing the wisest things.
No we dont know what he's like in his own personal time, no we dont know how he grieves (if at all), no, maybe it hasnt hit him yet.

BUT something doesnt sit right with me about that man. And for all those who give him the benefit of the doubt, I think in coming months and years you will end up eating those words.

My personal view? He's a fucking evil bulldog and I dont trust him as far as I can throw him. Its all business to him - heart of stone.