Michael's dancing in "Threatened"

I know this is negative thinking now. but sometimes I wish he'd collapsed on stage, you know? then he'd be taken to the hospital right away and get everything necessary to save him. I really wish that had happened. instead he died alone, uncared for.

oh god, I need to stop this. I'm welling up again.

I'm gonna get away from you guys for a bit. I've got to think of something else. this has been a bad two weeks. :(


Awww...I understand how you feel. We all do.
I know this is negative thinking now. but sometimes I wish he'd collapsed on stage, you know? then he'd be taken to the hospital right away and get everything necessary to save him. I really wish that had happened. instead he died alone, uncared for.

That's exactly what I thought. There would have been a much better chance he had been saved.
but that would have never have happened because there was nothing wrong with him to make him collapse. it only happened because of the diprivan being given to him by murray.
but that would have never have happened because there was nothing wrong with him to make him collapse. it only happened because of the diprivan being given to him by murray.

I know. it's just a matter of wishful thinking. it's like, if this HAD to happen, you know, I wish it'd happened THIS way instead of the way it did. :(
Love the dancing.

He really jams there! :)
he looks so cool dancing on threatened in that cool comfy jacket and pants it makes me just wanna hug him thight right there!!!
I'm surprised the choreographer didn't jump him. LOL. "come here you!!"
What I'd still be curious about:

One of the last dance moves (?) he does is pointing at the dancers below him. Is this a really part of the dance or rather instructions Michael was giving? I can't decide...
The Threatened "freestyle" during the film is probably my favourite part of the movie. MJ is so into it and lovin' it.

MJ Forever.
love threatened! The dragging sound makes me want to dance.
No, I mean MICHAEL... just before that last cool move in the dance, he pointed with his forefinger in direction of the dancers several times, but I do wonder if that's just a dance move. Didn't anyone notice this? Maybe someone has a gif of this...
No, I mean MICHAEL... just before that last cool move in the dance, he pointed with his forefinger in direction of the dancers several times, but I do wonder if that's just a dance move. Didn't anyone notice this? Maybe someone has a gif of this...

I know that part. I wasnt sure too. He was pointing his finger downward and kinda making circles to the ground. I think it's more like gesturing/signalling rather than dance move. A lot of u r really studying every move!
If you notice in the movie, when he makes that turning movement with his fingers, the dancers start turning by row. I saw it for the 5th time last night and it took me until the fifth time til I finally noticed what was going on.
watched it again, you were right, how could I not have noticed it!?

Michael was fully in charge!! Dancing and giving directions at the same time, that's the king...
Like I said, it took me my fifth time seeing it to notice what was going on. So you are not alone. There was alot going on it that movie. It will take awhile to take it all in.