Michael's dancing in "Threatened"

I hope i don't hurt anybody with this question...
Did you saw something strange in his sidewalk... ?It's like hard for him to do it at times... you understand? i hope... like he is pushing himself to do it and he is trying to control the moves... ?I'm not saying he is dancing bad - he is dancing amazing...
Did you saw that or I'm just fantasing?

No i think he was trying not to over exert himself and just didn't do it because he didn't think it was necessary. this was a rehearsal we have to remember that he wasn't going ALL out like he would if it was a concert.
Threatened part is one of my favorites parts from the movie! I was almost like mesmerized when I saw him doing the moves, especially when does that "circle" thing (seen in mier's siggy). I went from 'wow' to 'WOW'! :D
I hope i don't hurt anybody with this question...
Did you saw something strange in his sidewalk... ?It's like hard for him to do it at times... you understand? i hope... like he is pushing himself to do it and he is trying to control the moves... ?I'm not saying he is dancing bad - he is dancing amazing...
Did you saw that or I'm just fantasing?

He was wearing high heel shoes.
I love the little dance he did on Threatened...God, i wish it was a lot longer. And I agree with what a previous poster wrote, it is a modern dance...looks like crunk.

I was afraid I was the only one who noticed it...It was one of the reasons why I went back to see the movie last night.

That and the fact that I wasn't sure if the song played after thriller was threatened or unbreakable.
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Yeah, it was just Travis choreographing.


LOVE that move. Get it Mike! :dancin:
Yes, I agree the moves were awesome, and the instrumentation rocked. It was the most refreshing piece for me.
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

That move Mike was doing there seemed somewhat modern, If you will. Almost as If he was crumping, lol! And yes, Travis was there for timing.

Yes...crumping, ALMOST..that is exactly what I thought...I thought it was adorable :)! LOVE that song.
I think....Travis is part of the routine or some sort of a prop for that segment.....its not possible that he's there to take care of MJ......Mj's dancing move was so cool and great.......

In TII......you can see a lot of new dancing style of MJ.......that are really so nice and cool....love all of them........MJ was really so creative and a genius......
I wish Threatened segment had been longer. It was hot!

Oh yeah baby! If I was a guy I reckon I would have jizzed my pants when I saw that part! lol

I'm loving threatened lately, it has to be listened to with the volume up full, i love the sound in it like something heavy is being dragged across a floor.

Totally agree. Wish it had of become a single with a big short film like MJ had intended. It is a great song and you're so right - has to be up really loud!!
lol im assuming that many of you all arent dancers lol

Hey! Them be fighting words! lol!

I'm a dancer but Mike was getting his groove on that part. Surprised he did not bust out the "Crypt Walk" hehe!:rofl:. Would have loved to see him dance to the whole song!
threatened part is one of my favorites parts from the movie! I was almost like mesmerized when i saw him doing the moves, especially when does that "circle" thing (seen in mier's siggy). I went from 'wow' to 'wow'! :d

Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

I wish Threatened segment had been longer. It was hot!

it was beyond hotness!! I couldnt stop crying!!!!!!!!!!!!! breathtaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could've died right there for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:
I'm loving threatened lately, it has to be listened to with the volume up full, i love the sound in it like something heavy is being dragged across a floor.

I love that sound! My sister noticed it when 'Vince first came out, and she was surprised I hadn't noticed it right away because I notice all the little things in Mike's music...That song is SO hot, I wish it would have been released!
lol im assuming that many of you all arent dancers lol

:smilerolleyes: you don't need to be a dancer to see Mike was into it, having fun and full of zest and attitude. Those things are far more interesting to watch than any ~*fancy move*~.
I loved his moves during Threathened, I love the way he interprets his music. He simply becomes the music. I've watched the movie twice and noticed a lot of new moves. He could still create magic. The movie was proof enough for me!!
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I love threatened... I just made a mix of threateneed and I have it just llike in the movie :)
I guess he was looking at the dancers and directing them plus staying with michael for both safety and timing ..
I agree :yes:. I saw how Travis was checking the timing during the dance. And he was holding Michael's arm in the beginning ;D.
I absolutely loved Threatened. It's a pity, it was too short. Michael was dancing cool!
i think it's pretty obvious it was for safty.... Not saying that Michael would have fell, but don't forget this is buisness. Michael gets hurt by there equiptment, they could be in big trouble.. If he got hurt, the show could be delayed.. Michael was standing on an angled stand, he could have slipped if not careful.. it was definatly safty.. When the lights go dark they mention a safty measure bringing Michael "flash light" etc.. SAFTY

Just like the moment in the film where Kenny wanted Mj to ride the Cherry Picker without music just for "safy", not saying Michael did not know how to stand on it with music, it's just extra measure
It looks to me like a safety precaution - maybe it was the first time MJ had been on the raising stage.

During Earth Song there's a technician overseeing the cherry picker who wouldn't have been there on show night.
I love the gangsta style dancing going on! And the expressions on his face!MMM hot!
i think it's pretty obvious it was for safty.... Not saying that Michael would have fell, but don't forget this is buisness. Michael gets hurt by there equiptment, they could be in big trouble.. If he got hurt, the show could be delayed.. Michael was standing on an angled stand, he could have slipped if not careful.. it was definatly safty.. When the lights go dark they mention a safty measure bringing Michael "flash light" etc.. SAFTY

Just like the moment in the film where Kenny wanted Mj to ride the Cherry Picker without music just for "safy", not saying Michael did not know how to stand on it with music, it's just extra measure

but they couldn't keep him safe in the end could they :cry:
yeah threatened has been given a whole new life after u hear it played with live instruments. loads have said how they love the song now. i loved that part aswell. sounded awesome live. great base
I know this is negative thinking now. but sometimes I wish he'd collapsed on stage, you know? then he'd be taken to the hospital right away and get everything necessary to save him. I really wish that had happened. instead he died alone, uncared for.

oh god, I need to stop this. I'm welling up again.

I'm gonna get away from you guys for a bit. I've got to think of something else. this has been a bad two weeks. :(