Michael's dancing in "Threatened"

Remington Steele

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

Was that the choreographer? Was he really there for savety reasons? I do wonder as he stood there in a strange position... not looking the best way to hold Michael in case he would fall, so I think it must have been something else.
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

Yes it was Travis Payne. As a choreographer he was there to choreograph Michael, I would've thought. :mello:
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

Hmm, I wondered the same when I saw it. The only conclusion I came to was that he was there to help prevent MJ from falling, but whether that was a standard practise for safety reasons or whether they thought there was a real reason that MJ might fall (i.e. MJ was 'on' something) is another question.
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

Saw it on tube again (I know no links should be posted here) - some comment said

"He was showing him the timing of when to exit".

I think that makes perfect sense. At one point, he makes a makes a hand sign for Michael to leave.

Stupid that I first thought he was there to hold him - lol...
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

When I saw it last Wednesday I just presumed they were working out the timing together.
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

He was an associate director as well so was with Michael for most of the rehearsals. He's the same guy with Michael sharing dance moves during the keyboard scene before TWYMMF.
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

indeed, it was for timing-reasons...
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

it was for choreography, which also includes timing
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

Yeah it originally looked as if he was holding on to Michael, but I'm about to watch it again soon and it may have been a timing issue. I would assume he wasn't going to be there during a LIVE performance so it had to be a timing thing.
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

I think he was just going over the steps. Maybe also there for safety, but mostly going over steps. It's one of my favourite parts. Threatened sounds fierce!
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

That move Mike was doing there seemed somewhat modern, If you will. Almost as If he was crumping, lol! And yes, Travis was there for timing.
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

Yeah, it was just Travis choreographing.

Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

i wondered the same, thanks for clearing that up.
i also loved when Kenny says... "can someone make sure theres a flashlight there for Michael"... something like that.
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

Wasnt those the dance steps he did in Ghost, but he was doing it on a ramp and not the floor..
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

That move Mike was doing there seemed somewhat modern, If you will. Almost as If he was crumping, lol! And yes, Travis was there for timing.

I wish Threatened segment had been longer. It was hot!
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

Hey! That's my signature!:D

I thought that was one of the coolest moments of the movie.
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

Hey! That's my signature!:D

I thought that was one of the coolest moments of the movie.

Haha, sorry for stealing it!!

Probably most of you will agree it looked way cool... I especially love the thing he did at the end (right before the choreographer told him to walk off stage). I have a question: Also quite at the end, he is pointing with his forefinger to the ground - was that also a dance move :D or was he giving the dancers directions?
Yeah the Threatened bit was amazing, the arrangement and the music was so brilliant, it just made the song sound so AMAZING. I wish I could have heard him do it live.. :(
I'm loving threatened lately, it has to be listened to with the volume up full, i love the sound in it like something heavy is being dragged across a floor.
Re: Threatened - what was the guy next to Michael doing?

Hmm, I wondered the same when I saw it. The only conclusion I came to was that he was there to help prevent MJ from falling, but whether that was a standard practise for safety reasons or whether they thought there was a real reason that MJ might fall (i.e. MJ was 'on' something) is another question.

I guess he was looking at the dancers and directing them plus staying with michael for both safety and timing ..
I hope i don't hurt anybody with this question...
Did you saw something strange in his sidewalk... ?It's like hard for him to do it at times... you understand? i hope... like he is pushing himself to do it and he is trying to control the moves... ?I'm not saying he is dancing bad - he is dancing amazing...
Did you saw that or I'm just fantasing?
threatened part is my favourite part! it was amazing, i sat at cinema and my mouth was like :O i love, love, love this moment. it was amazing.
it's all for love, L O V E