Michael's Cover of "Come Together"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What do you think about MJ's cover of this Beatles classic? I've read a lot of comments from Beatles fans complaining of course how they think his cover is atrocious but I've read comments from those who actually like it too. I happen to think Michael more than did the song justice. I'm not saying it's better than the original, but I don't know how anyone could call MJ's version terrible. I prefer Michael's voice over McCartney's, Lennon's (or any Beatles member for that matter) so maybe that's why I like his cover so much. To me he did a great job, but that could just be the crazy MJ fan in me talking lol.


What does everyone else think?
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I like it. I don't like the original-it sounds funny to me(and yawn-worthy)....so sue me!
hmmm, I like PM w/wings...and in say say say, and the man, and tgim,lol
I love it. Mike did a great job on it

I just wish that Mike would have used the moonwalker version on the HIStory album
I'm not a fan of the original version, but I love Michael's version.

A funny memory... As a kid, Moonwalker was my introduction to Michael Jackson, as soon as I watched Moonwalker it was a wrap and that Come Together hit me instantly.
After years I had given up the hope to ever have the actual song on record, so you can imagine the cheer joy I had when I bought History and skipped through that cd the first time and suddenly was like "I KNOW THAT SONG!!" :p

I love surprises like that, it's kind of like when you make music and find a sample or a certain sound Michael has used in his songs - I wish I could explain that feeling when you find something really rare like that.
Not a big fan of either version, really. In saying that, I don't see how the cover is atrocious. I guess my opinion isn't worth much not enjoying either version, so take it how you will. I certainly think that if I liked the original, MJ's version would be adequate at the very least, quite good at the most. Outside of his J5 stuff, he's never done many covers (the only other I can think of was Smile and to an extent, Butterflies), so at least he has enough respect for the Beatles that he chose them.
Really? Not a fan of their version really. I prefer Tina Turner's version. Hers is my fave cover after Michael's. I love the power and raw grit in her voice. Man, Tina can saaaaang lol.
It's a good cover I think. Of course Beatles fans will never feel anyone else's version is better than their idols, that's normal. The same happens when someone covers MJ.
Really? Not a fan of their version really. I prefer Tina Turner's version. Hers is my fave cover after Michael's. I love the power and raw grit in her voice. Man, Tina can saaaaang lol.

Yeah Tina's version is great. I don't know why about the Supremes. I guess because I love the soft hisses by Jean Terrell in the Supremes song. Gives the song a more darker edge than the Beatles give it. JMHO. But I love Tina's too. :yes:
i know it's easy to think that if i'm a fan of an artist, i could never accept a cover from someone else. but i believe i'm objective. i like an artist because the music is good, not because i just love the artist. i really think MJ's version of come together is much better than the original. i also think earth wind and fire's version of 'got to get you into my life' is much better than the beatles' original. but i think the beatles' 'long and winding road' is wayyy better than anyone else who covered it. and i've heard quite a few covers of that song. that's one of my favorite all time ballads.
I don't really feel either way about Come Together from a musical standpoint, but Michael's performance of it is to me the the sexiest of all his performances, bar none. This goes way beyond the gold pants thing, imo-

Maybe some have never seen the performance, so here it is, enjoy and drool-

The ripped open t-shirt, skin tight black patent leather or vinyl pants, major hip/pelvic action, and interaction with Jennifer the guitarist, whoa!

Being from the dark ages and a Beatles fan, Michael's performance of the song blows it out of the water from a live performance standpoint. Musically, to me, they're coming from entirely different perspectives; hot d*mn, I do prefer Michael's interpretation on this one. :innocent:
i know it's easy to think that if i'm a fan of an artist, i could never accept a cover from someone else. but i believe i'm objective. i like an artist because the music is good, not because i just love the artist. i really think MJ's version of come together is much better than the original. i also think earth wind and fire's version of 'got to get you into my life' is much better than the beatles' original. but i think the beatles' 'long and winding road' is wayyy better than anyone else who covered it. and i've heard quite a few covers of that song. that's one of my favorite all time ballads.

So who's MJ cover did you find better than the original?
I think original song by The Beatles leaves a bit too to be desired but kudos to them writing it. I prefer Michael's version by far, he really gave the some that ummph that it needed especially the Moonwalker version with all the adlibs at the end and I love the performance of it in that film. Aerosmith did a good version of Come Together too which I thought was better than the original.
So who's MJ cover did you find better than the original?
Billie Jean by David cook. That's better than the original. =D
and I'll be there by Mariah Carey, Smooth criminal by Alien Ant farm are better than the original too.lol
Beat it by Raintime is close to original.
So who's MJ cover did you find better than the original?

none yet. and i won't, just for the sake of it, or just because i would have wanted to avoid your question, because that doesn't make sense. it just has to be better. and if it is, i'll let you know. and yes..i saw that question coming. after all, i don't like the beatles. but i love that ballad that i mentioned.

not that one thing has to do with another, or that i have to justify my objectivity with what some people might think i should say, but there's a reason why MJ has set more records than any other pop artist, and is the biggest selling in history. combining great songwriting and performing abilities can't be denied. and if it were someone else doing what MJ is doing now, i'd treat them the same way i treat MJ.
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I like it. I don't like the original-it sounds funny to me(and yawn-worthy)....so sue me!
hmmm, I like PM w/wings...and in say say say, and the man, and tgim,lol
Come Together isn't sung by Paul, John Lennon is doing the lead.
Aerosmith did a good version of Come Together too which I thought was better than the original.
Their version is pretty much identical to the original. Just like Phil Collins' "You Can't Hurry Love" sounds like the original. Or Faith No More's "Easy", lol
none yet. and i won't, just for the sake of it, or just because i would have wanted to avoid your question, because that doesn't make sense. it just has to be better. and if it is, i'll let you know. and yes..i saw that question coming. after all, i don't like the beatles. but i love that ballad that i mentioned.

not that one thing has to do with another, or that i have to justify my objectivity with what some people might think i should say, but there's a reason why MJ has set more records than any other pop artist, and is the biggest selling in history. combining great songwriting and performing abilities can't be denied. and if it were someone else doing what MJ is doing now, i'd treat them the same way i treat MJ.

I simple "none" would have been sufficient haha. No need to eleborate on..well whatever it is you're saying. My point was just that when it comes to fandom, when you're crazy about an artist like we are about Michael, there's no such things as objectivity, no matter how much you want to defend it. But, i'm also saying that that's normal, nothing wrong with it.

I'm not doubting your overall ability to be objective, no need to get defensive. I'm talking about Michael specifically. :)
I simple "none" would have been sufficient haha. No need to eleborate on..well whatever it is you're saying. My point was just that when it comes to fandom, when you're crazy about an artist like we are about Michael, there's no such things as objectivity, no matter how much you want to defend it. But, i'm also saying that that's normal, nothing wrong with it.

I'm not doubting your overall ability to be objective, no need to get defensive. I'm talking about Michael specifically. :)

i know you are. that's why my whole post was necessary. i'm objective with Michael it has nothing to do with fandom. it's just not that nobody is used to his kind of success, that's all.
i could mention other artists that i was this way with, but it won't make any difference with how you view my statements, so i won't.
hmmmmm......I like both of these versions in their respective rights. I like the Beatles' version because they were the ones that created it. And that killer bass lick, honestly! Go Paul for digging that one up!

And I like Michael's cover because he made it his own. He didn't try and copy them. He added his "jackson" flair (or sexual flar, i should say!) to it and it did great.
To be honest I kinda cringe when someone does cover a Beatles song. Not saying that their music is crappy (because it ain't, they produced great music), but some of the lyrical matter in the songs (especially "Come Together") doesn't make real sense. I think the Beatles were VERY HIGH on LSD when they did the song, it has a great musical groove tho. But I guess it was suspected, I mean it WAS the psychedelic era, lol. And back then you thought they were REALLY saying SOMETHING. :lol:
Haha yes, I've always wondered what "Come Together" was about as well. A lot of the lyrics make no sense really. I heard it was about a threesome lol, but I really don't know. Perhaps a Beatles fan can enlighten me on the matter.
i know you are. that's why my whole post was necessary. i'm objective with Michael it has nothing to do with fandom. it's just not that nobody is used to his kind of success, that's all.
i could mention other artists that i was this way with, but it won't make any difference with how you view my statements, so i won't.

You know who I am? You flatter me, I feel all famous now. I know you too :) But seriously, I'll drop it. Let's just say we have a difference of opinion about general objectivity of hardcore fans.
You know who I am? You flatter me, I feel all famous now. I know you too :) But seriously, I'll drop it. Let's just say we have a difference of opinion about general objectivity of hardcore fans.

no. check my post. i said..'i know you are'.:unsure:
Haha yes, I've always wondered what "Come Together" was about as well. A lot of the lyrics make no sense really. I heard it was about a threesome lol, but I really don't know. Perhaps a Beatles fan can enlighten me on the matter.

A threesome, hmm? :lol:

"1 and 1 and 1 is 3..." that lyric make you think it is, especially the "come together right now over me"... but other than that, it's still not making sense. :lol:

You can TELL Michael enjoy singing it. Because he's always singing something OUTRAGEOUS. You hear a song like "Superfly Sister" and you get to the end of it going:

"What the f*** is he talking about!?" :lol:
Come Together isn't sung by Paul, John Lennon is doing the lead.

Their version is pretty much identical to the original. Just like Phil Collins' "You Can't Hurry Love" sounds like the original. Or Faith No More's "Easy", lol

Yes the music sounds the same but I think the vocal performance of the song by Steve Tyler was much better that's why I prefer it over the original.
I love Michael's cover of Come Together especially the Remember The Time - B Side (Moonwalker Version) with extended rearranged Beatles lyrics. I'm not to keen on the HIStory album version which is the same cut as the original Beatles song.

I like Michael's cover and The Beatles original version of Come Together exactly the same. I would say Michael's is the best cover version of the song, because he made it more of his own song, turned it from a pure Blues/Rock song in to a Rock/Pop/Dance song and played about with lyrics as well as stuning razor sharp vocals. Prince performed Come Together at his O2 concerts in 2007, with a different more blues based arrangment.