Michael's Body has been realeased to the family.

I was still 'fine' yesterday and the day before. But today, ah ... I just can't fathom his death as reality.

This sucks big time.
im assuming he will be buried in a muslim cemetary? Then the body needs to be buried ASAP, because in Islam we believe that as soon as the person dies, he/she needs to be buried as quickly as possible because the longer he isnt buried the longer the soul suffers :( As soon as he is buried, he is judged by Allah and told whether he will go to heaven or hell.............Inshallah Allah forgives his sins.
there's no indication that he actually reverted to Islam. i think they're trying to figure out a place where he can be w/o being bothered. sort of like elvis cept mj doesn't own the ranch anymore and he really didn'tlike it either .

so the family has a lot to do. plan a funeral. plan a mem service. it's a lot
we still dont know where he's going to be buried, but if the funeral is over can you like, still randomly visit him? Like, a normal person or smthing?
I think they may do what they did w/ james brown, just not the visiting tour like they did. at the appollo and la and all....allow fans to say goodbye to him.

but hold the services in a public fashion too. but maybe something for his kids first and then take them home and then do the one on tv.
If he will be buried in a muslim cemetary then yes of course you can visit him. But you cant cry at the cemetary and no form of worship can be done there.........because In Islam all men/women are equal and so we shouldnt make people idols to worship. He was like a brother to us all and thats how we should see it :)
tbh i thoughtthe funeral would be private and maybe have a memorial after for everyone to attend. i dunno if they want us there i guess they will make arrangements and let everyone know in due course.the last thing that should happen is everyone gate crashing if its private. mjs should get shown some dignity in all of this
yes but u know u can't keep the fans away it won' thappen despite their best attempts. they knew that w/ james brown so the best way to do it iis a private one and then a memorial
^^^^ agreed! If he is a muslim funeral then it will be private
This is so diffucult,the concerts were supposed to take place in like 2 weeks time and now we are disscussing his funeral,my head feels so confused,i love you and miss you michael!!!
The funeral will be the most appalling ordeal for MJ's family, especially his poor children. I wonder if thousands of fans being there will make it even worse. Surely it would. Just think about it. Of course the fans want to be there, but maybe they should be willing to recognise the family's grief and respect their wishes.
i doubt it. im sure they'llfigure out a way to let the kids have a private moment w/ their father to say goodbye then take them home and start the public one
so the best way to do it iis a private one and then a memorial

i hope so i hopethe funeral is totoaly private and then have a memorial servies where everyone can go. where the heck will they put him i hope mj write things out because id hate for the family to not know what to do

his is so diffucult,the concerts were supposed to take place in like 2 weeks time and now we are disscussing his funeral,my head feels so confused,i love you and miss you michael!!!
this is whats made this sooooo much harder than it already is. in the sapce of a few hours i was arranging hotels with a friend then i got a text about this and a few hours later it was all over. i know its stupid to say but death is so final.its tears me apart
I am sure it is going to be totally private, as it should be
cant be long now...I guess it is going to be Monday
I hope Michael is laid to rest in private. Let him have the privacy in death that he couldn't have in life. Michael has passed on but he is very much alive in all those who loved him. How lucky are we to have loved him? How greatful we can be to have all of his music to keep us going for another lifetime! Michael has been in pain and burdened with turmoil for a very long time now. His pain is OVER. He is resting in enternal peace. That is all that is keeping me going...
I hope Michael is laid to rest in private. Let him have the privacy in death that he couldn't have in life. Michael has passed on but he is very much alive in all those who loved him. How lucky are we to have loved him? How greatful we can be to have all of his music to keep us going for another lifetime! Michael has been in pain and burdened with turmoil for a very long time now. His pain is OVER. He is resting in enternal peace. That is all that is keeping me going...

That's exactly how I feel.
whether the family wants a private funeral or not... nobody is going to keep the fans away. it would be impossible to even attempt.
yes but i would hope the media would respect the children but we've seen from et that that's not the case. maybe a funeral or a mini family service where the kids are there. then someone takes them back to hayvenhurst and the memorial starts
I hope there is a private farewell for the family and kids to be a part of.

I'm sure its possible there will also be some other form of public farewell too.
Michael's body is currently going under a second autopsy (ordered by the family) in an undisclosed location. Oh, Michael... :(
I hope Michael is laid to rest in private. Let him have the privacy in death that he couldn't have in life. Michael has passed on but he is very much alive in all those who loved him. How lucky are we to have loved him? How greatful we can be to have all of his music to keep us going for another lifetime! Michael has been in pain and burdened with turmoil for a very long time now. His pain is OVER. He is resting in enternal peace. That is all that is keeping me going...

i agree whit you-