Michael's Biggest Hit???

um, you have to say thriller here. i mean sure, billie jean was released first and is an amazing song, but it was another dance record in a rather crowded 80's dance scene. EVERYONE knows thriller. when non-mj fans think of michael jackson, thriller comes to mind first, that video was what catapulted him to superstardom. billie jean is of course the better record, but thriller is bigger than just the song i'd say.:yes:

I disagree there. I think for most people "Thriller" is mostly about the video, but I think "Billie Jean" is definitely his signature song and the one most would say is his best.
Thriller... that was really the only song I knew before I was a fan. I also knew Beat It, but seriously, I didn't even know Billie Jean existed until I became an actual fan
whatever song you want it to be. for MJ...hit has many definitions.

a random teacher got a song for a dance competition from a kid..and the kid handed the teacher 'unbreakable'. both the teacher and the kid knew the song.

whenever MJ did concerts..the audience knew all the stuff..whether or not it played on the radio.

all the media knew D.S. when it was played at the trial.
Thriller... that was really the only song I knew before I was a fan. I also knew Beat It, but seriously, I didn't even know Billie Jean existed until I became an actual fan

That's the only song you knew? "Billie Jean" is known among non-fans too. What... :lol:
Billie Jean was the break out song for Michael.

As for "Thriller"...well, that song and video just changed the entire music industry (mostly the video or mini-horror movie).
I think a lot of you are confusing Michael's most famous to his biggest selling song, which would be his biggest hit as far as chart sales which is what a big it song is.

In terms of impact on culture, I'd say Billie Jean is Michael's biggest hit followed by Beat It and then Smooth Criminal which gained more impact after it's release as it wasn't a Top 5 hit in most countries. I think Smooth Criminal only got to No.7 and 8 in on it's release in 1988, though there wasn't so much pressure to have Top 3 singles in the 1980's as Top 10 was always good enough.

Sales wise, We Are The World is the biggest hit song Michael has ever written and recorded, but that's not a solo song for Michael Jackson. Earth Song (I don't like the song) has a good chance of being Michael's biggest selling hit and so does Black Or White. I wouldn't rule out Billie Jean as being Michael's biggest selling hit single (I hope it is), but some how I don't think so.