Michael's 66th birthday - 29.08.2024

@Paris78 re-posting this one bc it's so beautiful 😲

Brad Sundberg


August 29
I don't know about you, but I sometimes look back at little forks in the road. Moments where I could have made a left turn or a right turn, figuratively speaking.
A few decades ago I could have stayed working with UPS and become a delivery driver, and I would probably be looking ahead at healthy retirement and back at several knee surgeries. (No disrespect to UPS drivers - you guys work your tails off.)
Instead, I made a move to Hollywood to pursue a career in the music industry as a young engineer. A couple more forks in the road lead to which studios I wanted to work at and how to get a foot in the door, and purely by God's providence I wound up connecting with Michael Jackson.
I loved some of his music, but I certainly wouldn't have called myself a fan - I was there to do a job. And for reasons I can't fully explain, he trusted me and we became friends.
Despite coming from completely different backgrounds, we could talk and joke about anything:
State Fairs.
Despite how he was sometimes portrayed in the media, he was very conversational and talkative. One of my daughters refers to herself as a yapper, and odd as it may sound, Michael could sometimes be a bit of a yapper too.
He loved to tell stories and he loved to hear stories. Thankfully this was all before the dawn of cell phones and social media, so conversation was paramount when you were going to spend a lot of time with someone.
During the production of Captain EO I told him that my wife Debbie and I were annual pass holders at Disneyland, and we would find ourselves there on most Sunday nights enjoying a few rides, dinner and a walk in the park. Michael loved that, and in some ways I think he was envious of the casual freedom we had to just enjoy Disney without the need for disguises, private guides, or hoopla.
Remember when you were in school and you would meet up with your friends on Monday morning and talk about what you did the previous weekend? There might be silly jokes or harmless insults, but it was just a really fun level of camaraderie. That's a bit how it was with Michael.
Maybe to a lot of people silly faces, tossing candy at each other, and talking about Disney rides may not seem very grown up, but I never really was cut out for a dress shirt and a tie discussing insurance and stocks.
As time went on, Michael asked me to be involved in more and more projects. I don't necessarily think I bring an unmatched level of skill to the table, but he trusted me, and i think he enjoyed my company.
I found myself working on album projects like Bad, Dangerous, and HIStory. It's funny how those three words encompass nearly a decade of my life, lol.
Working side by side with Michael's primary engineer Bruce Swedien, I worked on Moonwalker, dance mixes, video mixes, and on and on.
In 1987 he purchased his magnificent ranch, which would eventually be known as Neverland. He pulled me aside in the studio and asked me if I would be willing to help build some music systems at the ranch.
"Like where?" I asked.
"Well, I'm going to buy a train and I want music on the train. Can you do that for me?" Michael asked.
(This was one of those aforementioned fork in the road moments.)
"Sure, I'm sure we can figure out how to put music on a train." I responded.
And this is how it went with him. Month after month, year after year, he would call me and ask if I would help him on another project.
I got to stand on the stage and watch him perform in Madison Square Garden during the Bad Tour.
I got to stand on stage and watch my oldest daughter Amanda perform Heal The World with him on stage in Paris during the HIStory Tour.
But it wasn't about those once in a lifetime moments or monstrous video shoots. It was much more personal than that.
He was good to me and he was good to my family. He really was a very unique and genuine friend.
You don't get a lot of those in life, those friends that you can just laugh with or exchange information back and forth with just a glance or two. Getting a glance from Michael and making eye contact and understanding what he is conveying to me was priceless.
A 20-year friendship is something to be proud of. Maybe celebrate is a better word? Or cherish?
I think of Michael often. Very often if I'm being honest. Yes of course I miss the albums and the live performances and helping him build Neverland, but more than that I miss my phone ringing at 2:00 in the morning and my wife answering it and waking me up and telling me, "It's Michael..."
"Hi Brad, I didn't wake you did I?"
"No Michael, you didn't wake me, what's up?"
Happy Birthday Applehead
I loved Grandma Holland's tribute :)

"Hello my friend, how are you doing up there?
I hope you have fun.
I hope you see your children's efforts, they are doing a hell of a good job down here.
I hope you see what's happening over here to honor you.
I hope you like what they are up to with the Michael Movie, since you are probably able to see it all. We still have to wait for a while....

Today we are officially the same age, 66. Time flies...
Today i will celebrate you, because you are never out of my mind, nore your music.
Today i"

if you cry a lot today you guys don't feel bad
tears are natural when you're celebrating
someone who is another part of you


but whyyy whyyyy...

why does love die
Wow, I remember this journalist... He was a chief editor for the legendary Bravo magazine and Michael was immensely present in that magazine, regularly, winning many best of the year awards and even meating Alex in person. When he passed, Bravo included a very generous portion of its content dedicated to Michael and Alex wrote a very touching tribute.
Damn... I wonder if I ever will be able to celebrate Michael on his birthday... tears are stonger than smiles.
this poem is a what is inside our hearts. we're not expecting everyone to love what we put into words

love for MJ is all that matters :)

From the hearts of

#applehead24 & mariah :)

August 29, 1958 7:33 PM

wherever you are in heaven



I never could say goodbye.

to the man,

who’s heart held the hands of those who were devalued and ignored

who’s contagious laugh goofily lit up any room

who’s presence projected an aura of selflessness and humility

who made his soul vulnerable to us only to have it tortured

a man who made the most out of his blessings


you were human Michael

A imperfect perfectionist

A man of artless charades and schemes

A dynamic, versatile, artistic revolutionary

A intuitive, modest man, in touch with his feelings

A naturally hot and sexy man, who sprouts butterflies in our hearts with his alibis

A man of who generated surrealism and escapism

A man with broken pieces

A man who loved himself to the point of self torture

**A man who hated the man he was in his mirror**

A man thirsty for love

A man who’s innocence and naivety was taken advantage of

A man who was the token minority

A man who because of his silver spoon had enough luck to be an exception for his color

A man sabotaged by those who “owned” him

A man who was a slave to the rhythm, a money making machine

A man who was the fame and fortune of avaricious pockets

A man who signed checks for charity and donations but who was a target of the tabloids

A man who capitalized on love but was the capital of materialistic hands

A man who experienced a decade long hate crime, dejected as if you were an animal

A man who with a knife in his back slaved away to entertain us,

A man who was riddled by bullets of harassment

A man who's crown was renounced

A man who was subjected to a public lynching

A man with a name but no home



a name that means

who is like God

there is none like God


now lies and rumors are etched into your name.

your name is now spelled




your name is a slur


some say you lived for the

fan girls,


their shrines,

love letters


hunger for your body.


the exhilaration

of being a

universal icon


idols of fame




the love of sound


self artistry

for the good of humanity


wHaT dID YoU liVE fOR Michael

who does a







soul live for


Michael there was no perfection in your bones,

no natural godliness in your soul.

you were a man with an inherited condition

- a sin nature -

of eternal and infinite separation from

Jesus Christ


reconciliation, intimacy, communion & CHESED love

a Father & Friend

a Lover Of Your Soul

a Advocate & Sustainer


I pray Jesus Christ touched your

heart and at this moment you are holding his hand in heaven




to the YOU you ONCE were



my girlish heart and giggles love you too :)

i wish i could say HAPPY BIRTHDAY


this singular, inimitable, irreplicable morning

isn’t the first day of your existence

this finite morning on my side of eternity

is an never-ending dawn on your ETERNAL life


tears are watering in my eyes


I never could say goodbye to Michael Jackson


I can never say goodbye to you


i wanted you to tell the angels no, but if they are holding you now then i can let go

much love,

#applehead24 & mariah :)

**we're are not saying that he was ashamed of his heritage or who he was and his identity. we're dramatically saying that he, like all of us at points in our lives, struggled with loving and valuing himself**
I absolutely LOVE to see the Munich-Memorial in such great and clean condition again, right for Michaels Birthday!
It's been like amost a year since I last visited the Memorial... High time again if you ask me.
However, Happiest of Birthdays again to you Michael, for your fans will forever keep our legacy alive❤️