Michael's 66th birthday - 29.08.2024


Proud Member
Aug 4, 2011
Starting this thread....

Everything is ready at the memorial in Munich for tomorrow:)

Ron Pia will be at Forest Lawn

2 Facebook lives on Wednesday August 28th! Starting 8:30 am ( California time) at Forest Lawn- BIRTHDAY FLOWERS FOR MICHAEL !
Then starting at 5:00pm from Las Vegas! Bill Whitfield and Big Al Scanlan. " Searching for Neverland " Movie followed by a Question and Answer! Get Ready for 5 days of AMAZING FUN TIMES!
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Maybe they will release first teaser for Michael :D
I doubt it... it would have been publicised!

Starting this thread....

Everything is ready at the memorial in Munich for tomorrow:)

Wow, I remember it vividly!! I wondered what had happened to it after it got robbed of all the objects. I'm happy to see it back as it was.
I always wished the authorities in Munich would erect some kind of Monument to Michael on this special place, instead of allowing to adopt this one.
Fun fact - I once revisited the statue in front of his Hotel in the recent years and there happened to be a group of tourists with a tourist guide and I heard the guide speak about the Bayrischer Hof hotel and he mentioned that even Michael had been a guest there.
At the look of the name of this thread I suddenly realised how surreal it is seeing the number 66 next to his name :cry:

There's a German song... one of the oldies goldies... which says that life actually begins at 66... I so wish that he would have got a chance to give those lines a new meaning. 😔
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At the look of the name of this thread I suddenly realised how surreal it is seeing the number 66 next to his name :cry:
I know, right?
There's a German song... one of the oldies goldies... which says that life actually begins at 66... I so wish that he would get a chance to give those lines a new meaning. 😔
Happy Birthday Michael!! Thank you for bringing us happiness and re-installing the wonder and magic of being a kid in us again. Thank you for always being there when we need you most. Thank you for always having just enough space in your heart, just enough love for everyone of us, your devoted fans. And Mike, thanks for going through my whole middle school years with me. (crazy times, crazy times) I hope that my high school experience will also be filled with love. Love, that you so generously gave to everyone in the world. Thank you for being a great example for my generation and showing us that all we need is love and happiness. We all miss you so much, everyday. Even I, miss you though I was born a year after your passing and never got to see you. (That just shows how much of impact you have on the world) To end this I'd like to say thank you and I love you. We all do.

Love, Julia L.