Michael was almost brought back to life says documents *TMZ update post 50*

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Re: Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

Exactly, that's it: expert vs expert.

I do not know whether I should be happy about it or should fear. *hmm*

I I think, I have more fear ..
We will see!

The key thing IMO is that no independent medic worth their salt will subscribe to Murray's "management" of propofol to treat insomnia and the rest of the negligent conduct that went with it. According to the coroner's report that is why MJ is no longer here, that is what this case is about. Experts battling it out over the interpretation of UCLA test results is academic IMO because by that time Michael was long gone.

I'd trust the paramedics over Murray any day of the week, if they wanted to call it at the home then they must have felt there was truly no hope and that decision isn't taken lightly especially in a young, relatively healthy patient.
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Re: Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

who will be interpreting medical tests and charts in various ways -- always confusing for a jury.
no it wont the case is about whether he was negligent in giving someone diprivan for insomnai without having the right equipment avaialble and being sat on the phone while he should have been watching his paitent. then lieing to the medics about what he gave mj. these articles from tmz/the defence are smoke and mirros tactics. nothing more. dont be fooled by them
It's not just TMZ .. I thought this already before.
But I know what you mean, elusive :)
Don't worry!
If you listened to TMZ Live Chat today they said that all these arguments (he was revived, there was a heart beat etc) will be a defense strategy.

None of these change the fact that Murray gave Michael propofol in a home setting without necessary precaution.

Additionally there's the case of how much propofol was given. As we know DA says that Murray gave Michael excessive dose of propofol which Murray replies as he didn't and that he only gave a minimal dose.

by using this heartbeat at the hospital argument TMZ said that the defense can argue that it shows that the dosage was low and therefore that's why there has been some heart activity.

by the way Harvey also talked about some medical information. He said brain death will happen in 15 minutes but heart can be responsive for 2 hours. He said regardless of whether or not the doctors was able to get heartbeat, Michael was already brain dead.
Murray can say he gave a very low amount but the facts say different. Michael had Propofol all in the jelly like substance in his eyeballs. And like I said that cardiogram that the emts have will show that they never got a heartbeat that is why they wanted to call it right there. And the heart beats on a rhythm it will be the last organ to stop and if Michael had a heartbeat they would not have been doing CPR and putting balloons into his chest to get his heart started again
Re: Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

no it wont the case is about whether he was negligent in giving someone diprivan for insomnai without having the right equipment avaialble and being sat on the phone while he should have been watching his paitent. then lieing to the medics about what he gave mj. these articles from tmz/the defence are smoke and mirros tactics. nothing more. dont be fooled by them

Would TMZ and NOTW accept monetary favors to report on a slant/ untruths?
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

Geraldine Hughes is still saying that Murray left the house

that night to meet a call girl, but she is not telling when

even though she says to have inside sources.

I listened to her at Justice4MJ ustream the other day. When

she was told that there were fans outside MJ's house that

night until 3:00 am, she said that Murray ' could have' left

at 4:00 or 5:00 am. That authorities should be the ones

investigating that.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

I know.. reading he had a heartbeat at one point makes me wonder what mj was feeling, if he was struggling, if he felt anything.

He was under anesthesia.

He went to sleep and didn't wake up. That's what I heard from a nurse

who knows about propofol.
I know.. reading he had a heartbeat at one point makes me wonder what mj was feeling, if he was struggling, if he felt anything.
he was brain dead long b4 that. he would have felt nothing. the heart beat was artifical nothing more. he went to sleep and that was it,
Re: Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

Would TMZ and NOTW accept monetary favors to report on a slant/ untruths?
they dont need to be paid to report crap on mj. its what they have always done. they would have paid oxman for the info
If you listened to TMZ Live Chat today they said that all these arguments (he was revived, there was a heart beat etc) will be a defense strategy.
defence for what. it has nothing to do with the charge

y using this heartbeat at the hospital argument TMZ said that the defense can argue that it shows that the dosage was low and therefore that's why there has been some heart activit

lol what a bunch of idiots. the blood/test autopsy shows what the amount were in his system.they really are grasping at straws.
Finally got password to access these forums. As a physician, I wanted to give my two cents and reply to some of the posts I've read.

sry. if posted in wrong place.

Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

Posted Mar 30th 2010 2:00AM by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned doctors who worked on Michael Jackson at the UCLA Medical Center ran two EKGs on the singer, and at least one doctor who interpreted the results claims there was heart rhythmic activity both times.

Furthermore, sources tell TMZ Dr. Conrad Murray insists he was able to restart Jackson's heart at the singer's home before paramedics arrived and then maintained heart activity in the ambulance.

Dr. Murray's evaluation contradicts paramedics at the scene who wanted to take Jackson to the morgue, not UCLA, because they believed he was dead.

It also contradicts Joe Jackson's lawyer, Brian Oxman, who tells TMZ he believes Jackson was dead even before paramedics arrived at the house. Oxman says the weak pulse detected at UCLA was in reaction to resuscitation efforts.

We're told the criminal case is shaping up as a legal war between medical experts, who will be interpreting medical tests and charts in various ways -- always confusing for a jury.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0jfM3o42Y

Couple things odd about this article.
1) Normally in code situations, you don't run EKGs because they require time (which you don't have) and you have to stop chest compressions because otherwise your EKG will be a jumbled mess.
2) Paramedics wouldn't go to a morgue. That's silly.
3) Oxman vs Murray's words are in contradiction. War of words as it has been said.
4) Oftentimes, you DO feel a weak pulse during CPR because of the CPR itself.

If you listened to TMZ Live Chat today they said that all these arguments (he was revived, there was a heart beat etc) will be a defense strategy.

None of these change the fact that Murray gave Michael propofol in a home setting without necessary precaution.

Additionally there's the case of how much propofol was given. As we know DA says that Murray gave Michael excessive dose of propofol which Murray replies as he didn't and that he only gave a minimal dose.

by using this heartbeat at the hospital argument TMZ said that the defense can argue that it shows that the dosage was low and therefore that's why there has been some heart activity.

by the way Harvey also talked about some medical information. He said brain death will happen in 15 minutes but heart can be responsive for 2 hours. He said regardless of whether or not the doctors was able to get heartbeat, Michael was already brain dead.

1) Without a doubt, if you ask 100 doctors, they will say Propofol should not be given in a house.
2) The dose of propofol does not matter in my opinion. It is such an unpredictable drug which makes dosing difficult. Usually people are on propofol drips in the ICU or in the OR to give slow, steady doses of the drug.
3) When I was listening to what was happening that day, and as the CPR went on and on, my heart sunk because I knew that whatever happened, Michael would be brain dead. CPR for an hour is a VERY long time, and to keep the brain functioning as normal would have been a miracle. It's very possible that he was gone before the paramedics had even arrived. :(

He was under anesthesia.

He went to sleep and didn't wake up. That's what I heard from a nurse

who knows about propofol.

I think this is probably right. For the propofol to have caused the cardiac arrest, it would have caused him to sleep first.

Sigh, this brings back awful memories.
Is everything on the beginning of page 1 true? Or all just rumors ?

Weak and exhausted drug addict? Ohhhh really...that's why he was soooooooooo....weak in TII?
Finally got password to access these forums. As a physician, I wanted to give my two cents and reply to some of the posts I've read.

Couple things odd about this article.
1) Normally in code situations, you don't run EKGs because they require time (which you don't have) and you have to stop chest compressions because otherwise your EKG will be a jumbled mess.
2) Paramedics wouldn't go to a morgue. That's silly.
3) Oxman vs Murray's words are in contradiction. War of words as it has been said.
4) Oftentimes, you DO feel a weak pulse during CPR because of the CPR itself.

1) Without a doubt, if you ask 100 doctors, they will say Propofol should not be given in a house.
2) The dose of propofol does not matter in my opinion. It is such an unpredictable drug which makes dosing difficult. Usually people are on propofol drips in the ICU or in the OR to give slow, steady doses of the drug.
3) When I was listening to what was happening that day, and as the CPR went on and on, my heart sunk because I knew that whatever happened, Michael would be brain dead. CPR for an hour is a VERY long time, and to keep the brain functioning as normal would have been a miracle. It's very possible that he was gone before the paramedics had even arrived. :(

I think this is probably right. For the propofol to have caused the cardiac arrest, it would have caused him to sleep first.

Sigh, this brings back awful memories.

Thank you so much for your input, we really appreciate it. Its great that we have the view from a physician. His defence are grasping at straws. There is no way they can win this.