Michael was almost brought back to life says documents *TMZ update post 50*

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Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

Reading things like hurts so much. It's like someone puts a knife in my heart.
Like people say, it was too late. He would be like a vegetable and he suffered enough on this world.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

I agree it was too late. He would be very ill if he had survived-(not that I wanted to die in the first place).
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

don't think so. I tend to think that this news headline is a little bit sensationalized. hopefully a person with medical knowledge could explain it to us better.

but I believe as they were working on him , giving him drugs, electroshocks, doing pumps etc they would have got some mechanical response back. The last sentence "did not regain spontaneous pulse or heartbeat" could mean that his heart was not beating on its own. In either case these events happened 1-2 hrs later, he would be already brain dead by that time.

not really he was brain dead no doubt. if they got a proper beat he would have been a veggie. i read a report where an expert said its not uncommon to get a beat but its just a reaction to the treatement. nothing that lasts. i guess it was that orthey stopped cause they knew he was brain dead and just kept trying till katie got there. this is horrendos trying not to think about who im talking about. really wish i didnt come online today and see this

But why would they bother trying to get his heart beating again, and succeed in doing that.. if he was dead- brain dead and no hope of living? What would be the point? We had a story of coma on cnn on the day - is this what that is like? People wake up from comas. And I don't really know what being a 'vegetable' entails. People have been brought 'back to life' before...anyway.. I don't see why I'm clinging on to this..he was 'almost brought back to life' but it didn't succeed and he's gone.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

reading all this makes me want to cry.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

reading all this makes me want to cry.

I know.. reading he had a heartbeat at one point makes me wonder what mj was feeling, if he was struggling, if he felt anything.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

But why would they bother trying to get his heart beating again, and succeed in doing that.. if he was dead- brain dead and no hope of living? What would be the point?

Who knows why people insist on those kinds of things. I guess some people have a hard time defining what "death" is because of moral or religious beliefs, so the confusion is just amplified when there's emotional involvement, such as losing someone you love. That's the Terri Schiavo case to a tee.

We had a story of coma on cnn on the day - is this what that is like? People wake up from comas. And I don't really know what being a 'vegetable' entails. People have been brought 'back to life' before...

Basically, in the most severe cases of brain damage, the person either falls into a coma or into a persistant vegetative state. (Pretty much the only difference between the two is wakefulness. A coma is like a deep deep deep sleep. Usually when someone with severe brain damage "wakes up" from a coma they just progress to a vegetative state - which is a wakeful unconscious state.) The critical thing missing in both cases is awareness. The person completely lacks cognitive function.

However, I think it's safe to say that neither of these happened to Michael. He just left us altogether. They may have established some sort of something with machines, but that wouldn't have "brought him back". He would have been "brain dead" - which, in my book, is a load of crap... Brain death equals death. Period. Just because someone is able to mechanically keep the heart and lungs functioning does not mean that person is still alive. :no:

I know.. reading he had a heartbeat at one point makes me wonder what mj was feeling, if he was struggling, if he felt anything.

No, MJ was gone. :( It was just his heart - electrical activity responding to the machines and stuff. Thank goodness, he wasn't there anymore at that point. He was far away and safe. :cry:

I don't see why I'm clinging on to this..he was 'almost brought back to life' but it didn't succeed and he's gone.

*Big hug* Because you miss him so much. And so badly want all of this to be different. And because this new information (true or not) is gut wrenching.
:better: (Except you don't have to smile. It's okay to be sad.)
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Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

But why would they bother trying to get his heart beating again, and succeed in doing that.. if he was dead- brain dead and no hope of living? What would be the point?

determining that a person is brain dead requires 2 physicians and some neurological examinations. therefore they wouldn't classify him as brain dead immediately. As they don't know it for certain they might have tried to save him but then realize it was too late.

I know.. reading he had a heartbeat at one point makes me wonder what mj was feeling, if he was struggling, if he felt anything.

hon don't beat yourself. his heart was not beating on its own. all those listed were just mechanical responses to drugs, pumps, shocks and machines. He wasn't revived or came back to life - the headline is quite misleading.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

Who knows why people insist on those kinds of things. I guess some people have a hard time defining what "death" is because of moral or religious beliefs, so the confusion is just amplified when there's emotional involvement, such as losing someone you love. That's the Terri Schiavo case to a tee.

Basically, in the most severe cases of brain damage, the person either falls into a coma or into a persistant vegetative state. (Pretty much the only difference between the two is wakefulness. A coma is like a deep deep deep sleep. Usually when someone with severe brain damage "wakes up" from a coma they just progress to a vegetative state - which is a wakeful unconscious state.) The critical thing missing in both cases is awareness. The person completely lacks cognitive function.

However, I think it's safe to say that neither of these happened to Michael. He just left us altogether. They may have established some sort of something with machines, but that wouldn't have "brought him back". He would have been "brain dead" - which, in my book, is a load of crap... Brain death equals death. Period. Just because someone is able to mechanically keep the heart and lungs functioning does not mean that person is still alive. :no:

No, MJ was gone. :( It was just his heart - electrical activity responding to the machines and stuff. Thank goodness, he wasn't there anymore at that point. He was far away and safe. :cry:

*Big hug* Because you miss him so much. And so badly want all of this to be different. And because this new information (true or not) is gut wrenching.
:better: (Except you don't have to smile. It's okay to be sad.)

determining that a person is brain dead requires 2 physicians and some neurological examinations. therefore they wouldn't classify him as brain dead immediately. As they don't know it for certain they might have tried to save him but then realize it was too late.

hon don't beat yourself. his heart was not beating on its own. all those listed were just mechanical responses to drugs, pumps, shocks and machines. He wasn't revived or came back to life - the headline is quite misleading.

Thanks :( I've always wondered about what MJ felt on that day, and this news I read today about him being alive again at one point was just like :bugeyedSo anyway its wrong, he wasn't then.. do we know for sure he was brain dead (I hate tlking like this :sad: ) at that point?

Actually... you know what, forget it..this is horrible and there is no hope anymore even if there was a smidgen of hope then.
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Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

This is so horrible :cry: sometimes it's far better not to know everything ..
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

This is so horrible :cry: sometimes it's far better not to know everything ..

I agree..somtimes the more you know..the more is screws with your head..Then it puts you back in panic mode again....:cry:
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

Oxman facebook administrator is saying :

Mr.Oxman must use discretion as to what he can share with the fans and the media. When it comes to the litigation things are often much more complicated than they appear on the surface. Rest assured that Mr.Oxman has been very busy putting the pieces of this mystery together, just as he did when he uncovered the evidence that proved Michael Jackson was innocent in 2005, which is a little known fact. Thank you for understanding.

Esther, Mr.Oxman did ALL of the RESEARCH and then was able to piece it together to prove that Michael was innocent. It is ALL Mr.Oxman's evidence that TM used in the trial and once he had it, he no longer wanted Mr.Oxman in the picture. Further more it was Mr. Oxman who brought TM onto the case. Mr.Oxman worked directly for MJ, he never worked for ... See More TM so he could not be fired by TM and he was not fired by MJ. Mr.Oxman continued to work for MJ even when he was no longer attending court due to the conflict with TM. I know all of this to be the truth. Mr.Oxman has remained quiet about it for years, but I am tired of reading the lies that are out there.

Further more how rude of you to come onto Mr.Oxman's page and insult him. If you think so little of him then leave the page and go become of fan of TM. I am sure that he is working very hard for the cause of Justice for Michael! In fact he has been doing a great job stating Michael's death is nothing more than a manslaughter case.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

he did what in 2005? so now he is saying that it was him who saved MJ in 2005 and T-Mez was there just for the photos? how dares he?
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

Now I would like to write the word with the"hole" at the end :angry:
instead of I write only: conceited wannabe!

That idiot really thinks, he is a better lawyer than T-Mez? :doh:
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

well i'm the one who called him out with my posts but they all got deleted and i got my ass kicked for telling the truth about Oxman being fired and more stuff i said regarding oxman. Everybody who has seen those posts could check it for the facts i put in there....the administrator deleted it all so it seems they can't handle the truth very well..
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

I know. In fact, the PI Scott Ross and Jesus Castillo found the evidence. But the egomaniac and great Oxman is saying he saved MJ from jail
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

Oh how I wish MJ was here to kick their asses.
Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

sry. if posted in wrong place.

Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

Posted Mar 30th 2010 2:00AM by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned doctors who worked on Michael Jackson at the UCLA Medical Center ran two EKGs on the singer, and at least one doctor who interpreted the results claims there was heart rhythmic activity both times.

Furthermore, sources tell TMZ Dr. Conrad Murray insists he was able to restart Jackson's heart at the singer's home before paramedics arrived and then maintained heart activity in the ambulance.

Dr. Murray's evaluation contradicts paramedics at the scene who wanted to take Jackson to the morgue, not UCLA, because they believed he was dead.

It also contradicts Joe Jackson's lawyer, Brian Oxman, who tells TMZ he believes Jackson was dead even before paramedics arrived at the house. Oxman says the weak pulse detected at UCLA was in reaction to resuscitation efforts.

We're told the criminal case is shaping up as a legal war between medical experts, who will be interpreting medical tests and charts in various ways -- always confusing for a jury.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0jfM3o42Y
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Re: Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

This is so confusing. :no: The media is giving too many different story's about his last minutes.
Re: Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

I still think Joe should wait till the criminal case is over.
Re: Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

I understand Mr. Jackson's concern for his son, but he has to know that this can be detrimental to the criminal case. Anyway, this again another example of Murray and his attempt at damage control, he claims he restarted Michael's heart at his home, EMT's claimed that he was already gone. This also coincides with what News of the world claims, as they were the ones who printed that doctors managed to retrieve slight cardiac activity but it wasn't enough to keep him alive. Murray was probably aware of this release and is trying to mold some part of that into his actual defense, by claiming he was the one who started that slight activity and not the medical staff at UCLA, this man is full of shit, excuse my language.
Re: Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

This is so confusing. :no: The media is giving too many different story's about his last minutes.

And I don't like it.
As much as Joe wants 2nd degree murder seeing the way the
new revelation is gunning for, the jury never like confusion. They either stick to the first story that's makes sense or the most recent story checks out with the facts. Everything in the middle is noise. Noise that can taint the jury, noise that will give defence the leg up for cross examination, noise that will create doubt, just the very thing we the fans do not want.
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Re: Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

TMZ has learned doctors who worked on Michael Jackson at the UCLA Medical Center ran two EKGs on the singer, and at least one doctor who interpreted the results claims there was heart rhythmic activity both times
well we know that via the news of the world article and if murray claims there was a pulse at the house hes basically admitted at least murder 2 becasue he stopepd CPR to collect the drugs. humm who to believe the medics or a doctor whos told more lies than ive had hot dinners.talk about scraping the barrell
Re: Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

frankly this is all smoke and mirrors by murray. in the scheme of things it makes no difference. the case is about his negligence,giving diprivan and having no equipment not when he mj had a heart beat. thats of course unless this is pre emptive and somethings gonna come out about the TOD?
Re: Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

urthermore, sources tell TMZ Dr. Conrad Murray insists he was able to restart Jackson's heart at the singer's home before paramedics arrived and then maintained heart activity in the ambulance.
so why did the heart monitor show him as flatlined (the article that showed it the other day) ontop of the medics saying he was asytolic (sp) twice.desperate murray
Re: Conrad Murray - Michael Was Alive at UCLA

We're told the criminal case is shaping up as a legal war between medical experts, who will be interpreting medical tests and charts in various ways -- always confusing for a jury.
Exactly, that's it: expert vs expert.

I do not know whether I should be happy about it or should fear. *hmm*

I I think, I have more fear ..
We will see!