Michael turned down Obama...

Obama hasn't done anything for this country so far, all he does is show up on tv to look pretty. I felt he wasn't sincere about MJ, was just joining the others on his rambling. Other presidents like Clinton, the president of Russia, China and Iran all sent their condolences right away.
Agree with this and I used to be a die heart Obama supporter once upon a time.
Like I said, Michael was very important in breaking racial barriers in USA, he should at least respond to that!!!!!!

But your right, he has got his plate full. I personally blame it on fascist+racist republicans who disagree with every single word that comes out of the presidents mouth and protest against any decisions he makes.
so true.
The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (i.e. man with very little time and big responsibilies) took TIME out of his day to write a *PERSONAL* LETTER to the FAMILY.

I don't even agree with everything Obama says, but using this as a reason to lynch his politics is just silly. What else do you want? Would you rather an impersonal, public flashy statement or a personal and heartfelt letter? Either way you know Obama is damned if he does or doesn't. This thread is so frustrating

All that matters is that he offered the family personal support in their time of grief. That is a classy act and means much more to them than any public statement.

If anyone of the general public still needs Obama to make a public statement to validate Michael as an icon and a race barrier breaker than maybe they need to look inside themselves further or open a damned history book. We shouldnt pander to people who won't educate themselves.
this for mjjfan4ever:
I know, I know... I get you. fine, you can talk my ears off about this next time :lol: :lol:

see this is what I really think :p

I think Barack was a teensy bit pissed off that Mikey took his spotlight away that week. think about it. new gen x prez. first black prez. young prez. goes to Moscow to meet another young gen x prez of russia.

that WAS big.

then Mikey took it all away from him. Barack and Mike are pretty much the same age. true, they weren't in competition but what Obama achieved was stupendous and he was kinda caught up in what he was doing and maybe feeling a little bit slighted by American media which was talking about nothing but Mike that week.

I'm gonna give PresBo a pass on this. he's only human. I'm sure Mike understands :)

Wow. I have a hard time believing that Obama was pissed that Michael died while he was in Russia and that took the spotlight away from him.

Obama hasn't done anything and yet he's given a Nobel peace prize. WHAT A BIG JOKE.
So much hate in this thread! How has a topic about Michael not be at an inauguration/death turn into politics? Anyways did he have to invite Michael or something? Maybe it wasn't up to him or Michael was busy
lol I doubt Obama would ask MJ to perform for him after seeing the way he flipflopped around about making a statement on Michael's death. Probably waiting to see what the public reaction was first - one of love or hate. He's a people pleaser. Doesn't seem ballsy enough to take the risk and invite someone 'controversial' to perform at his inauguration like Michael Jackson.

Or maybe, Obama flipflopped around about making a statement over Michaels death BECAUSE Michael turned him down to perform at his inaugaration. ;)
Obama hasn't done anything and yet he's given a Nobel peace prize. WHAT A BIG JOKE.

The President doesn't give Nobel prizes, There's a ceremony in Sweden that decides that. And besides that, it's too late for a 2009 nomination anyway.

Edit: Maybe this thread has ran it's course, since the MJ turned Obama down seems to be a tabloid rumor. Just my opinion. :(

Edit 2: Disregard the first paragraph about the Nobel prize, I though you meant Obama should have given the Nobel prize to Mike, when you were really talking about Obama's prize. I should stop typing when I am sleepy. :(
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First of all he did not write the letter his staff did. That is how it works. Secondly, Obama immediately spoke about walter cronkite and then spoke at his funeral. So you can do a public and private mention
Seriously...Obama hasn't done anything for this country? That has to be a joke, when the previous administration left this country in dire straights and the Obama administration as a long way to go in cleaning up that mess. The Obama Administration has also done a lot in terms of giving more Federal funding than any administration for veterans affairs, signed into law the Led Better (?) Act that deals with women's pay equity issues and another act that protects gays and others from hate crimes. For the short time that he has been President he has done a lot...he still has to contend with staving off a economic downturn, preventing unemployment from increasing etc...he has not sat on his behind that's for sure!

As for the Michael comment, The President sent a letter of condolences to the family and that's the most important thing. I saw nothing wrong in what he did and think the family came first than the public.

Also right after he took office he communicated with the countries abroad to promote friendship and good relations, healing the terrible damage Bush did! After Bush, alot of countries hated us, now we're respected again, since we have an intelligent, sane President!

It was so cool Obama wrote a letter to the family!
Like I said, Michael was very important in breaking racial barriers in USA, .............

But your right, he has got his plate full. I personally blame it on fascist+racist republicans who disagree with every single word that comes out of the presidents mouth and protest against any decisions he makes.

I agree!
Don't really want to get into politics here, but i will say that I respect the President.

I have been curious why Michael wasn't at the inauguration myself. I have read a lot of speculation in this thread. But does anyone know for sure if he was or was not invited?
Wow. I have a hard time believing that Obama was pissed that Michael died while he was in Russia and that took the spotlight away from him.


he wasn't REALLY pissed ;) I doubt he thought much about it.

and I doubt Michael needs validation by Obama or any other man or woman. he never sweated the small stuff. we need to remember that.

either way, he's above it all now.
he wasn't REALLY pissed ;) I doubt he thought much about it.

and I doubt Michael needs validation by Obama or any other man or woman. he never sweated the small stuff. we need to remember that.

either way, he's above it all now.

I agree. Michael didn't need validation from Obama and vice versa. That's why I wondering what's the big deal.
Obama hasn't done anything for this country so far, all he does is show up on tv to look pretty. I felt he wasn't sincere about MJ, was just joining the others on his rambling. Other presidents like Clinton, the president of Russia, China and Iran all sent their condolences right away.

I know... and people will argue that his the president and he was busy with other things but I think thats BS. Its not all the time in the world just to come out with a comment on someones passing. It was weeks before he came out with something and on top of that he didnt openly come out with it, a reporter asked him about it and then he gave his opinon which was kinda fake. But I really dont care its a waste of time trying to analyze a comment but he really didnt seem all the genuwine about either.
He sent a handwritten letter to the family the day after he died. For me, that was more than he had to do, considering he never met the guy. Also, in the weeks that Michael died, there was alot more BS for Obama to worry about. Go look on the news on Youtube if you don't remember. The world did not stop because Michael Jackson died.

I know fans would had love to see Obama kiss up to Michael, but he is not obligated to do anything. He sent a letter to the family in private, so he did not need to do a public speak. Because in my mind, that would look more like self promoting, which the mayor in Gary has been doing since Michael's death, btw. I should know since I live here and have to put up with him using Michael as a way to get reelected.

If he did, I am sure some here would had accuse him of being a butt kisser.

IMO if obama had enough time to say kanye west was a jack ass after his VMA stunt, but not enough time to say a proper speech about thousands of peoples hero passing then something is wrong!!
I know... and people will argue that his the president and he was busy with other things but I think thats BS. Its not all the time in the world just to come out with a comment on someones passing. It was weeks before he came out with something and on top of that he didnt openly come out with it, a reporter asked him about it and then he gave his opinon which was kinda fake. But I really dont care its a waste of time trying to analyze a comment but he really didnt seem all the genuwine about either.

It wasn't weeks.