Michael turned down Obama...

This is nonsense and judging by some of the replies just a vehicle for President Obama haters to wank. I love the President of America. The end.
That's true. Over in England both Gordon Brown and David Cameron released statement about MJ and they were accused of basically using MJ's death to get some popularity points.

That's right, If Obama had made a speech, people would accuse him of wanting to get popularity votes. And we would never stop hearing the talking heads bitch about why Obama did the speech. So he couldn't win anyway and besides he sent a letter to the fam, which in my opinion is enough.:yes:

So I agree with Ramona, she's right.:clapping:And there will still be people complaining about how insincere it was.
Exactly. I think black people should celebrate and love Michael more than anyone in the music industry. He was the only black artist that crossed barriers and reached such an amazing international fame.The feeling I get is that they do not appreciate Michael like they should . This girl told me yesterday that she would cry if Lil Wayne died not Michael,and that Lil Wayne has done so much for the black community, together with Tupac. Obama should have embraced Michael more than any other president IMO.

Your feeling would be incorrect.
Exactly. I think black people should celebrate and love Michael more than anyone in the music industry. He was the only black artist that crossed barriers and reached such an amazing international fame. The feeling I get is that they do not appreciate Michael like they should . This girl told me yesterday that she would cry if Lil Wayne died not Michael,and that Lil Wayne has done so much for the black community, together with Tupac. Obama should have embraced Michael more than any other president IMO.

I appreciate Michael Jackson and there are plenty of blacks that do too. Although have also been other Black artist besides Michael Jackson that have also broke through the barriers of race too before Michael Jackson. Heck many black artist paved the way for Michael Jackson, Just Like MJ paved the way for many black artists too.
I highly doubt MJ was invited to anything related to Obama , before Obama won Iowa against Clintion the people in his campaign used to play Can you feel it always , but after he won Iowa , everything jackson was completely stopped , mj was black listed by Obama and his advisors once they realised his chances in winning were good .

Obama refused to release a statement after mj died .days after 25 june, his spokeperson WAS ASKED about MJ ,answered he tlked that morning with him about jackson and he told him jackson had a very complicated , tragic life .....blah blah blah . he basically refused to acknowledge MJ's death at all .

but as with Iran , when he waited almost a month to condemn what was happening there , he waited to see what was the public reaction to mj's death , he tested the water , still he did not release a statement and only when a journalist sat down with him and told him the black community did not feel he acknowledge Jackson's death properly , he replied by sayiing he send a letter to the family and he had all of mj's songs on his Ipod list and mj was probably the best entertainer of our time .
Why wouldn't he not like Obama? He made the choice of honoring Obama in his "glimpses and clips" in TII. Michael always wanted a change in the world, especially for Blacks. I personally think Michael liked Obama. No one even knows if the invitation story is true.

Didn't Obama say he has MJ songs on his ipod?

I say it because of his answer to the question about Obama in the Ebony interview. No expression of gladness about it, about a black man being president, nothing.
I don't see why he wouldn't like him, but that is the impression I got from that interview.

That is not to say he disliked him either, maybe he was just feeling particularly apolitical in
hat moment.

About Obama not being a fan... I got that impression from the statement he finally made about Michael. I don't remember what he said though, but I think he said something about liking other kind of music... I could very well be wrong.

In any case, having some songs in his Ipod (I do remember him saying that) does not mean he was a fan... I have songs by a lot of people I wouldn't exactly call myself a fan of.
I read a report where a person said that Michael told them he cried when Obama was elected because he thought he would be good for the world.

He didn't say anything similar in his Ebony interview.
Yup! here's what clinton said:

“He basically helped save my party from terrible financial distress, so he was very kind to me personally,”
"He was an immensely gifted man and I think he basically meant well,”
“I know about all the trouble he had in his life and I hope he will be remembered for his contribution as an artist. I hope his children turn out well. That would be the greatest tribute you could have.”

So Clinto said Michael gave money to the Democratic Party?.
More tabloid rubbish!!!!!!

But I was well annoyed when President Obama failed to make a proper statement about Michael's death (he almost ignored it).....especially when Michael had a hand of breaking racial barriers in America.....something that helped make it possible for him to become President.

Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan would've given a proper statement and given him a presidents funeral!

However, he is still the only suitable person for president.

1) Michael cried when Barack Obama was elected.

2) President Obama was in Moscow on June 25th. it wasn't like he had nothing else to do.

3) not everybody in this world has to drop everything else and give us his sole attention, ya know ;)

4) Michael doesn't care anymore. so let's give Barack a break. he got a full plate goin' lol.
So Clinto said Michael gave money to the Democratic Party?.
mj performed at a fundraiser for the party in 2002 in N.Y i guess around the same time the pics of clinton with baby blanket were taken in mj hotel room
I say it because of his answer to the question about Obama in the Ebony interview. No expression of gladness about it, about a black man being president, nothing.
I don't see why he wouldn't like him, but that is the impression I got from that interview
mj reply was more based on his religious upbringing rather than if he liked obama or not.obama wasnt president at that time
1) Michael cried when Barack Obama was elected.

2) President Obama was in Moscow on June 25th. it wasn't like he had nothing else to do.

3) not everybody in this world has to drop everything else and give us his sole attention, ya know ;)

4) Michael doesn't care anymore. so let's give Barack a break. he got a full plate goin' lol.

Like I said, Michael was very important in breaking racial barriers in USA, he should at least respond to that!!!!!!

But your right, he has got his plate full. I personally blame it on fascist+racist republicans who disagree with every single word that comes out of the presidents mouth and protest against any decisions he makes.
1) Michael cried when Barack Obama was elected.

2) President Obama was in Moscow on June 25th. it wasn't like he had nothing else to do.

3) not everybody in this world has to drop everything else and give us his sole attention, ya know ;)

4) Michael doesn't care anymore. so let's give Barack a break. he got a full plate goin' lol.


one more thing to discuss next time we talk :lmao:

it did take what 4 or 5 days before President Obama even acknowledge Michael's passing.

That was only after being PRESSED by the press for a statement.

Pres O.... didn't have time for a 15 seconds "I am sorry for the passing of Michael Jackson, my condolences goes out to his children and family".

Just odd that Pres O... didn't have time when it came to Mike's passing but could devote a whole 50 seconds to Cronkite's passing the very next day.


I know I am in the minority but its cool.
More tabloid fodder. Obama never invited Michael Jackson to perform at the White House. Given the negative publicity it would bring, he was probably never a consideration to begin with. Remember Michael's reputation and career were still sullied with the child molestation case several years earlier. Michael had not performed in years and certainly would not have been ready to perform at the WH. Besides, given the fact that he was friends with Bill Clinton for many years, I doubt he would have wanted to be in the middle of that.
^ I agree. it is quite obvious he had to be careful because he didn't know where the public stood. When Jennifer Hudson lost her family he sent out a public acknowledgement as well. The point some are trying to show is he could have and should have, publicly acknowledged the death of such a very international public figure but shied away from doing so because he wasn't sure where MJ stood with the public. Instead he took a cowardly way out. No hating, it is just plain obvious what he did.

But as I said months ago; if one didn't really appreciate MJ then I don't care what they say. I'm just done with the celebrity associations and 'nice' words. The heart is what it is all about.
this for mjjfan4ever:
I know, I know... I get you. fine, you can talk my ears off about this next time :lol: :lol:

see this is what I really think :p

I think Barack was a teensy bit pissed off that Mikey took his spotlight away that week. think about it. new gen x prez. first black prez. young prez. goes to Moscow to meet another young gen x prez of russia.

that WAS big.

then Mikey took it all away from him. Barack and Mike are pretty much the same age. true, they weren't in competition but what Obama achieved was stupendous and he was kinda caught up in what he was doing and maybe feeling a little bit slighted by American media which was talking about nothing but Mike that week.

I'm gonna give PresBo a pass on this. he's only human. I'm sure Mike understands :)
Obama hasn't done anything for this country so far, all he does is show up on tv to look pretty. I felt he wasn't sincere about MJ, was just joining the others on his rambling. Other presidents like Clinton, the president of Russia, China and Iran all sent their condolences right away.

Seriously...Obama hasn't done anything for this country? That has to be a joke, when the previous administration left this country in dire straights and the Obama administration as a long way to go in cleaning up that mess. The Obama Administration has also done a lot in terms of giving more Federal funding than any administration for veterans affairs, signed into law the Led Better (?) Act that deals with women's pay equity issues and another act that protects gays and others from hate crimes. For the short time that he has been President he has done a lot...he still has to contend with staving off a economic downturn, preventing unemployment from increasing etc...he has not sat on his behind that's for sure!

As for the Michael comment, The President sent a letter of condolences to the family and that's the most important thing. I saw nothing wrong in what he did and think the family came first than the public.
1) Michael cried when Barack Obama was elected.

2) President Obama was in Moscow on June 25th. it wasn't like he had nothing else to do.

3) not everybody in this world has to drop everything else and give us his sole attention, ya know ;)

4) Michael doesn't care anymore. so let's give Barack a break. he got a full plate goin' lol.

Not only that everyone wants to blame this President for every little thing that happens....but never did the same for the previous President.
Obama hasn't done anything for this country so far, all he does is show up on tv to look pretty. I felt he wasn't sincere about MJ, was just joining the others on his rambling. Other presidents like Clinton, the president of Russia, China and Iran all sent their condolences right away.

Iran? I don't think that Ahmadinejad would do that, he hates western culture and probably everything that represents it.:scratch:
Emmmm... after reading your post, I still have some questions:

1) How do you know this "invitation" was ever done? Because if it was never done...

2) Does anybody know FOR SURE if MJ DID edited the famous "Flashes and glimps" (or whatever its name is :))? I have read other threaths when that footage was used to say MJ supported Obama or his party, but other say MJ didn't take part in the edition of that video. I mean... the "Light man" was not ready, wasn't he? So that video...was ready at all? Of it was just edited for the movie?

.... Off topic maybe.... :-/
This was a false rumor quietly put out there by who I can only presume was Ian Halperin, it's main goal was to help fuel his rumors that Michael Jackson was dying from a bunch of rare deadly diseases which is why he could not attend.

The article(s) at the time quoted anonymous sources as saying stuff like "Michael Jackson must be on his death bed not to attend, the rumors of him dying must be true."

This was a false rumor quietly put out there by who I can only presume was Ian Halperin, it's main goal was to help fuel his rumors that Michael Jackson was dying from a bunch of rare deadly diseases which is why he could not attend.

The article(s) at the time quoted anonymous sources as saying stuff like "Michael Jackson must be on his death bed not to attend, the rumors of him dying must be true."


Thanks. This makes much sense.

.... sick people... MJ deserves justice.... but I don't see that coming any soon :(
I don't think Obama would have courted controversy by asking Michael. I was not impressed with his statement about Michael's death, he didn't have to say anything about his private life, he was people pleasing, trying to keep both sides happy, and I didn't find anything sincere about it.