Michael turned down Obama...


Proud Member
Aug 21, 2009
Does anybody know why Michael turned down Obama's invitation to perform? I thought it was just because he was waiting for This Is It and didn't want to perform until his comeback. But was there any other reason?
No idea. Probably saving himself for This Is It. But a short clip of him appears in Flashes and Glimpses from TII before WBSS and Light Man.
No idea. Probably saving himself for This Is It. But a short clip of him appears in Flashes and Glimpses from TII before WBSS and Light Man.

While I have absolutely no idea, I have to agree with this speculation.
I had to turn down 2 card magazine interviews due to my planned return event in 2010. As much as I would have loved to made an appearance, I had to save it up. (comic book nerd stuff. heh).
So I imagine MJ wanted to hold back any performing until TII.
Does anybody know why Michael turned down Obama's invitation to perform? I thought it was just because he was waiting for This Is It and didn't want to perform until his comeback. But was there any other reason?
Umm Where did you get this info from? CREDIBLE source.... please & thank you.
lol I doubt Obama would ask MJ to perform for him after seeing the way he flipflopped around about making a statement on Michael's death. Probably waiting to see what the public reaction was first - one of love or hate. He's a people pleaser. Doesn't seem ballsy enough to take the risk and invite someone 'controversial' to perform at his inauguration like Michael Jackson.
lol I doubt Obama would ask MJ to perform for him after seeing the way he flipflopped around about making a statement on Michael's death. Probably waiting to see what the public reaction was first - one of love or hate. He's a people pleaser. Doesn't seem ballsy enough to take the risk and invite someone 'controversial' to perform at his inauguration like Michael Jackson.
EXACTLY my thoughts...that's why I smell BS!

Still love Obama though!
Maybe Michael didn't like Obama lol j/k, but how do you know he was invited to perform?
More tabloid rubbish!!!!!!

But I was well annoyed when President Obama failed to make a proper statement about Michael's death (he almost ignored it).....especially when Michael had a hand of breaking racial barriers in America.....something that helped make it possible for him to become President.

Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan would've given a proper statement and given him a presidents funeral!

However, he is still the only suitable person for president.
More tabloid rubbish!!!!!!

But I was well annoyed when President Obama failed to make a proper statement about Michael's death (he almost ignored it).....especially when Michael had a hand of breaking racial barriers in America.....something that helped make it possible for him to become President.

Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan would've given a proper statement and given him a presidents funeral!

However, he is still the only suitable person for president.

He sent a handwritten letter to the family the day after he died. For me, that was more than he had to do, considering he never met the guy. Also, in the weeks that Michael died, there was alot more BS for Obama to worry about. Go look on the news on Youtube if you don't remember. The world did not stop because Michael Jackson died.

I know fans would had love to see Obama kiss up to Michael, but he is not obligated to do anything. He sent a letter to the family in private, so he did not need to do a public speak. Because in my mind, that would look more like self promoting, which the mayor in Gary has been doing since Michael's death, btw. I should know since I live here and have to put up with him using Michael as a way to get reelected.

If he did, I am sure some here would had accuse him of being a butt kisser.
More tabloid rubbish!!!!!!

But I was well annoyed when President Obama failed to make a proper statement about Michael's death (he almost ignored it).....especially when Michael had a hand of breaking racial barriers in America.....something that helped make it possible for him to become President.

Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan would've given a proper statement and given him a presidents funeral!

However, he is still the only suitable person for president.

I became less a fan of Obama because of his reaction to MJ's passing. It was VERY desrespectful.

This is coming from someone who made calls on his behalf (I live in Canada, but most of my family is in the States. ) trying to convince people to vote for him.

And YES...Obama is a people pleaser.

Clinton was away on a trip, yet he still took the time to say a few words about MJ.

Because in my mind, that would look more like self promoting, which the mayor in Gary has been doing since Michael's death, btw. I should know since I live here and have to put up with him using Michael as a way to get reelected.

I don't think anyone here wanted him to kiss MJ's ass. But it was obvious he was dancing around the question, not knowing where the public stood,when a journalist asked for his reaction.

The proof? he was quick to issue a press release when Walter Cronkite died. Cronkite had no controversy attached to his name, therefore it was easy to guess where the public stood.
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I remember reading about this at the time. Given what happened I wish MJ would've accepted the invitation.
Obama hasn't done anything for this country so far, all he does is show up on tv to look pretty. I felt he wasn't sincere about MJ, was just joining the others on his rambling. Other presidents like Clinton, the president of Russia, China and Iran all sent their condolences right away.
I became less a fan of Obama because of his reaction to MJ's passing. It was VERY desrespectful.

This is coming from someone who made calls on his behalf (I live in Canada, but most of my family is in the States. ) trying to convince people to vote for him.

And YES...Obama is a people pleaser.

Clinton was away on a trip, yet he still took the time to say a few words about MJ.

I don't think anyone here wanted him to kiss MJ's ass. But it was obvious he was dancing around the question, not knowing where the public stood,when a journalist asked for his reaction.

The proof? he was quick to issue a press release when Walter Cronkite died. Cronkite had no controversy attached to his name, therefore it was easy to guess where the public stood.

People would had accused him of such. If Obama got on tv and said he was sorry about Michael's death, I would bet 1 million dollars right now that fans would be screaming he wasn't sincere. So, people would complain either way.

He also did released a press when Michael died and sent a private letter to his family. I am sure for the Jackson's a handwritten letter from the president means more to them then any tv statement. As far as I know Walter Cronkite's family did not get a letter. Could be wrong, of course.

For the record I did not support Obama in the primary election, so I am not a huge fan of him. However, given the situation I though he handled the situation fine because that letter to the family said it needs to be said in my opinion.

One last not about Clinton, however. Clinton actually knew Michael, unlike Obama. I think that family stood close friend/associates until the end of his days. So, of course Clinton is going to be more supported. Given that, it really is not fair to compare the two, in my opinion.

We can agree to disagree on this since politics is a hot button issue on any forum and I don't want to turn this into battle of the states.
Umm I'ma go ahead and co-sign Ramona on this one, he sent his condolences PRIVATELY, why are people looking for everyone to make a statement. He's the President of the US and best believe if he would have made a statement on Michael, he'd be making statements on EVERY well known person who passes during his term, I'm sorry, thats just the way America works. You can't win for losing and the fact that he sent his condolences PRIVATELY is more than enough for me, doesn't mean he cares about Michael any less because he didn't get up and shout it to the world. We (America) had soldiers and military families PISSED off because of the statement that he did give because he said something about Mike and not about every individual soldier who has given their life for this country. I cannot count the number of e-mails that were circulating throughout June/July due to coverage on Michael and just Obama's statement that he did make (I live in a military town ok). Now, as far as the original topic goes, IF Mike was invited to perform I'm sure he had his reasons for turning it down, the inauguration was in Jan, his tour due to start a few months later, he had a lot on his plate and considering the perfectionist we all know he was when it came to shows, it doesn't seem like much time to prepare. That's my opinion. Now whether you support the president or not, it is not his fault that Michael passed and he was not by any means obligated to make a statement. Much love.
We don't really know if he was invited to perform, but anyway:

I'm not sure Michael liked Obama much. It doesn't seem like he did. In the Evony interview they ask him about his election, and he just answers something about not being interested in politics (someone correct me if I'm misremembering this). Maybe Obama resented it?.

Also, Michael was close eith Jesse Jackson, and sdidn't he (Jesse Jackson) have some problems with Obama?.

About Clinton and Obama:
Obama wasn't a fan.
Clinton clearly was. Just look at the way he looks at Michael when he's singing in his inauguration.
We don't really know if he was invited to perform, but anyway:

I'm not sure Michael liked Obama much. It doesn't seem like he did. In the Evony interview they ask him about his election, and he just answers something about not being interested in politics (someone correct me if I'm misremembering this). Maybe Obama resented it?.

Also, Michael was close eith Jesse Jackson, and sdidn't he (Jesse Jackson) have some problems with Obama?.

About Clinton and Obama:
Obama wasn't a fan.
Clinton clearly was. Just look at the way he looks at Michael when he's singing in his inauguration.

Why wouldn't he not like Obama? He made the choice of honoring Obama in his "glimpses and clips" in TII. Michael always wanted a change in the world, especially for Blacks. I personally think Michael liked Obama. No one even knows if the invitation story is true.

Didn't Obama say he has MJ songs on his ipod?
I'm thinking this is actually Tabloid Crap now. I can't give the source I found it on as it was a while ago so can't exactly remember, I'll try find it though.

Obama did personally send a letter to Michael's family though giving his condolences. But, when somebody comes out and says something about this people always complain saying they're only doing it for the publicity etc. but then when they don't people say it's disrespectful. :ermm:
I don't think obama hated michael, I also believe a vise versa scenario to be just as false. What I think happened was, obama sent an invite to MJ but MJ declined due to external problems. Michael is extremely proud of his race and he would put aside all his hate(if he had any that is) if it meant preforming in front of a black president.

Obama had no reason to reject Michael from the ceremony. Controversy could not have spurred if MJ attended.. it's just impossible!
We don't really know if he was invited to perform, but anyway:

I'm not sure Michael liked Obama much. It doesn't seem like he did. In the Evony interview they ask him about his election, and he just answers something about not being interested in politics (someone correct me if I'm misremembering this). Maybe Obama resented it?.

Also, Michael was close eith Jesse Jackson, and sdidn't he (Jesse Jackson) have some problems with Obama?.

About Clinton and Obama:
Obama wasn't a fan.
Clinton clearly was. Just look at the way he looks at Michael when he's singing in his inauguration.

I read a report where a person said that Michael told them he cried when Obama was elected because he thought he would be good for the world.
He did? :blink:

Yup! here's what clinton said:

“He basically helped save my party from terrible financial distress, so he was very kind to me personally,”
"He was an immensely gifted man and I think he basically meant well,”
“I know about all the trouble he had in his life and I hope he will be remembered for his contribution as an artist. I hope his children turn out well. That would be the greatest tribute you could have.”
People would had accused him of such. If Obama got on tv and said he was sorry about Michael's death, I would bet 1 million dollars right now that fans would be screaming he wasn't sincere. So, people would complain either way.

That's true. Over in England both Gordon Brown and David Cameron released statement about MJ and they were accused of basically using MJ's death to get some popularity points.
First of all every president comes out and makes a statement regarding someone extremely well known who had died. It does not matter what he had to do because he normally does not do it it is done by the people designated to deal with the media and issue statements. Obama did not have to take time out of his day to write this out. Other heads of states were busy too and they still made a statement. When presidents' release statements they are doing it for their citizens who are in grief for the person. Obama released a statement about Walter Cronkite immediately.
First of all every president comes out and makes a statement regarding someone extremely well known who had died. It does not matter what he had to do because he normally does not do it it is done by the people designated to deal with the media and issue statements. Obama did not have to take time out of his day to write this out. Other heads of states were busy too and they still made a statement. When presidents' release statements they are doing it for their citizens who are in grief for the person. Obama released a statement about Walter Cronkite immediately.

Exactly. I think black people should celebrate and love Michael more than anyone in the music industry. He was the only black artist that crossed barriers and reached such an amazing international fame. The feeling I get is that they do not appreciate Michael like they should . This girl told me yesterday that she would cry if Lil Wayne died not Michael,and that Lil Wayne has done so much for the black community, together with Tupac. Obama should have embraced Michael more than any other president IMO.