Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only


I imagine the journalist: a green trainee unsure of himself and with a serious lack of knowledge hesitating with his pencil and rubber eraser over a piece of rough sheet of paper on which he attempts to write a half-baked article.

He could have probably written something like this:

-After his first solo album "BAD" (a song about a rat), Michael Jackson surprises everyone with his smashing hit album "OFF WE GO" in 1979 produced by Grace Jones. The real surprise, however, came out with his next album "KILLER" in 1983 (also produced by G. Jones) accompanied by the masterpiece video with his red jacket in a cafe bar where two gangs confront each other.
In 1985 Michael writes a song with Lionel Wealthy "Africa for U.S.A." similar to the song "Feed the World" from the 1991 album "DANCEROUS".
In 1987 Michael surprises us again with his smashing album "BEN" (I'm Ben, I'm Ben, ... Who's Ben?)
After "DANCEROUS", Michael comes back with "HISTERY" album.
Finally, in 2001 we get "INVISIBLE".

And la crème de la crème, after several best ofs and the soundtrack of the last musical "THAT'S IT", the fans are eagerly awaiting a brand new album rumoured to be called "THE FEATURE". The album will come out sooner or later and will feature Will Smith, Kenny Krawitch and John Branca.

The first single will probably be the duet with Kenny Krawitch "Another Part of Day".

John Allist

Bumper Snippet - you always crack me up- you are very creative! :hysterical:
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

yeah but I don't think Thriller sold much on cassette. It was mainly sold on CD I believe.

And I don't think the illegal copies was very good, so people was more likely then ready to buy the original back then. Today you can copy a CD so you can't hear the diffrence.

When Thriller first came out in Dec 1982 it was sold as vinyl hence the 9 tracks, and cassette.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

So I'm guessing 10 million is very good, and albums don't often pass that mark..??

As other ppl have mentioned, the music industry sales have changed significantly since Invincible in 2001. Nowadays if an album sells over 8 million worldwide it is a huge achievement.

I truly truly hope and pray this new album sells phenomenally well and outsells Thriller. But, realistically, I can't imagine it would happen simply because ofthe state of music today (even though Michael could very well change that as he did with OTW and Thriller).

As Wybt pointed out Thriller was a one of a kind, once in a lifetime phenomenon. Every single interplanetary star and the cosmos lined up to make it the HUGE HUGE success it was. The revolutionary videos, the breaking of the color barrier on MTV, the Motown 25, the Grammys, the glove, the Pepsi accident, and let's not forget the absolutely amazing album and talent that was Michael J Jackson. Look, even the media absolutely just couldn't get enough of Michael believe it or not. Everybody loved him !

How can you repeat that or even try to surpass that. We know Michael tried every single time, and failed every single time. And what was totally unfair was that all his albums after Thriller were absolutely wonderful and were commercially incredibly successful. But because everybody had set the bar too high- it seemed to critics and the rest those albums were not good enough. Sometimes I feel Thriller was a two-edged sword.

It is a fact that his death has had a huge impact in the music industry. In one year his entire catalogue has sold over 35 million worldwide, and even though I know ppl will have a huge interest in this album and it will sell very very well, I still don't see, realistically that it will sell 70 million plus.

I would love it if it happened, and I hope I'm wrong. Nothing would make me happier and especially Michael happier than his new album outselling Thriller like he always wanted. But, I do know it will be a huge, huge success and be special in its own way. :D
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only


As other ppl have mentioned, the music industry sales have changed significantly since Invincible in 2001. Nowadays if an album sells over 8 million worldwide it is a huge achievement.

I truly truly hope and pray this new album sells phenomenally well and outsells Thriller. But, realistically, I can't imagine it would happen simply because ofthe state of music today (even though Michael could very well change that as he did with OTW and Thriller).

As Wybt pointed out Thriller was a one of a kind, once in a lifetime phenomenon. Every single interplanetary star and the cosmos lined up to make it the HUGE HUGE success it was. The revolutionary videos, the breaking of the color barrier on MTV, the Motown 25, the Grammys, the glove, the Pepsi accident, and let's not forget the absolutely amazing album and talent that was Michael J Jackson. Look, even the media absolutely just couldn't get enough of Michael believe it or not. Everybody loved him !

How can you repeat that or even try to surpass that. We know Michael tried every single time, and failed every single time. And what was totally unfair was that all his albums after Thriller were absolutely wonderful and were commercially incredibly successful. But because everybody had set the bar too high- it seemed to critics and the rest those albums were not good enough. Sometimes I feel Thriller was a two-edged sword.

It is a fact that his death has had a huge impact in the music industry. In one year his entire catalogue has sold over 35 million worldwide, and even though I know ppl will have a huge interest in this album and it will sell very very well, I still don't see, realistically that it will sell 70 million plus.

I would love it if it happened, and I hope I'm wrong. Nothing would make me happier and especially Michael happier than his new album outselling Thriller like he always wanted. But, I do know it will be a huge, huge success and be special in its own way. :D

i guess we all have opinions on the definition of success then. i don't agree that the Thriller success was the only phenomenal success in MJ's life. i don't give the media any credit. i believe that MJ's success came and still comes in many phases. i believe that as long as you have the 'starstruck' quality, then your success remains. Michael did what no other person ever did. retain that 'starstruck' quality throughout his life. so i believe each album was a phenomenal success. just because the media hated him, doesn't mean his albums weren't still selling. just because a certain member or members of the population said hateful things, doesn't mean a certain other segment wasn't literally worshipping him. there are so many ways to look at it. it's just a matter of perspective. but, i truly believe the unshakeable fact is...if you cause people to be starstruck, you remain a lucrative viable entity. not that it matters what rolling stone magazine says, but in the middle of their most intense putrid hatred of him,(long after the Thriller era) they outed themselves in recognizes what everyone recognizes if they are willing to concede to it in thought...Michael had the qualities that made him retain his..what rollingstone called...viability. and rollingstone openly hated him for it, out of envy, because he was the only one who had that kind of viability.

everybody wishes to have what Michael never lost. and that is...the midas touch...the starstruck quality. not to be bottom line speak about it...but if you remain starstruck, you remain the top notch viable brand. no matter how the media tries to spin against it. if this weren't true of Michael, then the media would've stopped being threatened by him a long time ago, and he would've ceased to be talked about, period.

that's why every celebrity dreams to ask only one thing. whether publicity be good or bad...just don't let there be indifference. and the difference between Michael and all the others was he didn't do anything bad to get bad publicity. bad publicity was invented for him. and it was he who other celebrities looked at, and decided that they wanted any publicity. even bad publicity. and, unfortunately, they did bad things to get it.

no matter what people want to say..they can never accuse MJ's career to be a victim of indifference. so his lifetime career is the most successful of all time. and changes in media can't change that.

and as far as Michael trying to repeat a kind of success. no. his family members spoke of how he was confident in his music. and, usually, if a person is trying to repeat one kind of success..they put out the same thing that got them that success in the first place. it's clear that MJ didn't do that. in fact, because of peoples' centophobia, they complained about how MJ's next album did NOT sound like the last one. they complained about too many ballads, or over production..or this..or that. because he was willing to write what was in his heart, and not what people expected. and in the end..people ended up buying his music later, when they thought they would not, earlier. he didn't look like a person that kept trying to repeat something. as a matter of fact, he rested for twelve years and did nothing as far as putting out something new.

MJ sold out the o2 as if he had just released Thriller. they say an artist is only as good as their last album.

you do the math. lol
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

The new MJ album should sell well, there is no doubt about that but how well?

Well, this depends on the content of the album and of course the approach Sony use to promote it.

If the content sounds contempory and there several of the songs can be released as singles then this may generate the longevity it needs, IF Sony choose to promote the album and the singles properly. MJ isn't around to promote it himself, so Sony and the Estate will have to come up with some interesting ideas to capture the public's attention.

I think they'll need the following as a minimum:

multiple Singles releases
Innovative music videos that will make people go "Wow!"
Promotion from the collaborators who worked with MJ (TV appearances, magazine interviews etc.)
Interesting TV special(s) about MJ

If the album achieves sales momentum beyond the first couple of months then it could perhaps sell up to 8 million copies in the first year of release, but I think this is optimistic. The TII album was a great success and was boosted by the popularity of the film, great reviews and by MJ's death and it sold just short of 6 million copies so far. But in most territories, sales of Number Ones have now overtaken sales of TII. According to SC05's figures (which are being greeted with much scepticism on one music sales forum I visit), Number Ones has now sold just around 11million copies in 7 years. Though it has always been a steady catalogue seller for MJ around the world, it was boosted greatly by MJ's death.

If you look at the biggest selling artists of the last few years, such as Lady Gaga, Coldplay and Susan Boyle you see that sales of 10million copies is an incredible feat these days, even when they put so much effort into personally promoting their material with tours and music videos etc. 10 million copies is not repeated often.

As we all know MJ can't tour to promote the album or singles. He can't make any promotional appearances. In other words he has a significant disadvantage. That is why I place my estimate with 8 million as the upper limit for the new MJ album (first year).

Over time this will increase, but unless the public take this album onboard as an MJ classic, sales will settle to a low level as they did for HIStory, BOTD and Vince, which are all routinely outsold by MJs other albums because the public don't consider them to be the best MJ albums. Sales of OTW, Thriller, Bad and to a certain extent Dangerous will always be the strongest because of their iconic status.

Assuming the album can achieve sales of 8 million in the first year, then I guess it's possible for the album to reach 13million over the first 10 years (an average of just over 10500 copies per week from the end of year 1 to end of year 10), but I would say that is unlikely with the way the music market is at the moment. Certainly those who are expecting sales in excess of 15 million within that timeframe are going to be very disappointed.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Regarding the new album, I'm actually surprised they really put out a new album full of new tracks. I thought they would bother us with best of albums including two new tracks every two years.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

When Thriller first came out in Dec 1982 it was sold as vinyl hence the 9 tracks, and cassette.

Had you taken time to read throug the thread you would have noticed that I already have corrected myself, I meant LP (vinyl).

But I agree with most that sales over 10 million will be a HUGE succes, but I actually think it will sell 15 million in 4-5 years if the songs are good and with heavy promotion. It all depends on the material though.

But as someone said, I think it was GinnyJackson, we the fans shall help promoting the album as good as we can. I now that this year ALL the gifts I give for X-mas will be this album. To friends and family etc. We can help promote the album via myspace, twitter, facebook, make arrangements, meet-ups to celebrate MJ and especially the new album - ALL that will bring attention on the new album will be positive!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Yes and we should all help promote the singles if there are any.

We should all make frequent requests for the song(s) to be played on local radio stations and Music TV stations. With demand from the listeners, the songs will get airplay and with airplay, sales could be boosted, which in turn could help album sales.
MJ didn't received a lot of airplay in the years before he died and after the failure that was the TII song, radio may not be so willing to play another new MJ song quite so willingly.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Yes and we should all help promote the singles if there are any.

We should all make frequent requests for the song(s) to be played on local radio stations and Music TV stations. With demand from the listeners, the songs will get airplay and with airplay, sales could be boosted, which in turn could help album sales.
MJ didn't received a lot of airplay in the years before he died and after the failure that was the TII song, radio may not be so willing to play another new MJ song quite so willingly.

:clapping: :punk::punk::punk: :clapping:

Very right you are! Couldn't agree more. The radios have to bee blown away with requests for the new MJ songs!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Also we can do fanmade music videos remixes and things and promote the whole album.maybe we can play a big role in the sales :)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only


Yeah. The more attention the album gets the more it will sell.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

That's what I said.We are living in the digital era where we can share everything.why not making this our advantage?:)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only


We can easily make it our advantage. I can't make videos, but there are many members here who makes great videos. So we can do that.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

I(personally) will make videos.Some of us can post on their blogs/twitter/facebook/myspace etc.some of us can make photoshop edits,drawings dunno.there are many ways to promote it :).And also for me and others impersonators we can make shows and things like this.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

I know we are expecting a new DVD to coincide with the new album (whenever that is)... but October / November will be a bumper month if all goes to plan as Sony have just announced a re-release -

No further word yet - only that it will be timed with the planned 3D software update for the PS3 in October. :)

I was waiting to get a 3D TV until next year - but this could be a nice Christmas gift!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

I can tell you that Sony is expecting US sales of near 2 million, with additional overseas sales of 5 million for a total of atleast 7 million. Anything over 10 million is very unrealistic in today's music industry. Very few artists can achieve this, I can only think of a select few in the past two years who have achieved it (Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, etc) and they were hugely popular! Remember, even though MJ's new album will sell well, it's not going to have the same momentum and staying power as a modern superstar who is constantly performing and promoting the material. If this album sells over 2 million copies in the US (and I think it will), that would be a great success for a man who isn't even alive to promote it.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

I am sure the brand new's album will reach the 10 millions copies !!!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

What's the case with Teddy Riley? I'd love to know how many finished songs he has.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

^ There are several songs finished by Teddy Riley. A few album cuts from Dangerous, then of course the Invincible recordings. In total there are 6 finished songs I am aware of with a couple demos that aren't releasable. All of these will not be making the album of course. From what I'm told there will just be 1 or 2 making the cut.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Teddy Riley just saying on his twitter that he want ask to the estate to put the song "family thing"(song written for the movie adams family value) on the new mj's album. The song is a true classic in his opinion
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Teddy Riley just saying on his twitter that he want ask to the estate to put the song "family thing"(song written for the movie adams family value) on the new mj's album. The song is a true classic in his opinion

What's his account name on Twitter? I can't find him using the search function there.

Edit: It's okay, I found him. I assumed that he'd be verified.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Teddy Riley just saying on his twitter that he want ask to the estate to put the song "family thing"(song written for the movie adams family value) on the new mj's album. The song is a true classic in his opinion

Didn't MJ write Ghost for Adams family? - And then got out of the contract?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

^ I don't see this update on Riley's account. Where are you looking?

NVM I found it. It's not on Riley's twitter but instead another producer friend of Riley's was writing it to him.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Didn't MJ write Ghost for Adams family? - And then got out of the contract?

I think they cancelled his contract when the 93 allegations were made public. I don't think he 'got out' of it.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

It was Is It Scary, actually.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only


Can we expect all 3 Will.I.Am tracks to make the final cut?

(I'm Dreamin', The Future, Missin' You..)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

There's more than three. They worked on seven.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

^ I want to confirm that no official tracklist has been sent to me. I know about as much as you do as for what tracks will make the album. Everything I know I have told you, that is:

-songs from Will.i.am, Teddy Riley, and Rodney Jerkins are going to make the cut, along with the Lenny Kravitz track. There will also be a cut from the Cascio recordings as well. Given that there are only 10 tracks slated for the album, if I had to guess I'd say it would go something like this.

1. (Will.i.am)

2. (Will.i.am)

3. (Teddy Riley)

4. (Teddy Riley)

5. (Rodney Jerkins)

6. (Rodney Jerkins)

7. (Rodney Jerkins)

8. (Cascio)

9. (Lenny Kravitz)

10. (MJ)

Keep in mind that MJ co-wrote and composed much of the material with Will, Jerkins, and Riley. He will get a co-writing credit for most tracks. He might even get one for Another Day as his version changed dramatically from the Lenny verison originally. Remember, the producers are going to get more credit this time around because MJ is not in the studio making those last minute changes as he usually is. They basically have MJ's original product and they can spice it up from there if needed. Don't worry, I'm sure there is going to be some great tracks here.
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