Michael & the KFC Problem

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Ok everybody, now that we have had a chance to discuss this a bit off topic, let's try to stick to the original topic about MJ and his eating KFC. If you cannot stay on that topic, please, by all means create a thread that discusses the pros and cons of eating meat or being a vegetarian in the General Discussion thread.


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...and this is why I can't stand most vegetarians. Michael liked KFC, so what? I like it too.

I'm sorry if I come off as rude but the OP sounded overwhelmingly preachy. If you want to be a vegetarian, great for you, buy seriously? That kind of post belongs in PETA or some other like organization, in my opinion.

Eating meat doesn't make you a bad person. It's a lifestyle choice--just like yours. Besides, how are you so sure that plants don't suffer too? Just because they can't express it? You're still killing something, no matter what. May as well not eat at all.

i've lost count of the amount of times amygrace has said she doesn't think eating meat is bad, it's the way the animals are treated in the process of farming that's immoral.

i would say michael probably just didn't know about the cruelty involved, michael was a kind, caring person and i'm sure he would have cared.
You know, I've had people come up to me and ask me: Why are you a vegetarian? With this look of wonder in their eyes. But I can't even really explain. It just who I am, it's very normal to me. I might ask them: Why do you eat meat?
Perhaps I'm just too sensitive, I dunno. I'm thinking about a lot of stuff... I would never be able to hurt an animal. When I look them in the eyes and see their personality and see how much they love life too... No, no, no meat for me. :no: I've been a vegetarian for 22 years now, no problem at all!
I've never judged or tried to convert other people who do eat meat. It's everybody's own choice, right?
Rockin. said:
I think there are seperate issues here, there is the issue of cruelty (the conditions and how the animals are treated whilst they are alive), and there is the issue of killing animals for meat.
Yes. I only mean to bring up the issue of cruelty, not just the act of killing animals for food. It wouldn't be a bad thing if they were treated humanely but they are not.

MJsBollywoodGirl7 said:
my late grandmother has always said that God has put animals on Earth for people to eat.
Aw. I don't think that's the case for all animals that are eaten. But again the issue isn't really whether it's ok to eat meat...just about helping to change the way they are treated. Animals certainly weren't born to be tortured.

Rockin. said:
Guys, amygrace loves and respects Michael, I don't think she meant to sound like she was having a go at him.
Thank you for backing me up. :huggy: This post was in no way meant to look down at Michael or criticize him. I understand many of you are sensitive because many people do try to keep finding things wrong with him, but that's not what I was doing and I hoped you all would recognize that. I tried to make that clear.

ThunderPower said:
The problem with these animal rights activists are that most of them are a part of PETA. PETA took in over 2500 animals last year (2009). Out of those, they adopted 8 and euthanized the rest. Why are these statistics ignored?
Being euthanized sure beats being tortured. It's not about death itself...it's about how they die.

IvoryKeys said:
I do not question his love of animals and for their proper care. He's so in-tune to all those things. Does anyone also remember when he WAS a vegetarian in the 80's? I mean, I think it was then that he realized some of the cruelty that was put on animals just to be produced for consumers. But with his rigorous schedules and activity, I think he couldn't stay away from real, natural protein in his diet. So he had to go back to eating meat.
I certainly don't question his love for animals either...it just didn't match up for me that he was eating KFC so it made me curious. I do know he went vegetarian a couple times. From what I read it was just for personal health issues. Of course, we don't really know and I guess it doesn't matter. Was just curious. It is understandable that with his crazy schedule he would go for fast food. If I were in his position I'd hire some kind of vegan cook to prepare all kinds of good stuff for me while I'm out on the road! Yumm. Still totally not judging him though.

Rockin. said:
Do you know Jamie Oliver? Chef from England who is basically the face of Sainsburys supermarket..? He has a campaign going trying to get all the supermarkets etc to ONLY sell chicken from more humane suppliers.
Oh..never heard of him before. How wonderful though! Thanks for the links.

Naytobes said:
I guess the question I ask to you Amygrace...is do you have a problem with organic meat? I mean, I know they are treated better when raised, but...without upsetting anyone with this comment, their life is still ended the same way. They are still being bred for the same purpose. Do you think it's wrong to fish from the ocean when you go camping? I may catch 2 fish...and fishing boats will catch 1000's. But at the end of the day, they are caught and killed the same way.
I have no problem with animals dying humanely and living comfortable up until that point. If they are able to live as they should, with space to walk and run, enjoy their families, not be fed unnatural things, and then die humanely, it is ok. Even though (and this is just my personal view) I believe we should only eat meat if we have to. I don't like animals dying, even humanely, if it's just because people are greedy or if they are doing it for fun/sport. So that's another reason why I don't agree with fishing. Unless you NEED the fish to feed your body, I don't agree with killing them at all, no. Again, all that is just me and my personal views.

Naytobes said:
There is a big difference in emotional attachment to the whales we see in the ocean, the koalas we see in the trees and the orangutans we see struggling to survive in their homes being torn down. Much more of an attachment to the animals that are known to us as being raised for consumption...like farm animals. Chickens. They aren't becoming extinct. Their homes aren't being destroyed. Maybe this is how people see things.
Hmm, I guess I can see how some may think that way. Maybe that's the way Michael thought. But it's just...the issue is more about causing pain and suffering to them. I'd rather an animal go extinct then to keep producing offspring that suffer from the moment they are born all the way through death.

xsmooth_criminalx said:
...and this is why I can't stand most vegetarians. Michael liked KFC, so what? I like it too.
Well goodness, that's not very nice. I wasn't preachy at all, I was only curious about Michael eating KFC...and then only stated the facts about what the situation with factory farms is really like. If you want to keep eating meat, go ahead. I have no problem with that or with you. I'm only trying to rasie some awareness to help make some change for these poor animals. This post was made purely out of love.
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Posts that are off topic will be deleted. Sorry!
The topic was about Michael AND the KFC Problem. And is the key word there. As stated in my title. Please don't delete posts about the treatment of animals, that is the point of the post. The question about why Michael ate it, and what really happens to animals that you get from places like KFC. If you need to, move this to general discussion. It's not fair to delete any posts that aren't all about Michael.
i understand what everyone is saying about how animals are treated and how they are killed and turned in to well our dinner ( no offence) but it is a circle of a life. Animals kill each other and fight all the time in the wild. Indians hunted buffalo and all kinds of animals and not only ate their meat but also used everything from the fur and skins to make homes and clothes. so to say that eating meat is wrong and trying to make people feel guilty and make it seem like Michael was hypercrit for eating KFC is just im sorry to say it but pointless. We are all human and there is nothing wrong with eating animals. Yes I love animals and no i could never kill one ever but eating meat doesnt make me a bad person. I understand the arugement here but honestly this one argument that no one is going to win and no one will even care much less change their life around just to make some vegans happy. If some people want to go vegan then more power to you but me i enjoy eating meat from hamburgers, pork, chicken, steak, roats, hot dogs, and so on and i dont feel guilty about it. Its like trying to make ppl stop drinking alocholic beer and drink non alchololic bc its safer and wont get you as drunk. well thats not going to happen and to convince anyone other wise is not going to work in the slightest bc lates face it americans in general love their meat and their beer.
mjlovergurl003 - you obviously didn't read all of the posts. I wish you did before making your post...you wouldn't have had to waste time typing all that. Not saying you aren't entitled to say what you want just saying that what you said has been said and addressed already. :)
The topic was about Michael AND the KFC Problem. And is the key word there. As stated in my title. Please don't delete posts about the treatment of animals, that is the point of the post. The question about why Michael ate it, and what really happens to animals that you get from places like KFC. If you need to, move this to general discussion. It's not fair to delete any posts that aren't all about Michael.

Of course not. The topic will naturally go in that direction especially since you specifically mentioned that in your OP. But comments about pushing a particular agenda or that are just for controversial affect but are not really part of the topic would not help the conversations here.

sorry but i didnt feel like going through 5 pages of novels just to get a idea of whats been said bc no matter what i say now or said above its just going to be said again and again but others as well so who cares, sorry not being rude but its true.
I understand the point, and respect it. But not sure why Michael's being bought into it? So he liked KFC...big deal. What, should he have not eaten it so his fans wouldn't eat it? Poor guy couldn't do anything.

I agree with you I've said it time and time again that MJ fans and the media are more alike when it comes to analysing MJ's every move than what they think they are.
I'm not a vegetarian, but I'm all for spreading awareness about the living conditions of these animals absolutely. I'm well aware of it and I've seen videos where the factory farmers even seem to enjoy torturing the animals before they are sent off to be slaughtered. I don't understand that at all and it's really pointless and senseless. I think the reason animals are kept in these conditions is because it's cheaper. And well, when it comes to money, people are always going to choose the cheaper route. But I say we were able to survive before on free range farms, and I think we can do it again.

And I also think maybe Michael might not have been aware of the KFC issue.
I don't know what MJ's thoughts were on the subject, but for me, I respect vegans and vegetarians. It's their choice not to eat meat, and that's cool with me.

For me though, I love eating meat, and I just cannot see myself stopping from eating meat. I have heard the stories of how animals are dealt with when it comes to slaughtering them for food, and it is disgusting, but it doesn't bring me to the point of saying "No that's it, I'm never gonna eat meat again."

I believe animals were put on this planet by God for the purpose of helping humans nurture and feed themselves. I'm sure God isn't happy with the way the animals are killed to feed us, but at the same time, he did put them here to feed us.
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