Michael on MJJC?

If you wanna find-out who he could be.... even though I dont think he was ever on a fan board despite what anyone else says, just look at the user lists and see who hasnt logged in/posted since 6/25/10.
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If you wanna find-out who he could be.... even though I dont think he was ever on a fan board despite what anyone else says, just look at the user lists and see who hasnt logged in/posted since 6/25/10.

The owner of the board has confirmed Michael visited MJJC.

I don't think your theory would work.. It could have been way before that date he logged in along with soooo many others.. happy hunting. LOL
just to think that Michael may have even read some words i typed makes me feel all funny in a god way :)
Michael and his management team do have an account here at MJJC

It was used for information purposes only and not to interact, in other words Michael and his team used to read with interest what you all were saying.

From my knowledge I have been told MJJC was his favourite due to our high level of respect toward him and his children.


As Always

yes cute. ^^ You know you guys.. there's a lot of pictures of Michael and there's a computer around often..you'd think he knew more about the internet/computers than most thought. Plus we all know he love ebay.com

how do you know he loved ebay?? i love ebay too :)

I really hope he read my ' Michael please read and wear' thread I posted awhile back.
OMG imagine if he read the gold pants thread!!!! *jaw drops*

I believe Karen Faye told Michael about the fans likening for the gold pants.. LOL.. so he def knew fans were talking about it.
I highly doubt Michael was as computer illiterate as Travis makes out. The man had an iPhone and had computers all over his house, I think he knew how to use a computer!
I highly doubt Michael was as computer illiterate as Travis makes out. The man had an iPhone and had computers all over his house, I think he knew how to use a computer!

hahaha..I agree...for someone who loved technology, and electronics and what not..I'm sure he knew what he was doing :lol:
That's SO great that Michael and his team kept tabs on this board.

To think that Michael might have read something I typed.. *squeals*!!!!

He knew how much we all loved him :)
Well Travis Payne said MJ didn't even know you could see videos of him on YouTube so I'm not so sure...
I think Michael didn´t search for his videos on Youtube and didn´t know what to find.
But he could have searched for other artists.
I read somewhere that he loved to watch Youtube.
Maybe he didn´t know everything about computers, but I think he managed to do what he wanted.
if this is true...i wonder what date he was last logged on :(
Its pretty obvious who he was here, isnt it? That fat man of course. I didnt mean to call him names and I regret it. Sometimes I was so stupid. He didnt know it was me. Now I understand what we really lost and how much we just need to enjoy. Its all about peace and L.O.V.E..
Michael and his management team do have an account here at MJJC

It was used for information purposes only and not to interact, in other words Michael and his team used to read with interest what you all were saying.

From my knowledge I have been told MJJC was his favourite due to our high level of respect toward him and his children.

my oh my!

my heart is beating outta my chest.
to think :heart: Michael might have read a post of me written about Him... iwanna flyyyyyyyyyyy. how lucky i were and not know!!! :wub:
Yeah Travis did say something like that, still it's hard to believe that MJ was THAT ignorant about the internet....surely not?!

I can imagine him wanting to stay away from the internet for fear of coming across media articles about him or to avoid seeing any false trash that is said about him. The internet is open to anybody and everybody who wants to use it and boy do people know how to express their opinions. I don't blame him. But I don't see how Michael couldn't have known about big name websites such as youtube, facebook, myspace, etc. I'm sure he knew about them, but maybe he just never visited them to know what they are about. Or possibly he knew about youtube but wasn't aware that people actually posted videos about him. He wasn't arrogant or conceited, if you see what I mean? Michael wasn't stupid. Living in the 21st century, he knew how to use a computer.

But that is so cool if Michael has visited here. I don't doubt it one bit. I'm sure he went to a few fan forums considering he loved his fans so much. He loved the support. Makes me wonder though, what posts he made. ha. I wasn't here, obviously, when/if he was here because I joined last July. But IF sometime in the future his username is reveiled, I'd want to search for his posts out of curiosity, not to be disrespectful. I'm just curious as to what exactly he would post. ha. It would be interesting yet eerie to read.
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