Michael on MJJC?

Guys, can you stop PM-ing me about this, I don't know what his username was lol! Can you also please respect the decision that was made. Thankyou.

Oh dear! :lol:

I havent had any PM's lmao!

Edit: Btw that wasn't an invite to start PMing me to ask. I don't know either. :)
Guys, can you stop PM-ing me about this, I don't know what his username was lol! Can you also please respect the decision that was made. Thankyou.

Yes and further to that can I stop being PMed about this pretty please. Again I do not know either and don't criticise us for not revealing to everyone even if we did know. That's the decision that was made and that decision stays.
I have just one question please.....did you know that it was HIM while he was here or did you found out later ?
omg...I wish I had internet back then...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some ppl have confirmed that Michael used to visit here! A long time ago a thread was started called 'Did michael ever visit mjjcommunity?'

Some ppl in the know confirmed and revealed some information.. but would not give out his username.

Someone revealed that MJs favourite thread was one in Michaelmania about the curls (he got the curls back around May 2009 for the concerts and we were all so excited about this).

Another thread was made about MJs hair in spring 2009 and a few ppl knewing MJ was lurking did bump the thread so he could find it. When the thread went to page 2, MJ could not find it/didnt know how to see it LOL.. so they bumped it so he could se it.. haha
^^^^^^^Wow. Do you have the links to the threads about his hair that he liked?
Privacy? He's.......nevermind.

I don't see what the problem would be divulging his username, unless he was a frequent poster masquerading as someone else, which I could totally see Mike doing lol.

Oh well, would've been cool to know :(.
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Some ppl have confirmed that Michael used to visit here! A long time ago a thread was started called 'Did michael ever visit mjjcommunity?'

Some ppl in the know confirmed and revealed some information.. but would not give out his username.

Someone revealed that MJs favourite thread was one in Michaelmania about the curls (he got the curls back around May 2009 for the concerts and we were all so excited about this).

Another thread was made about MJs hair in spring 2009 and a few ppl knewing MJ was lurking did bump the thread so he could find it. When the thread went to page 2, MJ could not find it/didnt know how to see it LOL.. so they bumped it so he could se it.. haha

I remember all of that! :giggle:
^^^^^^^Wow. Do you have the links to the threads about his hair that he liked?
I'm assuming this is the spring hair question thread we're talking about. I remember reading this whole thing. Can't believe I didn't post in it myself. I strongly warn you, though, that it hurts soooo bad to look through these old threads. Really consider if you can handle it before clicking :cry: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=61796

The famous May 30th 'curls are back' thread :boohoo:
Me too! :wild: And Michael was also in "dark love", remember? :wub: :heart:

Yes i remember!

I remember all of us in that thread were so excited! hehe

How i miss those days...:cry:
YES , thats the one i was refering 2!

i remember it so vidly.

So do I. I was 15 back then and I remember MTV did something about that back then. And with me being the way that I was back then when it came to Michael. I had taped it. I had taped everything when it came to Michael back then still do now. And I still have all of that I had taped about Michael on like tons of blank video tapes.

You know I remember all of these stories about Michael. And it just making cry again. Knowing that all of this is in the past now. :weeping: I so very wish we could relive these experiences again. :sad: :boohoo:
So do I. I was 15 back then and I remember MTV did something about that back then. And with me being the way that I was back then when it came to Michael. I had taped it. I had taped everything when it came to Michael back then still do now. And I still have all of that I had taped about Michael on like tons of blank video tapes.

I did the exact same thing as you ...back in the day...and I still have my video tapes too....
Well Travis Payne said MJ didn't even know you could see videos of him on YouTube so I'm not so sure...

I kind of shake my head about the comment that Travis Payne made...I mean, he had a computer in his bedroom, the Bashir interview (the beginning) is in a room full of technology and didn't he have something like 20 Macbooks or something similarly insane?

Somebody who is that savvy in a recording studio can probably figure out a computer...

Even in 95 was a while back, I'm somehow thinking MJ was quite in the know...

I'm thinking he was pulling a bit of a joke there saying "oh, really?" He might not have googled every concert from the Dangerous Tour, but I'm sure he was quite aware of some of the ahem, Pants Appreciation Societies out there. I can only imagine what went on in his head reading some of the fan fiction, for example. :doh::wild::cheers:
Huh ok so I know he visited this forum, but I didn't know he possibly visited a German forum under the name Dr. Heat OMG :toofunny: I found this pretty funny thread on MaxJax about that http://www.maximum-jackson.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=6922

I know...warum hat mir denn keiner Bescheid gesagt??? Why didn't anybody friggin' tell me???????? :*****::hysterical::hysterical:

Would have loved to talk to Dr Heat. :wild:

"Germany loves you, Michael!" "And I love Germany!" Hehe.
I'm assuming this is the spring hair question thread we're talking about. I remember reading this whole thing. Can't believe I didn't post in it myself. I strongly warn you, though, that it hurts soooo bad to look through these old threads. Really consider if you can handle it before clicking :cry: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=61796

The famous May 30th 'curls are back' thread :boohoo:

yep I went through that thread sometime ago.....reading every single post, the love, the adoration, the anticipation, the longing...........it just breaks my heart. :cry:
^^^^^^^Wow. Do you have the links to the threads about his hair that he liked?

1) Here is the thread "Did Michael ever visist MJJC?". The ones in the know confirms and reveals some stuff. Check out page 6.. two people confirming it.

I'm assuming this is the spring hair question thread we're talking about.
No, that is not the thread (and wrong thread u linked to hehe). The thread Im talking about was called " Michael Jacksons hair". Here is the link to that thread. Check out page 4 and you can see someone "bumping" it.. Quote: "Bumping this one cuz someone was looking for it". KB50MJ, hey, I can see you writing a post just after someone bumped it! :D Some ppl also made fun of MJs hair (babyhair) becasue they knew MJ was lurking.. LOL. All information is revealed in the first thread that I linked (Did MJ ever visist MMJC).


The famous May 30th 'curls are back' thread :boohoo:

Yes.. here is the other one.. sigh
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Yeah Travis did say something like that, still it's hard to believe that MJ was THAT ignorant about the internet....surely not?!

Michael wasn't ignorant about the Internet. If you followed the trial, he had several computers (all Macintosh BTW), one in his master bedroom and he did use the Internet according to what they found on those computers.
Michaels name in here ? not sure but he was very elusive :)
So do I. I was 15 back then and I remember MTV did something about that back then. And with me being the way that I was back then when it came to Michael. I had taped it. I had taped everything when it came to Michael back then still do now. And I still have all of that I had taped about Michael on like tons of blank video tapes.

You know I remember all of these stories about Michael. And it just making cry again. Knowing that all of this is in the past now. :weeping: I so very wish we could relive these experiences again. :sad: :boohoo:

Yep i did all that too! taped everything & anything MJ - and i still do like u!

I feel the same. I was just watching "this is it" a few mins ago and i couldnt help but wonder why'' & what if".

I tried so hard not 2 watch it till june 25......but i just had 2 see it.
I kind of shake my head about the comment that Travis Payne made...I mean, he had a computer in his bedroom, the Bashir interview (the beginning) is in a room full of technology and didn't he have something like 20 Macbooks or something similarly insane?

Somebody who is that savvy in a recording studio can probably figure out a computer...

Even in 95 was a while back, I'm somehow thinking MJ was quite in the know...

I'm thinking he was pulling a bit of a joke there saying "oh, really?" He might not have googled every concert from the Dangerous Tour, but I'm sure he was quite aware of some of the ahem, Pants Appreciation Societies out there. I can only imagine what went on in his head reading some of the fan fiction, for example. :doh::wild::cheers:

I enjoyed your post....and I agree.....people need to give Michael more credit...he was a VERY wise man..:)
I think he might have been surprised like Travis said, but not because he didn't know how to use computer, but because he didn't bother to google himself.