Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each turn 30

Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

It never ceases to amaze how the media spins and spins until it stops making ANY kind of sense! That TMZ article - wow! That is a spin I had not thought of. Bless 'em. LOL.
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

I have a question all the asset (I speak about atv, mijac the master and not about property like neverland) that is currently own by the estate must be keep in the trust forever or do the kid could sold them when they will have 30 and 40 years old ?
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

It never ceases to amaze how the media spins and spins until it stops making ANY kind of sense! That TMZ article - wow! That is a spin I had not thought of. Bless 'em. LOL.

I agree. They are just trying to spin the information in this case. In valuable estates it's quite common to not give the children control until they are 21/25/30 years old. We are not talking about a few thousand dollars, this is an estate that worths millions and quite possible billions of dollars.

Spreading out it to 30/35/40 age is actually very good. He just planned so that they wouldn't be left penniless if they are taken advantage of or scammed or spent/lost all money.

and like I said before it's not like he limited them to the income they'll get from the estate. He gave them the option to ask for additional money for life related expenses (education, buying property, marriage, business).

One thing TMZ got right is that even though they are getting and going to get income for a while, the amount will grow as the executors bring in business. And in Michael's case ,worlds biggest entertainer, believe me this "income" that the kids getting will be hugeeeee !!!
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Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

OT: Ivy - thank you for the work that you do! You are always clear and concise in your answers to the multiplicity of questions asked. You are a HUGE asset to MJJC. Bless you.

Back on topic: I am much like 144,000 when it comes to the media. I find them infuriating, annoying and amusing in turns.

This trust shows that Michael Jackson had a good head on his shoulders and planned for the future. Unfortunately the media (who has egg on their face AGAIN) cannot backtrack and acknowledge that they misrepresented Michael's acumen. Instead they have to find a 'negative' in it.

It happened when the FBI were released.

It happened when the autopsy report was released.

Everytime they posit a Michael Jackson narrative that seeks to destroy his legacy, Michael Jackson, from beyond the grave, continues to prove them wrong. UNRBEAKABLE.
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

thank u ivy and memefan for everything.
tmz and other tabloid think that we don't have brain but they also know that they can't fool mj fans but they can do that to those idiots who believe them (we have lot of people in this world who has egg on thier shoulder.)
i feel sorry for that harvey fool and bunch of idiots he hired to sit with him and make fun of other people with their low IQ.
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

Michael was so with it, and made sure his children will never want for anything: :heart: I think it was an inspired idea for the children to receive the money in instalments and not until 30 years old. When kids come into money I'm sure it's tempting to blow it, but PPB will be fully fledged adults by the time they receive huge lump sums.
What great thinking by Michael and his legal team.

Thanks for posting all this guys. Question though, who are Levon, Elijah and Anthony? Are they Joe's nephews? Sweet of Michael to include them. And so sweet of him to include Taj, Taryl and Tito Jr.
Why does it make mention of Debbie Rowe in particular?
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

Michael Jackson created a BEAUTIFUL trust fund for his children.
God Bless, Michael Jackson, please allow him to continue to watch over his children: :wub:
Prince, Paris, and Blanket.
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

Michael was so with it, and made sure his children will never want for anything: :heart: I think it was an inspired idea for the children to receive the money in instalments and not until 30 years old. When kids come into money I'm sure it's tempting to blow it, but PPB will be fully fledged adults by the time they receive huge lump sums.
What great thinking by Michael and his legal team.

Thanks for posting all this guys. Question though, who are Levon, Elijah and Anthony? Are they Joe's nephews? Sweet of Michael to include them. And so sweet of him to include Taj, Taryl and Tito Jr.
Why does it make mention of Debbie Rowe in particular?
LEvon, ElijAH Anthony, Taj, Taryll and TJ only get money if Michael's three living children die under 30 wihtout any offspring of their own ((all three of them need to pass without of offspring of their own before any monies go to any of the contingent remainder beneficiaries)) if one passes and the two survive the passed one's share will be equally distributed to the other two, if s/he doesn't have kids by the time)
Anthony. Levon, Elijah are his cousins.
Debbie is mentionend particularly b/c as Ivy stated she's in the position to claim spousal support as she didn't remarry after Michael and has got kids with him.
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Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

TMZ's comments section are actually praising Michael for this which I'm shocked at. The kids are worth millions now, in a few years that will be increased. They are going to have people try and come into their lives and try and take advantage of them. Michael was so smart how he set this up and a lot of wealthy people have similar trusts for their kids as it encourages them to forge their own careers, rather than simply living off their inherited millions which the kids could easily do with the money they have coming in. 21 is no age to have all that money-I'm only 24 and even though I regard myself a mature I am not mature enough to have that all at my disposal. The kids will never have to worry about money which is exactly what Michael wanted for them.
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

The profitable assets will be kept and when the children come to the predetermined age, they'll become the owners of the such assets. Ex: when it's time Prince, Paris and Blanket will become equal owners of the catalog.

Predermined age? So, they will become owners at the cataloge and the other assets when they are 40?

- Also this document shows what I have been saying all along, executors do not have unlimited power, they can't do whatever they want. If requested (currently by Katherine and the children's lawyer and later by children when they turn 18) executors are to give the accounting of the business deals, money earned and spent to the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries (MJ's kids and his mother) is protected against fraud and intentional wrongdoing by the executors.

Does this means the kids can object to some of the deals the executors are making? Ive heard some ppl saying the executors cant sell the catalogues becasue theya re secured in the trust, while other claim they can do whatever they wanna do with the estates assets.

Thank you very much for the answers here, i really appreciate it. Having a hard time understanding "law-language" LOL
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

what a beautiful a father could do for his children to make sure that id financial stable for the future and well taken care of

god bless michael
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

LEvon, ElijAH Anthony, Taj, Taryll and TJ only get money if Michael's three living children die under 30 wihtout any offspring of their own (all three of them if one passes and the two survive the passed one's share will be equally distributed to the other two, if s/he doesn't have kids by the time)
Anthony. Levon, Elijah are his cousins.
Debbie is mentionend particularly b/c as Ivy stated she's in the position to claim spousal support as she didn't remarry after Michael and has got kids with him.

Oh yeah :S I get it now. But it shows Michael thought a lot of them to include their names. Thanks!
Ohh, thanks for the info on Debbie too. Mike had all his bases covered.
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

I see this as a good will/trust. As for the family , they are pissed. Maybe this is why Janet and Rebbie are throwing Michael under the bus with the addiction statement. I believe in life he gave them , they had the same opportunities as him they all started at the same time. He just made out better. I just see a lot of Cousin Love going to be going on . Who every attaches themselves to PP&B can benefit . Like Latoya trying to be Paris's favorite aunt. Jermaine putting Jafaar and Jermesty as Prince's bff's . The only thing i am looking for is ,If Katherind dies does no other family member become guardian , That means Katherine has to stay alive for at least 10 more years until Prince and Paris are 21.
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

Oh yeah :S I get it now. But it shows Michael thought a lot of them to include their names. Thanks!
Ohh, thanks for the info on Debbie too. Mike had all his bases covered.
Yes it says a lot that those were considered as contingent remainder beneficiaries but other folks weren't says a lot indeed. i'm glad that he had everything covered.
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

Yes it says a lot that those were considered as contingent remainder beneficiaries but other folks weren't says a lot indeed. i'm glad that he had everything covered.

Smart man!
PLUS can we just comment on how amazing Mike was to give 20% of his estate to charity?
He was 100% sincere all along. Can the media please pick up on that?
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

TMZ's comments section are actually praising Michael for this which I'm shocked at. The kids are worth millions now, in a few years that will be increased. They are going to have people try and come into their lives and try and take advantage of them. Michael was so smart how he set this up and a lot of wealthy people have similar trusts for their kids as it encourages them to forge their own careers, rather than simply living off their inherited millions which the kids could easily do with the money they have coming in. 21 is no age to have all that money-I'm only 24 and even though I regard myself a mature I am not mature enough to have that all at my disposal. The kids will never have to worry about money which is exactly what Michael wanted for them.

Yes I agree, it's better that they don't have access to the all that money until they are much older.

I hope they do pick the right people to be around though, but since Michael was such a great father I am confident that they will.
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

Does this means the kids can object to some of the deals the executors are making? Ive heard some ppl saying the executors cant sell the catalogues becasue theya re secured in the trust, while other claim they can do whatever they wanna do with the estates assets.

Executors cannot do whatever they want with the assets. 1) they have to follow the provisions (rules) mentioned in this trust 2) they have to follow California laws related to trusts and 3) they have to report to the beneficiaries (Katherine and the MJ's kids - currently through their lawyer, directly to them after they turn 18).

If they don't follow the provisions, laws and participate in fraud or intentional wrongdoing beneficiaries can take them to court.

It's the same thing for any trust.

The only thing i am looking for is ,If Katherind dies does no other family member become guardian , That means Katherine has to stay alive for at least 10 more years until Prince and Paris are 21.

You are considered an adult when you are 18. When Prince turns 18 he can become the guardian for Paris and Blanket as well (as he's the next of kin).
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

THEY always make a mistake. ALWAYS!

Deception "WILL" run its course and as elements of both "conspiracy" and reality start to merge, many brains will do somersaults.

This me-me-me ness is stale and "played". Satans Claws need clipping. Soon to be asserted!

OPEN your eyes &

Keep WATCHIN'.......


Realize that works of FICTION have helped reshape perception of many historical FACTS. It doesn't take much effort to draw reasonable conclusions about obvious "slight of hands".

Keep WATCHIN'......

Oh 'back', you're doing a number on my mind with this one......

The Trust Document info is very interesting to me in that Michael clearly did not want his immediate family members except his Mother and his kids to have anything at all to do with his Estate, he could've over the years, especially post trial included them but still did'nt. All I know is, I just hope that at the end of the day Michael's true wishes are honored.
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Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

About keeping / selling assets

Page 12. Towards the end of the page

1. To retain any property, business (present or acquired after death) as long as it's advisable. -It means that the goal is to keep the assets as long as they are profitable and it makes sense business wise.

I personally do not see executors selling any assets unless they become unprofitable (bring in a loss) or business wise/financial wise it doesn't make sense to hold on to them or they have to (such as they need money to pay debts etc).
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I love you Michael. I have always believed in you. God bless you and your children.
Re: **see post#14 for summary** Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each tur

(...)Maybe this is why Janet and Rebbie are throwing Michael under the bus with the addiction statement.(...)

I have no doubt.
Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

So if Katherine dies and MJ3 dies.. the money will go to them and the 3T

Do we love them because MJ loved them..


Do we fear them because MJ loved them enough to put them in his will.

Maybe I watch too much movies...
I just hope all those relatives will keep their mind peaceful and not wake up one day doing somehting wrong to get that money...

I think the 3T boys are good boys. I really do. I don't worry about them at all.
Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

I think they are Michael's cousins. Some of them appeared in that Publix supermarket clip with Mj & the Malniks.

Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

I think the 3T boys are good boys. I really do. I don't worry about them at all.

3T are the only members of the Jackson family that I've always trusted.

While Janet avoided talking about his brother (Before the decline of her career and the events last year, because after that...), Jermaine did music attacking Michael and La Toya gave conferences to accuse the King of Pop, 3T have always remained loyal to the uncle.

I've read dozens of interviews with the boys and they did not say anything negative about Michael all these years -- though reporters have ever tried to convince them.
By the time those kids will turn 30 and 40 there will be ZERO dollars on estate accounts. Working in finance industry I clearly see how it could be done. Executors make money for themselves first then some new creditors will come nobody ever heard of etc and money will be transferred somehow somewhere and nobody will see one penny in the end. There are many ways to transfer money. They have so many years to do it. Branca and Co rules. Shame on them
This will is fake.

This belongs in the section for conspiracy's...
let me remind you that this is not the section for "conspiracy"...
By the time those kids will turn 30 and 40 there will be ZERO dollars on estate accounts. Working in finance industry I clearly see how it could be done. Executors make money for themselves first then some new creditors will come nobody ever heard of etc and money will be transferred somehow somewhere and nobody will see one penny in the end. There are many ways to transfer money. They have so many years to do it. Branca and Co rules. Shame on them
This will is fake.

Well, we can NOT blindly trust the Executors just because we do not trust in the family. But we can not forget that new debts after trial stage are their responsibility. Anyway the whole planet will monitor these men and require them to be honest. At least that's what I expect.
Well, we can NOT blindly trust the Executors just because we do not trust in the family. But we can not forget that new debts after trial stage are their responsibility. Anyway the whole planet will monitor these men and require them to be honest. At least that's what I expect.

Those debts are not their responsibility. They stepped in only after Michael passed.