Michael Jackson's 'This Is It' makes $20.1M Global on it's first day

Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

Not dissapointing at all!!

Up-3D was number 1 film in the UK last week and grossed less than £4 million in the whole week!!

MJ did over a million pounds in one day, and that was a Wednesday!!! It will be number 1 after the huge sales on fri/sat/sun.
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

A few of my friends who are not really Mj fans say they will wait for the DVD. i went with a group of people who are die hard fans and we loved it.
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

I don't see how $20 million dollars made in ONE day is a bad thing at all. A lot of the tickets sold were for different days. I went yesterday and I bought my ticket the same day. What is important is the total when the 2 weeks is up.
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

Not dissapointing at all!!

Up-3D was number 1 film in the UK last week and grossed less than £4 million in the whole week!!

MJ did over a million pounds in one day, and that was a Wednesday!!! It will be number 1 after the huge sales on fri/sat/sun.

really. heck thats amazing
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

there's nothing disappointing about those numbers. cheer up, people! the worst is already over for us -- we've LOST HIM. nothing will ever compare to that.

let's just go on and try to make the best of what's to come.
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

this is a forbes magazine mentality, here. too many people in the media run their lives by an estimation, based on their own preconceived notions, and impatience, as well as bias. that's how they treated Invincible. it's not how you start, it's how you finish.
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

I don't know why people are trying to say that it making over $20 million on a Wednesday is a flop. People do not normally go and watch movies right in the middle of the week and plus its a documentary. Most people are going to see this at the weekend, that is when the documentary is going to make the serious numbers because that is when most of the general public go to the cinema. Most sites that sell movie tickets online are already reporting huge increases in sales purchases for the next few days now that the word of mouth is out that the film is really good.

We already know that the film has made over $65 million worldwide purely from pre-sale tickets and not all of those tickets were for the opening night, many of those were for the Friday night and Saturday showings. So whatever spin the media is trying to put on it, the movie has already recouped Sony their money and will make a healthy profit.

So the film has already sold 65 mill in pre-sale tickets? Andthats a flop? I know i was one of those pre buters that was not going to the premiere cause i bought mine on 09/28 and attended the movie on 10/28.
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

What judgement? Let the movie run it's course then they can talk rubbish. $20 mill in 1 night worldwide is pretty good for a documentary..
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

Not dissapointing at all!!

Up-3D was number 1 film in the UK last week and grossed less than £4 million in the whole week!!

MJ did over a million pounds in one day, and that was a Wednesday!!! It will be number 1 after the huge sales on fri/sat/sun.

Exactly, thank you for pointing this out. UP is a huge Disney/Pixar movie and even that in its 2nd week in the UK it made less than £5 million but people were not calling that disappointing or a flop and factor in with those numbers that many people saw it in 3D where you pretty much have to pay double for your ticket than if it was just standard 2D. Michael has managed in one day in the UK in the middle of the week to make $1.9 million which is pretty impressive.

$20 million worldwide for a mid-week opening day is not disappointing at all, it is actually quite remarkable for a documentary. Some articles are comparing This Is It to the opening day for Hannah Montana which is unfair since it was a 3D movie where people had to pay twice the price of a standard ticket.

To me its clear that there is an agenda from some sections of the press to try and make the movie seem like a flop and create negativity by unreasonably comparing it big time Hollywood blockbusters.
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

$20,1 in one day seems quite ok to me...
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

they will never stop trying to belittle Michael Jackson, no matter if he does 1.000.000 the first day will say it was bad. FUCK THEM ALL!

i'll just ignore this, i so sick of this, not even dead they will respect him, bastards, and this was not a hollywood movie or anything this was a a docmental about how a concert is was going to be developed, nothing like a Super production for God's sake!!!!!!!, just leave Michael Jackson rest in peace MEDIA BASTARDS
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

$20mil opening on a Wednesday in Oct is perfectly acceptable. Problem is that $250m slip by AEG and the overhype of sold-out shows put TII front and center for ridicule regardless of the final weekend tally. If this movie finishes it's 2-week run on the current path, it's still a big success, if it takes off like a slow burner with strong legs, then all the better...
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

That's because it was super - over hyped by SONY. They were saying stuff like "250 million the first day" or something like that.

20 million over night is AWESOME though. Far from dissapointing.

It opened with 20 million on Tues/Wednesday weekdays and it's not summer when folks are out of school, on vacation from work or on holiday. I've gone to so called blockbusters in the middle of the week and middle of the day, and there weren't that many in the theaters.

I'd be interested in other middle of the week boxoffices for non summer, non holiday, periods. That kind of comparison would be more revealing IMO.
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

There is nothing wrong with those numbers at all. Like I've said all along, this is a documentary so don't expect huge numbers comparable to Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, etc. Here is a conservative prediction of how This Is It will earn:




If extended another 2 weeks...

Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

I don't know how $20M in 1 day could be disappointing...


Michael Jackson movie earns $20 million on 1st day

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The Michael Jackson movie "This Is It" earned $20.1 million at worldwide box offices on its first day in theaters as fans around the globe turned out in strong numbers, Columbia Pictures said on Thursday.
The movie studio said the film, which shows the late pop star rehearsing for a series of comeback concerts before his death in June, made $7.4 million in the United States and Canada, and another $12.7 million internationally.
"The studio believes that the worldwide launch, with very strong performance across North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia, represents an amazing beginning for the film and a reaffirmation of the global appeal of Michael Jackson," Columbia Pictures spokesman Steve Elzer said in a statement.
Finding comparable films to "This Is It" is difficult because of the movie's unusual nature as a hybrid documentary and concert film, as well as the fact that its star was not alive to promote it.
Moreover, "This Is It" premiered on Tuesday night and then began playing around the world on Wednesday, which is unusual for a movie that is not based on a major franchise like the "Harry Potter" or "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies.
"It's difficult to make comparisons because there is nothing like this," said Paul Dergarabedian, who runs box office tracker Hollywood.com Box Office.
Among concert films, one top performer recently was 2008's "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour." It enjoyed an opening, three-day weekend of $31 million, starting on a Friday, and went on to earn just over $70.6 million globally during its entire run.
Another recent music movie was 2008's "U2 3D," which earned a total of $16.6 million worldwide during its entire release.
Columbia Pictures paid $60 million to distribute the film and millions more to market it. Columbia is a unit of the Sony Corp's Sony Pictures Entertainment media group.
In the United Kingdom, box offices rang up just under $2 million, while French sales totaled about $1.4 million, and Germany just over $1 million. Japanese fans spent roughly $1.2 million, and in China, the movie delivered $730,000.
The question now for Columbia is how well the movie will perform during the upcoming, first weekend. Jackson's fans were expected to turn out in droves early, but whether they will be repeat customers remains to be seen.
Columbia has said the movie will be extended beyond its planned two-week run if ticket demand is high, and it plans a DVD release in 2010.
Jackson died on June 25 in Los Angeles at age 50 after suffering cardiac arrest brought on by a drug overdose only weeks before he was to have begun the "This Is It" concerts in London. The shows had been hyped in the media as his chance to erase the stigma of a 2005 trial in which he was acquitted of child molestation charges.
The nearly two-hour movie features Jackson singing and dancing to his biggest hits, including "Beat It," "Black or White" and "Man in the Mirror." Throughout the film, audiences see him working to create a show that would wow fans.

Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

um there were people who weren't even fans, watching on opening night. sorry but not everyone wants to watch a movie at midnight IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAMN WEEK. they act like this was a fridaynumber. whatever greedy ass sony
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

Well maybe a part of the "less" sales was.. well lets answer this question..

Who here saw the movie on the 27th??

Now has anyone seen any advertisements making it clear that you can view it on the 27th? Aside from MJ websites. like mjjc

Now how are they expecting first day sales to be up like crazy when they advertise only the 28th?? I just never understood it
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

..and I see the defaming thread-title is still here..Way to go for our own promoting of the film!
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

I think the title should be re-worded

Also, why give a negative article a higher profile when there are so many other positive articles.

There has been an overload of MJ info since June 2009 that some people are waiting to hear the reviews. Think of all the books and docs that have been released, even some of the Jacksons did not attend as they had pre-conceptions.

But this movie will be a great success on 3 levels for MJ legacy irrespective of what anyone says

It will be watched in the cinemas
It will be bought on DVD
It will be aired on TV as a movie

So, even those who criticize, be they haters, will end up seeing it.

So, I wouldn't be concerned about the intake that much. It will make a considerable sum
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It';

Just $20+M Weekend, $-50M Five-Day

By Nikki Finke

Thursday October 29, 2009 @ 10:30am

THURSDAY 10:30 AM: Sony just announced that Michael Jackson’s This Is It opened Wednesday all around the world in 99 countries with a 1-day gross of $20.1 million. The press release called it "an extraordinary start" but, immediately, Hollywood considered that number disappointing after all the pre-sales hype surrounding the concert footage and its 2-week limited run. The film opened to a paltry $7.4 million domestic even including Tuesday's $2.2M late night showings. That's almost 50% less than the $17M Sony hoped for, and 39% less than the $12M Hollywood expected. "This is not promising," a rival studio exec just told me even though Sony Pictures paid $60M to concert promoter AEG for the rehearsal footage. But a Sony spokesman challenges that: "We took in 1/3 of what the film cost on the first day, and that is a disappointment? For whom?" Even overseas, where Michael Jackson is considered more popular than here, its solid but not spectacular debut was $12.7 million internationally. (Foreign numbers included UK $1.9M, France $1.3M, Japan $1.1M, Germany $1.0M, China $730K, Sweden $490K, Holland $390K, Mexico $370K, Brazil $350K, and Australia $330K. The film opens in 10 additional territories today.)

The studio is trying to put the best face on the opening, claiming the worldwide launch featured "very strong performance" across North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia, and "represents an amazing beginning for the film and a reaffirmation of the global appeal of Michael Jackson". Uh, no. In North America, This Is It took in the highest gross ever for a Wednesday in October, which is a rather minor record. "The studio expects strong word of mouth and impressive critical acclaim to continue to drive ticket sales," a Sony spokesman said. There was some good news for the studio: the movie received an “A” Cinemascore across the board.


Jeez! it's not even the weekend yet! I mean I went last night and there was a pretty good turn out! it wasn't a full house but still it was pretty decent for a week night. A lot of people are probably just waiting till the weekend to see it.
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

Jeez! it's not even the weekend yet! I mean I went last night and there was a pretty good turn out! it wasn't a full house but still it was pretty decent for a week night. A lot of people are probably just waiting till the weekend to see it.

If you make a poll here, i'm sure most of the fans haven't seen it yet -and I'm one of them. So the best is ahead from all points of view
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

It does not matter what the media thinks. This film is for the fans. Nobody else matters at this point.
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

i think the title should be re-worded

also, why give a negative article a higher profile when there are so many other positive articles.

there you go!
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

And the current figure is far from dismal for a documentary...


When I read the title I was like, "disappointing??!! Are they cra.....silly??"
Naw, they're outta their minds!
Thats a helluva haul for one day. They started out saying that
the one day figure was 2.1 mill.

So, please.
actually now we are discussing the very same topic in two threads in two board-categories.maybe they could be merged
mj's albums have sold out hundreds of millions copies, so where are the fans now? I know it was just the first day of the movie, but I am still a little disappointed, today when I went to the cinema, there were only a few people there, by the way, I am in toronto. I hate to be negative, but it's just far from my expectation. I will go to see it again tomorrow!
the reviews in the mainstream media are still positive. and so are in most of the web. so i think the movie enters the weekend with steem. if only we fans stop recycling the crap..
mj's albums have sold out hundreds of millions copies, so where are the fans now? I know it was just the first day of the movie, but I am still a little disappointed, today when I went to the cinema, there were only a few people there, by the way, I am in toronto. I hate to be negative, but it's just far from my expectation. I will go to see it again tomorrow!

were other theaters full? it's still mid-week..
Re: Disappointing $20.1M Global Bow For Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'

um there were people who weren't even fans, watching on opening night. sorry but not everyone wants to watch a movie at midnight IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAMN WEEK. they act like this was a fridaynumber. whatever greedy ass sony

I know right? I'm seeing the movie Friday, because there was no way I could go on a Wen night! lol School night an all....:giggle:

mj's albums have sold out hundreds of millions copies, so where are the fans now? I know it was just the first day of the movie, but I am still a little disappointed, today when I went to the cinema, there were only a few people there, by the way, I am in toronto. I hate to be negative, but it's just far from my expectation. I will go to see it again tomorrow!

They'll be there in the weekend lol