Michael Jackson’s Mother, Katherine, Will Publish Book on Monday

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Exclusive: Michael Jackson’s Mother, Katherine, Will Publish Book on Monday

Michael Jackson’s devoted mother, Katherine Jackson, will publish a book next week about her son.

The self published coffee table book–consisting of personal photographs–is called “Never Can Say Goodbye: The Katherine Jackson Archives.” The book will be sold through a website called www.jacksonsecretvault.com.

“She’s very proud of the book,” says a source. “It’s not being done for money, either.” This much seems true, as such a book could have fetched a big advance. But “Never Can Say Goodbye” is being self-published. Its content is a picture page facing a page of reminiscences by Michael’s mom.

To promote the book, yesterday Katherine gave a two hour interview to Marc Schaffel, Jackson’s former business partner and confidante. For Schaffel, this was the Michael Jackson trifecta. He’s the only person who has done authorized video interviews with Michael Jackson, Debbie Rowe, and now Katherine.

On the eve of the one year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death, Katherine was driven to Schaffel’s home, where they conducted the interview. They talked about what the last year has been like, the children,memories of Michael over the years. She did not talk about husband Joe Jackson directly, but she did say that she was concerned that the media twisted what the family said.

Katherine talked about the child molestation charges against Michael over the years. She told Schaffel she felt people were out to get Michael. She said that in the 1993 case she felt the boy’s father and stepfather put him up to it. Katherine says she thought the boy–Jordan Chandler–whom she doesn’t name–wanted to recant his story last summer, especially after his father, Evan Chandler, committed suicide.

Re: Exclusive: Michael Jackson’s Mother, Katherine, Will Publish Book on Monday

Schaffel? Isn't he dodgy though?
According to the fans everyone is dodgy. I will support this if Katherine puts it out.
Yeah, why would she speak to Schaffel? He was one of the people out to use Michael financially, right? It was brought up during the trial and Katherine must've heard about it.
Re: Exclusive: Michael Jackson’s Mother, Katherine, Will Publish Book on Monday

Michael Jackson’s devoted mother, Katherine Jackson, will publish a book next week about her son.

The self published coffee table book–consisting of personal photographs–is called “Never Can Say Goodbye: The Katherine Jackson Archives.” The book will be sold through a website called www.jacksonsecretvault.com.

“She’s very proud of the book,” says a source. “It’s not being done for money, either.” This much seems true, as such a book could have fetched a big advance. But “Never Can Say Goodbye” is being self-published. Its content is a picture page facing a page of reminiscences by Michael’s mom.

To promote the book, yesterday Katherine gave a two hour interview to Marc Schaffel, Jackson’s former business partner and confidante. For Schaffel, this was the Michael Jackson trifecta. He’s the only person who has done authorized video interviews with Michael Jackson, Debbie Rowe, and now Katherine.

On the eve of the one year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death, Katherine was driven to Schaffel’s home, where they conducted the interview. They talked about what the last year has been like, the children,memories of Michael over the years. She did not talk about husband Joe Jackson directly, but she did say that she was concerned that the media twisted what the family said.

Katherine talked about the child molestation charges against Michael over the years. She told Schaffel she felt people were out to get Michael. She said that in the 1993 case she felt the boy’s father and stepfather put him up to it. Katherine says she thought the boy–Jordan Chandler–whom she doesn’t name–wanted to recant his story last summer, especially after his father, Evan Chandler, committed suicide.



Is this true? :scratch:
sorry but... if so, the date is really terrible :no:
all agree on how tasteless it's from Julien's to auction his items on the 25th... what about a book published on the same week? :*****:
Obivously a goof up in the way it was worded?

"On the eve of the one year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death, Katherine was driven to Schaffel’s home, where they conducted the interview."

To me the "eve" would be the 24th, or is Friedman generalizing about the "eve", meaning upcoming.

As for Schaffel, I still haven't figured out how he is still friendly with Debbie, and now it looks like with Katherine and Joe as well? Maybe Michael and Schaffel worked things out at some point? Hmmm-
Knowing what I know about the media.
He may have been the only person willing to publish just
exactly the kind of book she wanted about her son. :better:
MARC SCHAFFEL! That can't be true! Is that true?

Oh and Joe Jackson did claim this as his project recently. I can see him using Ms. Katherine's name for promotional purposes, because Joe Jackson knows that folks don't really like him, but they LOVE Ms. Katherine. He ain't slick. LOL!

If Ms. Katherine really sat down with Schaffel, I'm going to be very disappointed. The man tried to destroy her child right in the middle of that bogus trial, how could she not know that.

(I feel like I need to take a shower. The mere mention of Schaffel's name makes me feel slimy.)
Interesting that Joe mentioned something about this book a while back. Makes me wonder if Katherine is primarily mentioned because there is a fair amount of criticism going around about Joe, so better to just use Katherine's name? I also wonder how much, if any, pressure Joe put on Katherine to become involved in this. Unless things changed between Michael and Schaffel at some point, I would tend to think Katherine would steer clear of doing anything with Schaffel, that is if she truly knew all the details of things that went on with him in the past.
Well, I hope it has been approved by the Estate.

Books (also tribute magazines, articles etc as well as documentaries) do not need approval from the estate , they are okay under the freedom of speech (and falls under the informational category).

they just need to get okay from the photographers to use the photographs in the book. If the family are the ones that took the photos then they have the rights to them as well.
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Books (also tribute magazines, articles etc) do not need approval from the estate , they are okay under the freedom of speech.

they just need to get okay from the photographers to use the photographs in the book. If they are the ones that took the photos then they have the rights to them as well.
Thanks. :)

But the site that will sell the book.... is strange. And Schaffel? :scratch:
MARC SCHAFFEL! That can't be true! Is that true?

Oh and Joe Jackson did claim this as his project recently. I can see him using Ms. Katherine's name for promotional purposes, because Joe Jackson knows that folks don't really like him, but they LOVE Ms. Katherine. He ain't slick. LOL!

If Ms. Katherine really sat down with Schaffel, I'm going to be very disappointed. The man tried to destroy her child right in the middle of that bogus trial, how could she not know that.

(I feel like I need to take a shower. The mere mention of Schaffel's name makes me feel slimy.)

i think they are going to use their private photos so they don't need any permission.
some time i feel she needs to focus on mj3 more now ,don't jump on me for this guys.
If you go to jacksonsecretvault.com, this is at the bottom of the main page:

LAST UPDATED: 01/26/2010
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Michaeljacksonsecretvault.com, mjgives,com, mjduets.com
Privacy Statement

Has anybody ever heard of or been a member of these sites? Wonder who runs the site(s)?
i think they are going to use their private photos so they don't need any permission.
some time i feel she needs to focus on mj3 more now ,don't jump on me for this guys.
No need to jump on you, because you are correct.

And I'll go one further than you. I know that life goes on, yada yada yada, BUT in my opinion, ALL of these family related projects can sit on the back burner until AFTER Murray's trial has been concluded.

I think, aside from MJ3, ALL of the focus should be on Murray and not ways to fill up "The Jackson Family Foundation bank account," because as far as I'm concerned, that's exactly where any monies earned will be going.

Ya'll know Joe Jackson has to come up with 300 MILLION DOLLARS. LOL!
is it going to be a regular book or an ebook? the site store says it's an ebook....
According to the fans everyone is dodgy. I will support this if Katherine puts it out.

Count me in. No way will I not be able to get such a book done by Kathernine. I would be fooling myself if I said otherwise.

Plus, jotting her thoughts down about Michael could have been theraputic for her. She's a mother that lost HER son. And her son just happened to be one of the gentliest, kindest, most dynamic people to ever grace this earth. When I think of how coming to a message board and writing about MJ helped me and I am only a fan, I can understand how a personal journal of thoughts and reflections could help his mother. Even with her having a large family for support, her grief is unique to her as his mom. And perhaps as words flowed easily to paper for her son, they flowed easily for her, giving her clarity and peace.

So I don't care who else is involved. IF Katherine has a book coming out about MJ, I'll be one of the first in line to purchase it.