Michael Jackson's Last Days: What Really Happened. (C4 12th July)

This was pretty much a waste of time. I was thinking when they were speaking to that doctor 'Why isn't he saying, 'I am in no way affilliated with Michael Jackson and have not treated him'' etc to make it clear he was only refering to drugs that had been reportedly found in MJ's house in the press. I thought that bit was very misleading if you weren't paying proper attention.

The bit at the end where they showed the MTV awards performance did make me cry though and scream 'Why Michael, why has this happened?!!!'

To summarise: gutted.
'It looked like he was raising his hand, in a plea to stop.' ( when the rehersal footage was on and it goes into why u wana trip on me)
That was a choegraphed part as was it all in many ways and so he had to put his hand up at that moment lool..

And playing on the bit where kenny ortega said ' these were high times,

with him watching this ( for bout 20th time) and filming him nodding to create an interpretation and try make it the only fact..anyone notice mjj was the mentioned website..

I bet he is on here, under a alias..lol...snake in grass?

These two moments sum up the basic of his journalistic approach..it is all hear say with the intention of trying to create a well rounded view.It should have been titled 'what really happened?'...who knows how much was true or not..

The one bit i liked or found intriguing was the treu reality of hollywood and a lifestyle of a musican, actor etc and the combination of erratic shedules and not a 9-5 coupled with the joke of a health plan in a medicated city, a pill society This has been going on for yearsss..there are more dangerous legal drugs and combinations that all the drugs on the street put together.The accessibility of it all and naive knowledge the patient has...all this, due do greedy money eyed doctors who don't tell the PATIENT the full story..and enable them and assure them..

its a tragic tragic country in that sense and that profession on certain levels..all for the art and the money
I watched part of it, saw MJJC got a mention! :)

Although I was hearing on twitter it was just shit. Zero Credibility.
the reporter is an idiot, he went onto youtube i saw the clip from MJJC where you had taken the sky interview with Randy Phillips and then stated in the documentary that a fan was interviewing him...and then again with the press conference that kenny and Randy did.
even my family were laughing at how riodiculous the whole program was
Wasn't that bad. What he was saying about putting the hand up wasn't literal, if you listen again hes comparing what hes doing to what could be happening in his life, or something.
Wasn't that bad. What he was saying about putting the hand up wasn't literal, if you listen again hes comparing what hes doing to what could be happening in his life, or something.

Well if that is the case then its pure speculation... how the hell does this guy know thats what that movement is supposed to represent?!
yeah MJJC got a mention!!... it was a mixed bag really, there were moments when you thought he was against MJ, like when he said "putting his hand up clearly asking to stop" when it was part of the dance they were performing, and other times where he spoke about the possible drug habits etc. But at the end they showed some of Michael's dancing and he said, "Theres no question, that even at 50, and possibly addicted to drugs, i would rather see This Is It Show than any other in the world" which made me think that he really did appreciate Michael, and was just a fan who actually could go out to LA because of his TV and Journo connections and make some effort to find out what really happened? I dont know really, personally, I think its worth the watch.

I love you michael
Well the journalist said he was an MJ fan, but from what i could see he didnt no that much about MJ saying that in the video he looked akward an weak or whatever.......
All of his lines of enquiry wher based on media speculation which we all no 99% is bull.
This doc was pointless thats all i am saying, just trying to make money from his death.
There is no real definiton or blueprint of what a fan is or might be..You can be a fan of something on a whole lotta levels..

Even those who reported bad things on news or had bad views..they can still be fan's on the basis or liking his music, dancing..one thing in specific ..like a video or a particular piece of clothing he wore...that makes you a fan too...

he doesn't have to be your definition of a fan in order for him to be one..i reckon
wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, considering how bad his other doc was a couple of years ago.

there was a lot of speculation that probably isn't true, but i thought it ended very positively.
I watched some of this programme a few weeks ago & it is the most negative I have ever seen. He says Michael was a pedophile throught people like Diane Dimond. I think this thread should be deleted.

But MJ only died 2 weeks ago, this programme is more recent than several weeks old.

I agree it was rubbish and full of misinformation, I knew they would try and make out he a drug addict, you have to remember people are paid to say certain things the media want them to say about MJ. Louis Farrakan said that in 1994, because they didn't like the direction he was going in ie heal the world and he was pretty influential. Later with human rights songs. The powers that Be fund the wars and do not want love and peace and forgiveness and ending of wars that is why there will never be any mention of the positive stuff MJ did, they do not want us to get his message. Hence painting him as a sad drug addict suits there purpose. He probably did take meds for pain and jet lag when touring but that does not make you a drug addict. He wasn't the type he didn't even drink alcohol.

I don't agree that the tour would have been a flop it would have generated a lot of positive energy and Karen Faye his make up artist has already said onher face book he had a message to deliver on healing our planet ending wars. TPTB don't want that positive energy.

We must keep our hearts and minds open to the truth.
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I found it an interesting watch, but everything has to be taken with a pinch of salt and I wasn't convinced by any of the findings. Fair play to them for getting something like this out so quickly, but it was too quick to be authoritative. We certainly aren't any closer to knowing 'what really happened'.

For a moment I thought they were going to end on the suggestion that it was suicide, before having it rebuked. So after giving us a title like that, basically they said it could have been murder, suicide, an accidental death or anything between. Pretty much got their backs covered if the show gets repeated at a later date!
its was better than I throught it was going to be, its was putting a bad light on AEG more than Michael, saying that AEG made Michael do 50 shows, when he only wanted to do 10. The Incredible Hulk (can't rember the guys name lol) and Tom Messerau were also giving interviews
It actually did make Michael look like the victim. It wasn't bad, It made it look like he was pressured like crazy and misinformed by many people.
Hurrah - at last people are coming round to my view !! It didn't portray MJ as being a debt ridden junkie - oh and now gay apparently.

I think AEG are responsible for giving him the stress of all the shows. "He went to bed doing 10 shows and woke up to doing 50".
Good documentary. It really reiterated about the people around him, the manipulations, the control freeks, I felt as if the guy was trying to find the truth but people did want to talk but guess what AEG has contracts for at least two years on the people to keep schtum!
What was clear was that AEG hired the dancers for TWO years..............

They werent gonna stop at the 50 dates thats apparent. They were gonna flog Michael Jackson and get as much as they could possibly get.
What was clear was that AEG hired the dancers for TWO years..............

They werent gonna stop at the 50 dates thats apparent. They were gonna flog Michael Jackson and get as much as they could possibly get.

Absolutely. They were thinking they would get a world tour out of it. MJ saying that this would be the last time ever to perform obviously made their bank balance shake...
Utter rubbish, what a waste of my time, I don't know why I put myself through it. The only reason I watched it was to see the different dance studios that MJ visited while rehearsing.

But it was just a load of bull****, if's, but's, was he, would he? Nobody know's what happened on that Thursday morning, I just hope the reports prove that Michael just died of natural causes.
what did Tom Mesereau say? Did they interviewed him for the documentary or was it just archive footage?
I just hope the reports prove that Michael just died of natural causes.

Hmm I think it may be more than that (even though we would all wish it was natural causes) - given that La Toya has said on several occasions that the fans and public will be "shocked when they find out".

Tbh, I can't think of anything more shocking than whats already been said. Demerol and other anaesthetic drugs have been bound about, as well as the anti depressant drugs - even Heroin was on the books at one time... How can we possibly be shocked with the findings!
i was suprised to see MJJC being mentioned on the documentary.
It made Michael out like a complete drug addict, but did portray him as a victim. I don't know who that guy in the car was that they were interviewing at night but he said he was a friend of Michael, but I felt like a lot of what he was saying was rubbish. The reporter did make out in parts like MJ was 'weak' etc - with the exercises that the hulk was giving him - on the exercise ball, elastic rope..and he said that in the rehearsal footage he looked stiff and ..(something else negative).. but then the guy who owns the dance studio said MJ was 'blocking' it or something like that.. just rehearsing positions, not all out dancing.

The doctor they interviewed was just talking about the drugs that have supposedly been found in MJs house...so its not definite. But he made it out like MJ was getting clean and detoxing (as La Toya has supposedly said) then he took a sedative in the same dose as before, but because he hadn't been taking it for a while it became a lethal dose, it was too much for him to handle..(of corse this is just speculation)

They also made out like he didn't want to perform and was pushed to do 50 shows. But surely if Michael Jackson didn't want to do something he wouldn't have done it and they wouldn't have been able to make him, surely?

I can't remember the Tom Mesarau stuff was just him saying what he was like at the time of the trial..tired, thin, weak, it took a lot out of him..etc..

The reporter did end by showing MJ performing and saying he would have loved to see him, like he thought he could still pull it off.

Thats all I can remember.

All in all it was MJ drug addict & victim

99.9% speculation

Ps. The part where the reporter mentioned Michael putting his hand up in the choreography meaning 'stop' was NOT literal at all...he wasn't speaking literally.
They also made out like he didn't want to perform and was pushed to do 50 shows. But surely if Michael Jackson didn't want to do something he wouldn't have done it and they wouldn't have been able to make him, surely?

All in all it was MJ drug addict & victim

Thats one of the things being said... and thats that MJ was being manipulated by all angles and perhaps he didn't have the strength (psychologically) to say no. Plus, we all know how he loved his fans and didn't want to let them down. Once AEG signed him up to the 50 - do you think he would have said 'no thanks, 10 is fine'. I dont think so personally.

Also regards the drugs thing... come on guys, .... i know its a shitty label but we know he did have a problem with pain killers. It doesn't mean he was a junkie but nevertheless he was addicted.

Media do like to put things OTT tho and drug addict and Junkie can be the most hurtful wording.
I absolutely HATED the narrator/presenter guy.
He reminded me of Martin Bashir (a twat, basically) and just, urghh... he was making it all sound so negative and it was clear that he wasn't a huge MJ fan right from the beginning... What a twat.

Did half of those people even ever TALK to michael when he was alive?The bacl dude in the car? He was such a twat.
For me in proved what I have thought for last few years, that MJ had the wrong people around him. Q and Teddy Reilly said it too a few years ago, that he has wrong people in his ear.

Also during the allegations, I felt MJ was back on pain killers. That trail wore him out, and AEG really put him under so much stress with 50 dates. As someone said here before why didn't they do Wembley for 3 or 4 nights, you would have played to as many people with less stress.
in a way they took the pride I would have of seeing the stuff ive uploaded to MJJC's channel on tv because of the content. When I saw MJJC Tv I got so excited and told my dad thats the channel I run for the fanclub, WOW but at the same time I was disgruntled because they used it in their own stupid, insensitive way!