It made Michael out like a complete drug addict, but did portray him as a victim. I don't know who that guy in the car was that they were interviewing at night but he said he was a friend of Michael, but I felt like a lot of what he was saying was rubbish. The reporter did make out in parts like MJ was 'weak' etc - with the exercises that the hulk was giving him - on the exercise ball, elastic rope..and he said that in the rehearsal footage he looked stiff and ..(something else negative).. but then the guy who owns the dance studio said MJ was 'blocking' it or something like that.. just rehearsing positions, not all out dancing.
The doctor they interviewed was just talking about the drugs that have supposedly been found in MJs its not definite. But he made it out like MJ was getting clean and detoxing (as La Toya has supposedly said) then he took a sedative in the same dose as before, but because he hadn't been taking it for a while it became a lethal dose, it was too much for him to handle..(of corse this is just speculation)
They also made out like he didn't want to perform and was pushed to do 50 shows. But surely if Michael Jackson didn't want to do something he wouldn't have done it and they wouldn't have been able to make him, surely?
I can't remember the Tom Mesarau stuff was just him saying what he was like at the time of the trial..tired, thin, weak, it took a lot out of him..etc..
The reporter did end by showing MJ performing and saying he would have loved to see him, like he thought he could still pull it off.
Thats all I can remember.
All in all it was MJ drug addict & victim
99.9% speculation
Ps. The part where the reporter mentioned Michael putting his hand up in the choreography meaning 'stop' was NOT literal at all...he wasn't speaking literally.