Michael Jackson's Last Album: The Real Untold Story of Invincible- Part 1

Its funny to read through this thread and hear the many different opinions. For every song one person loves, someone else hates it. What we have in common is that we are all MJ fans. The thing about Michael is that he doesn't just do R&B, he doesn't just do Pop, Rock, etc. He does 'em all. I know a lot of people who prefer the more R&B Michael ie. Off The Wall album while others prefer the more diverse albums ie. Dangerous and later. To me, not all MJ's songs are my faves (I do like most of em), but even the less desireable ones I can enjoy at times because I simply love the sound of MJ's voice. To me, Don't Walk Away and Cry are barely average songs. But because of MJ's incredible singing voice, I can still enjoy them. The only ones that can't be saved IMO are the 'barely average' songs that MJ sings in his rough voice ie. Privacy. Anyways, that's one reason MJ has so many fans, it's because he covers so many styles. You can't please everyone though...
I love Invincible because. . .well, it's Michael Jackson.

I love that he was trying different sounds, techniques, producer, etc. By trying all these new things, he was going to get something totally different than what he has done before. I'd be very interested to hear what Invincible was like before Sony made Michael change it. That just sounds so weird to me. . . how did Sony force Michael to change his artistic vision of his album?!?! That's like almost unheard of!

I don't love every song on the album. But I won't make a list, LOL!

Sony totally screwed up Invincible for Michael. They didn't give him any money to promote the album because he announced that he was leaving the label once he finished with the album. They did him wrong!