Michael Jackson's Last Album: The Real Untold Story of Invincible- Part 1

I Love Invincible! IMO one of the best albums MJ did. The album is deff underrated.
Invincible was number one in the US, UK and most of europe and has sold 10 million albums to date. Any other performer would consider this a succes.
the 'problem' with invincible was that it wasnt so radio-friendly, if you want to call that a problem. I know a lot of ppl who are not into the whole MJ king of pop scene, and really enjoy invincible
If you know about the real music you know Invincible is an amazingly great album. It has lesser so called fillers after Bad. If you want 14 to 16 songs on the album the only way is to make it as diverse as Invincible. To me HIStory contained more fillers than any other album. Even though some songs on HIStory were really exceptional, there were songs that NO ONE really listen. Theses just no need to. Its different compared to Invincible where every single song is adored and praised by SOMEONE. And you can listen Invincible in every single mood that ever exists...
the 'problem' with invincible was that it wasnt so radio-friendly, if you want to call that a problem. I know a lot of ppl who are not into the whole MJ king of pop scene, and really enjoy invincible

It wasn't radio-friendly???

Vince had some of the most radio friendly songs than any album I think, especially the slower ones, YRMW, Break of Dawn, Heaven Can Wait, Whatever Happens, Don't Walk Away, Unbreakable, Vince (the song), Heartbreaker, Butterflies and this is all off the top of my head so I'm sure I might have missed a couple. All of those songs are "radio friendly."
I love invincible ,that album has great songs,and it's really underrated.
invincible is the most important album to me now. it's like the last story mike had to tell me. i think if you accept this album, you accept who michael grew up to be and who he finally was. :)
I think Sony was disappointed in the sales considering how much was spent to make the album. They were expecting a lot more sales. I think they felt MJ was to expensive for what he was selling at the time. If your sales are awesome the yes you can get a 20 million dollar or more video, but if there not then the video needs to be simple. Mj wanted blockbuster high budget videos.

To be honest your video doesnt have to be high budget just for your album to sale and i wish MJ realized that. I think Sony would have been more than happy to make multiple videos for Inivncible as long as the cost was reasonable and not 20 million type level.
20 million dollar or more video, but if there not then the video needs to be simple. Mj wanted blockbuster high budget videos.
To be honest your video doesnt have to be high budget just for your album to sale and i wish MJ realized that. I think Sony would have been more than happy to make multiple videos for Inivncible as long as the cost was reasonable and not 20 million type level.

are you nuts? :D
Scream is the most expensive video with 7million...
a video for 20million... come on...

good album, but I prefer the older albums (except OTW)
to me the album is dire

but i like the fact people here like it, everyone in the press slates it but clearly it had many supporters
I think Sony was disappointed in the sales considering how much was spent to make the album. They were expecting a lot more sales. I think they felt MJ was to expensive for what he was selling at the time. If your sales are awesome the yes you can get a 20 million dollar or more video, but if there not then the video needs to be simple. Mj wanted blockbuster high budget videos.

To be honest your video doesnt have to be high budget just for your album to sale and i wish MJ realized that. I think Sony would have been more than happy to make multiple videos for Inivncible as long as the cost was reasonable and not 20 million type level.

The sales thing was their fault, I hardly saw any promotion for Vince, how do you expect an album to sell if you don't promote it. I'm not hating but why do you think Beyonce sells like she does (it sure as hell ain't for the music IMO) but you see her plastered on EVERYTHING when an album is coming out, they talk about it for months, drop singles, make videos, all kinds of stuff. I didn't hear anything about Vince. It's all in the promotion, but it still shows that Mike was the man because he STILL outsold half of these "hot" artist and he wasn't even promoted right. Sure Butterflies and YRMW got play on the radio, but imagine if Whatever Happens, Heaven Can Wait, or Break of Dawn (among others) would have gotten play and promotion.
Underrated album for sure, but doesn't even come close to Dangerous and HIStory in my opinion. Does anyone think that Bread of Dawn's inclusion on Number Ones was a way of saying F YOU to Sony? Or did Michael not pick the tracklisting...
this is actually quite an insult on my part, This was my very first MJ album released in my time and I really dig the album. I love the upbeat tracks but most def. love the ballads. Break of Dawn, Butterflies, Speechles, Don't Walk Away, Whatever Happens. I mean all of em' are great tracks but then again each to its own. :)
^^^^Same to me here! HIStory was my first MJ album and it was that album that got me into him so I hate it when others talked bad about it!

As for Invincible, I don't like it at first. It is the type of album that will grow in you instead of you liking it at the first listening. It grows in me!
All the upbeat songs have some amazing beats!!!
Great production and cool beats! =D
Listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79DdrCKWu1M
i didnt like it at first,cuz the songs seemed in lack of Michael's characters.i mean,that aint Michael Jackson......
but later, i changed my idea.cuz i realized that when u just wanna relax yourself or u were depressed ,its a good choice.it makes me feel at ease and comfortable .and u can listen to it all the time cuz songs r so diverse n each time u listen to it u find a new fave.
yeah,at last ,i accept the album,i accept the mature MJ.but i agree that Michael didnt try his best in this album.maybe he had never thought invincible would have been his final album,too..........*heartbreak*

plus "Unbreakable, Break Of Dawn, You Rock My World, Butterflies, Speechless are killer songs"~~~~~~~~~
i just feel MJ was so diluted on this album... so many writers on almost all the songs.. i have no idea which bits MJ contributed. just think he lost himself and his confidence doing this album. tracks like privacy , for me, are embarassing to listen to

If i heard the song "heaven can wait" or say, "dont walk away" or "you are my life" on the radio sung by someone else.. i wouldnt give them a second listen.

MJs voice on "whatever happens" sounds kinda bad for him too!?

i guess i'm the only one in this threadnot liking Vince, and i'm really glad you lots like it... maybe i'll go dig one of my six copies out and have another listen :)
Can anyone tell me one of the original tracklistings of Invincible? My criticisms of the current Invincible album is that there are too many songs on the album and too many ballads. As I posted in another thread, I think Unbreakable, Heartbreaker and Invincble are very similar to eachother therefore IMO Heartbreaker and Invincible (the 2 weaker ones) should not have made it onto the album. Furthermore, I think You Are My Life, Don't Walk Away, Cry and Privacy don't fit with the rest of the album. Finally, I think the chorus to most of the songs on Invincible have an electronic (computerized) sound to it, which I don't like. I do think this album had potential, but it should have contained less songs. The second half of the albums contains almost only ballads, which makes it hard to listen to the full album from start to finish. Moreover, I didn't like the artwork that was created for the album. This is what I think what the album should have been like:

1. Unbreakable
2. Break Of Dawn
3. Heaven Can Wait
4. You Rock My World
5. Butterflies
6. Speechless
7. 2000 Watts
8. The Lost Children
9. Whatever Happens
10. Threatened

If it would have been released in this form and the electronic (computerized) sound to some of the songs would have been taken away, it would have been a more successful album. Nevertheless, I still think Invincible is a great album the way it is and it is highly underrated by most people. Songs like Unbreakable, Break Of Dawn, You Rock My World, Butterflies, Speechless, The Lost Children and Whatever Happens are killer songs. :)
I completely agree with you.
Michael has always said he loved using real instruments...piano, strings, etc. So I was surprised to hear so much electronic/mechanical-sounding stuff in the album on songs like the trio, Privacy and 2000 Watts. Too noisy. And like you said, Unbreakable, Heartbreaker and Invincible all sound way too similar. IMHO.....what were they thinking? :ph34r:
Apart from that one gripe, the rest of the album was lovely...:)
Can anyone tell me one of the original tracklistings of Invincible? My criticisms of the current Invincible album is that there are too many songs on the album and too many ballads. As I posted in another thread, I think Unbreakable, Heartbreaker and Invincble are very similar to eachother therefore IMO Heartbreaker and Invincible (the 2 weaker ones) should not have made it onto the album. Furthermore, I think You Are My Life, Don't Walk Away, Cry and Privacy don't fit with the rest of the album. Finally, I think the chorus to most of the songs on Invincible have an electronic (computerized) sound to it, which I don't like. I do think this album had potential, but it should have contained less songs. The second half of the albums contains almost only ballads, which makes it hard to listen to the full album from start to finish. Moreover, I didn't like the artwork that was created for the album. This is what I think what the album should have been like:

1. Unbreakable
2. Break Of Dawn
3. Heaven Can Wait
4. You Rock My World
5. Butterflies
6. Speechless
7. 2000 Watts
8. The Lost Children
9. Whatever Happens
10. Threatened

If it would have been released in this form and the electronic (computerized) sound to some of the songs would have been taken away, it would have been a more successful album. Nevertheless, I still think Invincible is a great album the way it is and it is highly underrated by most people. Songs like Unbreakable, Break Of Dawn, You Rock My World, Butterflies, Speechless, The Lost Children and Whatever Happens are killer songs. :)

You hit the nail on the head here.
I remember Michael saying at a fan party (I saw it on the internet, and it was before Invincible came out I'm quite sure) that he really wanted out of his contract with Sony, and he said something like (heavily parafrasing) 'well, I'll just do another album with some old songs I have lying around, and when I'm away from Sony, THEN I'll definately be back with a great album'. He also mentioned Mariah Carey at that party, that she was so afraid from Tommy Mottola (Sony boss, but not anymore now), that she came crying on his shoulder. So maybe he really didn't care for Invincible himself.

But I LOVE INVINCIBLE! Even if it was bad, which it's not, I would still love it because whenever I hear Michael's voice, it gives me such a warm feeling of joy. Also sadness now of course, but still.
Part 2 of the article is coming soon and its better than the first one :)
I love all the songs on this album. Honestly I don't think Michael could have ever done a song I wouldn't like. It would have been interesting what he could have brought to it though if Sony didn't screw him over. Maybe some of those songs will come out now. I hope.
i just feel MJ was so diluted on this album... so many writers on almost all the songs.. i have no idea which bits MJ contributed. just think he lost himself and his confidence doing this album. tracks like privacy , for me, are embarassing to listen to

If i heard the song "heaven can wait" or say, "dont walk away" or "you are my life" on the radio sung by someone else.. i wouldnt give them a second listen.

MJs voice on "whatever happens" sounds kinda bad for him too!?

i guess i'm the only one in this threadnot liking Vince, and i'm really glad you lots like it... maybe i'll go dig one of my six copies out and have another listen :)

What..Dont Walk Away is classic MJ soul as in singing from the soul....such a pretty song
I personally think Sony messed this album up on purpose.
A few people who heard Michael making this album said it was amazing and didn't know what happened to it because what they heard in the studio and what ultimately went on the album wasn't the same.

2nd YRMW should not have been the first single. I agree with Michael that Unbreakable should have been the first single. YRWM is a good song but its not lead off album material.
The video was kinda lackluster , the choreography was nothing new.
MJ kicking off a new album needs to come fresh and YRMW was not it.

And everything else went down hill from there

As far as the album itself. It needs editing. The album doesn't flow well.
But Its a respectable album, its definetly not the worst thing I've ever heard

The first three songs sound way to much alike. Only one of the bunch should have been included.
I personally think the ballads are the some of best songs on the album but the way they are sequenced makes them seem out of place, and there are too many of them.
Speechless comes after Butterflies and its like huh??

Then there are songs that should have been left off altogether like Privacy and 2000watts though I like it, kinda comes out of left field

There were too many songwriters on this album, MJ took too long making it so he had so many directions that its hard to know where he was going on this album then Sony got there hands on it ........