Michael Jackson's Last Album: The Real Untold Story of Invincible- Part 1


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Oh, now I'm depressed. Michael Jackson's last album was Invincible.
He has such a great catalogue yet he left the Earth with Invincible as his 'final curtain call'.
That's terrible.

I know it has got SOME good songs, but it has some really bad songs too.
Oh, now I'm depressed. Michael Jackson's last album was Invincible.
He has such a great catalogue yet he left the Earth with Invincible as his 'final curtain call'.
That's terrible.

I know it has got SOME good songs, but it has some really bad songs too.

Which ones were bad??

I love the whole album, it was amazing and severly underrated. Mainly thanks to Sony and critics expecting Michael to sound like 80/90's Michael. Wasn't HIStory critised heavily too?
I loved all of Invincible songs by Michael.
I love Invincible, but what other people mean by 'bad songs', I would mean some of the songs are really depressing.. It sounded like he was going through a rough time when he wrote them..
Thanks for posting this!!!

Which ones were bad??

I love the whole album, it was amazing and severly underrated. Mainly thanks to Sony and critics expecting Michael to sound like 80/90's Michael. Wasn't HIStory critised heavily too?

Well the only really bad somg is 2000 watts.
But it has many average songs:

Heaven Can Wait
You Are My Life
The Lost Children

While i love most of these songs, i realise that they aren't the holy grail of music... :)
i love invincible, it is so underrated. i don't know why!!! i love break of dawn, butterflies, whatever happens, speechless, unbreakable and i could go on lol
I'm reeeeeeally into the Invincible album at the moment. It's not Michael at his absolute best but I still love it.
Wouldn't call it his last album though, who knows what's around the corner.
Invincible is my least favorite album but i still love it

I love

You Rock My World
The Lost Children
2000 Watts
Whatever Happens
i definately need to get this album to give it my own listen...i remember wanting my parents to buy it for me when i was 12 and it came out...gosh, i remember this album was everywhere, and in all different colors and the "you rock my world" video which i adored....i just cant believe that was his last album he'd ever release...still a shock to me
Thanks for posting this!!!

Well the only really bad somg is 2000 watts.
But it has many average songs:

Heaven Can Wait
You Are My Life
The Lost Children

While i love most of these songs, i realise that they aren't the holy grail of music... :)

I really like 2000 watts lol.

TBH the only songs I'll skip over are Heartbreaker and Invincible...Not because I don't like them but I like listening to my favourites more :)

I don't know if it's just me, but that album is a shed load better than any generic R'n'B artist brings out today. A lot of which make number one consistantly.

Maybe Thriller was a curse as well as a blessing, he wasn't going to ever beat that Album and so any records that came after it, no matter how awesome, pale in comparison. :mello:
Can anyone tell me one of the original tracklistings of Invincible? My criticisms of the current Invincible album is that there are too many songs on the album and too many ballads. As I posted in another thread, I think Unbreakable, Heartbreaker and Invincble are very similar to eachother therefore IMO Heartbreaker and Invincible (the 2 weaker ones) should not have made it onto the album. Furthermore, I think You Are My Life, Don't Walk Away, Cry and Privacy don't fit with the rest of the album. Finally, I think the chorus to most of the songs on Invincible have an electronic (computerized) sound to it, which I don't like. I do think this album had potential, but it should have contained less songs. The second half of the albums contains almost only ballads, which makes it hard to listen to the full album from start to finish. Moreover, I didn't like the artwork that was created for the album. This is what I think what the album should have been like:

1. Unbreakable
2. Break Of Dawn
3. Heaven Can Wait
4. You Rock My World
5. Butterflies
6. Speechless
7. 2000 Watts
8. The Lost Children
9. Whatever Happens
10. Threatened

If it would have been released in this form and the electronic (computerized) sound to some of the songs would have been taken away, it would have been a more successful album. Nevertheless, I still think Invincible is a great album the way it is and it is highly underrated by most people. Songs like Unbreakable, Break Of Dawn, You Rock My World, Butterflies, Speechless, The Lost Children and Whatever Happens are killer songs. :)
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The problem is that after Thriller alot of people wanted Michael just to make songs that were cheap knock off's of Billie Jean and they wanted all his short films to have dancing zombies in them lol
I started listening it a lot more lately bc of Dangerous88 thread, and it really is outstanding...I really wish we could have seen the response to some of the songs on there..like 2000 Watts is a song that I think if you released right now, would tear the club scene up.

Not just cuz its Michael and everybody is playing Michael, but the sound is still fresh and intense
I think Invincible was severely underrated as well. To my knowledge the "Invincible" he did before the final cut was even better (can't remember where I read that) but the final cut is great IMO. Honestly, if he would have gotten the publicity he was supposed to get on that album it would have done even better than it did in sales.

ETA: Sugarsiri I agree, Vince came out in 01 and it still goes harder than most of the albums dropped to day. It has 16 songs and I never have to skip. Most of these other albums drop with 12 songs and you can only tolerate 2 or 3.
Can anyone tell me one of the original tracklistings of Invincible? My criticisms of the current Invincible album is that there are too many songs on the album and too many ballads. As I posted in another thread, I think Unbreakable, Heartbreaker and Invincble are very similar to eachother therefore IMO the Heartbreaker and Invincible should not have made it onto the album. Furthermore, I think You Are My Life, Don't Walk Away, Cry and Privacy don't fit with the rest of the album. Finally, I think the chorus to most of the songs on Invincible have an electronic (computerized) sound to it, which I don't like. I do think this album had potential, but it should have contained less songs. The second half of the albums contains almost only ballads, which makes it hard to listen to the full album from start to finish. Moreover, I didn't like the artwork that was created for the album. This is what I think what the album should have been like:

1. Unbreakable
2. Break Of Dawn
3. Heaven Can Wait
4. You Rock My World
5. Butterflies
6. Speechless
7. 2000 Watts
8. The Lost Children
9. Whatever Happens
10. Threatened

Dude, the fact that there are many songs on it and that many of them are ballads has no connection with how good the album is. :)

I really like 2000 watts lol.

TBH the only songs I'll skip over are Heartbreaker and Invincible...Not because I don't like them but I like listening to my favourites more :)

I don't know if it's just me, but that album is a shed load better than any generic R'n'B artist brings out today. A lot of which make number one consistantly.

Maybe Thriller was a curse as well as a blessing, he wasn't going to ever beat that Album and so any records that came after it, no matter how awesome, pale in comparison. :mello:

Just because you like one song, it doesn't make it good. :)
You are not alone is one of my favorite songs, but we probaly all agree that it's cheezy and average. :)

Oh, and I don't see why everyone thinks that THRILLER was that great... It was sure a good and revolutionary, but BAD and DANGEROUS are way better and deeper in my opinion. :)
Oh, now I'm depressed. Michael Jackson's last album was Invincible.
He has such a great catalogue yet he left the Earth with Invincible as his 'final curtain call'.
That's terrible.

I know it has got SOME good songs, but it has some really bad songs too.

Agree with you...

Even though MichaelMania is back again after his death. How I wish that MJ had gone(ofcourse not this soon) after witnessing Michaelmainia around the world once more.

I was so doggone sure that Mike was on the verge of the biggest Resurrection in history of entertainment with the New Album that was in works. To large extent it is happening but not the way we had hoped for.

neways, I think we will have more New original Albums in years to come. I just hope its paced out really well so that the New releases last atleast 2 decades.
oh my I think Invincible and BODF are my 2 favorite albums. They are awesome!
Dude, the fact that there are many songs on it and that many of them are ballads has no connection with how good the album is. :)
Oh, but it does, very much so. I think you can hear Quincy Jones talking about it on one of the Special Editions, that it is a producer's job to select which songs should make it onto the album and which ones should not. He is also talking about, the composition of the album, that it is important where the songs are placed on the album (e.g. at the beginning, at the middle, at the end). When an artist like Michael makes a song, it is hard for him or any orther artist to let go off that song, it's like their babies. Even though some songs might be great, you'll find that they do not match with the general theme of the album and therefore should not make it onto the album. I think besides the great songs that are on Thriller, the composition of the album is what makes it even greater. Just think about this, what if the Thriller album would have started with Lady In My Life instead of Wanna Be Startin' Something or if Carousel would have made it onto the album. You know what I'm trying to say?

By no means, do I want to say that Quincy Jones was responsible for Michael's succcess, because it is Michael that composed and wrote the lyrics to most of his biggest hits (e.g. Don't Stop Till You Get Enough, Billie Jean, The Way You Make Me Feel, Smooth Criminal, Beat It, Heal The World, Black Or White, Stranger In Moscow, Earth Song) and I think the Dangerous album is just as great if not greater than the Thriller, Bad and Off The Wall album.
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Dude, the fact that there are many songs on it and that many of them are ballads has no connection with how good the album is. :)

Just because you like one song, it doesn't make it good. :)
You are not alone is one of my favorite songs, but we probaly all agree that it's cheezy and average. :)

Oh, and I don't see why everyone thinks that THRILLER was that great... It was sure a good and revolutionary, but BAD and DANGEROUS are way better and deeper in my opinion. :)

YANA...lol, yeah you're right, but my god it was a big ol'hit, people love the cheese!! (My Heart Will Go On-Celine Dion, I Will Always Love You-Whitney for example!)

I disagree about 2000 Watts though, I don't think it's a 'Bad' Song.

It's all down to taste though I guess, HIStory was my favourite MJ Album. I love songs like 'Heal The World' 'Childhood' and 'You Are My Life' because they carry a message, but others may find them cheesy and a bit rubbish.

I really don't think Invincible is a bad album, Not at all. :no: But then I don't think much Michael did was bad. He was a musical genius and no one can dispute that :)

Thriller is in fact my least favourite Album! I think that's just my natural desire to support the underdog (of albums in this case) though.:D
I love Invincible, the lack of promotion on this album was disgusting!
Despite this it still sold ALOT no matter what the critics say
My first post :)

I absolutely LOVE this album. Each of MJ's albums has a unique feel, and in this one he seems to mature a little more. The ballads are not a problem for me, and each time I hear them I find a new 'favourite' . For a long time I listened to the album through my speakers but didn't fully appreciate the depth of each arrangement, the nuances of each song, until I listened (really listened) on head phones. Wow. MJ was a true artist and genius....
I also think that Invincible was a great album that was very underrated... I love all the songs since it's my second favourite after dangerous!!!!He sounds mature and I believe that songs like whatever happens, unbreakable, break of dawn, you rock my world are some of his best songs!!!
I also love "Invincible". I can relate to many of the songs, and I can feel Michael in all of them.

Terribly underrated.
I also think that Invincible was a great album that was very underrated... I love all the songs since it's my second favourite after dangerous!!!!He sounds mature and I believe that songs like whatever happens, unbreakable, break of dawn, you rock my world are some of his best songs!!!

Those are my favorites too along with Speechless and The Lost Children.
Invincible best album of michael jackson album's
Best track list
Best name song
best cover
best sound
Oh, now I'm depressed. Michael Jackson's last album was Invincible.
He has such a great catalogue yet he left the Earth with Invincible as his 'final curtain call'.
That's terrible.

I know it has got SOME good songs, but it has some really bad songs too.

u shud be sla**ed for saying such a BLASPHEMOUS statement