Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

The amount of money she was asking for was just incredible. 44 MILLION DOLLARS, for just being his publicist.

According to agreement between Bain and MJ she used to get a salary and 10 percent of any business she brought in. That's why we see that high amount. (BTW when you think of it people should relax about 2 executors getting 10% of profits because apparently Bain used to get 10% gross income of MJ all by herself)

Raymone was fired in 2007 and signed a payment and release agreement in December of 2007, in which she agreed that Michael Jackson didn't owe her a nickel. Michael payed her a final 500k and she got the boot.

True but she's asking for wages for 2008 and her 10% from the TII earnings which she feels she's entitled to because she was present at the start of the negotiations.
According to agreement between Bain and MJ she used to get a salary and 10 percent of any business she brought in. That's why we see that high amount. (BTW when you think of it people should relax about 2 executors getting 10% of profits because apparently Bain used to get 10% gross income of MJ all by herself)

True but she's asking for wages for 2008 and her 10% from the TII earnings which she feels she's entitled to because she was present at the start of the negotiations.

The executors share 10% Each one gets 5%
By signing the payment and release agreement all her prior contracts with him nullyfied. The agreement states that the compensation she got for her work for him included whatsoever agreements, claims, wages, etc she may may not have gotten from him otherwise. There was a reason why Michael and McMillan made her sign the payment and release agreement. By signing it and agreeing to the 500k which she got, she nullyified prior signed agreements. I posted some parts of it in my last posting. Raymone knows she ain't entitled to ish, her lawyers didn't drop her for nothing.

Thinking of Raymone Bain I keep on getting flashbacks of images of her wearing that borrowed LAtoya wig, you know the one Toya wore for her infamous press conference back in 1994? Raymone wore the same one for her tacky ''press conference'' live stream, website whatever she had put up in order to spread the news she was suing Michael Jackson
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The executors share 10% Each one gets 5%
By signing the payment and release agreement all her prior contracts with him nullyfied. The agreement states that the compensation she got for her work for him included whatsoever agreements, claims, wages, etc she may may not have gotten from him otherwise. There was a reason why Michael and McMillan made her sign the payment and release agreement. By signing it and agreeing to the 500k which she got, she nullyified prior signed agreements. I posted some parts of it in my last posting. Raymone knows she ain't entitled to ish, her lawyers didn't drop her for nothing.

Thinking of Raymone Bain I keep on getting flashbacks of images of her wearing that borrowed LAtoya wig, you know the one Toya wore for her infamous press conference back in 1994? Raymone wore the same one for her tacky ''press conference'' live stream, website whatever she had put up in order to spread the news she was suing Michael Jackson

WTF??? why would Bain get 10% when the execs only get 5% each? Craziness.
Raymone Bain. Urgh. So glad this nonsense was thrown out, who the hell does she think she is anyway. Yet another one wanting Michael for what he can give them.
be intresting ot see if she carries on with the case
and AllGood entertainment feels like they are entitled to $300M because of the AEG deal. 2 women think that they are married to Michael and one man (the one that asks for the funeral costs) thinks that he's Robin Hood. and so on and on and on..

Regardless of what they fell/think, the claims are still wacky.





Though I kind of do feel bad for the guy whose mother told him all his life that MJ was his dad. It must be niggling his brain, and he says he doesn't want money he just wants a DNA test to know whether its true or not. Not the Estates fault what his mum told him though I guess..-_-

An update Raymone Bain's lawyers say that they will be fighting at court to get the $44M they are asking for

For Immediate Release Contact: Willie E. Gary, Esquire

April 20, 2010

Willie E. Gary, Esquire
Issues the Following Statement Regarding Misleading News Reports Concerning Former Michael Jackson General Manager/Spokesperson Raymone Bain

"By law, Creditor Claims had to be filed on behalf of Raymone Bain in the State of California as a matter of Probate procedure.

"We expected the claims to be rejected by the Estate as there is still pending litigation in the Federal District Court.

"Reports that Ms. Bain has been defeated in her lawsuit against the Estate are erroneous. Our lawsuit is alive and well."
Good luck Miss Bain I just love those payment and relase things. Didn't she say in her fiings that Michael made her sign it?
An update Raymone Bain's lawyers say that they will be fighting at court to get the $44M they are asking for

For Immediate Release Contact: Willie E. Gary, Esquire

April 20, 2010

Willie E. Gary, Esquire
Issues the Following Statement Regarding Misleading News Reports Concerning Former Michael Jackson General Manager/Spokesperson Raymone Bain

"By law, Creditor Claims had to be filed on behalf of Raymone Bain in the State of California as a matter of Probate procedure.

"We expected the claims to be rejected by the Estate as there is still pending litigation in the Federal District Court.

"Reports that Ms. Bain has been defeated in her lawsuit against the Estate are erroneous. Our lawsuit is alive and well."
And she'll keep trying and will continue to be denied. lol! :doh:
OMG she's still trying?

Thanx for that info Ivy.
yep, still trying. now a court will decide whether Raymone Bain is entitled to any money or not.

Lets me see if I can fortell the future..............:fortuneteller:
She's so pathetic and greedy that its unbelieveable.

But she's not the only one! How greedy are people? It makes me feel awful for Mike. Who truly loved him? Sigh.
Still trying? Give it up Raymone, just give it up and at least save some of your every declining credibiity in the industry. Don't become known for trying to milk an extortionate amount of money off a man who's not around any more.
Raymone ain't gonna get a nickel when I think of how unprofessional her ''work'' was it's hard to believe she's got a college degree
Ms. Bain must think everybody is stupid!

She knows how important that "Payment & Release" document is, that's why she didn't attach it to her initial lawsuit. LOL!

She now says that she was forced to sign it, or whatever. Well if that's the case, why didn't she just included that document in her INITIAL claim and just state that she was forced to sign it.

Why did it take Michael's defense to bring that document to light. Did she think Michael and his people forgot that she signed that Payment & Release document?

When you try and hide stuff like that, it ALWAYS comes back to bite you on the butt!
well said apple. shes a stupid b**** and a greedy cow.dont tell me the killers held you hostage and forced you to sign it
Ms. Bain must think everybody is stupid!

She knows how important that "Payment & Release" document is, that's why she didn't attach it to her initial lawsuit. LOL!

She now says that she was forced to sign it, or whatever. Well if that's the case, why didn't she just included that document in her INITIAL claim and just state that she was forced to sign it.

Why did it take Michael's defense to bring that document to light. Did she think Michael and his people forgot that she signed that Payment & Release document?

When you try and hide stuff like that, it ALWAYS comes back to bite you on the butt!

:agree: How?

That woman is beyond pathetic at this point. She is like the female Oxman
An update Raymone Bain's lawyers say that they will be fighting at court to get the $44M they are asking for

For Immediate Release Contact: Willie E. Gary, Esquire

April 20, 2010

Willie E. Gary, Esquire
Issues the Following Statement Regarding Misleading News Reports Concerning Former Michael Jackson General Manager/Spokesperson Raymone Bain

"By law, Creditor Claims had to be filed on behalf of Raymone Bain in the State of California as a matter of Probate procedure.

"We expected the claims to be rejected by the Estate as there is still pending litigation in the Federal District Court.

"Reports that Ms. Bain has been defeated in her lawsuit against the Estate are erroneous. Our lawsuit is alive and well."

Oh no. I spoke too soon.
Of course Raymone Bain lawyers will go on with the case,they are the ones that no matter how it ends are gonna get paid anyway.Brian Oxman belongs in the same category.
this was posted on KOP

from mosaic on lsa
I'm listening to Raymone Bain's show and Brian Oxman is one of the guests. He's discussing creditors claims and explaining why some people filed claims against Michael. He said Michael had a strange cash flow system that required people to wait for payment. He said everyone in Michael's world knew that. Brian said when new people come in they would try to say that the statute of limitations has expired to avoid paying people. I'm assuming the new people he's talking about people who handled Michael's financial affairs. So when a person files a claim it's a way of assuring that they will be paid when the cash becomes available.

Raymone said invoices would be submitted and when the administration changes, the new administration would basically throw the invoices in the garbage. They're basically reinforcing the idea that the people in charge of Michael's finances were not paying his bills.

Oxman said Joe was crying because Michael's memorabilia is being sold. He said Katherine does not approve of the auction. Oxman blames the estate for preventing the formation of a museum to preserve his posesssions. He called it the high jacking of the estate and he said the estate is to blame for creditors not being paid. Oxman said the estate is estranged from the Jackson family.

Raymone said Michael's position has always been that he wanted to preserve his memorabilia for his children. She said there was an occasion where someone had a few of Michael's possesions and Michael had a fit. He got his attorneys and accountants to go to Ebay and buy everything that had his name on it. They purchased over $100,000 merchandise from Ebay.

ETA: Oxman said the executors were granted a 10% commission on everything in additoin to their fees for administering the estate. There's no money in forming a museum and that's why they're selling everything. Oxman claims there is no checks and balances to stop the estate from doing this.

During the trial, Oxman said people tried to get Michael to sell certain things because there was a cash flow problem but he refused. He said those things belonged to his children.

I didn't realize Raymone worked for Michael for so long. She didn't finish her thought but it sounds like she began working for him in some capacity between 1998-2000.

A fan emailed Raymone blaming her for allowing Michael to do the Bashit interview. Oxman said Weisman and Konitzer were managing Michael at that time.

Oxman said Michael had very specific terms on which he wanted to release the music in his vault. He would not be happy about how many of these songs would be released because they are not up to his standards according to Oxman.

The auction is scheduled on the anniversary of his death. He refused to sell those things for his criminal defense.

Someone asked what happened to Michael's money. During 12/07-12/08 millions of dollars were available to Michael because of the ATV catalog refinance. In a 30-40 day period unnamed people had control of the money. Basically, at least 3 or 4 other entities were brought in and replaced before an unnamed person became involved in July or August of 2008. Raymone challenges anyone to refute that Michael had total financial stability during that time.

Raymone said none of this reflects negatively on Michael. He had a heart of gold and constantly thought of the people who worked for him.
All the recent posts in this thread about the Julien's Auctions, Joe's and Oxman's claims that items were stolen etc are moved to the already existing thread about the auctions. Please click here to go to that thread.

Please let's limit the discussion in this thread to estate rejecting creditor claims and the lawsuits related to creditor claims.

Thanks everyone.