Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Being that TMez is a defense lawyer, I wonder if he is helping Frank on this one?
hes a criminal lawyer not a civil one.dileo would need a civil one that takes cases involving contract law
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

A day and a life of Michael J Jackson estate can he rest in peace can we please hear something positive like the kids recieved a nice gift from the people who run Their estate i say their estate but next they will be frighting people 25 years from now claiming this and that a damn shame.

PBSKiDS has learn that Patrat paddy Polly packet Jackson says she is not having that she is the mother of his 15 kids plus PPB she claims to be married to Michael for two days in a half they meant outside of a club in back of a car parking lot and that the woman below this in this image name

Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun insane Jackson needs to back down she is not the real wife. She always claimed that when their son GIjoe Gilbert Jackson ran out ofdiapers’ and low fat milk she got fed up at the estate because she was late getting her wickcheck and that the estate was suppose to send extra money for their son GIJOE.

Also Sources in Dora explorer camp are really pissed off at the estate they file a lawsuit claiming that Michael was suppose to play the fox in one of the episode
so the people who run MJ estate send a dozen of Bananas to Dora friend boots but according to Joe Jackson he was fed up with Dora and demanded to sue her because she didn't sang the theme song for her cartoon he than send the sesame street gang to run in CTNW studios to beat up dora. Joe Jackson and Dora made up and she brought Joe some chocolate milk and cookies for there festa party.

You are incredible! :wild: Thanks for making me laugh. lol! :lol:
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

A day and a life of Michael J Jackson estate can he rest in peace can we please hear something positive like the kids recieved a nice gift from the people who run Their estate i say their estate but next they will be frighting people 25 years from now claiming this and that a damn shame.

PBSKiDS has learn that Patrat paddy Polly packet Jackson says she is not having that she is the mother of his 15 kids plus PPB she claims to be married to Michael for two days in a half they meant outside of a club in back of a car parking lot and that the woman below this in this image name

Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun insane Jackson needs to back down she is not the real wife. She always claimed that when their son GIjoe Gilbert Jackson ran out ofdiapers’ and low fat milk she got fed up at the estate because she was late getting her wickcheck and that the estate was suppose to send extra money for their son GIJOE.

Also Sources in Dora explorer camp are really pissed off at the estate they file a lawsuit claiming that Michael was suppose to play the fox in one of the episode
so the people who run MJ estate send a dozen of Bananas to Dora friend boots but according to Joe Jackson he was fed up with Dora and demanded to sue her because she didn't sang the theme song for her cartoon he than send the sesame street gang to run in CTNW studios to beat up dora. Joe Jackson and Dora made up and she brought Joe some chocolate milk and cookies for there festa party.


this really is the sum of the significance of all the lawsuits hurled at MJ. thanks for this.:yes:
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

She claims she was married to MJ and besides PPB they also have 15 other children with MJ and like that's enough for her... Tito's kids are also hers and MJ's and according to one of her blogs she is now also married to Jermaine and yup you guessed it right - Jermaine's kids are hers! :lol:

Wow, all the laws of physics she's been defying! :lmao:

Funny... she would have been 8 years old when Taj was born :scratch:
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

this really is the sum of the significance of all the lawsuits hurled at MJ. thanks for this.:yes:

u welcome sweetie i will continue to state other people claims at MJ estate
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Now for the wacky ones:

First up, Jose Freddie Vallejos, a pissed-off private citizen who wants $3.3 million so he can reimburse the City of L.A. for the Jackson memorial.

]Next, Claire McMillan, who wants more than $2 million for her homeschooling services.

Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun Jackson claims to have been married to MJ and wants custody of the 3 kids ... the estate is telling her to pound sand.

And then there's Richard Lapointe, who wants $5 mil for an MJ memorabilia auction that was canceled.

Helen Harris-Scott has also been told to take a hike. She's demanding $50 mil because she claims ***** had her phone wiretapped and had organized criminals watch her.

We're told the estate will be rejecting more claims .... soon.

In the words of George Carlin... "Here's list of more people who need to be strapped to a chair and beat to death with hammers!":D

Some words come to mind to define these idiots. Here goes:

-WACKJOB (this one definately defines the last moron!)

oh and the list goes on...:no:
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

PBSKiDS has learn that Patrat paddy Polly packet Jackson says she is not having that she is the mother of his 15 kids plus PPB she claims to be married to Michael for two days in a half they meant outside of a club in back of a car parking lot and that the woman below this in this image name

Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun insane Jackson needs to back down she is not the real wife. She always claimed that when their son GIjoe Gilbert Jackson ran out ofdiapers’ and low fat milk she got fed up at the estate because she was late getting her wickcheck and that the estate was suppose to send extra money for their son GIJOE.

Also Sources in Dora explorer camp are really pissed off at the estate they file a lawsuit claiming that Michael was suppose to play the fox in one of the episode
so the people who run MJ estate send a dozen of Bananas to Dora friend boots but according to Joe Jackson he was fed up with Dora and demanded to sue her because she didn't sang the theme song for her cartoon he than send the sesame street gang to run in CTNW studios to beat up dora. Joe Jackson and Dora made up and she brought Joe some chocolate milk and cookies for there festa party.


:rofl::clap: That's awesome! HAHAHA!!!!:hysterical:
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

I agree. But once the court see's that there was only a deal between Frank & AGE, Frank has sum 'splaining to doooo!

This video here would convict Frank alone regarding AGE:

That vid gives alot of good info on AGE & Frank- makes me wonder what was Jermaine doing too. It has an email in there too, wonder how they got it?

This link from TSCM has alot of good info too.

I personally never believed Frank about the meeting at the Beverly Hills hotel where that was the one day he happened to be out of town. It wasn't a spur of the moment thing, it had been planned in advance as there were press before it happened, on May 15. 2009-

KING: We're back with Michael Jackson's manager Frank DiLeo, in our exclusive appearance. Jim Moret, chief correspondent of "Inside Edition." What can you tell us about a meeting at the Beverly Hills Hotel, attended by Michael and his father Joe, before the concert tour? What was that all about?

DILEO: Here is what happened. That was the one day I happened to be out of town. Joseph wanted to have a meeting with Leonard Rowe, Michael, Randy Phillips and me, and Paul Gumbaway (ph). Katherine came to the meeting. It was at the Beverly Hills Hotel in a bungalow.

They got there early. Michael stayed in his car until Randy and Paul came. I was out of town. They went in. They had a meeting. Joe asked all these questions, him and Leonard. Randy answered them.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

A new one

Michael Jackson's Secret 'Wife' Denied
Originally posted Apr 16th 2010 4:50 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

The woman who claimed to be Michael Jackson's secret wife will not get a cent of his money, according to new court documents.

Shellie Doreen Smith filed a creditor's claim with the Jackson estate back in December. She claimed they got married sometime in the 70's in New York City.

According to the docs, the court overseeing the Michael Jackson estate case denied Shellie's request for spousal support yesterday. Shocking.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0lJdmuJT4
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Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

good for them!
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

they added the explanation for 7th one

'Biological Son' of Michael Jackson Rejected

One of the creditor's claims the Michael Jackson estate has rejected was filed by a 25-year-old man who says he's the biological son of the late singer.

Prince Michael Malachi Jet Jackson had filed a claim with the estate, but he's not asking for money -- he wants a DNA test proving he's MJ's flesh and blood.

But as we first reported, Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, formally rejected a bunch of claims yesterday, including the one from P.M.M.J.J.

We're told more rejections are coming, so stay tuned.

I understand the etsate is going by the legal stating that michael has only 3 children but maybe the estate should just let him get tested. If the test verifies that michael isn't the father he will go away. This guy has probably been told his whole life that michael was the father, I can't see michael having a kid and neglecting him because that doesn't seem his nature he wanted kids badly for years but for the sake of the jacksons and this young man just let him get tested, he's not asking for money and i feel like he's gonna keep popping so just get it over with.
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Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

I understand the etsate is going by the legal stating that michael has only 3 children but maybe the estate should just let him get tested. If the test verifies that michael isn't the father he will go away. This guy has probably been told his whole life that michael was the father, I can't see michael having a kid and neglecting him because that doesn't seem his nature he wanted kids badly for years but for the sake of the jacksons and this young man just let him get tested, he's not asking for money and i feel like he's gonna keep popping so just get it over with.

If they allow him to be tested he will go away.

Are you sure about that?

How many times has Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun claimed she is the "real" mother of Michael's children.

How many times has she had her "case" thrown out of court only for her to refile the same thing time and again.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Go team MJ!!!

Keep shutting down these ridiculous claims...sooner or later, they will get the message
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

I understand the etsate is going by the legal stating that michael has only 3 children but maybe the estate should just let him get tested. If the test verifies that michael isn't the father he will go away. This guy has probably been told his whole life that michael was the father, I can't see michael having a kid and neglecting him because that doesn't seem his nature he wanted kids badly for years but for the sake of the jacksons and this young man just let him get tested, he's not asking for money and i feel like he's gonna keep popping so just get it over with.

legally speaking - it's wiser for them to reject such claims if they do not want to open the doors for similar genetic claims.. basically if they allow this kid a DNA test then you could have tens, hundreds of other claiming the same.

The estate is basically trying to say "hey we'll not be accepting these claims right off the bat and if you want to make these claims be prepared to battle it out in the court". By this they are hoping that the people who has no basis will not spend money and time in the court and they will only left to deal with people whose claims have merit or who believe that (or delusional that) their claims is 100% true.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

legally speaking - it's wiser for them to reject such claims if they do not want to open the doors for similar genetic claims.. basically if they allow this kid a DNA test then you could have tens, hundreds of other claiming the same.

The estate is basically trying to say "hey we'll not be accepting these claims right off the bat and if you want to make these claims be prepared to battle it out in the court". By this they are hoping that the people who has no basis will not spend money and time in the court and they will only left to deal with people whose claims have merit or who believe that (or delusional that) their claims is 100% true.

Go team MJ!!!

Keep shutting down these ridiculous claims...sooner or later, they will get the message
I do have the feeling that they need to get stricter when it comes to wacky claims, I'm sure they will if they haven't already thrown out a bunch of other wacky claims. They should shut those wanna be creditors down that's the only way of preventing future idiots of filing a claim against the estate. Geez this is Michael's estate not some free bank every1 and their mama has a right on.
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Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

How about this one?

From http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/story/womans-bid-for-jacksons-cash-denied_1139349

17 April 2010 14:40
Michael Jackson - Woman's Bid For Jackson's Cash Denied

Woman's Bid For Jackson's Cash Denied

A woman who alleges she was married to MICHAEL JACKSON has been denied a slice of the late star's estate - her legal challenge has been dismissed by a judge.
Shellie Doreen Smith claimed she and the King of Pop exchanged vows in a low-key ceremony at a New York City hotel in the 1970s.
She asked a judge in December (10) to grant her spousal support.
But her bid for Jackson's cash was denied in court on Thursday (15Apr10), according to TMZ.com.
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Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

MJ Estate to Publicist: You're Not Getting a Cent!

Originally posted Apr 19th 2010 2:09 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's former right-hand woman just tasted a $44,000,000 defeat -- after MJ's estate rejected 2 creditors' claims she filed earlier this year.

Raymone Bain -- Jackson's longtime publicist/manager/friend -- had filed the docs claiming MJ owed her more than $44 mil in back wages and profit sharing.

But today, MJ's estate finally got back to Bain -- with a big, fat, rejection stamp.

Bain is the latest in a series of creditors' claims to be denied by the estate -- with more denials expected to be on the way shortly.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0lazoQ67O
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Raymone Bain -- Jackson's longtime publicist/manager/friend -- had filed the docs claiming MJ owed her more than $44 mil in back wages and profit sharing.

But today, MJ's estate finally got back to Bain -- with a big, fat, rejection stamp.

Bain is the latest in a series of creditors' claims to be denied by the estate -- with more denials expected to be on the way shortly.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0lazoQ67O


But I bet she'll keep trying.
Crazy wacky claims should be flushed down the toilet.They all don't deserve nothing.
Just leave the man alone.He's not here to defend himself.Why make his family suffer for nonsense?
Bain feels she is entitled to this money for setting up the AEG deal:
Just leave the man alone.He's not here to defend himself.Why make his family suffer for nonsense?

Actually the estate (Branca, McClain and their lawyer Weitzman) are the ones that are /will be dealing and suffering with this nonsense.

Bain feels she is entitled to this money for setting up the AEG deal:

and AllGood entertainment feels like they are entitled to $300M because of the AEG deal. 2 women think that they are married to Michael and one man (the one that asks for the funeral costs) thinks that he's Robin Hood. and so on and on and on..

Regardless of what they fell/think, the claims are still wacky.
Oh dear, poor Raymone had her claims rejected. Oh, I feel sooooo bad for her :rolleyes: Seriously though Michael had all these stupid claims against him when he was alive, who thought it would stop when he died? Too many people wanting Michael for what they can give him, not what they could do for him.
Why give cash to bain when branca and mcclain can funnel it into dodgy Sony deals and offshore bank accounts just like in 03 lol

Buh bye bain, uncle John and uncle John run this puppy now.
and AllGood entertainment feels like they are entitled to $300M because of the AEG deal. 2 women think that they are married to Michael and one man (the one that asks for the funeral costs) thinks that he's Robin Hood. and so on and on and on..

Regardless of what they fell/think, the claims are still wacky.

I agree. I just find it odd that the story was that CC contacted Anshutz who got Randy Philips involved to take care of it etc. However this document claims that Bain was in negotiations since 2007!!!
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The amount of money she was asking for was just incredible. 44 MILLION DOLLARS, for just being his publicist.This kind of things make me empathise with michael more and more,It's really sad to know you are only wanted for your money and dont even know who had your back and loved you for who you are.I cant imagine living such a life,he was just surrounded by bloodsuckers.I doubt if any entertainer was betrayed as much as michael.
It's really disheartening.
Actually the estate (Branca, McClain and their lawyer Weitzman) are the ones that are /will be dealing and suffering with this nonsense.

and AllGood entertainment feels like they are entitled to $300M because of the AEG deal. 2 women think that they are married to Michael and one man (the one that asks for the funeral costs) thinks that he's Robin Hood. and so on and on and on..

Regardless of what they fell/think, the claims are still wacky.
AllGood got rejected earlier as well.
Well done executors fight off wacky claims fiercely so that future idiots dont even THINK OF freeloading and filing a claim.
Raymone was fired in 2007 and signed a payment and release agreement in December of 2007, in which she agreed that Michael Jackson didn't owe her a nickel. Michael payed her a final 500k and she got the boot.

Big Update in Raymone Case! MJ Responds

Posted by TSCM

Major Court Update June 18, 2009

Today, several key motions were filed by Michael's defense to both respond to and oppose Raymone's claims. A summary of the VERY REVEALING claims as made by Michael's attorneys is included below:

- On December 27, 2007 both Michael Jackson and Raymone Bain entered into a "Payment and Release Agreement" whereby Raymone acknowledged that she was "not owed any additional monies under any other agreement from the beginning of time until December 27, 2007." As such, Michael's team claims that "any monies allegedly owed under the May 30, 2006 agreement between the parties were extinguished under the Payment and Release."

- The defense notes that this Payment and Release form is, not surprisingly, "completely and conspicuously absent from any of Plaintiffs’ pleadings and filings with this Court."

- More legal jargon which ultimately reiterates their stance that Raymone's claim is legally "not only without merit, but is frivolous."

- A deposition from Londell McMillan confirmed that Raymone Bain, as part of the Payment and Release Agreement she signed into in 2007, was paid $488,820.05 and was fully satisfied, with total acknowledgment that NO OTHER MONEY was owed to her under ANY past agreements. This makes it clear why she avoided mentioning that release agreement in her complaint.

- The actual payment and release agreement states, in part:

Mr. Jackson shall render a payment made payable to you [Plaintiffs] in the amount of four hundred and eighty-eight thousand, eight hundred and twenty dollars and five cents ($488,820.05) as full and final satisfaction of any and all monies, known or unknown, to be owed to you by the Jackson Parties with respect to any and all agreements whether verbal or written that you may have entered into with the Jackson Parties from the beginning of time until December 27, 2007 (the "Payment").

Except as otherwise set forth herein, in consideration of the Payment and other consideration provided herein, you [Plaintiffs] on behalf of yourself, your respective predecessors in interests, successors and assigns, representatives, partners, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, members, officers, directors, agents, attorneys, employees, insurers, donees and licensees and each of them as applicable, do hereby absolutely, fully and forever release, relieve, waive, relinquish and discharge the Jackson Parties and each of their respective predecessors in interest, successors and assigns, representatives, partners, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, members, officers, directors, agents, attorneys, employees, insurers, donees and licensees and each of them as applicable of and from any and all manner of action or actions, suits debts, liabilities, demands, claims, obligations, costs, expenses, sums of money, controversies, damages, accounts, reckonings, and liens of every kind or nature whatsoever, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected which you shall or may have, own or hold, or which they at any time heretofore had owned or held against the Jackson Parties by reason of, arising out of or in connection with any matter whatsoever.


This agreement contains the entire understanding between and among the parties hereto and supersedes any and all prior understandings, agreements, representations, covenants, warranties, and releases, express or implied, written or oral, between any of the parties...

The defense argument goes on to describe how the court will have to uphold the agreement put in place by Raymone and Michael Jackson in 2007, and how her claims exist based on "hearsay lacking any evidentiary support." Also, information and past court cases are cited as to why she cannot freeze any of Michael Jackson's assets or accounts without first obtaining a judgment, which again would be very unlikely given the release agreement acknowledging that she was owed nothing more regardless of any past agreements.

In conclusion, with this BINDING AGREEMENT now revealed and on the table, Raymone has "no viable case against the Jackson Parties and are therefore unlikely to succeed on the merits."
at 8:58
