Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
Guess some won't be too happy to hear this,... I'm expecting more people to run amok and slander Michael Jackson now. -_-

Michael Jackson Wacky Claims Rejected

Originally posted 9 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
TMZ has learned Michael Jackson's estate has rejected 7 creditor's claims, including one for a whopping $300,000,000. Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, just filed legal papers rejecting Allgood Entertainment's $300 mil claim over a Jackson family concert that got derailed because of the ill-fated London concerts.

Now for the wacky ones:

First up, Jose Freddie Vallejos, a pissed-off private citizen who wants $3.3 million so he can reimburse the City of L.A. for the Jackson memorial.

Next, Claire McMillan, who wants more than $2 million for her homeschooling services.

Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun Jackson claims to have been married to MJ and wants custody of the 3 kids ... the estate is telling her to pound sand.

And then there's Richard Lapointe, who wants $5 mil for an MJ memorabilia auction that was canceled.

Helen Harris-Scott has also been told to take a hike. She's demanding $50 mil because she claims ***** had her phone wiretapped and had organized criminals watch her.

We're told the estate will be rejecting more claims .... soon.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, just filed legal papers rejecting Allgood Entertainment's $300 mil claim over a Jackson family concert that got derailed because of the ill-fated London concerts.

Good. Michael never agreed to do the Jackson family reunion concert anyway. And as far as I know, the brothers didn't officially agree to it either. I'm glad the lawyers are investigating these claims before handing out any money.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

So the Allgood claim was rejected. Thank god for that. It never should have see the light of day in the first place.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Thank you for posting

What happens when these claims are rejected - can the creditors appeal or file again for a lesser amount? I hope not.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Thank you for posting

What happens when these claims are rejected - can the creditors appeal or file again for a lesser amount? I hope not.

when the claims are rejected, the creditors have 3 months to file a lawsuit in the appropriate court. Then the court will decide whether or not there's a basis for the claims and whether they should be paid or not.

a short 1 page handout for claims can be found here : http://www.lasuperiorcourt.org/probate/pdf/CreditorsClaim.pdf
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Thanks Ivy

So not time to start celebrating just yet.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Those claims = :doh:
Glad to see they're being chucked out.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

TMZ has learned Michael Jackson's estate has rejected 7 creditor's claims, including one for a whopping $300,000,000. Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, just filed legal papers rejecting Allgood Entertainment's $300 mil claim over a Jackson family concert that got derailed because of the ill-fated London concerts.
This is Frank Dileo's problem. Frank had a meeting with TMez recently. Being that TMez is a defense lawyer, I wonder if he is helping Frank on this one?
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

yes it is still early to see what the final outcome will be.

But remember it doesn't mean that all of these people will file a lawsuit against the estate because it would require these creditors to hire a lawyer and occur legal costs for the duration of the lawsuit.

I think it will eliminate some really "wacky" claims (as TMZ put it) with no basis and no chance to win at court.

ps: Probably we'll see a lawsuit between the estate and AllGood.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

ps: Probably we'll see a lawsuit between the estate and AllGood.

I agree. But once the court see's that there was only a deal between Frank & AGE, Frank has sum 'splaining to doooo!

This video here would convict Frank alone regarding AGE:
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Hope the Estate will not pay any of these greedy f###ers any money.

They all just want a piece of the cake.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Jackson's estate has rejected 7 creditor's claims, including one for a whopping $300,000,000. Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, just filed legal papers rejecting Allgood Entertainment's $300 mil claim over a Jackson family concert that got derailed because of the ill-fated London concerts.

Now for the wacky ones:

First up, Jose Freddie Vallejos, a pissed-off private citizen who wants $3.3 million so he can reimburse the City of L.A. for the Jackson memorial.

Next, Claire McMillan, who wants more than $2 million for her homeschooling services.

Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun Jackson claims to have been married to MJ and wants custody of the 3 kids ... the estate is telling her to pound sand.

And then there's Richard Lapointe, who wants $5 mil for an MJ memorabilia auction that was canceled.

Helen Harris-Scott has also been told to take a hike. She's demanding $50 mil because she claims ***** had her phone wiretapped and had organized criminals watch her.

We're told the estate will be rejecting more claims .... soon.

As they should! greedy ass clowns!
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Guess some won't be too happy to hear this,... I'm expecting more people to run amok and slander Michael Jackson now. -_-

Michael Jackson Wacky Claims Rejected

Originally posted 9 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
TMZ has learned Michael Jackson's estate has rejected 7 creditor's claims, including one for a whopping $300,000,000. Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, just filed legal papers rejecting Allgood Entertainment's $300 mil claim over a Jackson family concert that got derailed because of the ill-fated London concerts.

Now for the wacky ones:

First up, Jose Freddie Vallejos, a pissed-off private citizen who wants $3.3 million so he can reimburse the City of L.A. for the Jackson memorial.

Next, Claire McMillan, who wants more than $2 million for her homeschooling services.

Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun Jackson claims to have been married to MJ and wants custody of the 3 kids ... the estate is telling her to pound sand.

And then there's Richard Lapointe, who wants $5 mil for an MJ memorabilia auction that was canceled.

Helen Harris-Scott has also been told to take a hike. She's demanding $50 mil because she claims ***** had her phone wiretapped and had organized criminals watch her.

We're told the estate will be rejecting more claims .... soon.

what? that's bad news? lol.

no..but i do understand where u are coming from. when there is good MJ news, the creeps come out, and slander MJ, due to envy.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Glad to hear this.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

when the claims are rejected, the creditors have 3 months to file a lawsuit in the appropriate court. Then the court will decide whether or not there's a basis for the claims and whether they should be paid or not.

a short 1 page handout for claims can be found here : http://www.lasuperiorcourt.org/probate/pdf/CreditorsClaim.pdf

Thank you for the link.

If I remember correctly, AGE did file a lawsuit in superior court....months before they filed the claim against the estate. So it is not over....yet.

But glad to see the execs are shutting down these clowns. Raymone Bain is next....
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Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Good. Maybe Patrick Alloco will go after Dileo now since he was the one who told Alloco that he would work on getting Michael to do this reunion.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

BTW the TMZ article mentions 7 claims, they only descsribe 6 claims.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

A day and a life of Michael J Jackson estate can he rest in peace can we please hear something positive like the kids recieved a nice gift from the people who run Their estate i say their estate but next they will be frighting people 25 years from now claiming this and that a damn shame.

Guess some won't be too happy to hear this,... I'm expecting more people to run amok and slander Michael Jackson now. -_-

Michael Jackson Wacky Claims Rejected

Originally posted 9 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
TMZ has learned Michael Jackson's estate has rejected 7 creditor's claims, including one for a whopping $300,000,000. Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, just filed legal papers rejecting Allgood Entertainment's $300 mil claim over a Jackson family concert that got derailed because of the ill-fated London concerts.

Now for the wacky ones:

First up, Jose Freddie Vallejos, a pissed-off private citizen who wants $3.3 million so he can reimburse the City of L.A. for the Jackson memorial.

Next, Claire McMillan, who wants more than $2 million for her homeschooling services.

Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun Jackson claims to have been married to MJ and wants custody of the 3 kids ... the estate is telling her to pound sand.

And then there's Richard Lapointe, who wants $5 mil for an MJ memorabilia auction that was canceled.

Helen Harris-Scott has also been told to take a hike. She's demanding $50 mil because she claims ***** had her phone wiretapped and had organized criminals watch her.

We're told the estate will be rejecting more claims .... soon.

PBSKiDS has learn that Patrat paddy Polly packet Jackson says she is not having that she is the mother of his 15 kids plus PPB she claims to be married to Michael for two days in a half they meant outside of a club in back of a car parking lot and that the woman below this in this image name

Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun insane Jackson needs to back down she is not the real wife. She always claimed that when their son GIjoe Gilbert Jackson ran out ofdiapers’ and low fat milk she got fed up at the estate because she was late getting her wickcheck and that the estate was suppose to send extra money for their son GIJOE.

Also Sources in Dora explorer camp are really pissed off at the estate they file a lawsuit claiming that Michael was suppose to play the fox in one of the episode
so the people who run MJ estate send a dozen of Bananas to Dora friend boots but according to Joe Jackson he was fed up with Dora and demanded to sue her because she didn't sang the theme song for her cartoon he than send the sesame street gang to run in CTNW studios to beat up dora. Joe Jackson and Dora made up and she brought Joe some chocolate milk and cookies for there festa party.

Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

ahh nona will never learn. maybe a night or 40 in jail will teach her a lesson?... ya think?

These people should know better then to go ahead with sh!t like this. They will get rejected because their claims are so f**king outrageous. I understand some but 300 mil is a little much for something that wasn't set in stone. And that other ish... oi poor Michael the life he led was hard. People never take their hands out of his pockets.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Nona's still around? I thought she went away years ago. Obviously not!
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Nona's still around? I thought she went away years ago. Obviously not!

Well, you know how it is in life; All good things come to an end, while all bad things seem to find a way to bounce back. :sigh:
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun Jackson claims to have been married to MJ and wants custody of the 3 kids ... the estate is telling her to pound sand.

She claims she was married to MJ and besides PPB they also have 15 other children with MJ and like that's enough for her... Tito's kids are also hers and MJ's and according to one of her blogs she is now also married to Jermaine and yup you guessed it right - Jermaine's kids are hers! :lol:

Wow, all the laws of physics she's been defying! :lmao:
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Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

A day and a life of Michael J Jackson estate can he rest in peace can we please hear something positive like the kids recieved a nice gift from the people who run Their estate i say their estate but next they will be frighting people 25 years from now claiming this and that a damn shame.

PBSKiDS has learn that Patrat paddy Polly packet Jackson says she is not having that she is the mother of his 15 kids plus PPB she claims to be married to Michael for two days in a half they meant outside of a club in back of a car parking lot and that the woman below this in this image name

Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun insane Jackson needs to back down she is not the real wife. She always claimed that when their son GIjoe Gilbert Jackson ran out ofdiapers’ and low fat milk she got fed up at the estate because she was late getting her wickcheck and that the estate was suppose to send extra money for their son GIJOE.

Also Sources in Dora explorer camp are really pissed off at the estate they file a lawsuit claiming that Michael was suppose to play the fox in one of the episode
so the people who run MJ estate send a dozen of Bananas to Dora friend boots but according to Joe Jackson he was fed up with Dora and demanded to sue her because she didn't sang the theme song for her cartoon he than send the sesame street gang to run in CTNW studios to beat up dora. Joe Jackson and Dora made up and she brought Joe some chocolate milk and cookies for there festa party.


:rofl: You have cheered me up, I love it. :lol: :lmao:
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

I doubt allgood entertainment would win the case,since michael didnt sign any contract.Moreover,Frank was not representing michael then,It's Franks problem.I cant wait for mj to be debt free .
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

There's a conspiracy section for a reason. Use it. :)

Thread cleaned.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

I doubt allgood entertainment would win the case,since michael didnt sign any contract.Moreover,Frank was not representing michael then,It's Franks problem.I cant wait for mj to be debt free .

Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting wacky claims including Joe's good pals claim

BTW the TMZ article mentions 7 claims, they only descsribe 6 claims.

they added the explanation for 7th one

'Biological Son' of Michael Jackson Rejected

One of the creditor's claims the Michael Jackson estate has rejected was filed by a 25-year-old man who says he's the biological son of the late singer.

Prince Michael Malachi Jet Jackson had filed a claim with the estate, but he's not asking for money -- he wants a DNA test proving he's MJ's flesh and blood.

But as we first reported, Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, formally rejected a bunch of claims yesterday, including the one from P.M.M.J.J.

We're told more rejections are coming, so stay tuned.