Michael Jackson's death 'second biggest story of century'

First or second, still! These two positions are huge, especially for an artist! Michael is truly the KING. And yes, USA is a small part of this world so the statistics should include other countries and yes Michael rules the world once again!
First or second, still! These two positions are huge, especially for an artist! Michael is truly the KING. And yes, USA is a small part of this world so the statistics should include other countries and yes Michael rules the world once again!
I agree:punk:
First or second, still! These two positions are huge, especially for an artist! Michael is truly the KING. And yes, USA is a small part of this world so the statistics should include other countries and yes Michael rules the world once again!

I agree, I believe that Michael has surpassed modern entertainers such as Elvis and John Legend. I can compare Michael's legacy to Bach, and Mozart, and Beethoven. Michael, and these composers, revolutionized music as we know it.

To HELL With manufactured consent and the engineered media. TO hell with opinion polls.
I agree, I believe that Michael has surpassed modern entertainers such as Elvis and John Legend. I can compare Michael's legacy to Bach, and Mozart, and Beethoven. Michael, and these composers, revolutionized music as we know it.

And to think, Michael was actually going into classical music. :( But you're 100% correct. Michael is among the giants of music history. Not many pop stars can be mentioned in the same sentence as Mozart, but with Michael, it's something very natural.

Edit: Okay, no pop stars besides Michael can be mentioned in the same sentence as Mozart. :)
I think it's the second biggest story after 9/11 actually. Obama was a big event..but it wasn't really a breaking story..it was a gradual process that was bound to happen. 9/11 and MJ's death on the other hand were extremely shocking events that really shook the world in my opinion..

To HELL With manufactured consent and the engineered media. TO hell with opinion polls.

ok this stuffs not necessary I won't comment on this thread anymore.

I like Obama. He's done nothing wrong, Of course Michael's number one but hey man come on. For christ sake.
just because the media compared the two events doesn't mean we have to insult the President. they have nothing to do with each other. Michael was a historic figure the greatest. Obama first Black president. that means something to me. Even if you don't care.
I think it's the second biggest story after 9/11 actually. Obama was a big event..but it wasn't really a breaking story..it was a gradual process that was bound to happen. 9/11 and MJ's death on the other hand were extremely shocking events that really shook the world in my opinion..

I think the Iraq invasion is more significant than 9/11 due to the fact that nearly a million people (conservative estimate) have died in Iraq since the initial invasion in 2003 compared to just a few thousand on 9/11. All loss of life is horrendous, but the truth is the the Iraqis lost far more innocent people, not to mention that Iraq was completely blameless for what happened on September 11th, 2001.
If election of black man is the biggest story of century... hm...
I don't see any differences between races and I don't think Barack's election is something special. Really. I think reaction on this 'story' shows how racial our world is.
If election of black man is the biggest story of century... hm...
I don't see any differences between races and I don't think Barack's election is something special. Really. I think reaction on this 'story' shows how racial our world is.

You have to consider the USA's history of slavery and racism to appreciate why Obama becoming president was such a big deal.
just because the media compared the two events doesn't mean we have to insult the President. they have nothing to do with each other. Michael was a historic figure the greatest. Obama first Black president. that means something to me. Even if you don't care.

I agree with you for the most part. However, I'm sick and tired of seeing comparisons between him and Michael (and quite frankly the comparisons between him and REAL civil rights leaders, activists, humanitarians, etc.).

As I posted in a previous thread on the subject:

For the record--OBAMA has done NOTHING. I repeat, he has done NOTHING to deserve being compared to Michael. And Obama has done NOTHING to heal NO ONE!

He hasn't even done anything to deserve him worthy of being labeled a figure of change or person who changed the world. Being elected into office does NOT automatically put you in the same category as MLK, Jr. or Ghandi or MJ (or any figure of change for that matter). You have to do something that makes you worthy of such praise.

Obama is nothing more than a "pop tart" celebrity---akin to an instant coffee you get at your local deli. Using clever propoganda that gave Apple a run for its money, he has been catapulted into the limelight. He is unworthy of any praise because quite frankly, he has done NOTHING for humanity or the betterment of humanity (like the IDIOT before him and the idiot before him). Getting yourself elected does NOT qualify you for being compared to MLK, MJ, Mandela, etc.

And quite honestly, his accomplishment is not as great as some would have you think: being the first Black President of the US is actually more of a diss than it is an honor -- because there were other countries far less sophisticated than this one which had a man of color as its head LONG, LONG before the US decided to wake up from its 230 + year racist slumber and elect its first Mediocre Republicrat Black President. That's NOT an accomplishment. That's an outrage.


And I Do NOT care what the manufactured consent of the media says: Michael's being and his passing is FAR, FAR, FAR greater and had a far greater impact than a PR firm engineered election. Actions speak louder than words. The man could NOT wait minutes before taking office to expand the perpetual war and to run the office of the WH the way he ran his election: hitting the masses over their heads with the bludgeon of how he was somehow "different" from what preceded him. He is capitalism's greatest puppet. And for that he deserves NO praise or comparison to the greats before him.
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If election of black man is the biggest story of century... hm...
I don't see any differences between races and I don't think Barack's election is something special. Really. I think reaction on this 'story' shows how racial our world is.

Obama is the first black president of the United states so that means something for us as Blacks. it's an accomplishment for us. Were proud of that. I am surprised you don't understand why. This topic was just about who viewed what and the numbers. why is it turning into fuck obama and all this kinda of stuff.

It bothers me. it does. I think it's unfair to say things like that. He's done nothing wrong. It's just like were you are if you had the first female president it would be a special thing that would go do in your history. whats so wrong in being proud of that?
I don't like the word *pop star* makes me think of BSB and 'Nsync. Nothing wrong with them. I listen to their music when I want to turn my brain off.
It just doesn't go with Michael.

Ha, I got a laugh out of that (turn my brain off comment). But you're right, Michael was much more than a pop star. He was a true artist. He could have made a living off of his dancing and choreography skills alone, that's how talented he was but he also had such a magical voice and he was also a gifted songwriter. Michael really was the greatest. STILL the greatest. :)
Obama is the first Black president in a country that slaved Black people, this means a lot, and it must’ve meant a lot to Michael as well.

You can choose your president even if he was from another race or from any color, this is something REALLY to be admired!
Obama is the first Black president in a country that slaved Black people, this means a lot, and it must’ve meant a lot to Michael as well.

You can choose your president even if he was from another race or from any color, this is something REALLY to be admired!

Yes, just not the biggest story of the century. Not in my opinion at least.
Who said it is the biggest story! Don’t believe the media, Michael is biggest, they just don’t want to admit it…

I agree

Im sure a lot more people will agree Michael is the biggest.

The Obama inauguration wasnt still being talked about this much 2 weeks after either.
Obama is the first black president of the United states so that means something for us as Blacks. it's an accomplishment for us. Were proud of that. I am surprised you don't understand why. This topic was just about who viewed what and the numbers. why is it turning into fuck obama and all this kinda of stuff.

It bothers me. it does. I think it's unfair to say things like that. He's done nothing wrong. It's just like were you are if you had the first female president it would be a special thing that would go do in your history. whats so wrong in being proud of that?

Nono, wait. I have nothing against it, I understand it's an accomplishment for USA, knowing it's history, yes. I agree with you. But in pure fact it's just another election and it's pale in comparison with Michael's death! Even if it's more important, it's too local event. It didn't affect most of us.
Sorry for my english, I just can't explain what I want to say)
Nono, wait. I have nothing against it, I understand it's an accomplishment for USA, knowing it's history, yes. I agree with you. But in pure fact it's just another election and it's pale in comparison with Michael's death! Even if it's more important, it's too local event. It didn't affect most of us.
Sorry for my english, I just can't explain what I want to say)

and I agree with you Michael's story was bigger and more important to me. But To me the presidents was important as well. even if just to me.
It's just comments like f*%k obama was very disrespectful to me that's all. i wouldn't say that about any other countries president, It's just wrong. I love people of all races and can get along with them. and I don't believe in talking against someone if they have done nothing wrong. to talk about them just because i don't like the without cause makes no sense to me.
Now if you deserved to be talked about then hey you brought it on yourself.
Just like with Michael he did not deserve any of what he got none of it, and it pissed my off when people made fun of him and insulted him. Why because he was important to me.
and I agree with you Michael's story was bigger and more important to me. But To me the presidents was important as well. even if just to me.
It's just comments like f*%k obama was very disrespectful to me that's all. i wouldn't say that about any other countries president, It's just wrong. I love people of all races and can get along with them. and I don't believe in talking against someone if they have done nothing wrong. to talk about them just because i don't like the without cause makes no sense to me.
Now if you deserved to be talked about then hey you brought it on yourself.
Just like with Michael he did not deserve any of what he got none of it, and it pissed my off when people made fun of him and insulted him. Why because he was important to me.

Well, sorry, I've expressed incorrectly. I have nothing against Barack as he gives the impression of nice guy :)
ok this stuffs not necessary I won't comment on this thread anymore.

I like Obama. He's done nothing wrong, Of course Michael's number one but hey man come on. For christ sake.

I agree. This is alienating people who like or simply don't mind Obama. It is getting ridiculous. It is really discomforting to see continually so much negativity. I am not even a particular fan of his. I think he's done some good and some bad things, but I do appreciate the symbolic nature of his election. Just because you don't appreciate it or him doesn't mean you have to dump on other people's appreciation and criticize just for the sake of criticizing. Some of you sound like the Michael haters, and it is not anymore rational or pleasant simply because Obama, not Michael, is your focus. Why do some of you people keep trying to turn everything into some kind of war between Obama and Michael? They are different people in entirely different fields with different accomplishments. You're not bringing Michael up by tearing Obama down. You're just creating negativity for everyone involved.
I agree. This is alienating people who like or simply don't mind Obama. It is getting ridiculous. It is really discomforting to see continually so much negativity. I am not even a particular fan of his. I think he's done some good and some bad things, but I do appreciate the symbolic nature of his election. Just because you don't appreciate it or him doesn't mean you have to dump on other people's appreciation and criticize just for the sake of criticizing. Some of you sound like the Michael haters, and it is not anymore rational or pleasant simply because Obama, not Michael, is your focus. Why do some of you people keep trying to turn everything into some kind of war between Obama and Michael? They are different people in entirely different fields with different accomplishments. You're not bringing Michael up by tearing Obama down. You're just creating negativity for everyone involved.

The thing with Obama is that he'll take time to promote himself but not others. He'll appear on late night talk shows to talk about himself, but he won't take 5 minutes out of his busy schedule to address a nation mourning a great American. This rubs some people the wrong way.
The thing with Obama is that he'll take time to promote himself but not others. He'll appear on late night talk shows to talk about himself, but he won't take 5 minutes out of his busy schedule to address a nation mourning a great American. This rubs some people the wrong way.
OK I heard he wrote a letter to the family and gave a interview
Ok, this is getting a little ridiculous. Did anyone read the article??
This was an article from the UK that cited a Texas based company GLM that tracks things like blogs, internet usage, and coverage by both print and online media all over the world.
It's strictly based on the numbers, it is an analysis of the coverage based on numbers. It's not about the rest of the world vs. USA/Obama...good grief.

"In the 72 hours after his death, the Jackson story generated twice as much web news as coalition troops entering Iraq did in the same period.

It has also become the ninth biggest story in global print media since the start of 2000, according to GLM.

GLM recorded trends in word usage of the top 5,000 print and electronic media sites worldwide for the study, tracking news stories within the first 72 hours after the event.

The citations for Michael Jackson in the mainstream media numbered in the thousands while his citations on the internet were in the millions.

Paul Payack, president and chief word analyst of GLM, said: "The death of Michael Jackson has resulted in a global media event of the first order. The fact that he has broken into the top media of the 21st Century is a testament to the global impact of the man and his music. The strength and depth of the global media coverage only adds to his already significant legacy and shows no sign of abetting."