Michael Jackson's death 'second biggest story of century'

i don't give a f*ck about election of Obama as I'm not from USA. And I think the rest of the world too. But the whole world is grieving about Michael
Although the century is young, I don't think Michael will be moving down the list.
i don't give a f*ck about election of Obama as I'm not from USA. And I think the rest of the world too. But the whole world is grieving about Michael

Please don't speak on behalf of others, especially on behalf of the rest of the world. lol I'm not from USA either, but I was more than happy when Obama was elected.

My life was of course much more affected by Michael's death than Obama's election, but it doesn't mean that I wouldn't give a f*ck about it.
Second? To Obama? I'm content with that. Obama was a BIG moment for me and the black community as a whole. I'm wearing an Obama shirt and listening to the "Off The Wall" album right now.
who others than crazy mj fans cares about this?
A president has fare more impac on the world than a pop star. sure MJ can inspiere pople thru his music and give out massages.
But a president....you know, can start and end wars....control the tax and so on. do I need to say more?
who others than crazy mj fans cares about this?
A president has fare more impac on the world than a pop star. sure MJ can inspiere pople thru his music and give out massages.
But a president....you know, can start and end wars....control the tax and so on. do I need to say more?

Tell us how you really feel. Dude, lighten up.
Im surprised Obama was the first 'biggest story'. I thought 9/11, the death of MJ and Lady Diana would have been bigger.

But then... "Of the century"... It would depend if this means from 2000 onwards... (which it probably does)... in which case it wouldn't include Lady Di... 9/11 was this century... wasn't it?!!

Sorry guys... jus thinking aloud!
who others than crazy mj fans cares about this?
A president has fare more impac on the world than a pop star. sure MJ can inspiere pople thru his music and give out massages.
But a president....you know, can start and end wars....control the tax and so on. do I need to say more?

Your underestimating the power of Michael Jackson.

I see kids from 5 to 20 crying over Michael and havent stopped talking about him dieing. I hardly heard any mention from people aroud my age range about Barack Obama.

Facebook was flooded with people talking about Michael when he died, I was on there for that and Barrack Obama. There was nowhere enar as much talk for Obama.

Just saying..........I think MJ affects everyone and everyone cares. Not everyone cared about Obama.

Lets not forget that people in foreign countries didnt even care about Obama because it wasnt to do with their country. People worldwide grieved for Michael.
Michael Jackson has been a household name for 45 yrs. Obama has been a household name since 2004. Enough said.

I did not even know he existed until last year.......

I dont really think its do with him though, its more the fact that it was the first black american president. More to do with the actual event than him.

However the first black american president does not affect the whole world. Michael Jackson dieing does.
who cares how can ppl even be bothered about things like this

who others than crazy mj fans cares about this?
perhaps u should have looked at all thefootage from all over the world theres crazy mj fans in every country of the world ppl were mourning in iraq/ iran through vietnam russia everywhere. no one has ever been as loved as mj was especially an american
Im not trying to discredit Obamas amazing achievement, and it was an amazing thing seeing the first black american president.

But tbh people in most countires in the world didnt neccasarily care. Im just telling the truth.

People in ever country in the world where saddened by Michaels passing.

Id say it was the biggest story of the century.
My husband is in the army. When he went to Afghanistan in 2005-2006 he said lil kids would ask all the American if they knew Michael Jackson. The kids didn't care about anything but him. Ain't that some sh*t? In the middle of war kids wanna know about Michael.
pfft @ Obama, 9/11 and the war in Iraq is the biggest story of the century.
And this from the Daily Telegraph???? Now thats worth noting as fact rather than the "t" words t = a = b = l = y'all get the idea.

I would like to say I'm not surprised but I am very surprised, it tops the Iraq war, 9/11???? Holy moley.

Just shows what a huge fan/admirer base the King Of Pop STILL has.
Check this out


Apaarently its second only to the election of Obama

Shows how huge our guy was

i don't give a f*ck about election of Obama as I'm not from USA. And I think the rest of the world too. But the whole world is grieving about Michael

Thats right, I am from Slovakia and 3 tvs broadcasted it LIVE, Obamas inauguration only one!

The American media considered only America as a whole world???!!!

Nonsense! The USA is not the whole world! The world consists of America (north and south), Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia.

Michaels memorial was broadcasted everywhere...
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Thats right, I am from Slovakia and 3 tvs broadcasted it LIVE, Obamas inauguration only one!

The American media considered only America as a whole world???!!!

Nonsense! The USA is not the whole world! The world consist of America (north and south), Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia.

Michaels memorial was broadcasted everywhere...

This has always bothered me. The World Series really isn't a worldwide event. The world Champion basketball team really aren't the world champs, etc.

No wonder people think the USA is arrogant.
i don't give a f*ck about election of Obama as I'm not from USA. And I think the rest of the world too. But the whole world is grieving about Michael

I was glad obama got in office thats history for us.... but Of coarse i'm glad My Angel topped him.. go Michael
Ok well we don't know that? I love Michael jackson so much Thats that.

But I am happy Obama is in office and I say give him a chance. Lets not slander or make fun or talk about him until we see what he does, because if we do I feel were no better than the people who talk about Michael.

Think about it you get pissed when someone talks about Michael negativly.. Right? (As well as I)
So people might get mad about Obama too, He hasn't done anything wrong.
there is a big difference betwen the two stories:
Obama as apresident was an achievement an event like reaching on the moon.
but Michael Jackson is a whole history ,an epic , or a Shakespearian play" like Hamlet" that will never fade.
It's not a competition guys. You can't really compare the two events, they're completely different in nature.

All this really shows is that Michael Jackson had a seriously huge impact on the world - and we already knew that!
there is a big difference betwen the two stories:
Obama as apresident was an achievement an event like reaching on the moon.
but Michael Jackson is a whole history ,an epic , or a Shakespearian play" like Hamlet" that will never fade.

It's not a competition guys. You can't really compare the two events, they're completely different in nature.

All this really shows is that Michael Jackson had a seriously huge impact on the world - and we already knew that!

Now thats what I'm talking about. I totally agree with you both, thats exactly how i feel. I'm glad you put it in words for me.:punk: