Michael Jackson Work Tapes Exist for Cascio Songs

Yeah, i agree. I hear him too...sure there a few parts where i'm alittle surprised in the way how he sings it, but i just don't believe this would be another artist. Someone can't have such a similar voice...

I don't believe for a second in Breaking News though, but i do believe in Keep your head up. I see people who don't believe it's him on it, and i'd like to know why, i'd like to hear their version of why it's not him.

I'm agree, but don't forget that it's not a final take, Michael never pushed his voice high when it was a take - remember the rehearsals we have saw like Dangerous and TII, in this one he was a little upset that Judith Hill push him to sing high and warmed his voice. It could explain why some don't recognize completely his voice, in plus the mixes ... it's confusing - :scratch:
just wait and see... don't doubt/deny/ or claim anything until the footage is released...

P.S. are we sure the "tapes" are video?? not audio for sure??
Something really funny there. They deleted every single recording of Michael singing the song (by mistake maybe... surely they didn't know who he was and what those recording were worth...!!!) But, they kept recording of Michael talking.

Come on ! Do they think we're stupid ? Everybody knew that a recording of michael singing a song, even when he was alive, could make a lot of money.

Furthermore, Isn't it part of the creating process to keep everything till the song is finished? If it is the case, and they deleted it, they are more than amateurs. Maybe it was the first time they made music ..; lol
Some people could end up looking really quite stupid once all this comes out.

That said they will probably say it's an imposter talking....

And say that it's all part of a huge world conspiracy involving Sony to brainwash people to make them believe it's MJ... And soon enough the Illuminati will also be part of it, just like a movie.

PS.: I just would like to say that I don't want to take position with this. It may be or not be, but c'mon, stop the over-the-top conspiracies already...
breaking news did not give me one single goosebump when listening to it after waiting up all night....... i was gutted

ive heard hold my hand years ago

yet on waking thismorning and listening to the new version ( still quite similar but better !! ) brought me to tears........

thats how we know its michael

and thats how we all know breaking news is not our man.... simple


I call bullshit on this. Invalid argument! You "know" its not your man. Skip the WE! Breaking news is a good song, but it does not sound like Michael though.
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but from what RF wrote it won't really prove anything apart from the fact that MJ was in the studio with the Cascios - what noone disputed.
Bingo. And I love how RF is suddenly the "trusted" source for news when 10 days ago he was on the ish list. And how, based on RF's word (RF, really?), 3T are now the bad guys for being able to hear non-MJ vocals, which at least half the fans also hear. As a fan community we've never questioned vocals like this on MJ tracks before. We all hear him clearly on Hold My Hand. It's always been plainly him when it's him, yet half hear an impersonator (not because of 3T or LaToya, lol :rolleyes2:, but because that's what they HEAR). And the latter group simply must be wrong because RF and attorneys and sources that no one really trusted just 10 days ago say so? RF has been pushing this "3T is jealous" story since the beginning of all this. It's all rather suspect to me. Where do you think RF and TMZ get info and why do they write what they write? Out of the goodness of their hearts? Or for the money handed to them for advertising and PR purposes (for good or for evil, depending)? Just saying. It's like going from Tabloid Junkie to "We love you, RF! Big sloppy wet kiss! " because he says what people want to believe. I'm not saying this for some "haha, you're all gonna feel bad when this or that comes out..." blah blah. I'm so sick of that. I'm not against any of you. I thought we were all together in our love for Michael and our wishes that his legacy shines. :( I just don't see how tabloid and gossip "journalism" has suddenly become the source of truth. Michael warned of that over and over and over. -_-
Wait, I'm confused... ...
And I thought the vocals were LITERALLY phoned in over a telephone and then remastered?

These guys just cannot seem to get their stories straight. Unless all these tapes prove is that Michael worked with them (which is never in dispute - just that his vocals are on BN)

He must have been at Deepak Chopras house in Boston, cell phone reception there is worse than 1994 in East Germany, it's explain a lot. I bet At&T dropped his call a lot. You know, in between avoiding Schmuley's calls or something like that.

And say that it's all part of a huge world conspiracy involving Sony to brainwash people to make them believe it's MJ... And soon enough the Illuminati will also be part of it, just like a movie.

PS.: I just would like to say that I don't want to take position with this. It may be or not be, but c'mon, stop the over-the-top conspiracies already...
At least mention the Annunaki, reptilians and MK Ultra. It's so soft on this board.

Bingo. And I love how RF is suddenly the "trusted" source for news when 10 days ago he was on the ish list. ...

Yeah. I'm sure Roger sat down, rubbing his hands about this stuff. Why don't we ask Mr. Taraborelli, I'm sure he can find you a construction worker that can tell you all about this.

Or send Ian Halperin on another "undercover" mission.

Might prove just as fruitful.
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I don't think anybody, not even 3T, has denied that MJ recorded with the Cascios. It's what the Cascios did with the recordings afterwards that people are questioning. Why is it so hard for them to produce outtakes? That they deleted all of it is one gigantic bullsht.

No one disputed Michael working with the Cascios, it's what was done AFTERWARDS to the tapes that's the main issue
And I love how RF is suddenly the "trusted" source for news when 10 days ago he was on the ish list.

he's not but you also have to give credit when it's due. forget his personal comment about jealousy, he wrote the vocals on Cascio track being questioned by 3T and especially by Taryll 2 weeks before the song got released and 3T started their twitter rants. so I don't know but it makes me think that perhaps he knows something.

regardless and like I said before debating the tapes, their content and how they may or might not change opinions is quite useless when we don't know if those tapes really exist and if they would even become public.
he's not but you also have to give credit when it's due. forget his personal comment about jealousy, he wrote the vocals on Cascio track being questioned by 3T and especially by Taryll 2 weeks before the song got released and 3T started their twitter rants. so I don't know but it makes me think that perhaps he knows something.
See, to me that says the opposite when you put everything together. It sounds like that's when they found out these tracks were going on the album. Cory Rooney said that Taryll had been in the room when the tracks were initially listened to, so he at least had heard the vocals before and expressed his concerns. At some point later the tracklist decision was made. Smooth kept telling us the tracklist wasn't final, wasn't final... so the decision was made not long ago. Jackie tweeted last week that he and McClain had been fighting for two weeks before BN streamed to get Sony to omit the Cascio tracks because of the vocals. Sounds like they all found out about two weeks beforehand and were like, "Huh?!" :blink: That's about the point 3T started tweeting and soon after that RF started busting on them with the "jealous" stories (which honestly, to me make no sense ... it's like the type of backstabbing gossip that goes around high schools and offices ...and tabloids). Sounds like someone's getting some nice pay and/or goodies handed to them to help destroy the family's credibility.

And I admit that certain members of the family didn't have high marks among fans for credibility to begin with, but it doesn't mean everything is bs. People aren't 'black and white' ... they are many shades of gray, good and bad. Like, McClain might be greedy and a control freak, but at the same time aware that it's not Michael on the tracks and thus wanting them stopped. And 3T ... well they were the last "good guys" that we trusted. Who better to attack then?! Seems obvious. People have done this to Michael for years. By discrediting them, those behind the scenes can take out the last bastion of trust. If you "can't trust" anyone in the Jackson family, then Sony and attorneys like Weitzman (those we supposedly weren't so keen on just last month) are the ones to turn to. How convenient.
We have not heard anything from the Cascios directly have we? If these tracks are real I feel like they would be shouting about it on the roof top. Kind of weird how they have not spoken yet (at least that I know of)

to be clear:

I didn't mean the disagreements about the songs started 2 weeks ago, it was most probably going on for a while.

I meant Roger Friedman wrote about the disagreements and 3T's objection 2 weeks before the "Breaking News" started streaming and 3T started tweeting about it - hence it looks like he has a real inside source.
Roger has managed to get a lot of things right... the infighting about this album ages ago, how McClain was butting heads with people, how Tarryl was a focal point for disagreeing with the Cascio tracks, the names of the Cascio songs, the Sgt Peppers style album cover featuring people in MJ's life, that forensics people had been involved in confirming his voice...

and soon after that RF started busting on them with the "jealous" stories (which honestly, to me make no sense ... it's like the type of backstabbing gossip that goes around high schools and offices ...and tabloids). Sounds like someone's getting some nice pay and/or goodies handed to them to help destroy the family's credibility.

What about the fact that it's come out now that Taryll/Cory had a song together with Mike "She Was Loving Me" and it wasn't included? Taryll was also in the works to record other songs with Mike but never actually did them, Mike actually did record with his non relatives the Cascio's...
By discrediting them, those behind the scenes can take out the last bastion of trust. If you "can't trust" anyone in the Jackson family, then Sony and attorneys like Weitzman (those we supposedly weren't so keen on just last month) are the ones to turn to. How convenient.

Are you saying the executors are intentionally turning us against the family?

So the fans turn to the executors instead of the family? And then what?

It's important to note the family has been against the executors and decisions made by them from day one. I feel like they could be anyone there, but the Jacksons are just unhappy it wasn't them, hence trying to overturn the will.

How about I trust people based on merit. I'll trust the Jacksons when they stop tweeting and start handling this via any legal means. If they won't take this issue seriously then I won't. And they need to find some real people who back this up on their end, maybe Quincy, Seth Riggs, a forensics, someone. So far they've got nothing but biased friends/managers/ex girlfriends.
@mjbunny to be clear:
I didn't mean the disagreements about the songs started 2 weeks ago, it was most probably going on for a while.
I meant Roger Friedman wrote about the disagreements and 3T's objection 2 weeks before the "Breaking News" started streaming and 3T started tweeting about it - hence it looks like he has a real inside source.
Could easily be an inside source that knew the family was going to be pissed when they heard what was on the tracklist and so quickly took action to discredit the objections, too. None of us know for certain, of course.

Roger has managed to get a lot of things right... the infighting about this album ages ago, how McClain was butting heads with people, how Tarryl was a focal point for disagreeing with the Cascio tracks, the names of the Cascio songs, the Sgt Peppers style album cover featuring people in MJ's life, that forensics people had been involved in confirming his voice...
I didn't say no one was infighting or that no one ever had a disagreement or that McClain is our #1 buddy. Nothing is ever totally black and white. People are all a shade of gray. And of course Roger is right about some things. As is News of the World, The Sun, you name it. If they weren't, then no one would read anything they wrote! If the rumors weren't sometimes true, no one would listen to rumors. That's how they continue to operate as they do; provide enough real info to get readers and advertisers and then toss whatever else you want into the mix to shock and thrill your market, like from "anonymous sources", of which YOU could be one easily... just make something up and call up The Sun. Lots and lots of PR for and against stars, movies, politicians are fed to them daily via personal agents and companies just like Sony. There's a great documentary called 'Starsuckers' I can recommend that shows you some of the tactics and how much they lap up whatever they can print (as if MJ fans should need a documentary to point out the treachery, but anyway). Overall, I don't trust RF half far as I could throw him ... and that's probably only a few inches, lol. And don't forget, up until the day the tracklist was publically released he was telling us there were 12 tracks on the album. Ooops! But it's quite easy to make something up to cover for that little boo-boo ... "oh, ummm.... they decided to leave 2 songs off." Sure, Roger, right again. :smilerolleyes:

What about the fact that it's come out now that Taryll/Cory had a song together with Mike "She Was Loving Me" and it wasn't included? Taryll was also in the works to record other songs with Mike but never actually did them, Mike actually did record with his non relatives the Cascio's...
Lots of people's songs weren't included. No LaToya songs were included either. Is that why she said it's not MJ? As I said, this is like backstabbing gossip in a catty office. If I wanted to make up things about you (if I worked with you, knew you, etc) it wouldn't be that tough. I'm sure you've expressed a negative opinion about someone at some point or had a little quarrel over something. There's got to be someone out there who doesn't like you and thinks you suck (when it could be they who actually suck, lol) and would love to tell their story about what a bad guy/gal you are. That's life, unfortunately. It's then easy to use any of those as "reasons" in a current argument. I don't know Taryll, of course. I'm guessing no one in this thread does. If we're looking at merit, though, he certainly rates higher on my list than Roger Friedman.

Are you saying the executors are intentionally turning us against the family?
So the fans turn to the executors instead of the family? And then what?

It's important to note the family has been against the executors and decisions made by them from day one.

How about I trust people based on merit. I'll trust the Jacksons when they stop tweeting and start handling this via any legal means. If they won't take this issue seriously then I won't. And they need to find some real people who back this up on their end, maybe Quincy, Seth Riggs, a forensics, someone. So far they've got nothing but biased friends/managers/ex girlfriends.
I said Weitzman. He alone is not the estate. And yes, it's true, the family has been against the executors from day one. Why? I was one of the first to assume greed (especially when a couple of them are concerned, :girl_whistle:, and I'm pretty sure that's still accurate, ahem :Joe: - sorry, had to sneeze), but is that all of them? Do we hate everyone? Katherine? Jackie? The kids? Everyone? Do we believe those behind the scenes who were able to convince most of the world that MJ bleached his skin and molested children can't do something way simpler like make one of the good guys look greedy, jealous and God knows what else? That sounds pretty easy by comparison. And the perfect way to do this is ... use the media, of course (especially tabloid and gossip sites). Those who tried to destroy MJ have more money than you, I or the Jacksons can even dream of and they know how to use it to target anyone in the way of their agenda. And no, the Jacksons haven't done themselves any favors over the years, I'll freely admit. :doh: But I think there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than just "RF says this, so it's gotta be true".

Yeah, people like Quincy and Seth would be wonderful to hear from, I totally agree! Where are they, geez? (As long as they're not currently on a Sony project, lol. Then I might not have so much faith. :cheeky:)

Guys, I'm not saying I have all the answers, but just that it's disturbing at how quickly MJ fans (of ALL people) have turned on even the 3T guys to put those we know to be snakes up on a pedestal. (Sorry, that was an insult to most reptiles. :lol:)
I won't be convinced until I hear the full demo with Michael singing every lyric on that demo. So far all I have heard are snippets and rarely does he sing the full song. I still stand firm that the gaps were filled with an imposter (James Porter, or whatever his name was). Why else would you hire a guy that sings like Michael Jackson…
Could easily be an inside source that knew the family was going to be pissed when they heard what was on the tracklist and so quickly took action to discredit the objections, too. None of us know for certain, of course.

I didn't say no one was infighting or that no one ever had a disagreement or that McClain is our #1 buddy. Nothing is ever totally black and white. People are all a shade of gray. And of course Roger is right about some things. As is News of the World, The Sun, you name it. If they weren't, then no one would read anything they wrote! If the rumors weren't sometimes true, no one would listen to rumors. That's how they continue to operate as they do; provide enough real info to get readers and advertisers and then toss whatever else you want into the mix to shock and thrill your market, like from "anonymous sources", of which YOU could be one easily... just make something up and call up The Sun. Lots and lots of PR for and against stars, movies, politicians are fed to them daily via personal agents and companies just like Sony. There's a great documentary called 'Starsuckers' I can recommend that shows you some of the tactics and how much they lap up whatever they can print (as if MJ fans should need a documentary to point out the treachery, but anyway). Overall, I don't trust RF half far as I could throw him ... and that's probably only a few inches, lol. And don't forget, up until the day the tracklist was publically released he was telling us there were 12 tracks on the album. Ooops! But it's quite easy to make something up to cover for that little boo-boo ... "oh, ummm.... they decided to leave 2 songs off." Sure, Roger, right again. :smilerolleyes:

Lots of people's songs weren't included. No LaToya songs were included either. Is that why she said it's not MJ? As I said, this is like backstabbing gossip in a catty office. If I wanted to make up things about you (if I worked with you, knew you, etc) it wouldn't be that tough. I'm sure you've expressed a negative opinion about someone at some point or had a little quarrel over something. There's got to be someone out there who doesn't like you and thinks you suck (when it could be they who actually suck, lol) and would love to tell their story about what a bad guy/gal you are. That's life, unfortunately. It's then easy to use any of those as "reasons" in a current argument. I don't know Taryll, of course. I'm guessing no one in this thread does. If we're looking at merit, though, he certainly rates higher on my list than Roger Friedman.

I said Weitzman. He alone is not the estate. And yes, it's true, the family has been against the executors from day one. Why? I was one of the first to assume greed (especially when a couple of them are concerned, :girl_whistle:, and I'm pretty sure that's still accurate, ahem :Joe: - sorry, had to sneeze), but is that all of them? Do we hate everyone? Katherine? Jackie? The kids? Everyone? Do we believe those behind the scenes who were able to convince most of the world that MJ bleached his skin and molested children can't do something way simpler like make one of the good guys look greedy, jealous and God knows what else? That sounds pretty easy by comparison. And the perfect way to do this is ... use the media, of course (especially tabloid and gossip sites). Those who tried to destroy MJ have more money than you, I or the Jacksons can even dream of and they know how to use it to target anyone in the way of their agenda. And no, the Jacksons haven't done themselves any favors over the years, I'll freely admit. :doh: But I think there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than just "RF says this, so it's gotta be true".

Yeah, people like Quincy and Seth would be wonderful to hear from, I totally agree! Where are they, geez? (As long as they're not currently on a Sony project, lol. Then I might not have so much faith. :cheeky:)

Guys, I'm not saying I have all the answers, but just that it's disturbing at how quickly MJ fans (of ALL people) have turned on even the 3T guys to put those we know to be snakes up on a pedestal. (Sorry, that was an insult to most reptiles. :lol:)
I agree with you :)
We're allowed RF stories now MJ is dead? Ok then

This doesnt prove anything. Sure it may show MJ in the studio working with the Cascios but that doesnt prove that what we hear on the final mix of BN is not more Jason Porte/Malachi whoever than Michael.
We have not heard anything from the Cascios directly have we? If these tracks are real I feel like they would be shouting about it on the roof top. Kind of weird how they have not spoken yet (at least that I know of)

Frank Cascio posted this on his Facebook:

"Francesco Cascio: Sadly to say its Not Sony In this case. "Breaking News" is a great song. The mix on the version that you heard is not correct, that being said, It is 100% Michael voice. He recorded it in my home in NJ in 2007. Please, the fans should be enjoying this special moment as It is special!!! There are people out there trying to take that away from you " The Fans " and the world... "Jealousy" Please embrace this song as Michael was very proud of it.. I hope this find you Well. thank you for supporting MJ all these years. He loved all of his Fans from the bottom of his heart, you were his extended Family and what kept him going. Please read between the lines in this situation. All my love, Frank"

Ever since I wonder what he meant by the mix being "not correct"..... :smilerolleyes:
I can't find Frank Casio on twitter!? Didn't Teddy Riley say the Casio's have twitter? Which Casio family member he was talking about?:scratch:

Also do anyone knows his facebook page?
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I think every fan, like myself, who doesn't believe these vocals are Michael's WISH to believe that they are. I'm excited to see or hear these tapes. I don't want to carry on believing there is fraud on this album, or on future albums. But thus far the arguing, new mixes, and non-evidence, has done nothing to change what it is that I hear. So bring on the tapes... here's hoping!
What about the fact that it's come out now that Taryll/Cory had a song together with Mike "She Was Loving Me" and it wasn't included?!

How do you know that Taryll worked on the song too? Never heard of this before.

I know it was a Michael Jackson/Cory Rooney collaboration. I'd love to hear the song Rooney worked on with MJ. Around that period of time when Invincible was recorded, he wrote songs like "Ain't It Funny" "I'm Real" "If You Had My Love" or "Jenny from the Block" for J.Lo... I think his work with MJ might be good.
How do you know that Taryll worked on the song too? Never heard of this before.

I know it was a Michael Jackson/Cory Rooney collaboration. I'd love to hear the song Rooney worked on with MJ. Around that period of time when Invincible was recorded, he wrote songs like "Ain't It Funny" "I'm Real" "If You Had My Love" or "Jenny from the Block" for J.Lo... I think his work with MJ might be good.

Rooney wrote it on his facebook. He said that sony asked him to rework the song and he asked Taryll to work on it with him.