Michael Jackson was WWE Fan say J.R.

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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michael? the pacifist? why would he be a fan of a violent (all be it fake) sport

its not a sport, its entertainment, hence the reason he probably enjoyed it. Guys if you cant understand why he liked it, you arent a fan yourself and therefore cant appreciate it. Dont judge it and say its bad for children when you know nothing about their product and who they are aiming it at. Children can see much worse stuff in a newspaper and on the news. With wrestling its suspended belief, everyone should know its not real, they dont try to hide that fact.
michael? the pacifist? why would he be a fan of a violent (all be it fake) sport

Exactly my point, how can someone be so open minded which in a lot of ways you have to be with Michael. Yet be so closed minded when it comes to wrestling.

Dont judge it if you havent given it a chance.

its not a sport, its entertainment, hence the reason he probably enjoyed it. Guys if you cant understand why he liked it, you arent a fan yourself and therefore cant appreciate it. Dont judge it and say its bad for children when you know nothing about their product and who they are aiming it at. Children can see much worse stuff in a newspaper and on the news. With wrestling its suspended belief, everyone should know its not real, they dont try to hide that fact.

Brilliantly said.!
michael? the pacifist? why would he be a fan of a violent (all be it fake) sport

As stated before, Michael was at the Ultimate Fighting Championship 84. The UFC show cases Mixed Martial Arts. A very violent and real sport. The fact of the matter is--we did not know Michael Jackson. We were not present in his everyday life. Who are we to say what he did or did not like?
I heard wwe makes in the billions each year

Lol!!! Nah...In reality, Vince McMahon hasn't been officially ranked as a legitimate Billionaire since 2001...The epic fail of the XFL (Vinnie Macs attempt at competiton for the National Football League) combined with a dramatic loss in TV ratings for Raw/Smackdown after WMX7 were enough to take him off the list. The XFL was so successful that it staged half of only 1 season! I believe the debut game of the XFL held in February 2001 and televised on network giant NBC drew a HUGE TV rating, but subsequent games failed to deliver...Vince lost tens of millions!

Combine that with a botched "Invasion" angle that began in March of 2001 and the loss of a large chunk of his audience because of that and the fact that all mainstream competition for his company were erased with his purchase of WCW, McMahon's net worth devalued greatly.

His 2007 angle with Donald Trump was exactly that, an angle. A storyline created to generate interest in WM 23, dubbed 'Battle of the Billionaires'...

Although, Vince and his Wrestling empire were recently valued at roughly $750 Million! So yeah, he is mega rich, but not a Billionaire! :) Vince needs to just concentrate on being a Wrestling Promoter lol, and halt all attempts at outside projects. Apart from the XFL mentioned above, anyone remember other failures like the WBF in 1992? That was Vince's attempt at a professional bodybuilding company that failed. To coincide with the WBF, Vince also developed 'Ico Pro' at the time. A body building supplement that failed too. All that cost Vince tens of millions.

Smackdown records was launched in 2001, and went nowhere lol, Vince lost money again! A pro boxing bout that was promoted by Vince McMahon featuring Sugar Ray Leonard versus some loser in 1989 lost so much money that he never staged another! lol...Also, WWE films nowadays which has produced films starring WWE Wrestlers in recent years such as John Cena, Ken 'Kennedy' Anderson, Glen 'Kane' Jacobs and Stone Cold Steve Austin have all failed to make money, the only hope are the DVD sales lol.

One of the biggest financial bombs to hit Vince was his creation in 2000 of a WWF themed restaurant/entertainment facility in Times Square in New York, called WWF New York and then later changed to 'The World'. It was often used as a venue for fans to gather and watch Raw etc and get on TV...Eventually that failed as well.

There's quite a few more examples too, but I think I made my point!
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Not true...WWF/WWE has not lost money since 1996...They are MAKING $40 or so million! lol
Also, Vince McMahon/WWE have a cash reserve of $200 Million, so they will not go out of business any time soon!

Shame what has become of the Industry today, you know the WWF made a PROFIT of $250 Million in 2000! :bugeyed Goes to show how big they once were...

I guess you can make the numbers say anything you want. Here's an article chronicling their declining popularity and profitability:

WWE pinned by 47% loss in profits

World Wrestling Entertainment is being forced to take a fall before it can put on its financial victory belt.
Talk about bad timing: The 25th anniversary of "WrestleMania" may have been a major moneymaker for WWE, but the April event won't help the company's bottom line until the second quarter. As a result, the wrestling org was forced to report a 47% drop in profits during the first three months of the year.

WWE earned $10.3 million from revenue of $107.8 million. That was off from the $162.6 million collected during the year-ago period. Analysts had expected a haul of around $120 million.

Its lucrative live events and TV biz fell to $64 million, down from nearly $99 million earned a year ago. The 36% drop is due primarily to plummeting ad rates and a reduction in ticket prices in order to attract more audiences during a down economy.

Box office from the Renny Harlin-helmed actioner "12 Rounds" wasn't included in the earnings report, as the WWE-financed pic was released March 27. Quarter ended March 31.

That may be a good thing, considering the Fox Atomic-distribbed pic underperformed, earning $15.3 million worldwide so far. It was produced for around $20 million and will need a strong showing on DVD to recoup the rest of the costs.

WWE topper Vince McMahon said during a conference call that it's likely the company will no longer produce pics costing as much as $20 million going forward. It is currently producing a slate of theatrical and cheaper direct-to-DVD pics.

Company's licensing and merchandising arm also was pummeled, with revenue down 24% to $33 million as consumers are keeping a grip on their wallets during the recession. Its online biz, which includes a store, earned $6.9 million, down 15%, affected by falling Internet ad dollars.

Yet WWE stressed that despite its losses during the first quarter, the results reflected the company's cutbacks in operating expenses that helped increase profit margins.

It can also look forward to counting the coin it collected from "WrestleMania 25," held April 5 in Houston.

Event took in $52 million, besting the haul of the previous year, when "WrestleMania 24" drew some $31 million.

Broken down, pay-per-views generated most of the event's revenue, with $43 million, while WWE grossed $7.4 million from ticket sales, selling out Houston's Reliant Stadium, with nearly 73,000 spectators, and hosted a nearby fanfest. It moved $1.5 million in merchandise.

I guess you can make the numbers say anything you want. Here's an article chronicling their declining popularity and profitability:

WWE pinned by 47% loss in profits

World Wrestling Entertainment is being forced to take a fall before it can put on its financial victory belt.
Talk about bad timing: The 25th anniversary of "WrestleMania" may have been a major moneymaker for WWE, but the April event won't help the company's bottom line until the second quarter. As a result, the wrestling org was forced to report a 47% drop in profits during the first three months of the year.

WWE earned $10.3 million from revenue of $107.8 million. That was off from the $162.6 million collected during the year-ago period. Analysts had expected a haul of around $120 million.

Its lucrative live events and TV biz fell to $64 million, down from nearly $99 million earned a year ago. The 36% drop is due primarily to plummeting ad rates and a reduction in ticket prices in order to attract more audiences during a down economy.

Box office from the Renny Harlin-helmed actioner "12 Rounds" wasn't included in the earnings report, as the WWE-financed pic was released March 27. Quarter ended March 31.

That may be a good thing, considering the Fox Atomic-distribbed pic underperformed, earning $15.3 million worldwide so far. It was produced for around $20 million and will need a strong showing on DVD to recoup the rest of the costs.

WWE topper Vince McMahon said during a conference call that it's likely the company will no longer produce pics costing as much as $20 million going forward. It is currently producing a slate of theatrical and cheaper direct-to-DVD pics.

Company's licensing and merchandising arm also was pummeled, with revenue down 24% to $33 million as consumers are keeping a grip on their wallets during the recession. Its online biz, which includes a store, earned $6.9 million, down 15%, affected by falling Internet ad dollars.

Yet WWE stressed that despite its losses during the first quarter, the results reflected the company's cutbacks in operating expenses that helped increase profit margins.

It can also look forward to counting the coin it collected from "WrestleMania 25," held April 5 in Houston.

Event took in $52 million, besting the haul of the previous year, when "WrestleMania 24" drew some $31 million.

Broken down, pay-per-views generated most of the event's revenue, with $43 million, while WWE grossed $7.4 million from ticket sales, selling out Houston's Reliant Stadium, with nearly 73,000 spectators, and hosted a nearby fanfest. It moved $1.5 million in merchandise.


Credit crunch.

I find it funny it doesnt mention it anywhere in the article.
ummm i dont like wwe, nor ufc, i prefer martial arts, its much more entertainment and technic, are you all sure Michael liked wwe???
No one is one thing all the time. Someone can stand for peace and still enjoy violence on TV as entertainment. Whether or not you like pro wrestling has nothing to do with it.

And yeah, WWE isn't always the best influence for kids (although it certainly does target them), but that doesn't mean anyone here knows for a fact that he didn't let his kids watch. He was a great father but there's no such thing as a perfect parent, and kids who are raised by "perfect parents" usually become stuck-up little douches anyway, which Michael's kids aren't. There's far worse stuff they could be watching, and as long as he was doing his job as a dad, it wouldn't make much of a difference.

Of course, I have no idea how much MJ's kids watched or still watch wrestling. Could've just been that they saw that one episode, but ruling out that they (along with Michael himself) are/were fans is dumb.

Although I like the idea of him being a wrestling fan. I can totally see him avidly cheering for the good guys and despising the bad guys lol.
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I can't understand how anyone could care about WWE today. At least in ye good olde days they tried to present it as believable and didn't spend half the show doing things that aren't wrestling. Whenever I channel surf and catch the middle of a WWE episode nowadays, it's always a wrestler standing in the ring on his own with a microphone.
I can't understand how anyone could care about WWE today. At least in ye good olde days they tried to present it as believable and didn't spend half the show doing things that aren't wrestling. Whenever I channel surf and catch the middle of a WWE episode nowadays, it's always a wrestler standing in the ring on his own with a microphone.

Its been like that for about 15 years now.......
I never really thought that Michael was or maybe a WWE fan, since his death I never discussed or think about wrestling for weeks. I love to wrestle with my dad and my brother, I use my own wrestler name as the "Moonwalker", I even use the same name on my WWE games. I use Shawn Michaels "Sweet Chin Music" and renamed it "MJ Kick", I'm gonna do that on my game.
I find it funny that everyone remembers WWE being more "realistic" in their childhood even though that's complete BS. The Hogan era was the most cartoonish time in the company's history and the Attitude era was some Jerry Springer sh*t. The reason it seemed more real is because you were a dumb kid, and that's it. The time period in WWE in the mid 90s (after the Hogan era and before the Attitude era) was a little more wrestling oriented, but even then the heavy focus was on personalities and storyline. And let's not pretend that devoting ample time to speeches and non-wrestling segments is some new concept that was just recently invented. If it was meant to come across as a sport then the matches wouldn't be predetermined, would they?

People criticize WWE for not being a sport, and then they turn around and judge it by the criteria of a sport. Makes no sense.
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Mac Culkin made an appearance on RAW yesterday which is his first appearance I believe since the passing of Michael.
people can say whatever they want now that he's dead
Michael also visited a soccer club although he knew nothing about football, does that make him a soccer fan?
besides Michael used to tell everyone he met that he "enjoys their work he has great admiration for them" he was just a really nice guy, it was good PR too. but I put it more on the fact that he was really nice