Michael Jackson was WWE Fan say J.R.

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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That was cool that MJ was a fa off WWE!! I wonder who his favorite wrestlers were..

Vanx that's cool you met Trish Stratus!!
WWE is entertainment, those guys arent trying to hurt one another, it takes great skill to do that, its an art form, not everyone can do it. You dont just walk in the ring and bang you are a wrestler, it takes years of dedication to your craft to make it to the top. Perhaps Michael looked beyond the surface of things and saw it as something more than just fake wrestling.
WWE is entertainment, those guys arent trying to hurt one another, it takes great skill to do that, its an art form, not everyone can do it. You dont just walk in the ring and bang you are a wrestler, it takes years of dedication to your craft to make it to the top. Perhaps Michael looked beyond the surface of things and saw it as something more than just fake wrestling.

You know ive allways found that a lot of MJ fans are also wrestling fans.

I think its to do with having an open mind.

Any MJ fan who gets peed of at people for not being able to look past all the false stories in the media and judging Michael by what they have heard, who then goes on to quickly judge WWE as being fake. I would have to brand them as a hypocrite. Im sorry but I would.

With MJ you have all these thing printed about him which a lot of people automatically believe and dont give it a second thought. Now an open minded person, will not be so quick to judge and will go on to see the magic which is Michael Jackson!

With wrestling, automatically people think oh its fake its pathetic........an open minded person will actually give it a chance and watch it. Eventually you will see that as big DB said, its an art from! It has drama, action...everything you want.

Its not as fake as people say anyway. When someone lands awkwardly on their neck and break their neck and it ends their career. Is that fake?
Its not as fake as people say anyway. When someone lands awkwardly on their neck and break their neck and it ends their career. Is that fake?

exactly, is it fake when the wrestlers cant get down on the floor to play with their kids because of their back and knee injuries, the violence may be simulated but the effects are very real, more real than you think. They carry around scar tissue on their heads just because they want the show to be more real for the fans watching, thats dedication!
exactly, is it fake when the wrestlers cant get down on the floor to play with their kids because of their back and knee injuries, the violence may be simulated but the effects are very real, more real than you think. They carry around scar tissue on their heads just because they want the show to be more real for the fans watching, thats dedication!


God I love it so much, talking about like this has made me realise again! Im gonna go throw on one my old tapes XD

Id love to hear Mj talking about wrestling. I doubt it exists, but if someone has a rare clips where he mentions wrestling. Upload :D Please.
The main factor that I would suggest that Michael won’t support the WWE because it is a very bad role model for children IMO because not only that they beat the hell out of each other by using metal bars, cords, chairs, cameras, ladders, etc... But also having half naked women prancing around and showing little boys that you can win if you use metal poles and other blunt objects. If you could get into the mind of a child you will be horrified to think that they probably would believe this is NOT fake!! You cannot compare this to movies because there are ratings such as PG, PG-13, R, etc… There is a limit for the type of material that is suitable for children and the WWE is not IMO and unfortunately you can see lots of children in the audience. And if you call me “not open minded” for this I will have a closed cage match with you!! :fist:
The main factor that I would suggest that Michael won’t support the WWE because it is a very bad role model for children IMO because not only that they beat the hell out of each other by using metal bars, cords, chairs, cameras, ladders, etc... But also having half naked women prancing around and showing little boys that you can win if you use metal poles and other blunt objects. If you could get into the mind of a child you will be horrified to think that they probably would believe this is NOT fake!! You cannot compare this to movies because there are ratings such as PG, PG-13, R, etc… There is a limit for the type of material that is suitable for children and the WWE is not IMO and unfortunately you can see lots of children in the audience. And if you call me “not open minded” for this I will have a closed cage match with you!! :fist:

I grew up watching wrestling, I turned out fine. You have to be a pretty messed up child in the first place if your gonna go round hitting people with metal bars and steel chairs........

When I was younger and watched wrestling in the 'attitude era'. I would copy some stuff, but was I going to hit people over the head with metal objects?! Course not! We used pillows and pretended they were chairs haha!

I heard a boy died sometime last year jumping of a roof, supposedly copying WWE wrestler Jeff Hardy. If you ask me, he had to be a bit looney in the first place to do that......

WWE currently goes by a PG-13 rating.

Michael was a straight man, im sure he loved the women.

Im sure he would also understand that when your young that you watch this kind of thing because its the cool thing to watch.

When I was 8 I watched South Park. I wasnt allowed to, but that made it more appealing. :)

Yeah big DB is right. It is aimed more at kids now a days, and the woman wrestle.
The main factor that I would suggest that Michael won’t support the WWE because it is a very bad role model for children IMO because not only that they beat the hell out of each other by using metal bars, cords, chairs, cameras, ladders, etc...

As I read this, I am watching Michael unload a Tommy gun in Moonwalker :lol:
WWE is PG now, when was the last time you watched the show, the woman actually wrestle now lol

I watch Smack Down once almost every week, I don’t watch the whole show because I find it boring most of the time, I also find the wrestling ladies (WWE Divas!) appear to show too much skin and erotic action, the WWE is PG for what! Half nudity and violence with extreme content such as No Holds Barred, etc…! This is a LIVE show, it is more ‘make believe’ compared to a movie.
I watch Smack Down once almost every week, I don’t watch the whole show because I find it boring most of the time, I also find the wrestling ladies (WWE Divas!) appear to show too much skin and erotic action, the WWE is PG for what! Half nudity and violence with extreme content such as No Holds Barred, etc…! This is a LIVE show, it is more ‘make believe’ compared to a movie.

They dont even allow blood anymore. What are you talking about? :S

I havent seen a woman in her underwear in WWE for a very long time.

Im doubting you watch it every week, because if you did then you would know what the current product consists of.

Smackdown isnt live BTW, its taped on a Tuesday night and aired on a Friday.

Thats from a while ago, we are talking about the current product.

You have to accept that kids are drawn to this kind of thing. I watched it when I was younger..........its just what your drawn to.

Whats the problem anyway? Your 10 years old and you see two women kiss, what harm is it causing really? What kind of effect mentally does it have on a 10 year old?
^^ L.T.D. I will not argue anymore about this, personally I don’t approve of the WWE for kids and, call me closed minded if you want but I will stick with my principles.
MJ should have looked at the future of wrestling. TNA.
I am fan of WWE too, but it's gone boring.
MJ should have looked at the future of wrestling. TNA.
I am fan of WWE too, but it's gone boring.

I dont like TNA for some reason. Ive given it a chance. I just dont know what it is......I cant get into it.

I feel atm WWE is getting a bit more interesting, on Raw you have Cena, Orton and HHH constantly in the main event. But they are making a massive effort lately in pushing the younger stars and I feel thats whats making it interesting.

I am particularly impressed by The Miz. I like John Morrison in the ring and like his look, but im not feeling it on the mic. He has a long way to go before he becomes the next Shawn Michaels as people are saying.

Arabian Knight, I respect that it is your opinion.

I just remembered seeing McKauley Culkin at WrestleMania 7. This was 1991 and Michael and McKauley were especially close around this time. I wouldnt be suprised if they watched wrestling together.

They also used to name 'Legions of Doom' when having their water baloon fight. Similar to the legendary Tag team, Legion of doom. :)

Wrestling was great in 1991, I obviously didnt watch it then because that was the year I was born but I have all the tapes. It wouldnt suprise me if Michael had loved it then.
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Never knew MJ was a wrestling fan, but good to see. They should have got MJ to be a special ring announcer at one of the Wrestlemania's, or special guest referee between Hogan vs Warrior at WM 6. That would have been unreal :D.

Anyone ever met a wrestler? Ive met Bret Hart, my all time fav wrestler, completely scintilating feeling I tell ya :D
Anyone ever met a wrestler? Ive met Bret Hart, my all time fav wrestler, completely scintilating feeling I tell ya :D

Yeah...I won a 'Backstage Party' at WCW Nitro when it was being filmed here in Brisbane, Australia on October 7th 2000 :)

Being a lifelong wrestling fan and being only 14 years old at the time lol it was pretty awesome!
I had dinner that night with Kevin Nash, Ric Flair, Lance Storm, Konnan, Kidman and others...The highlight of my night was when I approached Goldberg backstage and asked for an autograph and he very politely told me to 'Fuck Off' lol...He was a rude bastard lol. I had also won 6 front row tix to that nights event, I still have a VHS copy of the show where I'm visible in the front row throughout haha...

Also, I met Road Dogg in Brisbane in 2001, He was doing an autograph sesh outside Ticketmaster to promote the WWA Tour that year...

Here's a pic of me at age 14 backstage at WCW in 2000, with Lance Storm :) I'm holding the belt...


What did I walk into? LOL! I've never watched any form of wrestling...so I wouldn't know the first thing about any of it. LOL. I am curious now any suggestions on what I should watch just for a taste of it? LOL.

The ONLY exposure I've ever had to it was back when one of the Gremlin movies came out, I think it was the 2nd one and the Gremlins "interrupted" the movie and the Hulk (who just so happened to be in the audience) had to put them in their place...in so many words. LOL!
What did I walk into? LOL! I've never watched any form of wrestling...so I wouldn't know the first thing about any of it. LOL. I am curious now any suggestions on what I should watch just for a taste of it? LOL.

The ONLY exposure I've ever had to it was back when one of the Gremlin movies came out, I think it was the 2nd one and the Gremlins "interrupted" the movie and the Hulk (who just so happened to be in the audience) had to put them in their place...in so many words. LOL!

Anything from the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) now known as WWE from 1998 - 2001 is really worth checking out. In particular, Wrestlers such as Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Kurt Angle and The Undertaker etc were/are great :)

WCW events from 1997/1998 contained some tremendous wrestling. Anything featuring a then young Rey Misterio Jr. and the rest of the 'Cruiserweight' guys is great...Matches involving Goldberg are short, but explosive! and Sting was a great performer then too.

Nowadays, I suggest checking out a company called TNA, in the states they're on Thursday nights on Spike, here in Australia they can be seen on Fox8...They are a much smaller upstart promotion but they feature a good array of 90's stars and very athletic young performers...
WWE currently goes by a PG-13 rating.

I believe they lost $40 million last year. Ratings have dipped drastically.

I'm glad I was a fan in the WWF's hey day. I remember the Rock/Stone Cold/Vince feuds of the Attitude era. Great promos. I haven't watched in years and probably won't ever go back.
Wow that's awesome that he was a fan! I bet he was a huge Bret Hart fan...haha.

But while I'm at it. Both WWE and TNA suck nowadays quite frankly. At least in my opinion of course.
Ahhh the hey days of WWF of the 80s and 90s!!! What happy, cool memories... Ya'll know I had a dream (and then imagine) long time ago that Michael have Monday Night Raw at Neverland Ranch??? THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!
I believe they lost $40 million last year.

Not true...WWF/WWE has not lost money since 1996...They are MAKING $40 or so million! lol
Also, Vince McMahon/WWE have a cash reserve of $200 Million, so they will not go out of business any time soon!

Shame what has become of the Industry today, you know the WWF made a PROFIT of $250 Million in 2000! :bugeyed Goes to show how big they once were...
Not true...WWF/WWE has not lost money since 1996...They are MAKING $40 or so million! lol
Also, Vince McMahon/WWE have a cash reserve of $200 Million, so they will not go out of business any time soon!

Shame what has become of the Industry today, you know the WWF made a PROFIT of $250 Million in 2000! :bugeyed Goes to show how big they once were...

They will come back with a boom again one day. This happens, it has its up and downs. It started to go downhill in terms of popularity around 1993 and then started to gain popularity around late 1997 to 1998 with Stone Cold becoming a big star. Same with Hogan in the 80's.

It just needs that big star to come along.......

2000 was an amazing year in WWE. It was a mix of the great stories and promos from 1998 and 1999 but mixed in with some amazing wrestling with guys like Jericho, Benoit, Eddie Guerreo, Kurt Angle, Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko and others being brought in.

The tag team division was probably the best its ever been with The Dudleyz, E&C, The Hardyz, The APA, Too Cool, T&A, Road Dogg and X Pac.

It was just ana amazing time, they could do no wrong in 2000.

I feel like they are making a big effort in pushing the younger stars atm, whether one of them will be the next Austin, Rock, Or Hogan. I highly doubt, but at least they are making the effort. Its needed as well, Cena, Orton and HHH are boring the hell out of me.