Michael Jackson was WWE Fan say J.R.

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Dangerous Incorporated

Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry at www.jrsbarbq.com. Here are some of the most notable things he wrote:

Memories of Michael Jackson, who was believed to be a WWE fan: "Many years ago I turned down an opportunity to join my wife, along with several WWE corporate types, at a private function at Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch. I believe the occasion was a birthday party for a Jackson family member. My wife recalls the Jackson kids asking if "J.R. was o.k." as that apparently was around the time Kane BBQ'ed yours truly. Many within the Jackson household followed WWE on TV regularly as Jan remembers getting bombarded with questions and some of the Jacksons have attended WWE events over the years. My wife recalls the experience as being a great deal of fun and remembers being pretty sure that she saw Michael in costume wearing a "fat suit" so as to not to distract from the other family member's birthday celebration by causing a commotion amongst the visiting guests. Neverland Ranch was an extraordinary place for an individual's residence even someone as unique as Michael Jackson. Coming off the untimely death of Jackson this week at only 50 years of age, in hindsight I wish I had accompanied the Mrs on this trip. Jackson was an impeccable showman with precision like timing and possessed amazing crowd psychology.....which are all enviable traits of a great wrestler in any decade past, present or future.

"One thing left behind at the Neverland Ranch, by request, was a signed cookbook, "Can You Take the Heat" and a few bottles of J.R.'s BBQ Sauce. Small world indeed."
I knew he was, I knew he just had to be! It was lovely reading this, my two favourite things come together. I love you Michael!
I know that Michael had a Royal Rumble arcade game too.
It doesnt surprise me as Mike was a UFC fan too.
^ I didnt know what UFC was but I googled and lol'd so hard! omg I imagine him ''Go go goo!'' and making moves as if he's tryin to kill someone while hes actually dancing. loll
We all know the REAL reason MJ loved watching wrestling... and it wasn't to watch the guys...
I've never really cared for wrestling. The only time I watched it is when Hulk Hogan was on it. I remember watching GLOW in the 80s though, lol.
awesome, I can tell he enjoyed the entertainment of the show, and the psychology employed by the wrestlers.
I love JR, when I was a kid i loved to listen to his voice plus I learned alot of big words from him. Who turns down an opp to go to Nevvy? JR, bad decision. Bad.

ha ha ha I wonder at the barbq sauce request.

And of course Mike was a fan of the great WWE, he used to watch it with Mac.
aww whose to know?
He should have gone to a big wrestlemania or royal rumble when they were good! late 80's or 90's..imagine him at one of those shows? And yea it is wonderfully theatrical so that must have been one reason why..its all scripted, thought out and the story lines and plots have been very diverse and unique..its like a soap..and then there are differnt entrances, costumes...so does make sense he liked it..all incredibly colorful and its a performing art that was born to be seen by an audience..like singing or dancing
Find it a bit surprising Mike let his kids watch WWE, but I'm not surprised at all that he was a fan. The showmanship, the superhero roles they take.
Really? This is the first I've heard about it.
My family has actually been WWE fans for as long as I remember. I liked it a lot in the 90's but now it's just too predictable and the whole Randy Orton and Edge thing just got too annoying so I haven't watched in a while.
The fans reactions ?

The pyro ?

Listening to the commentators ?

..... Or was it to watch trish stratus

bahahah, you made me laugh!

I met Trish, she's so sweet and her boobs really arent that big.
Started watching WWE (then known as WWF) back in 1984-85. I haven't watched it much in recent years, but I still do occasionally.

I'd bet Mike was a Hulk Hogan fan like many of us, and that more than likely sparked his appreciation for pro wrestling....and he probably still watched wrestling on and off like many of us all these years later because of that.

I can only imagine Michael sitting there watching WWE when somebody like Roddy Piper would show up. I bet he was like me....marking out and saying, "It's Piper!!!" lol

Oh man....I wish MJ was still with us. Damn.
MJ probably loved Bret Hart..The greatest entertainer ever just has to be a fan of the greatest wrestler ever :)
bahahah, you made me laugh!

I met Trish, she's so sweet and her boobs really arent that big.

Trish has had her implants taken out I heard :)

Ive allways seen Shawn Michaels as the Michael Jackson of WWE. Maybe its his energy, showmanship and dancing haha

I want to hear Mike talking about wrestling so much! :|:|:| I want to hear him talking about who his favourite wrestlers where and stuff.
I highly doubt it I think Michael will never promote violence even if it was just entertainment.