Michael Jackson To Tour With Akon?

Geez, some you people... where do you get the idea from that this could be a co-headlining thing or even more ridiculous Michael opening up for someone?? What is wrong with you??

If Michael will eventually go on tour again, he will have an opening act.... just like he had on all of his tours before, just like any artist, who goes on tour has! Why is it impossible that Akon would be that opening artist!! Why is it impossible that Michael and Akon indeed talked about Akon opening up for Michael? This would be a major gig for Akon, being part of one of the most sought after tour! He would be stupid not to try to get on a possible MJ tour and from the sound of it, they did indeed talk about a tour! Cavelli is also talking about doing the clothes for Michael's next tour!

So instead of being glad that there seems to be talks about a tour you become defensive and come up with all kinds of ridiculous responses! Jesus... sometimes I seriously wonder in what kind of bubble you're living!?
I didn't suggest that Michael would be the opening act. I just said Michael hasn't been an opening act since he was 6, let alone co-headline with someone. I took it as a co-headlining gig, from the way it was worded, which is a ridiculous notion. If they mean Akon would be an opening act, well that's another story.
If Michael will eventually go on tour again, he will have an opening act.... just like he had on all of his tours before, just like any artist, who goes on tour has! Why is it impossible that Akon would be that opening artist!! Why is it impossible that Michael and Akon indeed talked about Akon opening up for Michael? This would be a major gig for Akon, being part of one of the most sought after tour! He would be stupid not to try to get on a possible MJ tour and from the sound of it, they did indeed talk about a tour! Cavelli is also talking about doing the clothes for Michael's next tour!

So instead of being glad that there seems to be talks about a tour you become defensive and come up with all kinds of ridiculous responses! Jesus... sometimes I seriously wonder in what kind of bubble you're living!?

I agree with you. I think the only "possibility" here is Akon being the opening act for MJ. And, if so much, he could have a participation on the WBSS performance. Anything other than that is way out of the line. It won't happen. Period.

But again, just like someone said, I'm gonna wait for the album first. Then I can be happy thinking about a possible tour. (It's good to hear there are plans for a tour, though. :yes:)
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No way. Michael doesn't need to go on tour with anyone, least of all Akon, who isn't even half as big as Michael. I don't even think Akon is big enough to OPEN for Michael, in all honesty.
if anything I just think Akon would come out to do his part of the songs they did together... like a guest rapper.. somewhat like slash comes out and leaves..

thats how I could picture it anyways
I HOPE its false I think Akon is craptastic! Sorry.
On a side note I think it would be really cool if Janet toured with her brother, could you imagine.
Obviously Michael doesn't share that sentiment, he wouldn't have worked with him otherwise!
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yeah well mj never was good with taste. have you seen those urns LOL
lmao michael doesnt need 2 tour with anybody! unless akon is the opening act
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Will never hapen, hopefully.

If they should ever perform together Akon should just be a surprise guest.
My reply to this would be, we don't have Michaels Vision (at least most of us don't).... he is where he is for taking his vision and making it reality. So if he choses to do something like that then I am looking forward to seeing the outcome!
Akon will headline it, Michael will open for him....................

I'm messing around.. Jeez, I could feel some of yalls blood boiling..
Hmmm... Looks like someone forgot to give Mr. Lavender the memo. :lol:


TO: Mr.Lavender

From: MJ


STFU!...PLEASE! (Gotta put please in there cuz Michael's so polite)

Thank you and I love you more.
Michael Jackson
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Wow...all of a sudden so many rumors/reports! Lets see here we've got:

1. MJ and Akon doing a tour together
2. MJ is physically unable to perform ever again (Jack Wishna )
3. Ne-Yo is working with MJ on the new album
4. Akon has done 5-6 songs on MJ's new album
5. Michael attended the fighting thing at MGM this weekend
6. Michael attended that Christian designer guys birthday this weekend
7. Christian is launcihng a MJ clothing line
8. Michael was photographed at that book store in Vegas this weekend

Am i missing anymore??? lol
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When did Robin Leach say Michael is physically unable to perform ever again? lol. That's totally absurd.

My bad....it was Jack Wishna who was quoted stating that. Well according to the Enquire he did... which makes sense. Obviously Wishna was trying to plan some big Vegas thing with Jackson when he first came there but it didn't work out.. so now Wishna is mad. Who knows, maybe Jackson verbally agreed to some big Vegas gig but pulled out at the last minute. We all know that Michael loves to change his mind lol Anyways here is the link:

http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/promoter jackson incapable of las vegas show_1070034
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That's not even the point!

I dont care what the point is. im stating my opinion mj dont need 2 tour wit nobody especially not akon n e wayz

..i mean i wud be so embarrassed 4 akon..plus his live performances are borin
:( .. i like akon...he's really big in these parts.

as far as them touring together...i personally think michael is too big of a stage hog to share it :toofunny: with anyone. hehe..but i'm halfway teasing..i mean, i never would have thought michael would team up with akon, Will.I.Am and FERGIE (who i dont like by the way) to re-do songs he's already done..but he did it..and they turned out great. michael seems to be trying new things.....

lets go to high school shall we?...you go to highschool where you don't have any friends. some people like you but not enough to make you cool, and the ones who do like you get picked on for liking you....but then one of the cool football players or cheerleaders is all of a sudden your best friend..then everyone is going to start loving you....

maybe michael is just trying to get back into the mainstreem of things...yeah... WE know michael is cool on his own. we know michael is BETTER on his own..but he seems to want to prove that to everyone else right now...people who are too obsorbed in modern media to even care about michael..so he'll slap them in the face with his cool new style and his cool new friends...

i wouldn't put this tour past michael...besides..anything is possible. :D
oh please no
If Michael ever goes on tour I just want to see him, no one else.
this won't happen, no artist would ever want to tour with Mike... I went to the World Music Awards in London to see him...Oh my god his fans were sooo rude to every other artist that took the stage... they even booed Beyonce... And poor blind Andrea Bocelli got booed, he didn't even know what was going on... and some very gentle Irish singer was doing a ballad and someone very close to the stage screamed right in her face and the tv camaras, "wheres Michael" during her song. Who would want to subject themselves to this... Then when Michael took to the stage to accept his awards, I witnessed his fans push a little girl down to get closer to the stage then they stepped on her leg... poor thing, I helped her up and I got yelled at for doing it. I love Michael but his fans are scary scary scary people.
Michael don't need Akon, William and nobody else to return!! I dont understand why people believe that Michael without them is nobody today. I want him return to do things by himself! Rumours or not! Michael I love YOU! And ONLY You......... :wub::clapping: