Michael Jackson To Tour With Akon?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I read a bulliten from a friend on myspace and this is what they heard???

In a new interview, Akon protege Ray Lavender spoke of Akon's work and the possibility of a tour with Michael Jackson.

Lavender says, "...we have a big tour coming up with Akon and Michael Jackson. How big is that?" He continues, "Yeah, I call Akon everyday and ask him if he is for real. But you know he did 6 or 7 new songs on Michael Jackson’s new album, so it’s very realistic.

what do you guys think about this??? do you think it would be possible?
No. Let's please stop talking about "rumors" because a lot of the fans get way too optimistic and their hopes get crashed into the ground -_-
No, I don't think this is possible. Michael is about 10 billion times bigger then Akon and he hasn't co-healined a show in his entire life. He hasn't even been an opening act since he was about 6 years old. So no, I seriously doubt this EVER happening.
No. Let's please stop talking about "rumors" because a lot of the fans get way too optimistic and their hopes get crashed into the ground -_-

I'm sorry....that wasnt my intention at all:(..I just wanted to know if anyone else had heard of this thats all.
This is the source I would imagine..

"Mr. Lavender is not only being tagged as AKON’s Protégé, he is now the face of KONVICT (AKON’s label) Clothing. As if that were not enough, he informed me that he is preparing to go on tour with Michael Jackson – yes folks, the “gloved one” has caught Lavender Fever."

"Ray Lavender: Well, The KONVICT Clothing line coming out. It is going to be in Macy’s, Bloomingdales, Richies and all the major stores. So every time you see the clothing line, you’ll see my face. Got some movies coming out- AKON’s got a movie called “Cocaine Cowboys”. – oh and we have a big Tour coming up with AKON & Michael Jackson. How big is that?

Jamati: WOW…that is huge!!

Ray Lavender: Yeah, I call AKON everyday and ask him if he is for real. But you know he did 6 or 7 new songs on Michael Jackson’s new album, so it’s very realistic."

I'm sorry....that wasnt my intention at all:(..I just wanted to know if anyone else had heard of this thats all.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad! :lol:

I'm just trying to say, we really shouldn't be trying to get our hopes up, like we always do *cough*grammys*cough* -_-
Nah, you're just the messenger but this rumor stinks, lol. Since when did MJ had an opening act in the last 25 years? :lol:

:lol: :lol:

Ugh, why must these rumors be swirling....

I want real news. Something with the headline, "Michael Jackson Announces New Single - New Album Plans!"
I highley, highley doubt MJ would tour with Akon or anyone based on the fact that MJs own family cant get him to tour with them because he wants to do his own thing let alone anyone else. Rumour are running more wild right now then ever before. Mostly because of the net. People say one thing on a blog or myspace and suddenly its factual. Pfft!
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Yeah MJ doesnt need to tour with someone like Akon ! MJ does things on his own where he has full control !!
It is not totally out of the realm, that Michael would have someone like Akon to be a support act on his tour... he had support acts before! In a recent article about Cavalli it was again emphasized that he is commisioned to do the clothes for the new Michael Jackson tour... so who knows?
Theres a difference being an opening act for, to actually touring with MJ.
Well, the band Human Nature was touring with Michael for 4 Months in the summer of '97! But still they were only support act... nowhere it was mentioned that that Akon/MJ thing would be a co-headlining thing, which would be laughable anyway!

All that guy said was, he would be touring with Akon and Michael! Obviously, since he's an "Akon protege", he's gonna mention Akon in the same breath as Michael! But the way he talks it only sounds like it being a possibility and no real plans... so whatever!
^^ Agreed.

I saw Human Nature as the opening act. People couldnt wait for them to get off so MJ could come on lol
Yes, imagine having to sit (well stand) through them 18 times! :ermm: I mean, they where okay the first 3 times or so... but then! :puke: ;)
I highly doubt that Michael willl tour with Akon when he won't even tour with his brothers, wich is more relevant.

I can see him popping up onstage for the new version of WBSS, that is IF there is going to be a tour at all. At this point I'll focus on the new album and not get myself all geared up over this.
I highly doubt that Michael willl tour with Akon when he won't even tour with his brothers, wich is more relevant.

I can see him popping up onstage for the new version of WBSS, that is IF there is going to be a tour at all. At this point I'll focus on the new album and not get myself all geared up over this.
Well, obviously any prospective touring with Akon would be after MJ's new album is released... otherwise it wouldn't make much sense to tour solo with Akon.... a Jacksons tour, before a new MJ album, of course would be a different story!
it could be unlikely but wont it be the other way round of Akon touring with MJ! akon is a good artist doing his own thing
Fed up with all these stupid rumors which show michael in a negative way , realy fed up .
Michael doing the fisrt part of a little Hip Hop singer ???? as if he was an unknown artist debuting in the business , or as if he was so much broke that the only pathetic thing he can do to earn money is to perform for the first part of a little Hip Hop singer .

I dont kow what this man did to people to try to destroy his legacy like that , realy it is just so unfair .
stuff like this is so fake it doesnt even need to be discussed.whats the chance of mj touring on his own let alone with anyone else
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Well, the band Human Nature was touring with Michael for 4 Months in the summer of '97! But still they were only support act... nowhere it was mentioned that that Akon/MJ thing would be a co-headlining thing, which would be laughable anyway!

All that guy said was, he would be touring with Akon and Michael! Obviously, since he's an "Akon protege", he's gonna mention Akon in the same breath as Michael! But the way he talks it only sounds like it being a possibility and no real plans... so whatever!

Only a possibility ???? how on the earth AKON and Michael touring together could it be a possibility , who of the two stars would take the spotlights ????

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If it's true there would be someone from Michael's camp to say so.maybe he would make a suprise appearance but I doubt that Michael would share a tour stage with anyone unless he wants to. I mean if Janet said that she would open for The Jackson 5, then Akon should Open for Michael and they would do a song or two together.
No. Let's please stop talking about "rumors" because a lot of the fans get way too optimistic and their hopes get crashed into the ground -_-

:lol: i don't think this is "optimisim" it's going to be too much pessimism. I mean..MJ with AKON??! for the love all man kind...PLEASE NOOOOOOOOOO.

i mean Mike touring = i'll kill to get tickets

but akon.....ermm..........hm................... MJ.....have you become deaf lately?

i mean totally understand songs on the albumns...but..TOURING??????? *ahem..* this is not saving music, mike..not saving music.

So boy am i glad this is just a rumour, and will NEVER be anything more.