Michael Jackson to release new single before o2 Concerts

or they know this will make them money cause of back cat sales so they are helping
Considering the website update and its help with promotion, it appears SONY is still MJ's label.

after this unreal demand for tickets, and being forced to add 35+ shows, it would be a big mistake for ANY label not to sign Mj...
i dont think many people (even fans) were expecting this many ticket sales.
Considering the website update and its help with promotion, it appears SONY is still MJ's label.

Sony will sabotage every MJ project, I hope they will have nothing to do with Michaels next album. SONY sucks, Michael rocks!!!!!!! :))))))))
Now this is news that is good to hear!

I am excited to see what he has in store for us. The new singles, the new tech for the show, the new tour dates (please Michael) in New York or Vegas. I can't wait until he wows the haters and proves he still has it once last time…

Please don't go to Vegas, Michael. It's not all good. Vegas doesn't represent what Michael's fans are. Go to New York and have a mini tour in US. Let's say in New York, Chicago, Dallas, Texas, Washington, Detroit and Los Angeles. It could be 35-50 concerts...
Considering the website update and its help with promotion, it appears SONY is still MJ's label.
Then, I guess Sony will probably be the label to be in charge of distributing the album, without any further association. Similar to the way Prince used a major label. I know he released Planet Earth album in that way and once the procedure was over, he could go anywhere and do what he please cuz he was not signed to the label as an artist.
Sony better not wreck things 4 mike.....otherwise i wont be a happy woman!