Michael Jackson This Is It Blu Ray DVD Trailer

Why the hell I saw Dangerous Tour and Bad Era in the trailer? O__o
Thanks for posting!! It looks amazing!! It's a shame I don't have Blue Ray :(
I don't have a blu-ray player either, but i am going to buy both the blu-ray dvd and the 2 disc special edition dvd as i hope to get a cheap blu-ray player in the future, but in the mean time i will watch the added extras on blu-ray at a friends house who owns a PS3 so i can watch it :D
holy mother MJ AIR looked spectacular and YES Dirty Diana is included !! YAZ! :punk:
What's up with the music? :giggle: Guru Josh Project's "Infinity 2008", cool song and it's one of my favorites, but in a Michael Jackson DVD/Blu-Ray trailer? :mello: :D
Yeah, why not use a MJ remix for the video.

But seems like it's gonna include a lot of nice stuff.

More Michael!!
WOW! I spotted another Balmain jacket on him too at 0:08 :)
Looks amazing, so exciting that Dirty Diana might be included!
I cant be botjered to go back and find what time in the video it was.

But theres a clip from Smooth Criminal and he does a spin at the right side of the stage on his own. That looks promising :)
is it the song that is in french? im confused by all this and i agree i can not believe they are going to make me buy a blu-ray player.

T4P BTW ;)
I cant be botjered to go back and find what time in the video it was.

But theres a clip from Smooth Criminal and he does a spin at the right side of the stage on his own. That looks promising :)

That was about 0:15 that glove thing in the costumes looked insane, jaw hit the floor when i saw the awesomeness of it, would have thrown the sequined glove out of the window
Looks really good and I still cannot believe I went out and bought a blu-ray player just for this.
The new clips look phenomanal (especially rehearsing in the studio - wow, just... WOW). So have the special effects from MJ Air been completed since June 25th and specifically for the DVD release?? Because I can't image them leaving out a finale as grand as that if they had the footage for the film.

Also, maybe it's just the mood I'm in at the moment, but it REALLY infuriates me that the music on the trailer isn't MJ's. Surely the music is part of the magic, so why not really sell what they've got??
Can i just point one thing out!

The text on the video & the description both say Blu-Ray & DVD so i think this is the special features trailer for BOTH

Holy F***. I need this DVD now.
MJ AIR looks dope. I think we might see a full smooth criminal.
Wow, this looks amazing! Love the clips from the dance studio. I wish they'd just release ALL the footage they have.