Michael Jackson Song Catalog Will Moonwalk to Sony/ATV Publishing

as the article states this was planned when Michael was alive
which is really the most important thing. it was something mj planned himself
The ESTATE OF MICHAEL JACKSON will always own his music 100%.

The only way Sony/ATV could own Michael's catalog is if they purchased it, same rules as if they purchased anybody else's catalog.

In my opinion, this deal only means that Sony/ATV will collect the royalty fees now, instead of Warner-Chappell.[/QUOTE]

Yes, that is how I read it too. Instead of Warner Chappel who are defunct or being sold, now MIJAC (Michael's catalogue) will now be administered by Sony/ATV who wil be collecting fees for their administration. Maybe the fees will be less than Warner so that would be good news for the estate? I am not sure though. I am no expert at all this music publishing/ administering business. :scratch:
All I know is if that 50% hold Michael has on the sony/atv catalogue ever slips away from him, the blood will be clearer than ever. And it will probably leak more than ever as well, and I hope they drown in it if that happens.

Michael said that people were trying to kill him for that catalogue. He said on the phone, "There's a big fight going on right now as we speak" regarding this sony/atv we are talking about here.
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I think it's a good move. Even if the MJ estate loses the Sony/ATV catalog sometime in the far future that doesn't mean the estate loses MIJAC publishing. They still own all the rights to Michael Jackson's music. By having Sony/ATV administer the rights instead of Warner, the estate will even get more money now. It makes more sense this way for all parties.
Guys let's do a Publishing 101 class here

Hey ivy, how about we have a "sony/michael relationship 101" class too.

Actually, that may be a good idea to start a thread like that... It would be interesting because I can't think of any relationship and breakup that is more dramatic than Michael's and sony's.

Smooth_criminal, that 50% of the sony/atv catalogue should stay with Michael. He fought so hard to keep it. His specific words were, "It was never for sale, is not for sale, and will never be for sale." Michael had all intentions to keep that catalogue with him, and if he were here, I HIGHLY DOUBT he would even lose it!!!

Something really is fishy.

I'll stick to Michaels words.
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Ivy thank you for taking the time to explain. I have one question to make sure I understand right.
Michael owns 100% of the publishing rights of MiJac, correct? If the asset is moved into S/ATV which is a 50-50 joint venture, does that mean that the estate retains the ownership of the asset by 100% or is it automatically split in two?
Smooth_criminal, that 50% of the sony/atv catalogue should stay with Michael. He fought so hard to keep it. His specific words were, "It was never for sale, is not for sale, and will never be for sale." Michael had all intentions to keep that catalogue with him, and if he were here, I HIGHLY DOUBT he would even lose it!!!

Something really is fishy.

I'll stick to Michaels words.

I agree.
I wonder if this auctioned note refers to the Warner contract. According to posts it's dated June 09. So many things happening days before Michael died..

Ivy thank you for taking the time to explain. I have one question to make sure I understand right.
Michael owns 100% of the publishing rights of MiJac, correct? If the asset is moved into S/ATV which is a 50-50 joint venture, does that mean that the estate retains the ownership of the asset by 100% or is it automatically split in two?

ownership and administering are two diff things. its like hiring a accountant to run your finances,collect rent off ppl for example. they do all the paper work for collecting the money and get a cut for doing it. sony/atv are just taking over warners role of administering the songs. ie collecting the money for royalties etc. it has nothing to do with ownership. yes mj owns mijac
I think it's a good move. Even if the MJ estate loses the Sony/ATV catalog sometime in the far future that doesn't mean the estate loses MIJAC publishing. They still own all the rights to Michael Jackson's music. By having Sony/ATV administer the rights instead of Warner, the estate will even get more money now. It makes more sense this way for all parties.

It would be pure insanity if the estate were to ever lose the Catalog...It's one of the biggest money generating assets out there..The only possible way they can 'lose' it is if the Estate executors are corrupt and decide to sell it (Which couldn't a judge block crazy money losing moves by the estate?..) Otherwise, the Catalog will always be half owned by Michael's estate.
I wonder if this auctioned note refers to the Warner contract. According to posts it's dated June 09. So many things happening days before Michael died..


Michael knew I guess in advance that "Warner was going down...." :punk:
I think it's a good move. Even if the MJ estate loses the Sony/ATV catalog sometime in the far future that doesn't mean the estate loses MIJAC publishing. They still own all the rights to Michael Jackson's music. By having Sony/ATV administer the rights instead of Warner, the estate will even get more money now. It makes more sense this way for all parties.

Smooth.... but... whaaatt? :bugeyed
Michael Jackson fought and went through so much to keep that catalog. If the Estate ever get rid of it to Sony, many who dared to trash the conspiracy talking would have to think about the whole think in a different way.

All that said... I would have rather Michael to get rid of that thing year ago, so that he could live in peace. So much envy, preasure and pain for all that money... he really deserved better than that.
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Smooth.... but... whaaatt? :bugeyed
Michael Jackson fought and went through so much to keep that catalog. If the Estate ever get rid of it to Sony, many who dared to trash the conspiracy talking would have think about the whole think in a different way.

All that said... I would have rather Michael to get rid of that thing year ago, so that he could live in peace. So much envy, preasure and pain for all that money... he really deserved better than that.

You know, I remember a few months ago there was ALREADY an article saying how Branca had to almost give up the $ony/ATV catalogue.

When Michael was here, there was no problem!!!!!! And you know, people like Michael are strong and DO NOT lose to evi. They dont surrender. They don't let people take advantage of them. No way. Michael acted what he preached.

"Hit me. Kick me. You can never get me."

Michael said when he was here, "It's obvious what Sony is trying to do me. I need to say no more. It's evil."

And all I have to say is The just man who guards money well, will also be good at stealing it. - socrates
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You know, I remember a few months ago there was ALREADY an article saying how Branca had to almost give up the $ony/ATV catalogue.

When Michael was here, there was no problem!!!!!! And you know, people like Michael are strong and DO NOT lose to evi. They dont surrender. They don't let people take advantage of them. No way. Michael acted what he preached.

"Hit me. Kick me. You can never get me."

Michael said when he was here, "It's obvious what Sony is trying to do me. I need to say no more. It's evil."

And all I have to say is The just man who guards money well, will also be good at stealing it. - socrates

It would be horrible to see this confirmed.
That stupid catalog must stay exactly where it is.
Not that I want it, but just because Michael wanted it to be his.
So please do as he wished. At least once!
You know what? After Michael realized how much BS that catalogue brought him, I bet he wouldn't give a care about letting it go!!!

But NOT to greed and fighting, not to evil hands. Which is exactly why he kept it anyways and continued to go through the BS!! He recieved an early death because he refused to give up to evil.

If this catalogue is taken away from him, all hell will probably break lose.

This isn't just about that "big fight" Michael said was going on about it. The 50% catalogue is just Michael's. Leave it to him. Leave him alone. Find a different way to make more $.

I wonder if Michael ever told them that when he was here.
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You know what? After Michael realized how much BS that catalogue brought him, I bet he wouldn't give a care about letting it go!!!

But NOT to greed and fighting, not to evil hands. Which is exactly why he kept it anyways and continued to go through the BS!! He recieved an early death because he refused to give up to evil.

If this catalogue is taken away from him, all hell will probably break lose.

This isn't just about that "big fight" Michael said was going on about it. The 50% catalogue is just Michael's. Leave it to him. Leave him alone. Find a different way to make more $.

I wonder if Michael ever told them that when he was here.

You know what? You have no idea what you're talking about.
^ I understand that is your opinion.

Moving on,

This is part of a transcript where he talks about the big fight over the sony/atv catalogue. Now, I believe I can post this because Michael doesn't reveal any names. He clearly fought to keep it. He sounded scared. I would post the video of this phone call, but the vid contains other material other than the catalogue which wouldn't be allowed in this thread.

Michael: It's just one of their many schemes to embarass me and to drag me through mudd. And it's the same pattern like I told you with these other people in the past, same pattern.
JessieJackson: How did the money issue get in the first place? A lot of people say they think it's about the sony catalogue. What's in that catalogue?
Michael: In my sony catalogue, is all the Beatles' music..little richard's music...I own such a volume of so many...I own Elvis, so many Elvis songs. And it's a HUGE catalogue. It's very valuble. It's worth a lot of money, and there is a big FIGHT going on right now as we speak about that. Now, I can't say whether or not, I can't comment on it. There's a lot of conspiracy, I'll say there's a LOT of conspiracy going on as we speak.
Jessie: A number of your friends and family members say this fight is more about this catalogue issue than it is anything else. Do you believe that?
Michael: Well, you know, I don't-I don't want to comment. I don't want to make a comment, Jessie. Uh, it's a real delicate issue.
Jessie: Is there anything you would do differently once this is over?
Michael: Um, my level of trust detains and uh-because there were a lot of, there's a lot of conpiracy going on. I'll say that much. A lot of it. All around me.
Jessie: Is the conspiracy connected to the celebrity, or to the trial, or to the catalogue? What do you think the source of it is?
Michael: I-I can't, I can't comment Jessie. I don't wanna-this, it uh-I'm under gag order. And it's a very, VERY serious thing. I don't want to say the wrong thing with the wrong flavor. It's a very delicate area. It's very delicate where we are now.
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You do realize that this thread has nothing to do with Sony/ATV catalog or any conspiracy right?

This thread is solely about the possibility of MIJAC's publishing rights management (not ownership) moving from Warner to Sony.

If we can stick to the topic it would be nice.
^ I understand that is your opinion.

Moving on,

This is part of a transcript where he talks about the big fight over the sony/atv catalogue. Now, I believe I can post this because Michael doesn't reveal any names. He clearly fought to keep it. He sounded scared. I would post the video of this phone call, but the vid contains other material other than the catalogue which wouldn't be allowed in this thread.

Michael: It's just one of their many schemes to embarass me and to drag me through mudd. And it's the same pattern like I told you with these other people in the past, same pattern.
JessieJackson: How did the money issue get in the first place? A lot of people say they think it's about the sony catalogue. What's in that catalogue?
Michael: In my sony catalogue, is all the Beatles' music..little richard's music...I own such a volume of so many...I own Elvis, so many Elvis songs. And it's a HUGE catalogue. It's very valuble. It's worth a lot of money, and there is a big FIGHT going on right now as we speak about that. Now, I can't say whether or not, I can't comment on it. There's a lot of conspiracy, I'll say there's a LOT of conspiracy going on as we speak.
Jessie: A number of your friends and family members say this fight is more about this catalogue issue than it is anything else. Do you believe that?
Michael: Well, you know, I don't-I don't want to comment. I don't want to make a comment, Jessie. Uh, it's a real delicate issue.
Jessie: Is there anything you would do differently once this is over?
Michael: Um, my level of trust detains and uh-because there were a lot of, there's a lot of conpiracy going on. I'll say that much. A lot of it. All around me.
Jessie: Is the conspiracy connected to the celebrity, or to the trial, or to the catalogue? What do you think the source of it is?
Michael: I-I can't, I can't comment Jessie. I don't wanna-this, it uh-I'm under gag order. And it's a very, VERY serious thing. I don't want to say the wrong thing with the wrong flavor. It's a very delicate area. It's very delicate where we are now.

Why are you going on and on about this? The catalog is not for sale, so you need to calm the heck down.

(And BTW, you do remember that during the trial it was his own brother who was trying to get MJ to sell the catalog. Not Branca or anybody else)
Why are you going on and on about this? The catalog is not for sale, so you need to calm the heck down.
the poster is a conspiracy theorist thats why.
You do realize that this thread has nothing to do with Sony/ATV catalog or any conspiracy right?

This thread is solely about the possibility of MIJAC's publishing rights management (not ownership) moving from Warner to Sony.

If we can stick to the topic it would be nice.

thats right, but Sony Music is not Sony/ATV!!!!
Two diff entities...
Like subcategories that spur from various topics in other threads, the conversatioin took a turn towards the sony/atv catalogue, about the fear of selling it. (Which there SHOULD be fear based on that article about the catalogue months ago) It was only bound to show up at some point with Sony/ATV in the heading.

the poster is a conspiracy theorist thats why.

Unbelievable. I post Michaels words. And I get called a conspriracy theorist. Blame Michael. Call HIM a conspiracy theorist. Just do not take it all out on his fans.

He started it.

ps: I do not know why you all are accusing me of heading towards conspiracy in this section. I posted the transcript just to share Michael words about his catalogue. And then, he just happened to mention the word 'conspiracy' in there a couple times.
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Like subcategories that spur from various topics in other threads, the conversatioin took a turn towards the sony/atv catalogue, about the fear of selling it. (Which there SHOULD be fear based on that article about the catalogue months ago) It was only bound to show up at some point with Sony/ATV in the heading.

Unbelievable. I post Michaels words. And I get called a conspriracy theorist. Blame Michael. Call HIM a conspiracy theorist. Just do not take it all out on his fans.

He started it.

you need to take a break...a LONG break.

It's not healthy.

And how dare you are asking us to blame MJ for you mis-using his words when you don't even know the context in which he said these things?
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Fans who quote Michaels words need to stop being attacked.

And how dare you are asking us to blame MJ for you mis-using his words when you don't even know the context in which he said these things?

Okay, what a coincidence you bring this up as I was just thinking about something similar yesterday. If fans were misinterpreting everything Michael told us. Michael would have corrected any wrong, especially something so serious, and have told us we were misinterpreting him. But yet, he did not do or say anything.

Furthermore, I don't believe there can be much misinterpretation, because even though Michael was under gag order about the the music he owned, he was quite clear on what he meant. I don't want to get into the reasons for all that though.

Also, it would be good for you to send me a pm giving me the reasons of why you think I need a break. A long break from what? And why? Please be more direct.
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Unbelievable. I post Michaels words. And I get called a conspriracy theorist. Blame Michael. Call HIM a conspiracy theorist. Just do not take it all out on his fans.
you are also aware that mj set up this move himself? moving over mijac to sony/atv. you already took a forced break cause of the way u ruined threads.

ps: I do not know why you all are accusing me of heading towards conspiracy in this section. I posted the transcript just to share Michael words about his catalogue. And then, he just happened to mention the word 'conspiracy' in there a couple times.
really u dont know why? lol nothing to do with you pushing every thread into a conspiracy agenda. this thread is about mijac going to sony/atv something mj planned. and nothing to do with sony/atv being sold yet u are trying to push the thread in that direction. maybe thats why u are accused of heading into conspiracy. fell free to discuss sony/atv being sold when/if it happens but this thread is not about that
you are also aware that mj set up this move himself? moving over mijac to sony/atv. you already took a forced break cause of the way u ruined threads.

really u dont know why? lol nothing to do with you pushing every thread into a conspiracy agenda. this thread is about mijac going to sony/atv something mj planned. and nothing to do with sony/atv being sold yet u are trying to push the thread in that direction. maybe thats why u are accused of heading into conspiracy. fell free to discuss sony/atv being sold when/if it happens but this thread is not about that

Why are you accusing ME of going towards that direction?? The thread was going into that direction before I even came here!!!

Here's MJJF members attacking me again! STOP TWISTING MY EVERY WORDS AND THOUGHTS!! My words were being twisted and turned at MJJF, and NOW they are starting to here. Are you all still upset that I called Ronald Reagan one of the most popular presidents???