Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Contract

Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

There is a difference between MJ not wanting to do fifty shows, and MJ only wanting to do 10 shows. If he didn't want to do fifty shows that doesn't mean he didn't agree to the 31 shows. So yes it may be true that MJ was against the 50 shows, but not true that he only wanted to do 10. In other words, the fans may have extrapolated that since MJ said he never wanted to do 50 shows then that means he only wanted to do the number they first heard of, which was 10.

BTW, this wasn't leaked. This contract, filed with the court, is a matter of public record.
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

So he signed on to do more than 10 shows, so regardless of whether he "wanted" to or not, he was not duped.

So perhaps he may have told fans he didn't want to do 50 shows, but maybe it was in an "I don't like touring" type of way... sort of like "I don't want to, but I'm going to." Not an "I was duped" type of way.
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

the .5 is as an average per week, like he can do sometimes 4 shows a week or sometimes 3 shows a week....so an average would be 3.5// read the article it says average..

Okie Dokie. Thank you for explaining it to me. :)
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

Ok, MJ had no health conditions as stated by the signed contract, he passed a physical in order to do the tour. What was Dr. Murray needed for? AEG and MJs people had to find that suspicious for MJ to need a doctor when he was in tip top shape and said he had no known medical condition to interfere with the agreement of doing the tour. From a business point of view(AEG), I would be worried about MJ fulfilling his end of the bargain since he needs a doctor when the doctor who did the physical said he was in great condition for the show. I would think MJ is lying about his health condition if I was AEG.

Also, someone pointed out that the date of the first concert of the tour in the contract, July 26, is different from the other dates of the tour. Isn't it possible that other things not stated in this contract were changed as well, and was MJ aware of these changes?

I believe the fans that were around MJ in his final days when they said MJ did not want to do 50 shows. The fans said they knew MJ so why wouldn't he be more open with the fans that care about him. Why would he tell his people that work for him when they were probably coercing him(not realizing how fatal that mistake was) to doing the 50 shows. Maybe MJ was trying to please everyone and hurting himself in the process by stressing so much over the tour. Nobody on his team intervened about their concern his physical appearance(looking very skinny as the fans have said) and he slipped away in the process, with the help of Dr. Murray giving him the prescription drug(imo).
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

Contradiction, contradiction, contradiction... :reading:
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems"

The media was saying in the contract that Michael only had to do a minimum of 15minutes. The rest could be filled by dancers, acrobats,magic, special effects, support acts - thats what they wanted us to think.

This shows he had to be on stage for a minimum of 80 minutes - wonder if the media will report that everywhere now.. guess not.

I heard this number 31 before.. I don't know where though..

lol, who would go see a 15 minute concert. That is a lousy rumor.
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

^^ The media also reported that Mike was "mad" about doing 50, saying he agreed to do 10. Back then we all thought that was hogwash, I still think it is in some degrees. So if he agreed to 31 and also to added shows, then it seemed like it didn't bother him the least, I mean he was trying to get prepared for the concerts anyway.
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

Mh...whats about his two signs at the end? They look different
bingo. Exactly what I was noticed. Look like ray-ray from down the street signed that, not michael. The two signatures don't even look the same. Especially the J. The second by itself looks very off.

*goes back to reading*
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

Great point whoever said were is the date. The date of when this was signed would be good to know.

I don't know what else to say. Nothing seems to add up.

However mike may not have known about 50 shows. If he really did sign this, he sign for up to 31 and possibly going over that. But who knows if he agree to going over the 31 to 50. I don't under stand why aeg and michael didn't just set a number for london. PERIoD and thats it. WHy have the option to add. IF you feel the need to add just draw up another contract and add those dates.

I don't even think michael sign this so...
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

^^ So you think he hired an impersonator? :huh:
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

So he signed on to do more than 10 shows, so regardless of whether he "wanted" to or not, he was not duped.

So perhaps he may have told fans he didn't want to do 50 shows, but maybe it was in an "I don't like touring" type of way... sort of like "I don't want to, but I'm going to." Not an "I was duped" type of way.

That's what I'm thinking too. Michael wanted a grand multi-million dollar production. I'm sure he knew that if he wanted to give the best show, he would have to perform more than 10 shows just to cover the costs.
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

I still can't believe there is no date by the sig and it ends 'very truly yours' how odd for a business contract...
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

^^ So you think he hired an impersonator? :huh:
who is HE? If you mean tohme. NO not neccessarily. How many times do kids forge their parents siggy when they get a bad grade or need a sick note for cuttin class. I dont know! .......

All I'm saying is the both signatures looked suspect! I don't know WHAT he or she did or who he or she is, im just saying something AIN'T right with the sigs (esp the 2nd one)!:doh:

shucks.. it very well maybe michael who signed it. But it still don't look RIGHT to me.
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

That's what I'm thinking too. Michael wanted a grand multi-million dollar production. I'm sure he knew that if he wanted to give the best show, he would have to perform more than 10 shows just to cover the costs.
Ok and isn't very well possible that michael may, just may... have went buck wild with the production AFTER the tickets for 50 shows were sold. Which appears to be the case. Michael didn't even get his crew together until after tickets were sold. So it's NOT to say that michael made this extravagant production and then when to bed thinking it was for only 10 shows. um nope. Productions didn't start until after aegreedy/tohme over booked him for 50 of them jokers. So just maybe that's why michael went all out.;D

Frank footer tried to push this same two bit garbage on LKL. um no franky im not buying it.:doh:
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

i dont think that the signatures are faked. IF they would be faked, they would try to make them look similar to each other! and i can tell you something: in my job i have to sign a lot of letters every day. and my signatures never look the same. sometimes the letters look different. thats just what happens to them. i checked the signatures and what i could see is that the "loop" (or whatever it is called) from the "L" of Michael and the "J" of Jackson is not that big in the first signature. the rest is absolutely the same! so in my opinion the signatures are his and they are not faked.
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

No, I have never seen a business contract signed like that, something is up...
Well Mike was not your ordinary person signing a regular business contact ;)

If Mike was happy to go back to stage he could've added it just as a token of appreciation/happiness when he signed the contract :)

Not a too common thing to do, but I wouldn't suspect anything that unusual about it either?
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

Can we get an attorney in here to explain all this? Please.

It says UP TO 31 shows, NOT UP TO 50, but 31 in the contract with additional shows approved by Artistco and the promoter? Clearly that is a bad forgery of MJ's signature on this contract and someone else was signing documents and making decisions for Artistco.

Those are both Michaels signatures
the second sig he signed is just more fancy
Michael has several different signatures depending
how artistic he wants to get with them :LOL:

actually the first line is usually printed to give a correct spelling
its just for the name_ the second line is the signature itself on the doc
but if someone wanted to forge this doc they would certainly sign both
signatures to to look the same ...

The Only sig really necessary is the last one
that is the signature line and that is indeed is Michaels.
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

I heard about this 31 dates ( the quivalent of a month) very earlier on...you know when we were hearing rumours about the O2 shows and those 30 Million dollar values that were being thrown about.

But when the press conference came, it was initially just 10 dates...maybe this was just merely a ploy, to test the waters, to see the interest. And, as soon as aeg saw the $$$ interest in Michael Jackson they extended it to 50....

Either way, the number of dates I truly think is minor evidence to what might have caused Michael's untimely demise. whether it was 10, 15, 20 or 50 he might have had to put in the same amount of effort, planning, rehearsals etc.... it just stinks that there wasn't people around him that cared for him.
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

^^ thats a very good point about the fact whether 10,50 etc

he still had to put in the same amount of rehearsals for 10 as he would 50 and it was in the rehearsal stage he left the world not after concert number 39.
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

I'm sorry, I don't know how anyone can tell that a scan of a contract is genuine. There is a reason sensitive documents can't be scanned legally unless on unalterable media. Is this scan unalterable? I don't know - I still haven't seen any verification of it outside of Radar.

Altering legal documents is a major issue, because it is very easy to do. Those sigs might be Michael's 100%, but how did they get on the PDF?

I'm not saying it's fake, but I think the authenticity of the document needs to be questioned.
Re: Michael Jackson Signed AEG Contract Stating He Had "No Known Health Problems" + Link to AEG Cont

some scanned it carefully making sure the figures are illegible...
dont be suprised about it everything is on the net nowadays..

I sometimes have to read through long service contracts like this and reading through this one (gosh the format is not making it easy to read...I hope someone read it to MJ like 5 times...) all I can see that the 50dates were announced in order...
it says not less then 18 but not more than 31 without prior approval but also that it would be unreasonable to say no to more than 31 until it fits the basic requirement of 3.5 shows on a 7 day average..that is 1 show every 2nd day..it is tight but it is in the contract ......and MJ signed it...so I am hoping it was explained in detail like a dutyful manager would do