Michael Jackson/RedOne track "Pictures" featuring Lady Gaga

I don't think this is true honestly.
Several people have come forward after 2009 saying how they were supposed to work with Michael or had been working with him on new songs. (Neyo, I think even Chris Brown,etc.)
If she really recorded or wrote something with him she would have talked about it a long time a go.
There is nothing holding her back form talking about it now or in the past 2 years. Think about the publicity she would have gotten from this? Just like she talked about how she supposedly was to open for him on TII. (Which I highly doubt was actually contractually written down so more than likely was just a possibility or maybe not even that.)

And everyone knows how much she loves attention (publicity), she brags about things all the time, but this she is going to keep quiet? I don't think so.
Also remember that at that point she wasn't as famous as she is now. Not that that has to matter I'm just saying you can't compare it to him working with Fergie and the like.

It sounds like nothing really was recorded with Redone, was there? Or just some lyrics written?

Edit: Also Redone hasn't mentioned her when he was talking about working with Michael.
If it would have happened I think he would have mentioned it. Why not?
Many songs were recorded with RedOne, he was the last producer that worked with MJ. He said that he will release some of the tracks "when the right time comes" and that he talked with the lawers of the Estate.
My guess:: IF there is any truth to this duet I can bet you guys that it was recorded AFTER MJ past and is geared for the "duet" album that has been circulating.. Redone worked with Michael.. Red One works with Lady Gaga.. All he needs to do is take an audio track (complete or not) and have Lady Gaga record around Mikes part and make it a duet..

Otherwise I doubt there is truth to this, otherwise I think Lady Gaga would have mentioned meeting and working with Michael when she was asked about MJ after he passed.. She never mentioned actually recording with him.. or even meeting him..

Though artists do not have to meet to record.. I mean "I Have This Dream" that MJ was trying to record with all these artists never were actually in te same studio together and were sending him there parts.. so!!

But a duet collab, I know Mike would want to actually work with that artist and disect the vocals together..
I don't want Gaga associated with MIchael--at all. She's a flash in the pan, anyway. Just my 2 cents
My guess:: IF there is any truth to this duet I can bet you guys that it was recorded AFTER MJ past and is geared for the "duet" album that has been circulating.. Redone worked with Michael.. Red One works with Lady Gaga.. All he needs to do is take an audio track (complete or not) and have Lady Gaga record around Mikes part and make it a duet..

Sounds dubious. I think we would definitely have known about this before now if true. It's probably something that's been created post June 09 imo.