Michael Jackson on South Park today (Wednesday)

Just watched it.. Not bad, not a great south park ep. I thought the plane parts were pretty funny, how they were annoyed that they had to wait :lol: The chipotle thing was funny too, but the MJ parts could have been done better. They just basically repeated everything from the "Mr Jefferson" ep.

Oh well, opportunity lost. They could have made this episode a real classic, but it just kind of fell flat..
I thought it was kinda cute, and not mean at all. MJ saying "ignorant" a lot was funny and trying to climb the tree. So cute. And at the end I thought they made him look very nice indeed, the nose was in tact and everything. Cute episode.
Ok, well, it wasn't as bad as I expected. Generally I adore South Park. Overall it was pretty funny -- when you ignore that nagging guilt inside about making fun of the recently deceased (omg, David Carradine ... no comment). I liked the Chipotlaway and being stuck on the plane, lol. Some of the MJ parts, well, you just roll your eyes and hope they get back to the chipotle soon, lol.
hi :waving: i found this story about it :yes: :)

Swayze and Jackson in South Park

Patrick Swayze has been featured in a cartoon comedy South Park episode called I See Dead Celebrities less than a month after his death.
The first episode in the controversial hit show's 12th series, which aired in the US on Wednesday night, also features Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett and David Carradine among other celebrities who all died this year - prompting some critics to say the show has taken the joke too far.
The spoof of thriller The Sixth Sense sees lead characters Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny come to the rescue after the ghost of Michael Jackson possesses Kyle's little brother Ike, making him claim he is "a little white girl."
They enter him in a child beauty pageant and Jackson's ghost is freed to join other dead celebrities on a bus in purgatory, waiting to enter heaven, but it goes straight to hell.
The ghost of Kill Bill star Carradine - who was found hanged in his hotel room - is even shown hanging in a wardrobe wearing stockings and high-heels.
South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker are no strangers to controversy.
An episode from the last series which showed Steven Spielberg and George Lucas raping Indiana Jones - the creators' expression of their feelings towards Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - caused outrage.

here is link:http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5iUDkujoQOCiQBZbQgoBF19qQqWMw
You don't have to torrent it - it's available to see on South Park's website www.southpark.com.
LOL, that took me to a mall's website. It's www.southparkstudios.com and it depends on where in the world you are as to whether it will work or not. If you're not in the US you might get this message like I do: "Due to copyright and other legal reasons, South Park video content cannot be viewed outside the United States." (FYI, for those in Germany you can watch at www.southpark.de and once you bring up the player you can even pick English for a language! Damn, wish I'd known this like 3 years ago. Too bad German TV doesn't have language choices like this!)
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