Michael Jackson on South Park today (Wednesday)

Well to be really sicere i really thought they were going to make it from a complete different point of view, a critical point of view related to his death, but i mean, well i was having a little "hope", i thought they would be critical about other stuff, more obvious stuff like his death at hand of a doctor and the whole pressure and stuff, i really thought of that hahaha, but well, you know, at least i confirmed one of my theories, the one i give above, ;D, anyway, i was really stupid thinking they would have done it, u right Micky007, u right
why wud u watch anything associated with south park and michael jackson in the same sentence? u saw how they did him before,idk why u wud even wanna watch it

Exactly. I did see the jeffersons one, and it was absolutely disgusting. The creators are not fans of his, and never were. This is their way of thinking of ideas for Episodes "OK, what would really piss off people and disgust people?". It's not even trying to "joke" about something, this show simply shows nothing of truth.
I don't understand why people would watch south park hoping that they wouldn't be too mean (White chocolate, I'm not referring to you here). Just like the people here who would watch Leno everyday during the trial knowing that he would do MJ jokes, then come back to the board upset that he did them. :mello:

This is south park we're talking about.. since when are they PC? A lot of people (like myself) like their dark sense of humour. I haven't seen this ep yet, but I'm going to go find it now. A PC south park is a shit south park.. I think most of its fans would agree.

little white girl? ok, i got it, i know all the story... of course, the creators of South Park would have wanted, loved Michael to be a girl you know, cause they are gays in denial (sounds funny, but well its true) they would have love to see Michael as a girl, cause i mean, any psychologist can say it any day, they wont stop it with the whole gay thing, cause they (many men) wanted him to be, sorry for them, but i mean its good, they can keep on imagining, fantasies can be used in any way, so to the creators of South Park, keep on, i mean, you know... haha ;D

i kinda always have that theory with many men, this confirms it. All those men are pretty much restrained homos, no mean to offend no gays at all, no way, i like some Elton John stuff:yes:

:mello: Ummm.....
Wasn't funny at all...not because they made fun of him...but um the same jokes? climbing trees? how lame.
I knew they wouldn't be nice just disturbing to read some messages from people on twitter how badly they wanted MJ to get ripped by matt and trey. They must really love drowning in their own hatred towards someone who never did anything to them....
I was kinda indifferent to all the "little girl" stuff. I wasn't offended, but I didn't think it was that funny either. I guess it didn't bother me, though, because saying that MJ wanted to be a white girl on a show like South Park is a tame way to rip on him all things considered. I notice that the show has never outright labeled him a pedophile even in the Mr. Jefferson episode, and I sort of appreciate that. The original MJ episode actually had a deeper meaning if you could get past all the expected toilet humor. The new one was meant for nothing more than laughs, and in general the episode was funny.

The best Michael parts in this one were when his voice first appeared and when Michael/Ike were dancing around the park. Ike screaming "YANNO-IT" had me laughing out loud.

Honestly, though, the best part of the entire episode was the underwear-bleeding gag. That's classic.
I just saw it and didn't think it was very funny TBH. I had high hopes but was left a bit disapointed. I can see why a lot of people found their portrayl of MJ though offensive but its South Park-they tar everyone with the same brush.
I'm a big fan of Trey Parker & Matt Stone. Thanks for the heads up about the ep. South Park don't seem to nasty with regards to MJ - given they could make it much worse.

Though sometimes I find the show is hit and miss though I love the sense of irony.
Michael being in denial his whole life, wanting to be a white girl, getting 'inside' Ike's body, and going to hell... Right, that isn't too nasty, is it? :closedeyes: Can't believe this is the storyline they came up with after having months to consider it.
I must say that i think it was quite solid episode... The plot was very stupid and it could be much better, but it wasn't bad...Some parts very really funny, too bad that it wasn't more deep.
South Park has been alot worse to other celebrities than what they have been to MJ. Matt Stone and Trey Parker have been worse to Paris Hilton, Steven Speilberg, George Lucas, Mel Gibson and Kanye West just to name a few.
Can I just say, while I do find it wrong how they've treated Michael, they make fun of EVERY subject. IMO they don't hate Michael but just because of him being topical at the moment they rip on him. They don't hold back on making fun of anything or anyone so I don't think any of you should really take what they say to heart.
I can see why people had high hopes, because South Park always does have a message, that is what i like about it. Sure, it's very rude, very raw and in your face stuff...but most of the time always a message involved. I personally kinda expected some stuff about the ridiculous media after his death...maybe. But not at all....at least they didn't go the 'he likes boys' way...that would have been stupid as hell. Not to say him wanting to be a little girl is not stupid...sounds like a crap SP episode.
South Park has been alot worse to other celebrities than what they have been to MJ. Matt Stone and Trey Parker have been worse to Paris Hilton, Steven Speilberg, George Lucas, Mel Gibson and Kanye West just to name a few.

And don't forget the Jonas Brothers, They ripped the crap out of them! :lmao:
I think this episode DOES have a message.
Since his death a lot of people are still grieving (me too) and there are even people who believe he is still alive.
This episode is telling us to get real, Michael is dead now move on.

I can understand that form a non-fan point of view
does anyone still care about south park thay are so early 00's ppl over here moved on from them years ago to the next "big thing"
yeah well, you can say that about every long-run series.

Actually that's what I thought when friends started their 10th season with the same old simple jokes and lame characters.

I stopped watching southpark since the 3rd or 4th season when people started to wear southpark shirts and caps.
I love South Park, way more then Family guy. They actually have alot of deep meaning behind alot of there episodes.
love south park.... also love family guy and american dad and even now the new cleveland show.... used to love the simpsons.. but not so much anymore...

South Park does have meaning in their episodes and they always have a message but this one i found to be rude and stupid. i found it offensive and even though Matt Stone and Trey Parker stand by their show and its message i still think they should of though about mj's family, and espeacialy his children and yeah the fans who are greatly devestated by his passing and maybe they think we should move on but its not that easy when Micheal had the impact that he had. Why not tell Elvis fans to get over his death after 30 years?? Thats not gonna happen and its certainly not gonna happen with us mj fans. Im disappointed that they said they werent going to rip on MJ since they already did a MJ episode. thats what makes me angry. I dont know if we should take action or just ingore it eather way no matter what we do it wont do much of anything.
Michael being in denial his whole life, wanting to be a white girl, getting 'inside' Ike's body, and going to hell... Right, that isn't too nasty, is it? :closedeyes: Can't believe this is the storyline they came up with after having months to consider it.

Well going to Hell isn't a big deal in the South Park universe, because everyone goes there except for the Mormons, lol. I think there was a whole episode about that. And they write Heaven as being boring and lame.

I do feel that if they put more thought into the episode pertaining to Michael's death, it could have been one of their greatest episodes of all-time. Like, if it had been about MJ haters suddenly turning into devoted fans right after he died, that would have been brilliant.
I do feel that if they put more thought into the episode pertaining to Michael's death, it could have been one of their greatest episodes of all-time. Like, if it had been about MJ haters suddenly turning into devoted fans right after he died, that would have been brilliant.

I would have loved if they did a episode like that.It's so true , alot of fake loving going on
Well going to Hell isn't a big deal in the South Park universe, because everyone goes there except for the Mormons, lol. I think there was a whole episode about that. And they write Heaven as being boring and lame.

I do feel that if they put more thought into the episode pertaining to Michael's death, it could have been one of their greatest episodes of all-time. Like, if it had been about MJ haters suddenly turning into devoted fans right after he died, that would have been brilliant.

Thats the direction I though they were going to go with if they put him in a new epidosde.
I saw the episode.

If anybody should be mad it's Billy Mays' family - The Chipotle bit was ASS-ININE (pun intended).

But the whole theory of MJ not believing/not wanting to believe that he has passed away is very telling.

Ok, they made a joke about MJ wanting to be a little white girl - but they mixed the reference of Little Miss Sunshine & Poltergeist - the part with little creepy psychic lady from Poltergeist as a doctor was REALLY GOOD.

There were even poignant moments at the end (but I won't spoil it).

But all in all, it wasn't offensive to me. And I am an MJ Stan to the END.
When I first saw the ep, I thought dang... they're contradicting themselves and now I'm pissed. Then the more I thought about it, I think the MJ wanting to be a little girl thing is more of an out there over the top joke like the election episode or Tom Cruise being in the closet rather than being serious, and the message about moving on is something that I still need. (Granted, keep him in our hearts, but don't let it consume us ;))