Eric Dresden: So new seasons upcoming, where are you guys at with that?
Trey Parker: We basically right now have maybe four scenes from two shows.
What we do now, it’s basically our kind of research and development phase. We do a couple writers’ retreats, where we just get the six of us or whatever, and just go somewhere for a week and kick around ideas.
Usually the more crazy of those are ideas are the ideas that involve a lot of information or a lot of new characters. We’ll put a scene of that into production because it’s that same thing where we’ll kind of look at it.
A good example of that is last season, we had this whole very vague joke about fish sticks and gay fish, and we couldn’t even get our heads around it. Like, what is the joke? This is so dumb. But we would go and start animating a couple scenes, because as soon as you do that, it’s amazing how really “South Park,” what’s great about it is we don’t hand off a finished script and send it off somewhere to animate.
It’s really a sculpting process, because you get to see a scene, and you get to go “Oh, that would be funny if we change it and make this character instead, and we plug something else in,” and then change scenes here and there, and really sculpt it into what we want it to be.
ED: That entire episode, we were going to bring up that entire episode as well, that it incorporated Kanye…
BC: He’s kind of made even more of a fool of himself recently. Do you think that’s something you’d do more with?
TP: No, and to tell you here, we’re going into this season, and we’ve already done a big Michael Jackson show and we’ve already done a big Kanye show. So we’re kind of already shot in the foot with two big topics. We’ve gotta just come up with what else is going on.