Michael Jackson on South Park today (Wednesday)

Dangerous 1991 HIStory

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I already opened this thread a few days ago, but everything opened in last few days was deleted, as we know. :)

So, in less than 2 hous, 2nd half of season 13 aires.
The title of the episode is Dead Celebrities - it's quite obvious that MJ will be included.

Let's comment the episode in this thread.
I will see it tomorrow, because i'm not from USA. :)
Actually you might be completely wrong...
Check this out:


Eric Dresden: So new seasons upcoming, where are you guys at with that?

Trey Parker: We basically right now have maybe four scenes from two shows.
What we do now, it’s basically our kind of research and development phase. We do a couple writers’ retreats, where we just get the six of us or whatever, and just go somewhere for a week and kick around ideas.
Usually the more crazy of those are ideas are the ideas that involve a lot of information or a lot of new characters. We’ll put a scene of that into production because it’s that same thing where we’ll kind of look at it.
A good example of that is last season, we had this whole very vague joke about fish sticks and gay fish, and we couldn’t even get our heads around it. Like, what is the joke? This is so dumb. But we would go and start animating a couple scenes, because as soon as you do that, it’s amazing how really “South Park,” what’s great about it is we don’t hand off a finished script and send it off somewhere to animate.
It’s really a sculpting process, because you get to see a scene, and you get to go “Oh, that would be funny if we change it and make this character instead, and we plug something else in,” and then change scenes here and there, and really sculpt it into what we want it to be.

ED: That entire episode, we were going to bring up that entire episode as well, that it incorporated Kanye…

BC: He’s kind of made even more of a fool of himself recently. Do you think that’s something you’d do more with?

TP: No, and to tell you here, we’re going into this season, and we’ve already done a big Michael Jackson show and we’ve already done a big Kanye show. So we’re kind of already shot in the foot with two big topics. We’ve gotta just come up with what else is going on.

So, at this point it's mere speculation...
Even though the show is called Dead Celebrities, it seems it might not even be about Michael at all...
Actually you might be completely wrong...
Check this out:


So, at this point it's mere speculation...
Even though the show is called Dead Celebrities, it seems it might not even be about Michael at all...

Thanks for posting this.
I never said I beleive that the entire episode will be about MJ.
However, it's the first episode since MJ has died. The title is Dead Celebrities. South park is ussually about stuff that has happen recently.
So i'm 100% sure that MJ will be mentioned! :)
Anyway, we will have the answer in 1 hour. :)
im kinda relieved that they dont be doing anything about Michael this new season. one was enough. i was afriad they would but im glad they arent. i love south park btw. :)
I hope it is not or will not be about MJ they are to disrepectfull.
Thanks for posting this.
I never said I beleive that the entire episode will be about MJ.
However, it's the first episode since MJ has died. The title is Dead Celebrities. South park is ussually about stuff that has happen recently.
So i'm 100% sure that MJ will be mentioned! :)
Anyway, we will have the answer in 1 hour. :)
And you are happy???, cause you put a happy smilie there, i dont get it, leave Michael now, just leave him, he suffered alot in life, and i just dont need any more slander, media killed Michael Jackson, leave him alone now, appreciate his work, or leave him now, i dont understand people like u, happy about stuff like this, it would be the best they not naming him
And you are happy???, cause you put a happy smilie there, i dont get it, leave Michael now, just leave him, he suffered alot in life, and i just dont need any more slander, media killed Michael Jackson, leave him alone now, appreciate his work, or leave him now, i dont understand people like u, happy about stuff like this, it would be the best they not naming him

First of all, the smilie didn't mean that I'm happy that MJ is on South Park. I am neutral.
The second thing is, that I have a sense for humor. I don't mind if someone makes fun out of MJ as long as it has a meaning or as long as it isn't too cruel. Remember, the Mr. Jefferson episode didn't make fun out of MJ and his love for kids, quite the opossite. They said that MJ is innocent and that police officers are racists...
If you don't get my sense of humor, that's ok, i can accept it... But please don't come to my thread with stuff like leave MJ alone, because I'm a fan, ok?
Don't search MJ enemies on MJ fan board because you won't find them here...

can someone record it?

The show will be available tomorrow on most torents.
If you dont want to illegaly download it, than wait 2 days and there will be streaming on official site (southparkstudios). :)
South Park is hilarious! When they did the 'Mr. Jefferson' episode a couple years ago, I was nervous before I saw it cuz I thought they were going completely rip MJ to shreds. But then when I saw the episode, I was actually surprised that they didn't rip him to the extent that they rip everyone else. I love MJ with all my heart and as a fan I know the truth like all of you, he was a great person/performer/humanitarian who only sought the spread love and receive it in return, but in the end, this is just a TV show and South park rips EVERYONE, no one is safe. After all, the stuff on that show isn't presented or stated as fact, it's a comedy show, not the news or any other program which purports to be real, truthful and factual. Regardless of what you may see tonight, remember that it's just comedy and comedy isn't truth, it's satire, it's farce, it's exaggeration for the sake of laughter, nothing more nothing less.
South Park is hilarious! When they did the 'Mr. Jefferson' episode a couple years ago, I was nervous before I saw it cuz I thought they were going completely rip MJ to shreds. But then when I saw the episode, I was actually surprised that they didn't rip him to the extent that they rip everyone else. I love MJ with all my heart and as a fan I know the truth like all of you, he was a great person/performer/humanitarian who only sought the spread love and receive it in return, but in the end, this is just a TV show and South park rips EVERYONE, no one is safe. After all, the stuff on that show isn't presented or stated as fact, it's a comedy show, not the news or any other program which purports to be real, truthful and factual. Regardless of what you may see tonight, remember that it's just comedy and comedy isn't truth, it's satire, it's farce, it's exaggeration for the sake of laughter, nothing more nothing less.
I actually laugh a lot with it, i thought it was great, to my understanding it was not against Michael like all the freakin as*wh*les in the f*cked up media, it was a real funny episode i have it, i mean i taped it hehehe ;D. partly cause i think the ones makin South Park are not like the rest of the media, you know, they are cool, hope they dont prove me wrong.
No one is safe in South Park, even celebrities they like. The Jefferson's ep wasn't I found that disrespectful of MJ. Yes the face falling off could be offensive to some but I found the episode condemned the police, calling them racist with the premise being the police 'framing rich black folk.'
I'm watching it right now. Pretty messed up but I wouldn't expect anything less from them.

Not sure how I feel about it this episode yet but I love the show. :heart:
To answer the question, YES Michael was a big part of the episode. It's not for the faint of heart.

Basically Ike, Kyle's little adoptive brother, has been seeing the ghosts of a bunch of "dead celebrities" and then in the process of being rid of them by a lady who looked and sounded like the tiny lady with the creepy voice in Poltergeist Ike becomes "possessed" by Michael's spirit because (according to the episode) any ghost who has been in denial as he has about being gone can take possession of a body and wont leave until he has become what he wanted to be in life which apparently (according to the episode) was a little white girl...Um yeah...and it goes from there...

The only time I laughed was when Ike moonwalked and grabbed his crotch and "hee hee'd" and when he was performing in a little girl pageant to the tune of YANA with different words though, don't ask, and his shirt opened and he was all "OHHH" you know the move. Anyway...I think they did go a bit far, BUT this IS South Park and I didn't expect much of high brow from them. Again, they didn't go there with the whole "child abuse" thing so take it for what it is.

There was more but I don't feel like going into it. I love South Park, but I'm sorry this episode didn't sit right with me. I never watched the "Mr. Jefferson" episode and don't plan too, and needless to say I wont be watching this episode again either. I saw most of it but not all, and I have no desire to. Again, to each his own, but this is how I'm going to be in regards to this episode. I'll watch South Park but not this episode.
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i just saw it to and i missed the 1st 12 mins but i did see the rest and Im so not happy with it. I love south park and yes they are known for pushing the envelope and saying whatever they want and ripping on celebrities but to make fun of those who passed on is just wrong. I didnt care for it and im sad that they lied about not taking aim at Michael after they already did. I wish they would re-think what they did and reconsider the affect this can have on his children, family, friends, and fans. i dont plan on watching this episode again.
why wud u watch anything associated with south park and michael jackson in the same sentence? u saw how they did him before,idk why u wud even wanna watch it
I am so glad that I missed it, thankfully from the posts above. I did knew they were gonna do something like this. So there's no surprise when it comes to this.
I'm a big fan of Trey Parker & Matt Stone. Thanks for the heads up about the ep. South Park don't seem to nasty with regards to MJ - given they could make it much worse.

Though sometimes I find the show is hit and miss though I love the sense of irony.
I'm a big fan of Trey Parker & Matt Stone. Thanks for the heads up about the ep. South Park don't seem to nasty with regards to MJ - given they could make it much worse.

Though sometimes I find the show is hit and miss though I love the sense of irony.

I love them too. I would marry Trey Parker in a heart beat. LOL. I think I remember hearing or reading somewhere that Matt Stone was a BIG MJ fan. I can't for the life of me remember where I heard that, but I did. These guys are VERY smart and intelligent but are also VERY immature in their sense of humour, so you have to take it for what it is.

Anyway, you've been warned about the content of the episode (well a good amount of it anyway) so if you want to watch do, if not don't. Simple as that.

I wont watch this again, and yes I do feel they crossed a line they shouldn't have, BUT again I didn't expect them NOT too. This is South Park and South Park is South Park.

I'll continue watching the show, but I wont watch this episode again.

Oh and O/T I LOVE your siggy's quote. It's very touching and I completely relate to that. I feel that way EVERY SINGLE DAY.
So some of you guys watched this episode expecting them not to make fun of MJ. Haha how ignorant!
little white girl? ok, i got it, i know all the story... of course, the creators of South Park would have wanted, loved Michael to be a girl you know, cause they are gays in denial (sounds funny, but well its true) they would have love to see Michael as a girl, cause i mean, any psychologist can say it any day, they wont stop it with the whole gay thing, cause they (many men) wanted him to be, sorry for them, but i mean its good, they can keep on imagining, fantasies can be used in any way, so to the creators of South Park, keep on, i mean, you know... haha ;D

i kinda always have that theory with many men, this confirms it. All those men are pretty much restrained homos, no mean to offend no gays at all, no way, i like some Elton John stuff:yes: