Michael Jackson Legacy Tour to start

from facebook -- oh my god! what did he do to his face???


Yikes! :doh: Not interested in this, in the least. I can't believe that Michael's long-standing collaborators have lowered themselves to this. I guess the lure of making some bucks off of Michael's name is enough to sell-out. Sad.
Does anyone remember Jennifer Batten trying to come up with her own tribute concert and crowd sourcing funds for it. I remember reading she was using someone that she claimed was a great impersonator. That put me off too so I was pretty much done with her.
But I remember raves on the guy that remind me of this.
So are these shows connected somehow?
Just curious.
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Regardless it seems like Estate still has some image and likeliness issues and these commercial tribute shows experience legal issues with the Estate (I believe Thriller Live also had some issues). Given how they state such issues are resolved, I'm assuming they'll be paying a fee in addition to the royalties.

Ivy, thank you for the update. This is the first time I heard about this project.

Apologies for going off-topic but, what was the legal issue(s) for Thriller Live? Michael saw the show. Would his legal team had handled any issues at that time?
That guy looks like a liveless doll... :blink: Quite insulting Michael's long time collaborators compare such awful looking impersonator to the real deal.
Yikes. Prosthetics with KF doing makeup?

I've seen Kenny Wizz on tour and Michael Firestone at the Rio and neither scared me.
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Apologies for going off-topic but, what was the legal issue(s) for Thriller Live? Michael saw the show. Would his legal team had handled any issues at that time?

the only information available that the third accounting showed that Estate in 2012 paid a law firm in UK to handle Thriller Live matter.

If you want me to take a guess I'll say it's probably due to use of Thriller - which is actually a registered trademark. Or that the old poster included an actual picture of Michael while the new one is a picture of a cast member. Take your pick. Given the show is still running, I would also guess that whatever the matter was it is resolved amicably.
Thanks for sharing Ivy! Is this just another way to gain$ I never seen Michael Live that's the sad part. But I have now seen THRILLER LIVE! IMMORTAL TOUR! MJ ONE! and will be seeing MJ ONE again in two weeks time! To me thses shows mean more as they ARE Carring on MJ Legacy!

This seems abit off for whatever reason they may have! But good luck to them may be there is more to this then we know.
Does anyone remember Jennifer Batten trying to come up with her own tribute concert and crowd sourcing funds for it. I remember reading she was using someone that she claimed was a great impersonator. That put me off too so I was pretty much done with her.
But I remember raves on the guy that remind me of this.
So are these shows connected somehow?
Just curious.

They seem to be advertising 'Forever Dangerous' playing in Denver on November 1st, (The impersonator is Carlo Riley).
The shows don't appear to be connected, but you can't tell who the financial backers are...

Also I have to say I'm glad my favorite impersonator isn't participating (E-cas) - he knows what's up.
Methinks I'll be giving this one a pass if it comes to my area.
Ivy, yes, I was leaning towards licensing fees, maybe even royalties fees being revisited. I can see how the previous poster was an issue.

I am aware it was resolved amicably and I am glad. I have seen Thriller Live and it is a great tribute to Michael. I am so glad he was able to see it before his passing.
Safe to say I won't be seeing this show. Impersonators creep me out. No thanks.
I think the point that was trying to be made is that although there are tons of Elvis impersonators you hardly ever hear language of Elvis being replaced by them or that they are just as good as the real thing. But yet you see this with MJ hologram promos, this legacy thing, and even the producers for Xscape.

Please don't compare Xscape with this mess.
Please don't compare Xscape with this mess.

I wasn't. I'm talking about the language some people use to promote this stuff, not the projects themselves. And the producers did do their fair share of belittling the originals, as if they're doing it as good or better than MJ (and this is coming from a fan of xscape).

Bottom line, nothing will come close to the real deal, no matter how good it is, and people need to reflect that when they do these projects otherwise it's just gonna make people pissed off.
I wasn't. I'm talking about the language some people use to promote this stuff, not the projects themselves. And the producers did do their fair share of belittling the originals, as if they're doing it as good or better than MJ (and this is coming from a fan of xscape).

Bottom line, nothing will come close to the real deal, no matter how good it is, and people need to reflect that when they do these projects otherwise it's just gonna make people pissed off.

I agree that nothing will come close to the real deal. And that means that if MJ finished Xscape himself it would be even better. Of course, and the producers know that.

If the producers said something, that is that finished songs are better than incomplete songs and demos and they are right. Timbaland did wonderful job with LNFSG, Chicago, Loving You & Slave To The Rhythm. I think he even did good on Blue Gangsta. What he said wasn't belittling the originals. At all. He said that completed song sounds better than unfinished one (which is true) and he actually praised the production on Blue Gangsta, production on an 16 years old unfinished song. He was little cocky yes, but he was also very respectful towards Michael and he really did a great job. He never said that his production is better than on Michael's finished songs or that it's better than what MJ would do.
I'm not trying to make this a war on Xscape lol - I love xscape. I agree they did a great job but intended or not - their language when they spoke of the old tracks - to me, in my opinion - lends itself to the same kind of issue we have here. Even if it was unintended.

I think folks who are working on these projects need to be careful about how they say and promote this stuff, that's all.
I wasn't. I'm talking about the language some people use to promote this stuff, not the projects themselves. And the producers did do their fair share of belittling the originals, as if they're doing it as good or better than MJ (and this is coming from a fan of xscape).

Bottom line, nothing will come close to the real deal, no matter how good it is, and people need to reflect that when they do these projects otherwise it's just gonna make people pissed off.
I'm glad you two love Xscape-I like some of it, but that's my own subjective opinion. But if I had not been a member of this board and knew nothing of Xscape and had only watched that little documentary the producers had made-I would have been as offput as I am with this Legacy announcement.

The words Timbaland, et. al. used about the demos and the overall tone infuriated me. That includes all the comments made by L.A. Reid. I know you have to have a HUGE ego to work in the music business, (see Quincy) but in my opinion Timbaland has Quincy's ego without the talent.
I'm glad you two love Xscape-I like some of it, but that's my own subjective opinion. But if I had not been a member of this board and knew nothing of Xscape and had only watched that little documentary the producers had made-I would have been as offput as I am with this Legacy announcement.

The words Timbaland, et. al. used about the demos and the overall tone infuriated me. That includes all the comments made by L.A. Reid. I know you have to have a HUGE ego to work in the music business, (see Quincy) but in my opinion Timbaland has Quincy's ego without the talent.

Timbaland has a lot of talent. Please see his discography. All they said is that some original versions sound dated (which they do) and unfinished (which they are). But also see how Timbaland was surprised with the quality of Xscape original version when LA played it (he asked Rodney if that's new or old!). Also when he heard Blue Gangsta original after several months for the first time he was surprised by its quality and said that it sounds better than others (or "not as bad as others") - he meant production of course, not the song itself! He worked on "Slave" and Chicago (both songs in very early stages of completion), LNFSG (rough demo) and Loving You and DYKWYCA (more completed than others but still unfinished and both have that classic '80 sound). That leaves you with Blue Gangsta (the only song that he worked on that is almost completed). When he said what he said he was cocky but he didn't mean anything bad.

Also remember how all of them including LA, Timbaland and JT praised LNFSG demo. Also everybody praised MJ's vocals and songs as songs - their quality. Because of their quality they selected those 8 songs and because of their quality they decited to work on them in the first place. If they didn't like the originals they wouldn't even select them for "contemporizing".

Also remember that LA co-wrote Slave To The Rhythm - and he spoke like that about his own song and his own production! He said that the song is in its early stages, that the song never really took off and that he was not satisfied with it until Timbaland contemporized it - and I agree with him.

Paul Anka praised the new version of LNFSG, Dr. Freeze praised Blue Gangsta.

Also I prefer 6/8 contemporized versions over their original versions. Only songs that are better in their original versions for me are: DYKWYCA and APWNN.
^^^ all of the reasons why I'm saying people need to be CAREFUL about their wording here. Even if it's unintentional, that in combo with the overall goal of the album...selling a Michael Jackson album without Michael Jackson ...you just gonna be very cognizant of wording in my opinion. The promotion is essentially selling Michael Jackson without him being here - and just like the hologram with STTR, just like the NEW MICHAEL JACKSON MUSIC VIDEO ON TWITTER...the underhanded tone of all of this promotion is that either 1) "its like MJ is still alive!" or 2) "even though he's not here, it's still as good!" . Its a promotion tactic, which I totally get - it gets people to watch and look, it gets people's attention. So in that, you can't make it SO much where you actually cross that line of actually seriously claiming that its better or just as good.

So my example with xscape, its kinda like - because they weren't careful, the documentary came off very disrespectful to anyone who didn't really know what they were talking about or didn't interpret it the way you interpret it, because when you say a song is bad, there's not many conclusions people will jump to other than...the song was bad, not that the production was bad lol.

ANyway, like i said unintentional or not, folks should just be careful lol
Onir, I knew you would disagree with me, so I purposely used the words "subjective" and "in my opinion" when talking about the contemporized songs. I respect you for sticking up for them, and pointing out the parts where they didn't diss the demos, because it didn't take much for me to get pissed off and tune them all out.

My feelings could even come from years ago, back when Justin Timberlake "breakthrough album" came out-I happened to see an interview with him and Timbaland, where they called themselves the 'Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson of the new century.' And that made me mad.

LNFSG and STTR have both grown on me and I sing along to the first one-and I listen to APWNN on your playlist too. But that's about it. For me, the BEST thing about having the songs contemporized is having radio play, reaching young listeners, and they in turn, look up Michael's old catalogs. Which is happening looking at the sales reports of the older albums. That's fantastic. That's how you live on.

Back in the day I used to get in vicious arguments with people who would tell me that Michael was "stealing" from Fred Astaire or Gene Kelly or the Nicholas Brothers or Jerome Robbins. And I would always lash back that his dances were obviously homages made with adoration and love for these people.

And more importantly, kids who are watching these videos will turn around and then watch "The Band Wagon" or "American in Paris" ballet or "West Side Story"-and they probably wouldn't have before. It introduced a whole new generation of kids to the previous greats.

Sorry-I shouldn't have lashed out at Timbaland like that-but it came off as really arrogant, not just a little cocky-TO ME. I'll save my nastiness for the people producing the "Legacy" show.
There is nothing wrong with the Legacy show IMO. It has a great Live band live singing and William Hall is a good tribute artists. Michael has nothing against tribute artists portraying him either. The art has been around for a long time. There is nothing disrespectful or wrong with tribute shows. They give the audience the experience of seeing a live show that tributes Michael.. It's evident these types of acts are not for everyone... It's just a matter of personal taste if one likes them or not. I have no interest in seeing an impersonator tribute MJ, but I see nothing wrong with it... My only issue is with the way it is being promoted in that video, not the show itself.
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^ People in this thread do not complain about the tribute show. They complain that it's being promoted as if some mediocre impersonator is being able to replace Michael and give the same experience as a real MJ show. Very disrespectful and the devaluation of Michael as an artist. And it's especially disappointing coming from Brad Buxer and Michael Prince. I think the Estate could even sue for this kind of deceptive portrayal of the show.
I'm not against tribute shows and tribute artists either. But I do find it disrespectful when impersonators do silly things (wearing tons of make-up, doing stupid unnecessary plastic surgeries) to look nothing like MJ, but like a parody and caricature of MJ. You can be great tribute artist, sing and dance like MJ but without looking like that - because that is not how Michael looked like, at all, not even close. Just be yourself and concentrate to sing and dance the best you can.
I am not in favor nor against this tour. This doesn't seem to hurt MJ's legacy rather than promote it.

All I wanna say is that I 've watched the youtube video and I must admit the vocal impersonation and skills are pretty impressive! And it's live also. Dancing seems fine (not that impressing though) and maybe the impersonator's face could seem ok from a distance because upclose it looks SO bad.

William Hall sounds nothing like Michael, IMO. Like at all. I partly respect him because he acknowledges this fact and in other shows and performances he puts his own twist on the songs, by using different instrumentation and layout for some of the songs. This seems like he'll just be singing live to the original, studio versions and won't make any sort of the past changes he's known for.

I'm with the others, the promo video just left a bad taste in my mouth. "For those who never got to see Michael, this is your chance..." No, it isn't. And this certainly doesn't compare to seeing Michael perform. I wish those behind this luck, especially if some are members of this forum. But I personally can't see myself supporting this "Tour" itself.
As I said in my first post here...

I will always feel heartbroken I never had the chance to see Michael live and watching that tacky video was like putting salt into the wound because THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER MICHAEL JACKSON! I felt insulted, if they had presented it as a tribute show, I wouldn't be angry but they said is like watching our man, the real deal live which is quite disrespectful to Michael, his legacy and his fans. They should know better, how could they fell themselves that low? The Estate should disapprove it since their advertisement is quite misleading and disrespectful.