Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.[WRONG INFORMATION]

Aww so it looks like Janet will be doing "Scream". Gosh, tonite is gonna be so emotional for me. I miss him so much.
Perez Hilton has the stage setup for Janet - yes, it's Scream:

Your First Look!

Filed under: Janet Jackson > Michael Jackson

Several members of the Jackson family will be in attendance at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday evening.
Above is a look at the stage and a set-up from Janet's VMA opening performance.
The tribute to Michael will see his sister - with a troupe of dancers - performing to Scream, Smooth Criminal and more.

very disappointing if there is no hologram but I'm sure Janet will made a great tribute to MJ
Scream? :ph34r: Live? :ph34r:

I have that feeling like Mike´s going to perform. That strange feeling in my gut. Like it was before the conference, wma06 etc. you know what i mean?
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

Why do I get the feeling I'm going to be an emotional wreck watching this?

Hmm now that I've seen the white gloves rained down..that started me being emotional and I'm like you...what is this going to do to us all...hopefully be something to lift us all up from the gloom we're all feeling... I guess...
I have that feeling like Mike´s going to perform. That strange feeling in my gut. Like it was before the conference, wma06 etc. you know what i mean?

yes! i feel like Michael is going to perform, i'm all excited and stuff too
can't wait ,can't wait and freaking wait anymore ..lol
I'm so exciting to see this
i think the hologram needs time to be made, if ever made it would be made at the most important tribute concert ever made, which will be the one made when the first anniversary from Michael's passing is made on June 25th, 2010, when that concert is made, they will sure use a hologram
I agree. I knew it was too much to ask - at the WMAs and so soon.
Needless to say, a lot of work goes into holograms (and I hope no one was really expecting to see Michael do the whole Scream routine today, hologram style). So like Draliongirl says, it will surely be used where it won't be wasted on a tribute that isn't solely for Michael.
hologram will be at show or not ?
it's good i idea i think ;)