Michael Jackson fans rewarded for long wait!

Well Liz Taylor said in an Interview back in the 80´s : Quote :

"If you see all day and night EVERY day in your life since you were a little child some apes waitings outside our window...then...you get used to it"


Don´t get me wrong folks!!I just quoted her!It is up to you and me to withdraw our own points of view...
Did Liz really say that? In what context.
Liz said that in one of the TV-Interviews she gave in I would estimate in 1986 or shortly before.I do have this interview in my videos-collection.I have so much stuff on tape but I can´t tell you the exact show I am afraid.Try to find it on YouTube maybe...The context was a question what MJ feels when he sees all the time fans outside his ( Encino) Home..

That was all before he bought the Neverland-property in 1986.

I did not write that I agree with Liz there!! I also do think that MJ cares about his waitng fans.He sent us in frozen-Tokyo Chicken Nuggets and Pillows down on tour.It was soooooooo horrible cold there!

But I want you to think a little more critcal when it comes to MJ. I also stood long enough outside and froze my bum off but I always left the place when it was time to leave..I am sure everyone feels this way and left the place when it was time to leave but unfortunatelly threre are SO many fans, who have all diffrent perspectives of when to leave and being a "good" fan, though hereby I disagree that there are "good" or "not-good" fans or "internet-fans" or "collector-fans" or "music-fans"..I disagree with that either and agree with moonstreet on that.I may add to this that We are all fans.Public.Nothing more but also nothing less.

I want to remind you the thread in January 2008 when Ms.Tenda got harassed and stalked by people in the internet...On that thread there are lots of posts about "good and bad" people..
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Well Liz Taylor said in an Interview back in the 80´s : Quote :

"If you see all day and night EVERY day in your life since you were a little child some apes waitings outside your window...then...you get used to it"


Don´t get me wrong folks!!I just quoted her!It is up to you and me to withdraw our own points of view...

Ive never seen that quote from Elizabeth ..
and dont know if I even belive it - i guess its possible she said it

But Michael NEVER said that _ he doesnt consider his fans apes
when he was asked the same thing about it he said he was always very touched by
the fans reactions and by them waiting for hours outside his widow to see him --
He loved it he would interact with them and throw down things to them and write
messages to them - and even held out his son to introduce him to them ... :yes:
Nice news! Thanks for sharing, Dri!

I love this thing! You get to see your idol, you get an autograph plus you get pizza! Just perfect!

I wish I could be there...
Hum, Dri... I hope so!

But then we would offer him some food instead of receiving pizzas from him, right?

But that's very nice too! Heheheh!
Internet fans, veteran fans, this type of fan, that type of fan. A fan is a fan. Why bitch at eachother? The only time I have an issue with fans is when they judge Michael oever shit they know nothing about or when they mob him. It doesn't sound like anything like that went on here and Michael was apparently happy enough with their presense to provide them with food and sign some autographs. Michael's sweet and he cares abuot these people. I don't know of any other celebrity that would do that. He appreciates the support.

Agree. I love hearing that fans/ supporters/ admirers get the chance to meet Michael, especially when it is done in a way that is respectable and quant. He did thank them for their messages, so I guess that there is proof of him being o.k. with the act. One thing's for sure, the man is a total gentleman. There's not too many performers in today's world that would make sure their fans were fed. :yes:

Hell, I hope to meet him too one day, as well (well I'm sure) as many of us do. If and/or when this moment happens, I hope it will be peaceful, quiet, serence and last for at least a good three hours or four....:cheeky: :) There's just so much I's like to talk about with him. I'm sure I'm not alone in this goal either.