Michael Jackson fans rewarded for long wait!

did they also actually met him?

The probably met him the night he signed autographs for them? Whether there's footage of that or not, remains to be seen.

Seems he wasn't bothered by these fans following him and/or staking out his home, so I guess it's all good. Nice. :)
The probably met him the night he signed autographs for them? Whether there's footage of that or not, remains to be seen.
i c. ..i asked coz in the article was written like this:
he had the driver stop the vehicle and he signed autographs through a back window
so it was "through" car. but nice anyway :yes:

MichaelsGuardianAngel: no this was in Vegas ;)
congrats...those pizzas..I hope they returned them to the Master of the house :))
Mike, dont give away your pizzas!
I pledge to bring him a pizza not to take his when I am over to Vegas next time :)))

Cant get over the fact that he gave away pizzas....shouldnt have..:)
I wouldnt hope for any of the fans who were there to post their stories and photos from this. These are the fans who travel alot to see Michael and most of them are not even members let alone regualar posters of the main mj forums. Internet fans are soo two faced, last week they were saying no one knows where Michael lives in Vegas and telling fans in vegas not to try to find him and to give him privacy on his birthday. This week , they are saying "aww how sweet" "I wish I was there" those fans are soo lucky" "how cool". Get real people, just because you sit behind a computer dosnt mean you know everything. Yes fans do know where Michael lives, and this information , like alot of information is passed though word of mouth though a select group of fans. Internet fans alot of the time, are the last people to find out info! The only reason their story made it on line this time is cos Norm Clarke posted it on his blog. Otherwise, like most of the times these fans travel to meet Michael, internet fans would never hear about it!

and in case you are wondering, these are the same fans who were called liars and far worse names last year when they posted messages from Michael to the fans. Is it any wonder they keep to themselves and dont share info or their stories and photos!!
I really will never understand why fans follow Michael around or or even invade his privacy when he is not performing or even want to be seen. The mind buggles. Just me thinking out loud.
I really will never understand why fans follow Michael around or or even invade his privacy when he is not performing or even want to be seen.

How do you know he doesn't want to be seen or considers it invading his privacy?
These comments have been going on for 10 years since MJ boards first started on the internet....

Michael obviously doesn't consider this invading his privacy. HE LIKES THESE FANS. I think these comments are born from jealousy (not that internet fans will ever admit that). They are fans that have been following Michael since Dangerous era, a few since BAD. Michael recognizes them, even has nicknames for some, he is not afraid of them and ENJOYS them because they don't act like screaming nutheads when they see him.
I don't know why internet fans are so negative towards them - it's much more unhealthy (or whatever you want to call it) to just obsess about Michael on a message board than to actually go meet him.

He INVITES them into his hotel rooms, to Neverland, his car, shopping, arranges with the hotels security/management to allow them to stay where he is, has ordered food for them countless times, has paid for their hotel rooms, has his security bring them into events for free that are $$$$$, he personally (as in face-to-face) asked them to help him with the Sony situation during Invincible...there are so many stories these boards will never see because of the way these fans are treated like they harass Michael. It's funny to read know-it-all internet fans talk about things like they know more than these "following" fans and say they are bothering Michael when clearly they are not....they aren't invading his privacy. He wouldn't stop the car if he didn't WANT to.

Yet people want them to post pictures and youtube videos. So hypocritical. These fans respect Michael way too much to put a video camera in his face and then post it on youtube. Are you kidding? Michael obviously has a level of trust with them and they wouldn't jeopardize that.
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The probably met him the night he signed autographs for them? Whether there's footage of that or not, remains to be seen.

Seems he wasn't bothered by these fans following him and/or staking out his home, so I guess it's all good. Nice. :)

Thank you,Wendy! :)

In my opinion there are two options in Mj's life that NEVER will be MJ upset:

His children and us,fans!
Paisley, you said a lot, but you mixed up what I said with what other ish you have with fans.
I am a late developer in the world of MJ. I find it intriguing if a little disturbing that fans seeming hunt him down and find out where he is even when he has kept his home address a secret. We couldn't even send him a card.
No, I am not jealous, just a little confused.
I have never gone out to see a celeb, except when I went to a concert. I had MJ staying close buy me in London, and I drove pass and never had to urge to go and stare. So, no, I am not jealous. I am not even sure if I want to meet him. I am just happy reading about him and glad to know that he has recovered from his ordeal,
Travelling to stand outside the man's house seems a bit much to me. jmo
How do you know he doesn't want to be seen or considers it invading his privacy?
These comments have been going on for 10 years since MJ boards first started on the internet....

Michael obviously doesn't consider this invading his privacy. HE LIKES THESE FANS. I think these comments are born from jealousy (not that internet fans will ever admit that). They are fans that have been following Michael since Dangerous era, a few since BAD. Michael recognizes them, even has nicknames for some, he is not afraid of them and ENJOYS them because they don't act like screaming nutheads when they see him.
I don't know why internet fans are so negative towards them - it's much more unhealthy (or whatever you want to call it) to just obsess about Michael on a message board than to actually go meet him.

He INVITES them into his hotel rooms, to Neverland, his car, shopping, arranges with the hotels security/management to allow them to stay where he is, has ordered food for them countless times, has paid for their hotel rooms, has his security bring them into events for free that are $$$$$, he personally (as in face-to-face) asked them to help him with the Sony situation during Invincible...there are so many stories these boards will never see because of the way these fans are treated like they harass Michael. It's funny to read know-it-all internet fans talk about things like they know more than these "following" fans and say they are bothering Michael when clearly they are not....they aren't invading his privacy. He wouldn't stop the car if he didn't WANT to.

Yet people want them to post pictures and youtube videos. So hypocritical. These fans respect Michael way too much to put a video camera in his face and then post it on youtube. Are you kidding? Michael obviously has a level of trust with them and they wouldn't jeopardize that.


been saying the exact same thing, :yes:
I'm trying to figure out if I know you moonstreet ...
yeah...i met a girl who was at an event where MJ was, and he ordered pizaza for her and the others. it always seems to be pizza..lol

makes u wonder if that's his fav..or, he just knows it's a universal interchangeable food that everyone is guaranteed to like...lol!

nice for those fans..

and...it's too bad that factions of fans seem to always be at war with each other...

or..at least..most of the time...
I'm trying to figure out if I know you moonstreet ...

And now I'm trying to figure out if I know both of you... :hysterical:

Well said, Paisley. Thank you for expressing what has been bugging me too but I couldn't quite put into words. I appreciate it. :flowers:
I wouldnt hope for any of the fans who were there to post their stories and photos from this. These are the fans who travel alot to see Michael and most of them are not even members let alone regualar posters of the main mj forums. Internet fans are soo two faced, last week they were saying no one knows where Michael lives in Vegas and telling fans in vegas not to try to find him and to give him privacy on his birthday. This week , they are saying "aww how sweet" "I wish I was there" those fans are soo lucky" "how cool". Get real people, just because you sit behind a computer dosnt mean you know everything. Yes fans do know where Michael lives, and this information , like alot of information is passed though word of mouth though a select group of fans. Internet fans alot of the time, are the last people to find out info! The only reason their story made it on line this time is cos Norm Clarke posted it on his blog. Otherwise, like most of the times these fans travel to meet Michael, internet fans would never hear about it!

and in case you are wondering, these are the same fans who were called liars and far worse names last year when they posted messages from Michael to the fans. Is it any wonder they keep to themselves and dont share info or their stories and photos!!

and yes, there are fans who live in Vegas, who know things and who know family members....and are not lying for attention.
Internet fans, veteran fans, this type of fan, that type of fan. A fan is a fan. Why bitch at eachother? The only time I have an issue with fans is when they judge Michael oever shit they know nothing about or when they mob him. It doesn't sound like anything like that went on here and Michael was apparently happy enough with their presense to provide them with food and sign some autographs. Michael's sweet and he cares abuot these people. I don't know of any other celebrity that would do that. He appreciates the support.
Damn, I thought this was gonna be about some new music news or something lol. Oh well, it was a nice thing to do. I hope those fans had a good time (lucky bastards!) Thx for sharing.
Can't say I think it's overly healthy to follow MJ around - but...no more so than me checkin up on him on MJJC I guess. That said, I am very pleased fans got to see him near his birthday - it's good to know fans can still get in touch with MJ these days. I think it's important for him to know the loyalty just seems to get stronger in anticipation of this new record.
wannabe starting somethin

I totally agree with what u said 100%!
1)Thanks for sharing this info with us, it is always nice to hear of sightings.

2)I am normally known as a Michael Jackson fan, who uses the internet to delve into my fandom as logistics prohibit me from being in the actual presence of Michael Jackson.

3)Mobbing/stalking makes me cringe. I am VERY happy when fans meet Michael..in whatever location/circumstance as long as it was amicable and mutual. In fact I get so excited on behalf of them.

4) It is best for all if all the labelling and generalisations are forgotten.
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I don't get it, is there a new pic of Mike and kids in the restaurant? I cant see it :no: anywhere
no there is no pic of him and his kids at the restaurant. But if i was among the fans who met him barely there and had a pic taken, i wouldnt show it either, as he might were there in private.

well i wish i could meet him more times too personaly
Thank you that was very sweet
Apparently Michael was touched by their tenacity
and he has said many time that he is touched by the fans
who stand outside waiting for him _ wherever he goes
I'm sure it made him feel loved to know how diligent fans
are in finding him and wanting to show him love -

had he been upset he would have ignored the fans
and not sent security out to receive his gifts or
reward them with Pizza _

This was GREAT thing - I'm very touched to hear it :wub:

Well Liz Taylor said in an Interview back in the 80´s : Quote :

"If you see all day and night EVERY day in your life since you were a little child some apes waitings outside your window...then...you get used to it"


Don´t get me wrong folks!!I just quoted her!It is up to you and me to withdraw our own points of view...
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