Michael Jackson Executors Want 10%

yes, i don't see how the appeal's court could reverse the decision.

the law is just clear ; Joe is not an heir under the Will (even the 97 will) and not a desinherited heir. It means he has not a say in the probate case
Yes, that's what they thought at first, that Michael had no will. They didn't seem displeased with that. They were very quick to announce that Michael died without a will, so I'm assuming that's what they wanted?

Yes, Malnik said that and surely he knew he'd be required to prove it. Anyone can SAY they have a copy of Michael's will, but I don't know why someone would even say that, if they couldn't prove it? We don't know why he backed away. No one here knows that.

This seems within the realm of possibility. I'm ruling nothing out at this point, if it seems possible. Not likely, but possible. . .

If that is what happened, I wonder who was listed as executor? Just wondering.

Right. We may never know. I'm not going so far as to say the current will is not legitimate, because I have no real way of knowing, nor does anyone else on this board. However, I've wondered why there are no copies? An attorney ALWAYS makes copies of a will (as my own attorney did). It would be "normal" for Michael to have a copy in a safe somewhere in his house. Since the house was not secured, I guess we'll never know about that.

The one thing invalidating BOTH wills (unlikely to happen) would do is remove Branca and McClain as executors. They seem to have an adversarial relationship with the family as it is.

1/ if a recent will existed, there will be many people involved, lawyers, witnesses and executors, not just Malnik.

It's impossible to shut up everyone.

2/ they have an an adversarial relationship with some members of the family : Joe and Randy. Why ? Because they want to run the estate and put their hands on the money.
1/ if a recent will existed, there will be many people involved, lawyers, witnesses and executors, not just Malnik.

It's impossible to shut up everyone.

2/ they have an an adversarial relationship with some members of the family : Joe and Randy. Why ? Because they want to run the estate and put their hands on the money.

As far as shutting everyone up, I think Malnik could do it, IMO.

Speaking of shutting everyone up, the witnesses from the hospital - we never heard from them. Alot of people have shutup if you ask me. There's alot of silence on alot of things if you ask me.

They have had an adversarial relationship with the family within a week if not before MJ died. Frank, who said "our lawyers" on LKL, he is on the sony/atv board working with the executors said this about the family which was reported on July 5. Frank was hard at work the minute MJ died. I find it truly disgusting. I can see now he was feeding Roger Friedman & DD.


Mr DiLeo is said to have told a friend: "The brothers wanted Michael to be driven through the streets so fans could line up and throw flowers like they did with Princess Diana, but Katherine has ruled that out.
"She is the one who is pushing for a spiritual element to the funeral. If the brothers had their way, it would be the Jackson Five's greatest performance. Or rather, the Jackson Four's greatest performance."
Michael Jackson Estate Pays 10% to Executors
Posted Feb 3rd 2010 6:00PM by TMZ Staff

The executors for the estate of Michael Jackson just got their 10%.

John McClain and John Branca had asked the judge for 10% of the profits made from a number of estate-related ventures.

The judge just approved the fee request.

One item excluded from the 10% - profits from the movie, "This Is It."

The judge also gave McClain and Branca the right to green light deals without going back to court every time for permission.

The judge gave McClain and Branca props for raking in the dough for the estate.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0eW7J8hzJ
Michael Jackson Estate Pays 10% to Executors
Posted Feb 3rd 2010 6:00PM by TMZ Staff

The executors for the estate of Michael Jackson just got their 10%.

John McClain and John Branca had asked the judge for 10% of the profits made from a number of estate-related ventures.

The judge just approved the fee request.

One item excluded from the 10% - profits from the movie, "This Is It."

The judge also gave McClain and Branca the right to green light deals without going back to court every time for permission.

The judge gave McClain and Branca props for raking in the dough for the estate.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0eW7J8hzJ
THose two have been doing a great job with the estate so far, stop the nonsensical bickering folks
Compensation approved for Jackson estate admins

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer – Wed Feb 3, 6:53 pm ET
LOS ANGELES – Two men administering Michael Jackson's estate will receive a total of 10 percent of the its profits minus several sizable assets, a judge agreed Wednesday.
Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff approved the compensation for attorney John Branca and music executive John McClain, who have been administering the singer's estate since shortly after his death on June 25.
Branca and McClain will each receive five percent of the estate's profits, minus earnings from the recent "This Is It" movie and Jackson's interest in lucrative Sony-ATV music catalog.
Beckloff approved the arrangement after discussing it with various attorneys representing Branca, McClain, Jackson's children and the singer's mother, Katherine Jackson.
None raised any objections to the arrangement.
Howard Weitzman, an attorney for Branca and McClain, said the men would be fairly compensated but likely receive less money than if they received guideline amounts for administering Jackson's estate, which has an estimated value of more than $500 million.
"They will be fairly compensated," Weitzman said.
Katherine Jackson's attorney, Adam Streisand, agreed.
"I think that this is very reasonable," he said. "There is an incentive for the executors to grow the business and that will, of course, affect their compensation."
Weitzman noted that Branca represented Michael Jackson throughout his life and that McClain is a childhood friend of the singer.
Beckloff is retaining some oversight over the payments and scheduled a progress report for September. But he expressed faith in Branca's leadership of the estate. The judge recalled a hearing last year in which Branca testified by phone about his business connections and a deal Jackson merchandise and a memorabilia exhibition.
"I found him extraordinarily impressive," Beckloff said, noting that's not a distinction he normally draws about people from a phone conversation.


the more money they make for the estate the more money they will earn=BEST INCENTIVE TO MAKE THE BEST DECISIONS FOR THE ESTATE.

A lot of people came here and post some very ignorant things. I wish people would take the time to educate themselves before posting nonsense.

Branca & Mcclain have been doing a very good job for the estate...Now both Katherine & the kids's lawyer approved of the compensation.

I hope these folks (both fans & family members), we all know who the usual suspects are, will take a chill pill and let the two men grow MJ's estate for the kids & his legacy...