Michael Jackson Executors Want 10%

You are Bashing joe for making money from his own son, while so many other people including branca and mcclain are seeking more money from michael estate and then the people that are making money off michael in other ways, if this is what it all boil down to, I dont blame joe, why should joe and the jackson family sit on the side line and watch everyone else put there hands in his son money, joe is not a weak man but a very smart man, he know about these people making money off his son, and you think he is just going to let that be and not feel he and the jaskson family should be the ones profitting from michael which is his son, are you saying its ok for everyone else to make money off michael, as long as it not the jackson family? cause if joe stop making money the other people wll still keep making money off michael, joe is not crazy to let these people make all this off his son and he end up empty handed while these people get rich off michael.

Great Post BlueOcean and so True, sometimes you would think Branca and McClain are responding to some of these post. First people called Michael's Death a Sucide and Accident and any "Murder" thoughts where labeled as "Theories, Rumors, Speculation and right out Lies" and Banned, now his death has been Official ruled a "Homicide Murder" and not one Thread on this board talks about "Motive" because in every Murder the DA's Office Provides a Motive and its a FACT its a MURDER now, nor do they want to talk about "Who would Want Michael Dead or Who would Profit the most off of Michael Being Dead", which is what the LAPD is looking at because thats Standard Procedure in a Murder. They curse, call people names, want to shut threads down when people tell the Truth - Facts that being reported Official from LAPD, its like one poster said "they have banned everyone that talk Facts", so who else is left, who are these people saying these things and fighting people who Love Michael Jackson and his Family ? I mean the ones that talk about what this forum is turning too are the ones chasing people down and threating them, its too obvious, They want let people talk "FACTS" because Facts are the Truth so they call them Conspiracies, like this isnt a Homicide Case now. I am so hurt. Someone posted up earlier that "this is just a game to them" a Greatly Love Man has been MURDERED and we are just surpose to overlook that it has been officailly stated "by SOMEONE ELSE's HAND", thats not a theory or conspirarcy thats a FACT. If they where going to be this violent and scary then maybe they should have NEVER MURDERED MICHAEL JACKSON because they had to know people was going to wake up one day, and didnt they even think The Coroner was going to find all that mess in a Healthy Mans Body and with what the Executors has been doing with this Estate who cant see whats going on. You would have to be a child not to understand this infighting and whats it about. Truth dont need no Defense it stands on it on. How can anyone believe this "WILL" and know the real Michael Jackson? what court in AMERICA is going to side with these Executors up against The Jackson Family, this Family is truly a Family Dynasty and from what Ive seen really they should have never left Joe Jackson Management he did get them to LA and the Status they remained to this day, like a poster said "the MONEY is CURSED ANYWAY its got Michael Blood on it the LAPD made that OFFICIAL. I can understand how leeches came out the woodwork when The Jackson 5 came to LA. Utimately Michael paid with his Life and his Life Work Inheritance for his Children.

Yes you are right why should Joe Jackson sit back and let these people PROFIT off his Son's Death. Really at this point I dont believe its even about the money to Joe Jackson now that LAPD is telling his someone or ones MURDERED your SON. These people just like all these documents they keep posting have not even being established as "OFFICIAL" but they call everything else a rumor these documents are not court documents they have not even been released yet where are they coming from ? I guess people have forgotten when Katherine Jackson cross paths with John Branca in court in July she stated "Branca presented a Conflict of Interest" most people dont even want to know what she was talking about or didnt hear what she said. But I do know as the Posted stated John Branca was with The Accountanting Firm. All Facts. But they will fight anyway. They better understand they have Murdered Joseph and Katherine Jackson's baby.
Great Post BlueOcean and so True, sometimes you would think Branca and McClain are responding to some of these post. First people called Michael's Death a Sucide and Accident and any "Murder" thoughts where labeled as "Theories, Rumors, Speculation and right out Lies" and Banned, now his death has been Official ruled a "Homicide Murder" and not one Thread on this board talks about "Motive" because in every Murder the DA's Office Provides a Motive and its a FACT its a MURDER now, nor do they want to talk about "Who would Want Michael Dead or Who would Profit the most off of Michael Being Dead", which is what the LAPD is looking at because thats Standard Procedure in a Murder. They curse, call people names, want to shut threads down when people tell the Truth - Facts that being reported Official from LAPD, its like one poster said "they have banned everyone that talk Facts", so who else is left, who are these people saying these things and fighting people who Love Michael Jackson and his Family ? I mean the ones that talk about what this forum is turning too are the ones chasing people down and threating them, its too obvious, They want let people talk "FACTS" because Facts are the Truth so they call them Conspiracies, like this isnt a Homicide Case now. I am so hurt. Someone posted up earlier that "this is just a game to them" a Greatly Love Man has been MURDERED and we are just surpose to overlook that it has been officailly stated "by SOMEONE ELSE's HAND", thats not a theory or conspirarcy thats a FACT. If they where going to be this violent and scary then maybe they should have NEVER MURDERED MICHAEL JACKSON because they had to know people was going to wake up one day, and didnt they even think The Coroner was going to find all that mess in a Healthy Mans Body and with what the Executors has been doing with this Estate who cant see whats going on. You would have to be a child not to understand this infighting and whats it about. Truth dont need no Defense it stands on it on. How can anyone believe this "WILL" and know the real Michael Jackson? what court in AMERICAN is going to side with these Executors up against The Jackson Family, this Family is truly a Family Dynasty and from what Ive seen really they should have never left Joe Jackson Management he did get them to LA and the Status they remained to this day, like a poster said "the MONEY is CURSED ANYWAY its got Michael Blood on it the LAPD made that OFFICIAL. I can understand how leeches came out the woodwork when The Jackson 5 came to LA. Utimately Michael paid with his Life and his Life Work Inheritance for his Children.

Yes you are right why should Joe Jackson sit back and let these people PROFIT off his Son's Death. Really at this point I dont believe its even about the money to Joe Jackson now that LAPD is telling his someone or ones MURDERED your SON. These people just like all these documents they keep posting have not even being established as "OFFICIAL" but they call everything else a rumor these documents are not court documents they have not even been released yet where are they coming from ? I guess people have forgotten when Katherine Jackson cross paths with John Branca in court in July she stated "Branca presented a Conflict of Interest" most people dont even want to know what she was talking about or didnt hear what she said. But I do know as the Posted stated John Branca was with The Accountanting Firm. All Facts. But they will fight anyway.

Thank you for your input Joe.

We all appreciate it.
Great Post BlueOcean and so True, sometimes you would think Branca and McClain are responding to some of these post. First people called Michael's Death a Sucide and Accident and any "Murder" thoughts where labeled as "Theories, Rumors, Speculation and right out Lies" and Banned, now his death has been Official ruled a "Homicide Murder" and not one Thread on this board talks about "Motive" because in every Murder the DA's Office Provides a Motive and its a FACT its a MURDER now, nor do they want to talk about "Who would Want Michael Dead or Who would Profit the most off of Michael Being Dead", which is what the LAPD is looking at because thats Standard Procedure in a Murder. They curse, call people names, want to shut threads down when people tell the Truth - Facts that being reported Official from LAPD, its like one poster said "they have banned everyone that talk Facts", so who else is left, who are these people saying these things and fighting people who Love Michael Jackson and his Family ? I mean the ones that talk about what this forum is turning too are the ones chasing people down and threating them, its too obvious, They want let people talk "FACTS" because Facts are the Truth so they call them Conspiracies, like this isnt a Homicide Case now. I am so hurt. Someone posted up earlier that "this is just a game to them" a Greatly Love Man has been MURDERED and we are just surpose to overlook that it has been officailly stated "by SOMEONE ELSE's HAND", thats not a theory or conspirarcy thats a FACT. If they where going to be this violent and scary then maybe they should have NEVER MURDERED MICHAEL JACKSON because they had to know people was going to wake up one day, and didnt they even think The Coroner was going to find all that mess in a Healthy Mans Body and with what the Executors has been doing with this Estate who cant see whats going on. You would have to be a child not to understand this infighting and whats it about. Truth dont need no Defense it stands on it on. How can anyone believe this "WILL" and know the real Michael Jackson? what court in AMERICA is going to side with these Executors up against The Jackson Family, this Family is truly a Family Dynasty and from what Ive seen really they should have never left Joe Jackson Management he did get them to LA and the Status they remained to this day, like a poster said "the MONEY is CURSED ANYWAY its got Michael Blood on it the LAPD made that OFFICIAL. I can understand how leeches came out the woodwork when The Jackson 5 came to LA. Utimately Michael paid with his Life and his Life Work Inheritance for his Children.

Yes you are right why should Joe Jackson sit back and let these people PROFIT off his Son's Death. Really at this point I dont believe its even about the money to Joe Jackson now that LAPD is telling his someone or ones MURDERED your SON. These people just like all these documents they keep posting have not even being established as "OFFICIAL" but they call everything else a rumor these documents are not court documents they have not even been released yet where are they coming from ? I guess people have forgotten when Katherine Jackson cross paths with John Branca in court in July she stated "Branca presented a Conflict of Interest" most people dont even want to know what she was talking about or didnt hear what she said. But I do know as the Posted stated John Branca was with The Accountanting Firm. All Facts. But they will fight anyway. They better understand they have Murdered Joseph and Katherine Jackson's baby.

Time for me to say bye-bye to this thread. D*mn anyway.
One thing we all should realize is that there are few "facts" out there. There are trends. Patterns. But little has been released in the way of facts. There ARE some (not going to get into all of that here, though.)

When a person dies, it brings out the best and worst in others. Relatives may fight over whatever an estate may be. Or they may be generous, and self-denying. It brings out the best, and the worst.

One fact is, that the LAPD has declared Michael's death a "murder." That can go all the way from a reckless accident from someone who knew better, to premeditated murder. At this point, we just do not have enough information to make judgments. NO ONE does. Not really. We've not even seen an official autopsy report, and we may never see one. Some think that the "facts" will come out in a trial. I don't think so. I expect Murray will plea his way out of a trial. Then, either the Jackson family will launch a "wrongful death" lawsuit, or they will not. If they do, more facts will come out. If they do not launch a lawsuit, we may never know. The FACT is, we may never know.

In terms of Joseph? Families are complicated. Michael may have "forgiven" him in a sense, but yet, he cut him out of the will. That is a FACT. His father was not in the will. His mother WAS. There must have been a good reason for Michael to do that? I'm sure he knew best.

Did Michael choose the executors of the will? Their names are on the document. There is some strangeness (FACT) about the signing of the will. It was signed in New York. A witness put the place-of-signing as L.A. That is a . . murky. . fact? There is a prior will? Yes. Their names are on that one, too.

Bottom line is, unless there is new information, the executors deserve to be fairly compensated for their time, according to California law, and fairness as determined by a judge. Ten percent is pretty high. Their "duties" must be very complicated. I hope they go for quality, in terms of what of Michael's artistic production they decide to release to the public. Their track-record so far is not all that good (TII song. . ) We'll see. . .

Time will tell, hopefully?
Great Post BlueOcean and so True, sometimes you would think Branca and McClain are responding to some of these post. First people called Michael's Death a Sucide and Accident and any "Murder" thoughts where labeled as "Theories, Rumors, Speculation and right out Lies" and Banned, now his death has been Official ruled a "Homicide Murder" and not one Thread on this board talks about "Motive" because in every Murder the DA's Office Provides a Motive and its a FACT its a MURDER now, nor do they want to talk about "Who would Want Michael Dead or Who would Profit the most off of Michael Being Dead", which is what the LAPD is looking at because thats Standard Procedure in a Murder. They curse, call people names, want to shut threads down when people tell the Truth - Facts that being reported Official from LAPD, its like one poster said "they have banned everyone that talk Facts", so who else is left, who are these people saying these things and fighting people who Love Michael Jackson and his Family ? I mean the ones that talk about what this forum is turning too are the ones chasing people down and threating them, its too obvious, They want let people talk "FACTS" because Facts are the Truth so they call them Conspiracies, like this isnt a Homicide Case now. I am so hurt. Someone posted up earlier that "this is just a game to them" a Greatly Love Man has been MURDERED and we are just surpose to overlook that it has been officailly stated "by SOMEONE ELSE's HAND", thats not a theory or conspirarcy thats a FACT. If they where going to be this violent and scary then maybe they should have NEVER MURDERED MICHAEL JACKSON because they had to know people was going to wake up one day, and didnt they even think The Coroner was going to find all that mess in a Healthy Mans Body and with what the Executors has been doing with this Estate who cant see whats going on. You would have to be a child not to understand this infighting and whats it about. Truth dont need no Defense it stands on it on. How can anyone believe this "WILL" and know the real Michael Jackson? what court in AMERICA is going to side with these Executors up against The Jackson Family, this Family is truly a Family Dynasty and from what Ive seen really they should have never left Joe Jackson Management he did get them to LA and the Status they remained to this day, like a poster said "the MONEY is CURSED ANYWAY its got Michael Blood on it the LAPD made that OFFICIAL. I can understand how leeches came out the woodwork when The Jackson 5 came to LA. Utimately Michael paid with his Life and his Life Work Inheritance for his Children.

Yes you are right why should Joe Jackson sit back and let these people PROFIT off his Son's Death. Really at this point I dont believe its even about the money to Joe Jackson now that LAPD is telling his someone or ones MURDERED your SON. These people just like all these documents they keep posting have not even being established as "OFFICIAL" but they call everything else a rumor these documents are not court documents they have not even been released yet where are they coming from ? I guess people have forgotten when Katherine Jackson cross paths with John Branca in court in July she stated "Branca presented a Conflict of Interest" most people dont even want to know what she was talking about or didnt hear what she said. But I do know as the Posted stated John Branca was with The Accountanting Firm. All Facts. But they will fight anyway. They better understand they have Murdered Joseph and Katherine Jackson's baby.
You are so well informed and i agree with what you are saying, there is more of a connection with branca and aeg than the this is it movie, branca is on the board of the grammy museum and aeg are big share holders I dont know if aeg have board members or not, branca seem shady to me, I read sometime back that the law firm of mark geragos investigatded some of michael inside people for off shore accounts and branca name was on the list.
You are so well informed and i agree with what you are saying, there is more of a connection with branca and aeg than the this is it movie, branca is on the board of the grammy museum and aeg are big share holders I dont know if aeg have board members or not, branca seem shady to me, I read sometime back that the law firm of mark geragos investigatded some of michael inside people for off shore accounts and branca name was on the list.

You have done your FACTUAL Homework as well. Yes this is another FACT documented in the "Transcript of Michael's 05 Trial":

David LeGrand, the attorney who worked briefly on Michael’s finances in 2003, finished his time on the stand. He was called by the defense in support of their contention that the very associates that Michael supposedly conspired with were actually profiting off Michael through some “creative bookkeeping.”

On Thursday, LeGrand said that he became suspicious of the motives of many who were trusted insiders. He also brought up the problem of Michael’s bumpy relationship with Sony Corp. over the shared ownership of a highly valuable music catalogue that includes the works by the Beatles.

LeGrand said that he ordered an investigation into whether Tommy Mottola, former Sony Music chairman, and former MJ attorney John Branca were conspiring together to funnel money into an offshore account to set the stage for a takeover of Michael’s interest in the Sony – ATV catalogue.

But I believe this is McClain and Branca BIGGEST PROBLEM with "THEIR" WILL:

Brian Oxman, is trying to convince a judge that there is a conflict of interest in the case and that John Branca and John McClain should be removed.

Papers filed on behalf of Joe Jackson in Los Angeles Superior Court Monday state that the will Branca and McClain claim belongs to the King of Pop was signed in Los Angeles in July 2002. The entertainer actually was in New York at the time, the Joe Jackson documents state.

This is when he was on National Television talking about "Tommy Mottola" no one can deny this FACT . Michael was Great but he could not be in two places at the same time, his MoonWalking didnt permit him to be on two different Coast at the sametime, but I know they will come back and say it was a FAXED Signature, but I guess they cant say that because they have said "Michael SIGNED the Will in Los Angeles". Like Michael would even be thinking about dying and making a "Will" when he was getting rid of "The Devil" from his Life.
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You have done your FACTUAL Homework as well. Yes this is another FACT documented in the "Transcript of Michael's 05 Trial"

David LeGrand, the attorney who worked briefly on Michael’s finances in 2003, finished his time on the stand. He was called by the defense in support of their contention that the very associates that Michael supposedly conspired with were actually profiting off Michael through some “creative bookkeeping.”

On Thursday, LeGrand said that he became suspicious of the motives of many who were trusted insiders. He also brought up the problem of Michael’s bumpy relationship with Sony Corp. over the shared ownership of a highly valuable music catalogue that includes the works by the Beatles.

LeGrand said that he ordered an investigation into whether Tommy Mottola, former Sony Music chairman, and former MJ attorney John Branca were conspiring together to funnel money into an offshore account to set the stage for a takeover of Michael’s interest in the Sony – ATV catalogue.

But I believe this is McClain and Branca BIGGEST PROBLEM with "THEIR" WILL:

Brian Oxman, is trying to convince a judge that there is a conflict of interest in the case and that John Branca and John McClain should be removed.

Papers filed on behalf of Joe Jackson in Los Angeles Superior Court Monday state that the will Branca and McClain claim belongs to the King of Pop was signed in Los Angeles in July 2002. The entertainer actually was in New York at the time, the Joe Jackson documents state.

This is when he was on National Television talking about "Tommy Mottola" no one can deny this FACT . Michael was Great but he could not be in two places at the same time, his MoonWalking didnt permit him to be on two different Coast at the sametime, but I know they will come back and say they it was a FAXED Signature, but I guess they cant say that because they say "Michael SIGNED the Will in Los Angeles. Like Michael would even be thinking about dying and making a "Will" when he was getting rid of "The Devil" from his Life.

Stop your nonssense and take your drugs

1/ these off shore accounts are not proven
2/ the judge ruled that Joe has not legal standing on estate's matters. the will is approved by all parties including Katherine.

Joe is just crying because he 's got nothing
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A partner in the law firm of Ziffren Brittenham LLP, Branca has represented an unprecedented 29 members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, including Aerosmith, The Beach Boys, The Bee Gees, The Doors, Fleetwood Mac, Berry Gordy, Michael Jackson, Leiber and Stoller, The Rolling Stones, and Carlos Santana, among others.

Primarily focused on the music and live appearance industries, Branca has facilitated and initiated game-changing deals involving the purchase and sale of recorded assets and music publishing catalogs.

Passionate about helping artists get a fair shake in the music industry, he has helped songwriters regain copyrights of their songs as well as securing lost royalties for artists.

Branca is a board member of many charities, including serving as Chairman of Musicares, which provides help to members of the music community who need treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, as well as assistance for other financial, medical and personal crises.

He does NOT just take care of Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson is NOT the center of the universe.
A partner in the law firm of Ziffren Brittenham LLP, Branca has represented an unprecedented 29 members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, including Aerosmith, The Beach Boys, The Bee Gees, The Doors, Fleetwood Mac, Berry Gordy, Michael Jackson, Leiber and Stoller, The Rolling Stones, and Carlos Santana, among others.

Primarily focused on the music and live appearance industries, Branca has facilitated and initiated game-changing deals involving the purchase and sale of recorded assets and music publishing catalogs.

Passionate about helping artists get a fair shake in the music industry, he has helped songwriters regain copyrights of their songs as well as securing lost royalties for artists.

Branca is a board member of many charities, including serving as Chairman of Musicares, which provides help to members of the music community who need treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, as well as assistance for other financial, medical and personal crises.

He does NOT just take care of Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson is NOT the center of the universe.
Nor are you.
Branca's prior commitment is the estate now. As both of the executors already stated it's a 24/7 job.
You have done your FACTUAL Homework as well. Yes this is another FACT documented in the "Transcript of Michael's 05 Trial":

David LeGrand, the attorney who worked briefly on Michael’s finances in 2003, finished his time on the stand. He was called by the defense in support of their contention that the very associates that Michael supposedly conspired with were actually profiting off Michael through some “creative bookkeeping.”

On Thursday, LeGrand said that he became suspicious of the motives of many who were trusted insiders. He also brought up the problem of Michael’s bumpy relationship with Sony Corp. over the shared ownership of a highly valuable music catalogue that includes the works by the Beatles.

LeGrand said that he ordered an investigation into whether Tommy Mottola, former Sony Music chairman, and former MJ attorney John Branca were conspiring together to funnel money into an offshore account to set the stage for a takeover of Michael’s interest in the Sony – ATV catalogue.


Oh but you "FORGOT' the best part...LeGrand found nothing incriminating. Some who wanted MJ to fire Branca started this rumour...it was investigated...and...nothing. And of course, MJ got rid of Legrand...and Branca resigned a few years later.

Stop posting half truths because you have long lost any credibility.

You, yourself admit Legrand worked with Michael for a very short period, why would he have more credibility than someone with an outstanding reputation in the industry and 30 odd years with Michael Jackson?

Epic fail
Nor are you.
Branca's prior commitment is the estate now. As both of the executors already stated it's a 24/7 job.

I was not responding to your post, but the one in which they were seeking to discredit John Branca. When did I ever say I was the center of the universe? PFFFFFT!!!!!
I think their request is fair. they should be paid. the percentage fee will motivate them to work harder for the Estate.
I was not responding to your post, but the one in which they were seeking to discredit John Branca. When did I ever say I was the center of the universe? PFFFFFT!!!!!
I know who you were responding to, I just thought I'd let you know since you were so adherent to downplay Michael Jackson. PFFFT!!!!!
I know who you were responding to, I just thought I'd let you know since you were so adherent to downplay Michael Jackson. PFFFT!!!!!

See...you took my post totally wrong.

The point of the post was to show the John Branca did not set out his whole life to "GET" Michael. He had other things going on and was making plenty of money whether working for Michael or not working for Michael. He was still making money. THAT was the point. He has had many other clients over his career that made him a rich man. He doesn't 'need' to do this to have money. He lives quite well already.

I think that was my whole point for those who are saying he is just out for Michaels money. I don't see it that way.

You know, there are people on this board who feel I 'downplay' Michael, and maybe to some extent to some of the fans it looks that way. I take him as a man and a human being. I don't revolve my life around him. There are other artists, musicians, dancers, etc. Yes, I loved him the best, but he was not the only entertainer in the world either. I have other albums from other people that I do listen to.

The way some on this board talk it is FANatical and I guess thats why I sometimes feel the need to point out there is another world out there and maybe everyone wasn't out to get Michael. There are other entertainers out there who are regularly smeared in the tabloids as well.
Keep in mind that the Sony/ATV catalog AND This Is It profits have been excluded. I think you are being a bit stingy.

Go back and read the document again. It says on bottom of page 6:

"13. The Special Administrators propose that they be compensated for their services in operating the MJJ Business in a total amount equal to 10% of the gross entertainment industry-related income recieved by the Estate, including its entities, but excluding the following income: (1) the receipts of Mijac and Sony/ATV,to the extent designated for servicing the existing, or substitute, loans; (2) non-entertainment related investment income; and (3) the receipts from Sony Pictures in connection with the motion Picture "This is It", to the extent applied to satisfy the debt owed to AEG."

They are only asking to exclude the income that goes toward paying off the debts. So if this arrangement is to stay in place for "generations to come", after the debts are paid off, which according to the original plans would happen around 2011/2012, the Mijac and Sony/ATV income will be included under this arrangement.
They are only asking to exclude the income that goes toward paying off the debts. So if this arrangement is to stay in place for "generations to come", after the debts are paid off, which according to the original plans would happen around 2011/2012, the Mijac and Sony/ATV income will be included under this arrangement.

Well there's a $360 million loan for the Sony/ATV catalog. It is still a huge amount to exclude or pay from their share.


starts around 6:40
Well there's a $360 million loan for the Sony/ATV catalog. It is still a huge amount to exclude or pay from their share.


starts around 6:40

Well, per the video the $360m figure applies to 2007, when the arrangement to pay off the debt from Sony/ATV receipts was put in place - which means MJ has been paying the debt off since that time, so the outstanding amount should be a lot less by now.

Besides, the point is not whether it's a huge amount or not, but whether Sony/ATV income is excluded or not, as some have claimed.

Plus, it's not like the executors are being generous in any way, since it's not like they actually have to do anything for this income, Sony/ATV will bring in tens of millions each year to the estate even if the executors do absolutely nothing, so it's not like they have to work hard for it and I don't see why they should be entitled to 10% of that income in the long term, (if this arrangement is to stay in the long term), that would be disproportionate IMO.
Actually this does not require any debate - I posted the California law at page 7.

As it clearly states executors get a percentage over the value of the estate (ps: that means they are entitled to a percentage from any assets - including Sony/ATV). In the cases when the estate is worth over $25 million and extraordinary services required the percentage that is just and reasonable determined by the court.

And this is exactly the case here, so they asked for 5%, if it is not reasonable then the judge will give them less. So simple.
Go back and read the document again. It says on bottom of page 6:

"13. The Special Administrators propose that they be compensated for their services in operating the MJJ Business in a total amount equal to 10% of the gross entertainment industry-related income recieved by the Estate, including its entities, but excluding the following income: (1) the receipts of Mijac and Sony/ATV,to the extent designated for servicing the existing, or substitute, loans; (2) non-entertainment related investment income; and (3) the receipts from Sony Pictures in connection with the motion Picture "This is It", to the extent applied to satisfy the debt owed to AEG."

They are only asking to exclude the income that goes toward paying off the debts. So if this arrangement is to stay in place for "generations to come", after the debts are paid off, which according to the original plans would happen around 2011/2012, the Mijac and Sony/ATV income will be included under this arrangement.

Thanks for posting. This is pretty clear. It should be remembered, though, that the executors were also co-producers of the TII movie, and it's doubtful that they worked for free. We don't' know what their "compensation" arrangements were, whether a base-salary, or a percentage of the proceeds from the movie, or what? Therefore, it is reasonable that they not be compensated, AGAIN, for that work. So, this seems fair.
Now they are kids - but time passes by quickly & they will be adults.

yes, but I mean that since they are just kids now, Michael couldn't know if they would be able to be in Branca and McClain positions as adults. that is why I don't think it would be weird if they didn't take control of the estate at any time in the future.
Stop your nonssense and take your drugs

1/ these off shore accounts are not proven
2/ the judge ruled that Joe has not legal standing on estate's matters. the will is approved by all parties including Katherine.

Joe is just crying because he 's got nothing
So you think joe should do nothing, when he has doubts about the will, and doubts about branca? joe know his son was murdered and could be intentionally, branca do have a cloud of supspension over his head even I would not let it go, and every person profitting off michael death should be look at including branca and mcclain. leave no stone unturn.
joe has doubts because he's excluded. He justs wants to be executor, a big allowance and a big share for himself. He's shady when money is involved. The estate would file for bankrupcy with him.

Anyway, by law, he don't have any legal standing on these matters : he's not a direct heir or he's not mentionned on the will
joe has doubts because he's excluded. He justs wants to be executor, a big allowance and a big share for himself. He's shady when money is involved. The estate would file for bankrupcy with him.

Anyway, by law, he don't have any legal standing on these matters : he's not a direct heir or he's not mentionned on the will
I believe joe and the jackson family have doubts about branca etc, I am a fan and I have doubts about branca, I believe all these people profitting off michael should be looked into, along with dr murray, joe may want his allowance and if michael gave him one through katherine then joe should continue to get his allowance, then on the other hand I am aware of all these other people making money off michael death, your not complaining about these people why are just complaining about joe?
I believe joe and the jackson family have doubts about branca etc, I am a fan and I have doubts about branca, I believe all these people profitting off michael should be looked into, along with dr murray, joe may want his allowance and if michael gave him one through katherine then joe should continue to get his allowance, then on the other hand I am aware of all these other people making money off michael death, your not complaining about these people why are just complaining about joe?

Perhaps it is the way Joe goes about things. He appears to be just as shady as those he accuses of being shady only very blatantly. He showed up at the BET awards right after Michaels death with a large breasted woman.....and he was seen drinking in side with Kanye West and having a good old time. Its just hard to sympathize when someone is out there obviously having the time of his life......his son was not even buried.
In Michael's will, the administrators got 3% of profits. They need to accept it. It seems that everyone wants to challenge the will. If the will cannot get respect, what do we need it for? I hope the judge will object their requirements and totally respect Michael's last will.

Go back and read the document again. It says on bottom of page 6:

"13. The Special Administrators propose that they be compensated for their services in operating the MJJ Business in a total amount equal to 10% of the gross entertainment industry-related income recieved by the Estate, including its entities, but excluding the following income: (1) the receipts of Mijac and Sony/ATV,to the extent designated for servicing the existing, or substitute, loans; (2) non-entertainment related investment income; and (3) the receipts from Sony Pictures in connection with the motion Picture "This is It", to the extent applied to satisfy the debt owed to AEG."

They are only asking to exclude the income that goes toward paying off the debts. So if this arrangement is to stay in place for "generations to come", after the debts are paid off, which according to the original plans would happen around 2011/2012, the Mijac and Sony/ATV income will be included under this arrangement.

$$$ Just as said back in July. Now conpare what thry will get versus what the Jackson family get and we see the same game that was played on Sam Cook's family.

They are crooks all.


Attention: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Harlem community. Now that I have told you about the Historical way the Music Industry cheats their artists especially "black" artists; I must meet with my "dear friend" John Branca (who is a former SONY lawyer) and sign my new Will giving total control of my entire estate over to him. He is my "loving friend" and my family is "bad"and must never question John (GOD) Branca.

My whole career and life's work was all for him.
Perhaps it is the way Joe goes about things. He appears to be just as shady as those he accuses of being shady only very blatantly. He showed up at the BET awards right after Michaels death with a large breasted woman.....and he was seen drinking in side with Kanye West and having a good old time. Its just hard to sympathize when someone is out there obviously having the time of his life......his son was not even buried.
I understand you dont like the way joe handle himself no one is perfect,There is a dfference between joe wanting money from his own son estate and the people making money of michael that could be part of michael death, I dont trust branca and that circle of people at all, someone mention that in july katherine said that branca was a conflict of interest in court, cause he was part of the firm michael was suing, branca is link to many shady dealings. this is how i see it.
katherine withraw her objections in November and sided with the executors against Joe
katherine withraw her objections in November and sided with the executors against Joe
That is true, it still dont change the fact that branca worked for that firrm, that michael was suing, witch is a conflict of interest. dont think joe is going to stop fighting he just need the right judge that will listen.
That is true, it still dont change the fact that branca worked for that firrm, that michael was suing, witch is a conflict of interest. dont think joe is going to stop fighting he just need the right judge that will listen.

Branca never worked for this accountant firm.